module Main where #define READLINE #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 602 import Test.HUnit import Test.QuickCheck hiding (test) #else import HUnit import Debug.QuickCheck hiding (test) #endif import Plugin.Pl.Common import Plugin.Pl.Transform import Plugin.Pl.Parser import Plugin.Pl.PrettyPrinter import Plugin.Pl.Optimize import Data.List ((\\)) import Data.Char (isSpace) import Control.Monad.Error import System.IO (hSetBuffering, stdout, BufferMode(NoBuffering)) import System.Environment (getArgs) #ifdef READLINE import System.Console.Readline (readline, addHistory, initialize) #endif import Debug.Trace instance Arbitrary Expr where arbitrary = sized $ \size -> frequency $ zipWith (,) [1,size,size] [arbVar, liftM2 Lambda arbPat arbitrary, let se = resize (size `div` 2) arbitrary in liftM2 App se se ] coarbitrary = error "Expr.coarbitrary" arbVar :: Gen Expr arbVar = oneof [(Var Pref . return) `fmap` choose ('a','z'), (Var Inf . return) `fmap` elements (opchars\\"=")] arbPat :: Gen Pattern arbPat = sized $ \size -> let spat = resize (size `div` 5) arbPat in frequency $ zipWith (,) [1,size,size] [ (PVar . return) `fmap` choose ('a','z'), liftM2 PTuple spat spat, liftM2 PCons spat spat] propRoundTrip :: Expr -> Bool propRoundTrip e = Right (TLE e) == parsePF (show e) -- hacking qc2 functionality (?) in here propRoundTrip' :: Expr -> Property propRoundTrip' e = not (propRoundTrip e) ==> trace (show $ findMin e) False where findMin e' = case filter (not . propRoundTrip) $ subExpr e' of [] -> e' (x:_) -> findMin x propMonotonic1 :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr -> Bool propMonotonic1 e e1 e2 = App e e1 `compare` App e e2 == e1 `compare` e2 propMonotonic2 :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr -> Bool propMonotonic2 e e1 e2 = App e1 e `compare` App e2 e == e1 `compare` e2 subExpr :: Expr -> [Expr] subExpr (Var _ _) = [] subExpr (Lambda v e) = [e] ++ Lambda v `map` subExpr e subExpr (App e1 e2) = [e1, e2] ++ App e1 `map` subExpr e2 ++ (`App` e2) `map` subExpr e1 subExpr (Let {}) = bt sizeTest :: IO () sizeTest = quickCheck $ \e -> collect (sizeExpr e) (propRoundTrip e) quick :: Config quick = Config { configMaxTest = 100 , configMaxFail = 1000 , configSize = const 40 , configEvery = \n _ -> let sh = show n in sh ++ [ '\b' | _ <- sh ] } myTest :: IO () myTest = check quick propRoundTrip' qcTests :: IO () qcTests = do quickCheck propRoundTrip quickCheck propMonotonic1 quickCheck propMonotonic2 pf :: String -> IO () pf inp = case parsePF inp of Right d -> do putStrLn "Your expression:" print d putStrLn "Transformed to pointfree style:" let d' = mapTopLevel transform d print $ d' putStrLn "Optimized expression:" mapM_ print $ mapTopLevel' optimize d' Left err -> putStrLn $ err mapTopLevel' :: Functor f => (Expr -> f Expr) -> TopLevel -> f TopLevel mapTopLevel' f tl = case getExpr tl of (e, c) -> fmap c $ f e pf' :: String -> IO () pf' = putStrLn . (id ||| show) . parsePF -- NB: this is a special case of (import Control.Monad.Reader) -- ap :: m (a -> b) -> m a -> m b s :: (t -> a -> b) -> (t -> a) -> t -> b s f g x = f x $ g x unitTest :: String -> [String] -> Test unitTest inp out = TestCase $ do d <- case parsePF inp of Right x -> return x Left err -> fail $ "Parse error on input " ++ inp ++ ": " ++ err let d' = mapTopLevel (last . optimize . transform) d foldr1 mplus [assertEqual (inp++" failed.") o (show d') | o <- out] unitTests :: Test unitTests = TestList [ unitTest "foldr (++) []" ["join"], unitTest "flip flip [] . ((:) .)" ["(return .)"], unitTest "\\x -> x - 2" ["subtract 2"], unitTest "\\(x,_) (y,_) -> x == y" ["(. fst) . (==) . fst"], unitTest "\\x y z -> return x >>= \\x' -> return y >>= \\y' -> return z >>= \\z' -> f x' y' z'" ["f"], unitTest "let (x,y) = (1,2) in y" ["2"], unitTest "fix . const" ["id"], unitTest "all f . map g" ["all (f . g)"], unitTest "any f . map g" ["any (f . g)"], unitTest "liftM2 ($)" ["ap"], unitTest "\\f -> f x" ["($ x)"], unitTest "flip (-)" ["subtract"], unitTest "\\xs -> [f x | x <- xs, p x]" ["map f . filter p"], unitTest "all id" ["and"], unitTest "any id" ["or"], unitTest "and . map f" ["all f"], unitTest "or . map f" ["any f"], unitTest "return ()" ["return ()"], unitTest "f (fix f)" ["fix f"], unitTest "concat ([concat (map h (k a))])" ["h =<< k a"], unitTest "uncurry (const f)" ["f . snd"], unitTest "uncurry const" ["fst"], unitTest "uncurry (const . f)" ["f . fst"], unitTest "\\a b -> a >>= \\x -> b >>= \\y -> return (x,y)" ["liftM2 (,)"], unitTest "\\b a -> a >>= \\x -> b >>= \\y -> return (x,y)" ["flip liftM2 (,)"], unitTest "curry snd" ["const id"], unitTest "\\x -> return x y" ["const y"], unitTest "\\x -> f x x" ["join f"], unitTest "join (+) 1" ["2"], unitTest "fmap f g x" ["f (g x)"], unitTest "liftM2 (+) f g 0" ["f 0 + g 0", "g 0 + f 0"], unitTest "return 1 x" ["x"], unitTest "f =<< return x" ["f x"], unitTest "(=<<) id" ["join"], unitTest "zipWith (,)" ["zip"], unitTest "map fst . zip [1..]" ["zipWith const [1..]"], unitTest "curry . uncurry" ["id"], unitTest "uncurry . curry" ["id"], unitTest "curry fst" ["const"], unitTest "return x >> y" ["y"], -- What were they smoking when they decided >> should be infixl unitTest "a >>= \\_ -> b >>= \\_ -> return $ const (1 + 2) $ a + b" ["a >> (b >> return 3)"], unitTest "foo = m >>= \\x -> return 1" ["foo = m >> return 1"], unitTest "foo m = m >>= \\x -> return 1" ["foo = (>> return 1)"], unitTest "return (+) `ap` return 1 `ap` return 2" ["return 3"], unitTest "liftM2 (+) (return 1) (return 2)" ["return 3"], unitTest "(. ((return .) . (+))) . (>>=)" ["flip (fmap . (+))"], unitTest "\\a b -> a >>= \\x -> b >>= \\y -> return $ x + y" ["liftM2 (+)"], unitTest "ap (flip const . f)" ["id"], unitTest "uncurry (flip (const . flip (,) (snd t))) . ap (,) id" ["flip (,) (snd t)"], unitTest "foo = (1, fst foo)" ["foo = (1, 1)"], unitTest "foo = (snd foo, 1)" ["foo = (1, 1)"], unitTest "map (+1) [1,2,3]" ["[2, 3, 4]"], unitTest "snd . (,) (\\x -> x*x)" ["id"], unitTest "return x >>= f" ["f x"], unitTest "m >>= return" ["m"], unitTest "m >>= \\x -> f x >>= g" ["m >>= f >>= g", "g =<< f =<< m"], unitTest "\\x -> 1:2:3:4:x" ["([1, 2, 3, 4] ++)"], unitTest "\\(x:xs) -> x" ["head"], unitTest "\\(x:xs) -> xs" ["tail"], unitTest "\\(x,y) -> x" ["fst"], unitTest "\\(x,y) -> y" ["snd"], unitTest "\\x -> x" ["id"], unitTest "\\x y -> x" ["const"], unitTest "\\f x y -> f y x" ["flip"], unitTest "t f g x = f x (g x)" ["t = ap"], unitTest "(+2).(+3).(+4)" ["(9 +)"], unitTest "head $ fix (x:)" ["x"], unitTest "head $ tail $ let xs = x:ys; ys = y:ys in xs" ["y"], unitTest "head $ tail $ let ys = y:ys in let xs = x:ys in xs" ["y"], unitTest "2+3*4-3*3" ["5"], unitTest "foldr (+) x [1,2,3,4]" ["10 + x", "x + 10"], unitTest "foldl (+) x [1,2,3,4]" ["10 + x", "x + 10"], unitTest "head $ fst (x:xs, y:ys)" ["x"], unitTest "snd $ (,) 2 3" ["3"], unitTest "\\id x -> id" ["const"], unitTest "\\y -> let f x = foo x; g = f in g y" ["foo"], unitTest "neq x y = not $ x == y" ["neq = (/=)"], unitTest "not (x /= y)" ["x == y"], unitTest "\\x x -> x" ["const id"], unitTest "\\(x, x) -> x" ["snd"], unitTest "not $ not 4" ["4"], unitTest "\\xs -> foldl (+) 0 (1:2:xs)" ["foldl (+) 3"], unitTest "\\x -> foldr (+) x [0,1,2,3]" ["(6 +)"], unitTest "foldr (+) 0 [x,y,z]" ["x + y + z"], unitTest "foldl (*) 0 [x,y,z]" ["0"], unitTest "length \"abcdefg\"" ["7"], unitTest "ap (f x . fst) snd" ["uncurry (f x)"], unitTest "sum [1,2,3,x]" ["6 + x", "x + 6"], unitTest "p x = product [1,2,3,x]" ["p = (6 *)"], unitTest "(concat .) . map" ["(=<<)"], unitTest "let f ((a,b),(c,d)) = a + b + c + d in f ((1,2),(3,4))" ["10"], unitTest "let x = const 3 y; y = const 4 x in x + y" ["7"] -- yay! ] main :: IO () main = do hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering args <- getArgs case args of ("tests":_) -> doTests xs -> do mapM_ pf xs #ifdef READLINE initialize #endif pfloop pfloop :: IO () pfloop = do #ifdef READLINE line' <- readline "pointless> " #else line' <- Just `fmap` getLine #endif case line' of Just line | all isSpace line -> pfloop | otherwise -> do #ifdef READLINE addHistory line #endif pf line pfloop Nothing -> putStrLn "Bye." doTests :: IO () doTests = do runTestTT unitTests -- qcTests return ()