# plots [![Haddock](https://rawgit.com/cchalmers/plots/gh-pages/haddock.svg)](https://cchalmers.github.io/plots/) [![Travis](https://api.travis-ci.org/cchalmers/plots.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/cchalmers/plots) `plots` is a plotting library based on [diagrams](http://projects.haskell.org/diagrams). Some sample plots: #### Scatter plot ![scatter-plot](https://rawgit.com/cchalmers/plots/master/diagrams/src_Plots_Types_Scatter_scatterExample'.svg) #### Bar plot ![bar-plot](https://rawgit.com/cchalmers/plots/master/diagrams/src_Plots_Types_Bar_barExample'.svg) #### Heat map ![heat-map](https://rawgit.com/cchalmers/plots/master/diagrams/src_Plots_Types_HeatMap_heatMapIndexedExample'.svg) There are many more plots to be added. There are also plans to support 3D plots. Issues and pull requests welcome. ## Examples There are several example plots in the `examples/` directory. To build the examples, first ensure that you have `stack` installed, and that you have a `stack.yaml` file in this directory that contains the lines: ```yaml packages: - '.' - 'test' ``` (If you run the command `stack init`, stack will automatically generate the `stack.yaml` file with the appropriate packages.) You can then build the examples using ```sh stack build stack exec RunExamples ``` The `RunExamples` script will generate `png` files in the `examples_output` directory. **Note:** The `RunExamples` script re-builds an example if the output file (`examples_output/X.png`) does not exist, or if the source file (`examples/X.hs`) has been modified since the last time the script was run.