{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}

module Pipes.Text.Tutorial
  ( -- * Effectful Text
    -- $intro

    -- ** @Pipes.Text@
    -- $pipestext

    -- ** @Pipes.Text.IO@
    -- $pipestextio

    -- ** @Pipes.Text.Encoding@
    -- $pipestextencoding

    -- ** Implicit chunking
    -- $chunks

    -- * Lenses
    -- $lenses

    -- ** @view@ \/ @(^.)@
    -- $view

    -- ** @over@ \/ @(%~)@
    -- $over

    -- ** @zoom@
    -- $zoom

    -- * Special types: @Producer Text m (Producer Text m r)@ and @FreeT (Producer Text m) m r@
    -- $special

import Pipes
import Pipes.Text
import Pipes.Text.Encoding
import Pipes.Text.IO

-- $intro
--    This package provides @pipes@ utilities for /character streams/,
--    realized as streams of 'Text' chunks. The individual chunks are uniformly /strict/,
--    and thus the @Text@ type we are using is always the one from @Data.Text@, not @Data.Text.Lazy@
--    The type @Producer Text m r@, as we are using it, is a sort of /pipes/ equivalent of
--    the lazy @Text@ type.

-- $pipestext
--    The main @Pipes.Text@ module provides many functions equivalent
--    in one way or another to the pure functions in
--    <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/text- Data.Text.Lazy>
--    (and the corresponding @Prelude@ functions for @String@ s): they transform,
--    divide, group and fold text streams. Though @Producer Text m r@
--    is the type of \'effectful Text\', the functions in @Pipes.Text@ are \'pure\'
--    in the sense that they are uniformly monad-independent.

-- $pipestextencoding
--    In the @text@ library, @Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding@
--    handles inter-operation with @Data.ByteString.Lazy@. Similarly here, @Pipes.Text.Encoding@
--    provides for interoperation with the \'effectful ByteStrings\' of @Pipes.ByteString@.

-- $pipestextio
--    Simple /IO/ operations are defined in @Pipes.Text.IO@ - as lazy IO @Text@
--    operations are in @Data.Text.Lazy.IO@. There are also some simple line-based operations
--    in @Pipes.Prelude.Text@. The latter do not depend on the conception of effectful text
--    implemented elsewhere in this package, but just improve on the @stdinLn@ and @writeFile@ of
--    @Pipes.Prelude@ and @Pipes.Safe.Prelude@ by replacing 'String' with 'Text'

-- $chunks
--    Remember that the @Text@ type exported by @Data.Text.Lazy@ is basically
--    that of a lazy list of strict @Text@: the implementation is arranged so that
--    the individual strict 'Text' chunks are kept to a reasonable size; the user
--    is not aware of the divisions between the connected 'Text' chunks, but uses
--    operations akin to those for strict text.
--    So also here: the operations in @Pipes.Text@ are designed to operate on character streams that
--    in a way that is independent of the boundaries of the underlying @Text@ chunks.
--    This means that they may freely split text into smaller texts and /discard empty texts/.
--    The objective, though, is that they should not /concatenate texts/ in order to provide strict upper
--    bounds on memory usage even for indefinitely complex compositions.
--    For example, to stream only the first three lines of 'stdin' to 'stdout' you
--    might write:
-- > import Pipes
-- > import qualified Pipes.Text as Text
-- > import qualified Pipes.Text.IO as Text
-- > import Pipes.Group (takes')
-- > import Lens.Family (view, over) -- or `Lens.Micro.Mtl` or `Control.Lens` or etc.
-- >
-- > main = runEffect $ takeLines 3 Text.stdin >-> Text.stdout
-- >   where
-- >     takeLines n = view Text.unlines . takes' n . view Text.lines
-- > -- or equivalently: over Text.unlines (takes' n)
--     This program will not bring more into memory than what @Text.stdin@ considers
--     one chunk of text (~ 32 KB), even if individual lines are split
--     across many chunks.  The division into lines does not join Text fragments.

-- $lenses
--    As the use of @view@ in this example shows, one superficial difference from @Data.Text.Lazy@
--    is that many of the operations, like 'lines', are \'lensified\'; this has a
--    number of advantages; in particular it facilitates their use with 'Parser's of Text
--    (in the general <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/pipes-parse-3.0.1/docs/Pipes-Parse-Tutorial.html pipes-parse>
--    sense.) The remarks that follow in this section are for non-lens adepts.
--    Each lens exported here, e.g. 'lines', 'chunksOf' or 'splitAt', reduces to the
--    intuitively corresponding function when used with @view@ or @(^.)@. Instead of
--    writing:
--    > splitAt 17 producer
--    as we would with the Prelude or Text functions called @splitAt@, we write
--    > view (splitAt 17) producer
--    or equivalently
--    > producer ^. splitAt 17
--    This may seem a little indirect, but note that many equivalents of
--    @Text -> Text@ functions are exported here as 'Pipe's. Here too we recover the intuitively
--    corresponding functions by prefixing them with @(>->)@. Thus something like
-- >  stripLines =  view Text.unlines . Group.maps (>-> Text.stripStart) . view Text.lines
--    would drop the leading white space from each line.
--    The lenses in this library are marked as /improper/; this just means that
--    they don't admit all the operations of an ideal lens, but only /getting/ and /focusing/.
--    Just for this reason, though, the magnificent complexities of the lens libraries
--    are a distraction. The lens combinators to keep in mind, the ones that make sense for
--    our lenses, are @view@, @over@, and @zoom@.
--    One need only keep in mind that if @l@ is a @Lens' a b@, then the action of the
--    leading operations, @view@, @over@, and @zoom@ are as follows:

-- $view
--    @view l@ is a function @a -> b@ . Thus @view l a@ (also written @a ^. l@ )
--    is the corresponding @b@; as was said above, this function will typically be
--    the pipes equivalent of the function you think it is, given its name. So for example
--    > view (Text.splitAt 300) :: Producer Text m r -> Producer Text (Producer Text m r)
--    > Text.stdin ^. splitAt 300 :: Producer Text IO (Producer Text IO r)
--    I.e., it produces the first 300 characters, and returns the rest of the producer.
--    Thus to uppercase the first n characters
--    of a Producer, leaving the rest the same, we could write:
--    > upper n p = do p' <- p ^. Text.splitAt n >-> Text.toUpper
--    >                p'
--    or equivalently:
--    > upper n p = join (p ^. Text.splitAt n >-> Text.toUpper)

-- $over
--    If @l@ is a @Lens a b@, @over l@ is a function @(b -> b) -> a -> a@.
--    Thus, given a function that modifies
--    @b@s, the lens lets us modify an @a@ by applying @f :: b -> b@ to
--    the @b@ that we \"see\" in the @a@ through the lens.
--    So the type of @over l f@ is @a -> a@ for the concrete type @a@
--    (it can also be written @l %~ f@).
--    For any particular @a@, then, @over l f a@ or @(l %~ f) a@ is a revised @a@.
--    So above we might have written things like these:
--    > stripLines = over Text.lines (maps (>-> Text.stripStart))
--    > stripLines = Text.lines %~ maps (>-> Text.stripStart)
--    > upper n    =  Text.splitAt n %~ (>-> Text.toUpper)

-- $zoom
--    @zoom l@, finally, is a function from a @Parser b m r@
--    to a @Parser a m r@ (or more generally a @StateT (Producer b m x) m r@).
--    Its use is easiest to see with an decoding lens like 'utf8', which
--    \"sees\" a Text producer hidden inside a ByteString producer:
--    @drawChar@ is a Text parser, returning a @Maybe Char@, @zoom utf8 drawChar@ is
--    a /ByteString/ parser, returning a @Maybe Char@. @drawAll@ is a Parser that returns
--    a list of everything produced from a Producer, leaving only the return value; it would
--    usually be unreasonable to use it. But @zoom (splitAt 17) drawAll@
--    returns a list of Text chunks containing the first seventeen Chars, and returns the rest of
--    the Text Producer for further parsing. Suppose that we want, inexplicably, to
--    modify the casing of a Text Producer according to any instruction it might
--    contain at the start. Then we might write something like this:
-- >     obey :: Monad m => Producer Text m b -> Producer Text m b
-- >     obey p = do (ts, p') <- lift $ runStateT (zoom (Text.splitAt 7) drawAll) p
-- >                 let seven = T.concat ts
-- >                 case T.toUpper seven of
-- >                    "TOUPPER" -> p' >-> Text.toUpper
-- >                    "TOLOWER" -> p' >-> Text.toLower
-- >                    _         -> do yield seven
-- >                                    p'
-- > -- > let doc = each ["toU","pperTh","is document.\n"]
-- > -- > runEffect $ obey doc >-> Text.stdout
--    The purpose of exporting lenses is the mental economy achieved with this three-way
--    applicability. That one expression, e.g. @lines@ or @splitAt 17@ can have these
--    three uses is no more surprising than that a pipe can act as a function modifying
--    the output of a producer, namely by using @>->@ to its left: @producer >-> pipe@
--    -- but can /also/ modify the inputs to a consumer by using @>->@ to its right:
--    @pipe >-> consumer@
--    The three functions, @view@ \/ @(^.)@, @over@ \/ @(%~)@ and @zoom@ are supplied by
--    both <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/lens lens> and
--    <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/lens-family lens-family> The use of 'zoom' is explained
--    in <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/pipes-parse-3.0.1/docs/Pipes-Parse-Tutorial.html Pipes.Parse.Tutorial>
--    and to some extent in the @Pipes.Text.Encoding@ module here.

-- $special
--    The simple programs using the 'lines' lens reveal a more important difference from @Data.Text.Lazy@ .
--    This is in the types that are most closely associated with our central text type,
--    @Producer Text m r@.  In @Data.Text@ and @Data.Text.Lazy@ we find functions like
-- >   splitAt  :: Int -> Text -> (Text, Text)
-- >   lines    ::        Text -> [Text]
-- >   chunksOf :: Int -> Text -> [Text]
--    which relate a Text with a pair of Texts or a list of Texts.
--    The corresponding functions here (taking account of \'lensification\') are
-- >   view . splitAt  :: (Monad m, Integral n) => n -> Producer Text m r -> Producer Text m (Producer Text m r)
-- >   view lines      :: Monad m               =>      Producer Text m r -> FreeT (Producer Text m) m r
-- >   view . chunksOf :: (Monad m, Integral n) => n -> Producer Text m r -> FreeT (Producer Text m) m r
--    Some of the types may be more readable if you imagine that we have introduced
--    our own type synonyms
-- >   type Text m r  = Producer T.Text m r
-- >   type Texts m r = FreeT (Producer T.Text m) m r
--    Then we would think of the types above as
-- >   view . splitAt  :: (Monad m, Integral n) => n -> Text m r -> Text m (Text m r)
-- >   view lines      :: (Monad m)             =>      Text m r -> Texts m r
-- >   view . chunksOf :: (Monad m, Integral n) => n -> Text m r -> Texts m r
--    which brings one closer to the types of the similar functions in @Data.Text.Lazy@
--    In the type @Producer Text m (Producer Text m r)@ the second
--    element of the \'pair\' of effectful Texts cannot simply be retrieved
--    with something like 'snd'. This is an \'effectful\' pair, and one must work
--    through the effects of the first element to arrive at the second Text stream, even
--    if you are proposing to throw the Text in the first element away.
--    Note that we use Control.Monad.join to fuse the pair back together, since it specializes to
-- >    join :: Monad m => Producer Text m (Producer m r) -> Producer m r
--    The return type of 'lines', 'words', 'chunksOf' and the other /splitter/ functions,
--    @FreeT (Producer m Text) m r@ -- our @Texts m r@ -- is the type of (effectful)
--    lists of (effectful) texts. The type @([Text],r)@ might be seen to gather
--    together things of the forms:
-- > r
-- > (Text,r)
-- > (Text, (Text, r))
-- > (Text, (Text, (Text, r)))
-- > (Text, (Text, (Text, (Text, r))))
-- > ...
--    (We might also have identified the sum of those types with @Free ((,) Text) r@
--    -- or, more absurdly, @FreeT ((,) Text) Identity r@.)
--    Similarly, our type @Texts m r@, or @FreeT (Text m) m r@ -- in fact called
--    @FreeT (Producer Text m) m r@ here -- encompasses all the members of the sequence:
-- > m r
-- > Text m r
-- > Text m (Text m r)
-- > Text m (Text m (Text m r))
-- > Text m (Text m (Text m (Text m r)))
-- > ...
--    We might have used a more specialized type in place of @FreeT (Producer a m) m r@,
--    or indeed of @FreeT (Producer Text m) m r@, but it is clear that the correct
--    result type of 'lines' will be isomorphic to @FreeT (Producer Text m) m r@ .
--    One might think that
-- >   lines :: Monad m => Lens' (Producer Text m r) (FreeT (Producer Text m) m r)
-- >   view . lines :: Monad m => Producer Text m r -> FreeT (Producer Text m) m r
--    should really have the type
-- >   lines :: Monad m => Pipe Text Text m r
--    as e.g. 'toUpper' does. But this would spoil the control we are
--    attempting to maintain over the size of chunks. It is in fact just
--    as unreasonable to want such a pipe as to want
-- > Data.Text.Lazy.lines :: Text -> Text
--    to 'rechunk' the strict Text chunks inside the lazy Text to respect
--    line boundaries. In fact we have
-- > Data.Text.Lazy.lines :: Text -> [Text]
-- > Prelude.lines :: String -> [String]
--    where the elements of the list are themselves lazy Texts or Strings; the use
--    of @FreeT (Producer Text m) m r@ is simply the 'effectful' version of this.
--    The @Pipes.Group@ module, which can generally be imported without qualification,
--    provides many functions for working with things of type @FreeT (Producer a m) m r@.
--    In particular it conveniently exports the constructors for @FreeT@ and the associated
--    @FreeF@ type -- a fancy form of @Either@, namely
-- > data FreeF f a b = Pure a | Free (f b)
--    for pattern-matching. Consider the implementation of the 'words' function, or
--    of the part of the lens that takes us to the words; it is compact but exhibits many
--    of the points under discussion, including explicit handling of the @FreeT@ and @FreeF@
--    constuctors.  Keep in mind that
-- >  newtype FreeT f m a  = FreeT (m (FreeF f a (FreeT f m a)))
-- >  next :: Monad m => Producer a m r -> m (Either r (a, Producer a m r))
--   Thus the @do@ block after the @FreeT@ constructor is in the base monad, e.g. 'IO' or 'Identity';
--   the later subordinate block, opened by the @Free@ constructor, is in the @Producer@ monad:
-- > words :: Monad m => Producer Text m r -> FreeT (Producer Text m) m r
-- > words p = FreeT $ do                   -- With 'next' we will inspect p's first chunk, excluding spaces;
-- >   x <- next (p >-> dropWhile isSpace)  --   note that 'dropWhile isSpace' is a pipe, and is thus *applied* with '>->'.
-- >   return $ case x of                   -- We use 'return' and so need something of type 'FreeF (Text m) r (Texts m r)'
-- >     Left   r       -> Pure r           -- 'Left' means we got no Text chunk, but only the return value; so we are done.
-- >     Right (txt, p') -> Free $ do       -- If we get a chunk and the rest of the producer, p', we enter the 'Producer' monad
-- >         p'' <- view (break isSpace)    -- When we apply 'break isSpace', we get a Producer that returns a Producer;
-- >                     (yield txt >> p')  --   so here we yield everything up to the next space, and get the rest back.
-- >         return (words p'')             -- We then carry on with the rest, which is likely to begin with space.