# plot-gtk-ui An ambitious attempt to provide mathematica like dynamic plotting for free. ## Installation ```bash stack install plot-gtk-ui ``` ## Usage > The best way to try this is to use the [calculator](https://github.com/sumitsahrawat/calculator.git). Import `Graphics.Rendering.Plot.Gtk.UI` and follow the examples below. ```haskell import Graphics.UI.Gtk import Graphics.Rendering.Plot.Gtk.UI main = do initGUI plotStatic sin (-pi, pi) -- Plot sin(x) from -pi to pi mainGUI ``` ![sinx](screenshots/sinx.png) Another simple example. ```haskell import Graphics.UI.Gtk import Graphics.Rendering.Plot.Gtk.UI main = do initGUI plotDynamic (\(x, a) -> sin(a * x)) ((-pi, pi), (0, 1)) -- Plot sin(a * x), where 'x' ranges from -pi to -- pi and 'a' ranges between 0 to 1 mainGUI ``` ![sinax](screenshots/sinax.png) ## Errors The error messages might not be completely correct, as there is not a good way to diagnose what caused the error. Issues that cause errors: - Invalid ranges, e.g. X-Range = `(1, -1)` - Automatic-determination of ranges resulting in unplottable ranges, e.g. `(0, 0)` If you land on the "Gray screen of no plots" or any other incorrect error message, please raise an issue here. ## Implementation The `plotStatic` and `plotDynamic` functions are implemented in a type-safe manner using `fixed-vector`. It also allows one to write functions using appropriate tuples as in the above examples. Plotting is done using the excellent [plot](https://github.com/amcphail/plot) package.