{- | Module : Polysemy.Methodology.Composite License : MIT Maintainer : dan.firth@homotopic.tech Stability : experimental Functions for combining polysemy-methodology with composite. -} {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} module Polysemy.Methodology.Composite ( runCoRecMethodologyAsCases , runCoRecMethodologyAsCases' , diffractMethodology , diffractMethodology' , runInputCase' ) where import Control.Arrow import Composite.CoRecord import Data.Vinyl import Polysemy import Polysemy.Extra import Polysemy.Input import Polysemy.Methodology -- | Run a `Methodology` from a `CoRec` to an `Input` of `Cases'`. You can then use `Polysemy.Vinyl.separateRecInput` and `Polysemy.Vinyl.stripRecInput` -- to deal with the cases individually. -- -- @since runCoRecMethodologyAsCases :: forall f zs c x xs r a. (zs ~ (x ': xs), RecApplicative zs, Members '[Input (Cases' f zs c)] r) => Sem (Methodology (CoRec f zs) c ': r) a -- ^ The Methodology to decompose. -> Sem r a runCoRecMethodologyAsCases = interpret \case Process b -> do x <- input @(Cases' f zs c) return $ foldCoRec x b {-# INLINE runCoRecMethodologyAsCases #-} -- | Reinterpreting version of `runCoRecMethodologyAsCases`. -- -- -- @since runCoRecMethodologyAsCases' :: forall f zs c x xs r a. (zs ~ (x ': xs), RecApplicative zs) => Sem (Methodology (CoRec f zs) c ': r) a -- ^ The Methodology to decompose. -> Sem (Input (Cases' f zs c) ': r) a runCoRecMethodologyAsCases' = reinterpret \case Process b -> do x <- input @(Cases' f zs c) return $ foldCoRec x b {-# INLINE runCoRecMethodologyAsCases' #-} -- | Diffraction is a combination of a `cutMethodology'`, an `mconcatMethodology'` and a `runCoRecMethodologyAsCases`. -- -- This effectively allows you to make several ad-hoc constructors for d and fully consumes the second half of the cut. -- This turns out to be quite a good way to start a simple pipeline. -- -- @since diffractMethodology :: forall b f zs d x xs r a. (Monoid d, zs ~ (x ': xs) , RecApplicative zs , Members '[ Methodology b [CoRec f zs] , Input (Cases' f zs d)] r) => Sem (Methodology b d ': r) a -- ^ The Methodology to decompose. -> Sem r a diffractMethodology = cutMethodology' @b @[CoRec f zs] @d >>> reinterpretUnder mconcatMethodology' >>> reinterpretUnder runCoRecMethodologyAsCases' >>> subsume >>> subsume {-# INLINE diffractMethodology #-} -- | Reinterpreting version of `diffractMethodology`. -- -- @since diffractMethodology' :: forall b f zs d x xs r a. (Monoid d, zs ~ (x ': xs), RecApplicative zs) => Sem (Methodology b d ': r) a -- ^ The Methodology to decompose. -> Sem (Methodology b [CoRec f zs] ': Input (Cases' f zs d) ': r) a diffractMethodology' = cutMethodology' @b @[CoRec f zs] @d >>> reinterpretUnder mconcatMethodology' >>> reinterpretUnder runCoRecMethodologyAsCases' {-# INLINE diffractMethodology' #-} -- | Run a `Case'` using `runInputConst` and a function eliminating the `Case'`. -- -- @since runInputCase' :: forall b f t r a. (f b -> t) -> Sem (Input (Case' f t b) ': r) a -> Sem r a runInputCase' f = runInputConst (Case' f) {-# INLINE runInputCase' #-}