{-# options_haddock prune #-} -- |Description: SystemProcess Effect, Internal module Polysemy.Process.Effect.SystemProcess where import Polysemy.Resume (type (!!)) import System.Exit (ExitCode) import qualified System.Posix as Signal import System.Posix (Signal) import Polysemy.Process.Data.Pid (Pid) -- |Low-level interface for a process, operating on raw chunks of bytes. -- Interface is modeled after "System.Process". data SystemProcess :: Effect where -- |Read a chunk from stdout. ReadStdout :: SystemProcess m ByteString -- |Read a chunk from stderr. ReadStderr :: SystemProcess m ByteString -- |Write a 'ByteString' to stdin. WriteStdin :: ByteString -> SystemProcess m () -- |Obtain the process ID. Pid :: SystemProcess m Pid -- |Send a 'System.Posix.Signal' to the process. Signal :: Signal -> SystemProcess m () -- |Wait for the process to terminate, returning its exit code. Wait :: SystemProcess m ExitCode makeSem ''SystemProcess -- |Create a scoped resource for 'SystemProcess'. -- The process configuration may depend on the provided value of type @param@. withSystemProcess :: ∀ param err r . Member (Scoped param (SystemProcess !! err)) r => param -> InterpreterFor (SystemProcess !! err) r withSystemProcess = scoped @param -- |Create a scoped resource for 'SystemProcess'. -- The process configuration is provided to the interpreter statically. withSystemProcess_ :: ∀ err r . Member (Scoped_ (SystemProcess !! err)) r => InterpreterFor (SystemProcess !! err) r withSystemProcess_ = scoped_ -- |Send signal INT(2) to the process. interrupt :: Member SystemProcess r => Sem r () interrupt = signal Signal.sigINT -- |Send signal TERM(15) to the process. term :: Member SystemProcess r => Sem r () term = signal Signal.sigTERM -- |Send signal KILL(9) to the process. kill :: Member SystemProcess r => Sem r () kill = signal Signal.sigKILL