### Summary `planet-mitchell` is my very own Haskell package planet. It contains no new code, only re-exports from `base` and various well-known packages, similar to [https://hackage.haskell.org/package/rebase](rebase). - `Control.`, `Data.`, `Foreign.`, etc. module prefixes are stripped. The idea here is that, if a name such as `Applicative` is sufficiently unambiguous in the Haskell ecosystem, it deserves as short a module name as possible. See the [elm standard library](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/elm-lang/core/latest) for inspiration. - The module hierarchy is not faithful to the underlying packages. Many modules contain related re-exports from multiple packages, and I've invented a few new sin-bin modules such as `Concurrency`, `Parallelism`, `Eval`, and `Debug`. - To reduce API surface area and encourage a consistent vocabulary, redundant functions like `sequence` and `mapM` are not re-exported. - Odd, uncommon, and deprecated types and functions (like `WrappedApplicative`) are not re-exported. - Partial functions are discouraged and mostly live in `.Partial` modules. (This is a work-in-progress). - Unsafe functions are discouraged and mostly live in `.Unsafe` modules. (This is a work-in-progress). - `String` is heavily discouraged, and many `String` IO functions are not re-exported; `Text` and/or `ByteString` versions are re-exported instead. - Generalizations like `MonadIO` / `MonadUnliftIO` are used where possible. ### Stability Alpha quality, massive breaking changes should be expected and no changelog will be kept for some time. Don't use this package.