module Graphics.Rendering.Plot.Light.PlotTypes.Scatter where

import Graphics.Rendering.Plot.Light.Internal
import Graphics.Rendering.Plot.Light.Internal.Utils

import Data.Fixed
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Control.Monad (forM_)
import Text.Blaze.Svg
import qualified Data.Colour as C
import qualified Data.Colour.Palette.BrewerSet as CP
import qualified Data.Colour.Names as C
import qualified Data.Text as T

-- | Scatter plot
-- Every point in the plot has the same parameters, as declared in the `ScatterPointData` record
  :: (Foldable t, Show a, RealFrac a) =>
     ScatterPointData a
     -> t (Point a)
     -> Svg
scatter (ScatterPointData glshape w sw fcol) ps = 
  forM_ ps $ glyph w sw glshape Nothing (Just fcol)

-- | Parametric scatter plot
-- The parameters of every point in the scatter plot are modulated according to the label, using the three functions.
-- This can be used to produce rich infographics, in which e.g. the colour and size of the glyphs carry additional information.
  :: (Foldable t, RealFrac a, Show a) =>
     (l -> b -> a)            -- ^ Modifies the glyph size
     -> (l -> b -> a)         -- ^ Modifies the glyph stroke width
     -> (l -> C.Colour Double -> C.Colour Double)  -- ^ Modifies the glyph colour     
     -> ScatterPointData b    -- ^ Glyph style defaults
     -> t (LabeledPoint l a) -- ^ Data
     -> Svg
scatterLP f g h spdat lps = forM_ lps (scatterLP1 f g h spdat)

  :: (Show a, RealFrac a) =>
     (l -> b -> a)            -- ^ Modifies the glyph size
     -> (l -> b -> a)         -- ^ Modifies the glyph stroke width
     -> (l -> C.Colour Double -> C.Colour Double)  -- ^ Modifies the glyph colour
     -> ScatterPointData b   
     -> LabeledPoint l a
     -> Svg
scatterLP1 f g h spdat lp = glyph w' sw' sh Nothing (Just col') (_lp lp)
    ScatterPointData sh w' sw' col' = modifyScatterPoint f g h spdat lp

  :: (RealFrac t, Enum t, RealFrac b, Show b) =>
     FigureData b
     -> b                 -- ^ Legend width
     -> t                 -- ^ Data value lower bound
     -> t                 -- ^ Data value upper bound
     -> Int               -- ^ Number of legend entries
     -> LegendPosition_   -- ^ Legend position in the figure
     -> b                 -- ^ Legend length
     -> (t -> b -> b)     -- ^ Modifies the glyph size
     -> (t -> b -> b)     -- ^ Modifies the glyph stroke width
     -> (t -> C.Colour Double -> C.Colour Double) -- ^ Modifies the glyph colour
     -> ScatterPointData b    -- ^ Glyph style defaults
     -> Svg
scatterLPBar fdat w vmin vmax n legpos legh f g h spdat = legendBar fdat w vmin vmax n legpos legh fun where
  wglyph = spSize spdat
  fun _ _ _ _ _ lp@(LabeledPoint p val) = do
    scatterLP1 f g h spdat lp
    text 0 (figLabelFontSize fdat) TAStart (T.pack $ show (rr val :: Fixed E3))   (V2 (2*wglyph) (0.5*wglyph)) p

-- | Parameters for a scatterplot glyph
data ScatterPointData a = ScatterPointData
    spGlyphShape :: GlyphShape_
  , spSize :: a
  , spStrokeWidth :: a
  , spColour :: C.Colour Double
  } deriving (Eq, Show)

  :: (a -> b -> c)
     -> (a -> b -> c)
     -> (a -> C.Colour Double -> C.Colour Double)
     -> ScatterPointData b
     -> LabeledPoint a d
     -> ScatterPointData c
modifyScatterPoint f g h (ScatterPointData glsh sz w col) lp =
  ScatterPointData glsh (f lab sz) (g lab w) (h lab col)
    lab = _lplabel lp

-- | Glyph shape
data GlyphShape_ = Square | Circle | Cross | Plus deriving (Eq, Show, Enum)

-- | Scatterplot glyph shapes
  :: (Show a, RealFrac a) =>
     -> a
     -> GlyphShape_
     -> Maybe (C.Colour Double)
     -> Maybe (C.Colour Double)
     -> Point a
     -> Svg
glyph w sw Square scol fcol p = squareCentered w sw scol fcol p
glyph w sw Circle scol fcol p = circle w sw scol fcol p
glyph w sw Cross _ fcol p = crossGlyph w sw (fromMaybe fcol) p
glyph w sw Plus _ fcol p = plusGlyph w sw (fromMaybe fcol) p

-- | Utility function for cycling glyph colours and shapes (i.e. unique combinations of these make it easy to tell different datasets apart)
cycleGlyphCols :: (CP.ColorCat, Int) -> Int -> [(CP.Kolor, GlyphShape_)]
cycleGlyphCols (pal, n) nsets = take nsets $ zip (cycle $ CP.brewerSet pal n ) (cycle [Square, Circle ..])