module Graphics.Rendering.Plot.Light.Internal.Types  where

data FigureData a =
  FigData {
    _width :: a
  , _height :: a
  , _xmin :: a
  , _xmax :: a
  , _ymin :: a
  , _ymax :: a
      } deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | A `Point` defines a point in R2
data Point a = Point { _px :: a, _py :: a} deriving (Eq, Show)

mkPoint :: a -> a -> Point a
mkPoint = Point

-- | Overwrite either coordinate of a Point, to e.g. project on an axis
setPointCoord :: Axis -> a -> Point a -> Point a
setPointCoord axis c (Point x y)
  | axis == X = Point c y
  | otherwise = Point x c

setPointX, setPointY :: a -> Point a -> Point a
setPointX = setPointCoord X
setPointY = setPointCoord Y

-- | A `LabeledPoint` carries a "label" (i.e. any additional information such as a text tag, or any other data structure), in addition to position information. Data points on a plot are `LabeledPoint`s.
data LabeledPoint l a =
  LabeledPoint {
   _lp :: Point a,
   _lplabel :: l
   } deriving (Eq, Show)

moveLabeledPoint :: (Point a -> Point b) -> LabeledPoint l a -> LabeledPoint l b
moveLabeledPoint f (LabeledPoint p l) = LabeledPoint (f p) l

-- | A frame, i.e. a bounding box for objects
data Frame a = Frame {
   _fpmin :: Point a,
   _fpmax :: Point a
   } deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Frame corner coordinates
xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax :: Frame a -> a
xmin = _px . _fpmin
xmax = _px . _fpmax
ymin = _py . _fpmin
ymax = _py . _fpmax

-- | The `width` is the extent in the `x` direction and `height` is the extent in the `y` direction
width, height :: Num a => Frame a -> a
width f = xmax f - xmin f
height f = ymax f - ymin f

-- * Axis

data Axis = X | Y deriving (Eq, Show, Enum)

otherAxis :: Axis -> Axis
otherAxis X = Y
otherAxis _ = X