-- |
-- Module      :  Generics.Pointless.Observe.RecursionPatterns
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2008 University of Minho
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  hpacheco@di.uminho.pt
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable
-- Pointless Haskell:
-- point-free programming with recursion patterns as hylomorphisms
-- This module redefines recursion patterns with support for GHood observation of intermediate data structures.

module Generics.Pointless.Observe.RecursionPatterns where

import Generics.Pointless.Combinators
import Generics.Pointless.Functors
import Generics.Pointless.RecursionPatterns
import Debug.Observe
import Generics.Pointless.Observe.Functors
import Prelude hiding (Functor (..))
import Data.Typeable

-- * Recursion patterns with observation of intermediate data structures

-- | Redefinition of hylomorphisms with observation of the intermediate data type.
hyloO :: (Mu b, Functor (PF b), FunctorO (PF b)) => Ann b -> (F b c -> c) -> (a -> F b a) -> a -> c
hyloO (b::Ann b) g h = cata f g . observe ("Recursion Tree Functor: " ++ functorOf f) . ana f h
   where f = ann :: Ann (Fix (PF b))

-- | Redefinition of catamorphisms as observable hylomorphisms.
cataO :: (Mu a, Functor (PF a), FunctorO (PF a)) => Ann a -> (F a b -> b) -> a -> b
cataO a f = hyloO a f out

-- | Redefinition of anamorphisms as observable hylomorphisms.
anaO :: (Mu b,Functor (PF b), FunctorO (PF b)) => Ann b -> (a -> F b a) -> a -> b
anaO b = hyloO b inn

-- | Redefinition of paramorphisms as observable hylomorphisms.
paraO :: (Mu a,Functor (PF a), FunctorO (PF a), Observable a, Typeable a) => Ann a -> (F a (b,a) -> b) -> a -> b
paraO (a::Ann a) f = hyloO (ann :: Ann (Para a)) f (pmap a (idA /\ idA) . out)
   where idA :: a -> a
         idA = id

-- | Redefinition of apomorphisms as observable hylomorphisms.
apoO :: (Mu b,Functor (PF b), FunctorO (PF b), Observable b, Typeable b) => Ann b -> (a -> F b (Either a b)) -> a -> b
apoO (b::Ann b) f = hyloO (ann :: Ann (Apo b)) (inn . pmap b (idB \/ idB)) f
   where idB :: b -> b
         idB = id

-- | Redefinition of zygomorphisms as observable hylomorphisms.
zygoO :: (Mu a, Functor (PF a), FunctorO (PF a), Observable b, Typeable b, F a (a,b) ~ F (Zygo a b) a) => Ann a -> (F a b -> b) -> (F (Zygo a b) b -> b) -> a -> b
zygoO a g f = aux a (ann :: Ann b) g f
   where aux :: (Mu a,Functor (PF a), FunctorO (PF a),Observable b, Typeable b, F a (a,b) ~ F (Zygo a b) a) => Ann a -> Ann b -> (F a b -> b) -> (F (Zygo a b) b -> b) -> a -> b
         aux (a::Ann a) (b::Ann b) g f = hyloO (ann :: Ann (Zygo a b)) f (pmap a (id /\ cata a g) . out)

-- | Redefinition of accumulations as observable hylomorphisms.
accumO :: (Mu a,Functor (PF d), FunctorO (PF d), Observable b, Typeable b) => Ann d -> ((F a a,b) -> F d (a,b)) -> (F (Accum d b) c -> c) -> (a,b) -> c
accumO (d::Ann d) g f = hyloO (ann :: Ann (Accum d b)) f ((g /\ snd) . (out >< id))

-- | Redefinition of histomorphisms as observable hylomorphisms.
histoO :: (Mu a,Functor (PF a), FunctorO (PF a), Observable a) => Ann a -> (F a (Histo a c) -> c) -> a -> c
histoO (a::Ann a) g = fst . outH . cataO a (inn . (g /\ id))
   where outH :: Histo a c -> F (Histo a c) (Histo a c)
         outH = out

-- | Redefinition of futumorphisms as observable hylomorphisms.
futuO :: (Mu b,Functor (PF b), FunctorO (PF b), Observable b) => Ann b -> (a -> F b (Futu b a)) -> a -> b
futuO (b::Ann b) g = anaO b ((g \/ id) . out) . innF . inl
   where innF :: F (Futu b a) (Futu b a) -> Futu b a
         innF = inn

-- | Redefinition of dynamorphisms as observable hylomorphisms.
dynaO :: (Mu b, Functor (PF b), FunctorO (PF b), Observable b) => Ann b -> (F b (Histo b c) -> c) -> (a -> F b a) -> a -> c
dynaO (b::Ann b) g h = fst . outH . hyloO b (inn . (g /\ id)) h
   where outH :: Histo b c -> F (Histo b c) (Histo b c)
         outH = out

-- | Redefinition of chronomorphisms as observable hylomorphisms.
chronoO :: (Mu c,Functor (PF c), FunctorO (PF c)) => Ann c -> (F c (Histo c b) -> b) -> (a -> F c (Futu c a)) -> a -> b
chronoO (c::Ann c) g h = fst . outH . hyloO c (inn . (g /\ id)) ((h \/ id) . out) . innF . inl
   where outH :: Histo c b -> F (Histo c b) (Histo c b)
         outH = out
         innF :: F (Futu c a) (Futu c a) -> (Futu c a)
         innF = inn