{-# options_ghc -fplugin=Polysemy.Plugin #-} module Polysemy.Process.Test.ProcessTest where import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString import qualified Polysemy.Conc.Effect.Race as Conc (timeout) import Polysemy.Conc.Effect.Race (Race) import Polysemy.Conc.Interpreter.Race (interpretRace) import qualified Polysemy.Conc.Race as Race import Polysemy.Resume (resumeEither, resumeHoistAs, resumeHoistError, resuming, runStop, type (!!), ( c1 of Just (Done a "") -> "cc" === a a -> fail ("not Done: " <> show a) let (c2, r2) = parseMany parse Nothing "a" ([], "") === r2 case ($ "a") <$> c2 of Just (Done a "") -> "aa" === a a -> fail ("not Done: " <> show a) (Nothing, ([Right "aa"], "")) === first void (parseMany parse c2 "a") where parse b | ByteString.length b == 1 = Partial (parse . (b <>)) | otherwise = Done (ByteString.take 2 b) (ByteString.drop 2 b) interpretOneshot :: Members [Error TestError, Resource, Race, Async, Embed IO] r => (Text -> SysProcConf) -> InterpretersFor (Scoped Text (Process Text Text !! ProcessError) : ProcessIO Text Text) r interpretOneshot conf = interpretProcessTextLines . interpretProcessOneshotNative def (pure . Right . conf) . resumeHoistError (TestError . show @Text @SystemProcessScopeError) . insertAt @1 test_processOneshot :: UnitTest test_processOneshot = runTestAuto $ interpretRace $ asyncToIOFinal $ interpretOneshot conf do num <- runStop @Int $ withProcessOneshot message do Race.timeout_ (throw (TestError "timed out")) (Seconds 5) do for_ @[] [1..5] \ i -> resumeHoistAs i Process.recv unit assertLeft 5 num where conf msg = Process.proc "echo" ["-n", toString msg] test_exit :: UnitTest test_exit = runTestAuto $ interpretRace $ asyncToIOFinal $ interpretProcessByteString $ interpretProcessNative_ def conf do response <- resuming @_ @(Scoped _ _) (pure . Just) $ withProcess_ do Race.timeout_ (throw (TestError "timed out")) (Seconds 5) do void Process.recv void Process.recv pure Nothing assertJust (ProcessError.Exit ExitSuccess) response where conf = Process.proc "echo" ["-n", "text"] test_startFailed :: UnitTest test_startFailed = runTestAuto $ interpretRace $ asyncToIOFinal $ interpretSystemProcessNative_ conf do result <- resumeEither $ withSystemProcess_ do Nothing SystemProcess.wait) evalLeft result >>= \case StartFailed _ -> unit where conf = Process.proc "fnord-detector" [] test_processAll :: TestTree test_processAll = testGroup "process" [ unitTest "read raw chunks" test_process, unitTest "read lines" test_processLines, ignoreTest (unitTest "don't kill the process at the end of the scope" test_processKillNever), unitTest "expect termination" test_processOneshot, unitTest "daemon exit code" test_exit, unitTest "system process start error" test_startFailed ]