module Polysemy.Http.Data.Request where import Control.Lens (makeClassy) import qualified Data.Text as Text import Polysemy.Http.Data.Header (HeaderName, HeaderValue) -- |All standard HTTP methods, mirroring those from 'Network.HTTP.Types', plus a constructor for arbitrary strings. data Method = Get | Post | Put | Delete | Head | Trace | Connect | Options | Patch | Custom Text deriving (Eq, Show) instance IsString Method where fromString = \case "GET" -> Get "POST" -> Post "PUT" -> Put "DELETE" -> Delete "HEAD" -> Head "TRACE" -> Trace "CONNECT" -> Connect "OPTIONS" -> Options "PATCH" -> Patch "get" -> Get "post" -> Post "put" -> Put "delete" -> Delete "head" -> Head "trace" -> Trace "connect" -> Connect "options" -> Options "patch" -> Patch a -> Custom (toText a) -- |Produce the usual uppercase representation of a method. methodUpper :: Method -> Text methodUpper = \case Custom n -> Text.toUpper n a -> Text.toUpper (show a) -- |Request host name. newtype Host = Host { unHost :: Text } deriving (Eq, Show) deriving newtype (IsString) -- |Request port. newtype Port = Port { unPort :: Int } deriving (Eq, Show) -- |A flag that indicates whether a request should use TLS. newtype Tls = Tls { unTls :: Bool } deriving (Eq, Show) -- |Rrequest path. newtype Path = Path { unPath :: Text } deriving (Eq, Show) deriving newtype (IsString) -- |The key of a query parameter. newtype QueryKey = QueryKey { unQueryKey :: Text } deriving (Eq, Show) deriving newtype (IsString) -- |The value of a query parameter. newtype QueryValue = QueryValue { unQueryValue :: Text } deriving (Eq, Show) deriving newtype (IsString) -- |Request body, using 'LByteString' because it is what 'Aeson.encode' produces. newtype Body = Body { unBody :: LByteString } deriving (Eq, Show) deriving newtype (IsString) -- |HTTP request parameters, used by 'Polysemy.Http.Data.Http'. data Request = Request { _method :: Method, _host :: Host, _port :: Maybe Port, _tls :: Tls, _path :: Path, _headers :: [(HeaderName, HeaderValue)], _query :: [(QueryKey, Maybe QueryValue)], _body :: Body } deriving (Eq, Show) makeClassy ''Request