-- |
-- Module      :  Generics.Pointless.Lenses.Examples.Examples
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2009 University of Minho
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  hpacheco@di.uminho.pt
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable
-- Pointless Lenses:
-- bidirectional lenses with point-free programming
-- This module provides examples, examples and more examples.

module Generics.Pointless.Lenses.Examples.Examples where

import Generics.Pointless.Combinators
import Generics.Pointless.Functors
import Generics.Pointless.Fctrable
import Generics.Pointless.Bifunctors
import Generics.Pointless.Bifctrable
import Generics.Pointless.Examples.Examples
import Generics.Pointless.Lenses
import Generics.Pointless.Lenses.Combinators
import Generics.Pointless.Lenses.RecursionPatterns
import Generics.Pointless.Lenses.Reader.RecursionPatterns

-- | Integer successor lens.
succ_lns :: Lens Int Int
succ_lns = Lens succ (pred . fst) pred

-- | List length lens.
length_lns :: a -> Lens [a] Nat
length_lns a = nat_lns _L (\x -> id_lns -|-< snd_lns a)

-- | List length using an accumulation (after simplification into an hylomorphism).
-- Uses @Int@ instead of @Nat@ because @succ@ on @Nat@ is not a valid lens.
len_lns :: Lens ([Char],Int) Int
len_lns = hylo_lns t g h
    where g = id_lns .\/< id_lns
          h = (snd_lns _L -|-< snd_lns _L .< assocr_lns .< (id_lns ><< succ_lns)) .< distl_lns .< (out_lns ><< id_lns)
          t = _L :: K Int :+!: I

-- | List zipping lens.
-- The aux transformation is merely for simplifying the constant argument
zip_lns :: Lens ([a],[a]) [(a,a)]
zip_lns = ana_lns _L (((!<) c .< aux -|-< distp_lns) .< coassocl_lns .< dists_lns .< (out_lns ><< out_lns))
    where aux = (fst_lns _L -|-< snd_lns _L) -|-< fst_lns _L
          c :: Either (Either One (b,[b])) (a,[a])
          -- 1st option: do nothing
          -- 2nd option: append to the left source list
          -- 3rd option: append to right source list
          c = Left (Left _L)

-- | Take the first n elements from a list
take_lns :: Lens (Nat,[a]) [a]
take_lns = ana_lns _L h
   where h = ((!<) c -|-< aux) .< coassocl_lns .< dists_lns .< (out_lns ><< out_lns)
         aux = assocr_lns .< (swap_lns ><< id_lns) .< assocl_lns
         c :: Either (Either (One, One) (One,(a,[a]))) (Nat,One)
         -- 1st option: do nothing
         -- 2nd option: append to the source list
         -- 3rd option: increment the source number by
         c = Left (Left (_L,_L))

-- | List filtering lens.
-- The argument passed to @snd_lns@ can be undefined because it will never be used
filter_lns :: Lens [Either a b] [a]
filter_lns = cata_lns _L ((inn_lns .\/< snd_lns _L) .< coassocl_lns .< (id_lns -|-< distl_lns))

-- | Binary list concatenation.
-- Lens hylomorphisms can be defined as the composition of a catamorphism after an anamorphism.
cat_lns :: Lens ([a],[a]) [a]
cat_lns = hylo_lns (_L :: NeList [a] a) g h
    where g = inn_lns .< ((\/$<) out_lns)
          h = (snd_lns _L -|-< assocr_lns) .< distl_lns .< (out_lns ><< id_lns)

-- | Binary list transposition.
-- Binary version of @transpose@.
transpose_lns :: Lens ([a],[a]) [a]
transpose_lns = hylo_lns t g h
    where g = inn_lns .< ((\/$<) out_lns)
          h = (snd_lns _L -|-< (id_lns ><< swap_lns) .< assocr_lns) .< distl_lns .< (out_lns ><< id_lns)
          t = _L :: K [a] :+!: (K a :*!: I)

-- Integer addition
add_lns :: Lens (Int,Int) Int
add_lns = Lens get' put' create'
    where get' (x,y) = x+y
          put' (x,(a,b)) = (a,x-a)
          -- needs to be strictly decreasing in the first argument, that will be the recursive argument of sumInt_lns
          create' x | x > 0 = (div x 2 + mod x 2,div x 2)
                    | otherwise = (div x 2,div x 2 + mod x 2)

-- | Sum of a list of integers.
sumInt_lns :: Lens [Int] Int
sumInt_lns = cata_lns _L ((0 !\/< add_lns) _L)

plus_lns :: Lens (Nat,Nat) Nat
plus_lns = hylo_lns (_L::From Nat) f g
   where f = inn_lns .< ((\/$<) out_lns)
         g = (snd_lns _L -|-< id_lns) .< distl_lns .< (out_lns ><< id_lns)

sumNat_lns :: Lens [Nat] Nat
sumNat_lns = cata_lns _L g
    where g = inn_lns .< ((#\/<) (out_lns .< plus_lns))

type instance BF Tree = BConst One :+| (BPar :*| (BId :*| BId))

-- | Flatten a tree.
flatten_lns :: Lens (Tree a) [a]
flatten_lns = cata_lns _L (inn_lns .< (id_lns -|-< id_lns ><< cat_lns))

-- | List concatenation.
concat_lns :: Lens [[a]] [a]
concat_lns = cata_lns _L (inn_lns .< (((id_lns .\/< id_lns) -|-< id_lns) .< coassocl_lns .< (id_lns -|-< out_lns .< cat_lns)))

-- | List mapping lens.
map_lns :: Lens c a -> Lens [c] [a]
map_lns f = nat_lns _L (\x -> id_lns -|-< f ><< id_lns)

-- | Generic mapping example using user-defined concrete generators
data T a = Fst a | Next (T a) deriving (Eq,Show)

type instance BF T = BPar :+| BId
type instance PF (T a) = Const a :+: Id

instance Mu (T a) where
    inn (Left x) = Fst x
    inn (Right x) = Next x
    out (Fst x) = Left x
    out (Next x) = Right x

aux :: T a -> a
aux (Fst x) = x
aux (Next x) = aux x

tmap_lns l = gmap_lns' (aux . snd) snd l

exampleT = put (tmap_lns (fst_lns 'c')) (Fst 1,(Next (Fst (2,'a'))))