# * Add `oneshot` variants of `Process` interpreters that send `Stop` to the individual actions inside the scope, modeling a process that is expected to terminate. * Refactor interpreters to use `Scoped` as the basis and specialize unparameterized ones. Don't provide loads of specializations for I/O types, rather offer interpreters that handle `ProcessOutput` and `ProcessInput` only. * Add constructors for `SysProcConf` that use `Path` and `Text`. * Add the newtype `Pid` for `SystemProcess`. * Add `currentPid`. * Catch exceptions when starting a system process and send them to the scope. * Change the process config constructor expected by `interpretSystemProcessNative` to return `Either Text SysProcConf`, throwing the error as `SystemProcessScopeError`. # * Remove stderr from the `Process` abstraction so that stdout and stderr must be unified after parsing (potentially as `Either` to emulate the previous behaviour). * Make default `ProcessOutput` interpreters discard all stderr output. * Add re-interpreter from `Input`/`Output` to `Process`. * Add `interpretProcessOutputIncremental`, a stateful interpreter using a supplied parser that may produce partial results. * Add `interpretProcessCurrent` et al, treating the program's process's stdio as the (mirrored) stdio of an external process. * Add `interpretProcessOutputLeft` and `interpretProcessOutputRight`, lifting results of another interpreter into `Either`. # * Add `ProcessOptions`, replacing the primitive parameters of `Process` interpreters. * Add an option for `Process` that determines whether to kill the process after exiting the scope. # * Allow `Process` to emit custom chunks constructed by an interpreter of `ProcessOutput` instead of `ByteString`s containing whatever the `Handle` produced. * Rename stdio interpreters. * Add helper `resolveExecutable` that looks up names in `$PATH` and ensures the files are executable. * Add effect `Pty` for interacting with pseudo terminals. * Add low-level process abstraction effect, `SystemProcess`. # * Add the effect `Process`, wrapping `System.Process.Typed` using `Scoped`.