module Polysemy.Time.At where import Polysemy (intercept) import Torsor (Torsor (add), difference) import Polysemy.Time.Calendar (HasDate, date, dateToTime) import qualified Polysemy.Time.Data.Time as Time import Polysemy.Time.Data.Time (Time) import Polysemy.Time.Data.TimeUnit (TimeUnit, addTimeUnit) -- |Determine the current time adjusted for the difference between a custom instant and the time at which the program -- was started. dateCurrentRelative :: ∀ diff t d r . Torsor t diff => Members [Time t d, AtomicState (t, t)] r => Sem r t dateCurrentRelative = do (startAt, startActual) <- atomicGet @(t, t) (`add` startAt) . (`difference` startActual) <$> @t @d -- |Given real and adjusted start time, change all calls to 'Time.Now' and 'Time.Today' to be relative to that start -- time. -- This needs to be interpreted with a vanilla interpreter for 'Time' once more. interceptTimeAtWithStart :: ∀ diff t d r a . Torsor t diff => TimeUnit diff => HasDate t d => Members [Time t d, AtomicState (t, t)] r => Sem r a -> Sem r a interceptTimeAtWithStart = intercept @(Time t d) \case Time.Now -> dateCurrentRelative @diff @t @d Time.Today -> date <$> dateCurrentRelative @diff @t @d Time.Sleep t -> Time.sleep @t @d t Time.SetTime startAt -> do startActual <- @t @d atomicPut @(t, t) (startAt, startActual) Time.Adjust diff -> do atomicModify' @(t, t) \ (old, actual) -> (addTimeUnit diff old, actual) Time.SetDate startAt -> do startActual <- @t @d atomicPut @(t, t) (dateToTime startAt, startActual) {-# inline interceptTimeAtWithStart #-} -- |Interpret 'Time' so that the time when the program starts is @startAt@. interceptTimeAt :: ∀ (diff :: Type) t d r a . TimeUnit diff => Torsor t diff => HasDate t d => Members [Time t d, Embed IO] r => t -> Sem r a -> Sem r a interceptTimeAt startAt sem = do startActual <- @t @d tv <- newTVarIO (startAt, startActual) runAtomicStateTVar tv . interceptTimeAtWithStart @diff @t @d . raise $ sem {-# inline interceptTimeAt #-} -- |Change all calls to 'Time.Now' and 'Time.Today' to return the given start time. -- This needs to be interpreted with a vanilla interpreter for 'Time' once more. interceptTimeConstantState :: ∀ t d r a . HasDate t d => Members [Time t d, AtomicState t] r => Sem r a -> Sem r a interceptTimeConstantState = intercept @(Time t d) \case Time.Now -> atomicGet Time.Today -> atomicGets @t date Time.Sleep t -> Time.sleep @t @d t Time.SetTime now -> atomicPut now Time.Adjust diff -> atomicModify' @t (addTimeUnit diff) Time.SetDate startAt -> atomicPut @t (dateToTime startAt) {-# inline interceptTimeConstantState #-} -- |Interpret 'Time' so that the time is always @startAt@. -- -- The time can still be changed with 'Time.setTime', 'Time.adjust' and 'Time.setDate'. interceptTimeConstant :: ∀ t d r a . HasDate t d => Members [Time t d, Embed IO] r => t -> Sem r a -> Sem r a interceptTimeConstant startAt sem = do tv <- newTVarIO startAt runAtomicStateTVar tv . interceptTimeConstantState @t . raise $ sem {-# inline interceptTimeConstant #-} -- |Interpret 'Time' so that the time is always the time at the start of interpretation. -- -- The time can still be changed with 'Time.setTime', 'Time.adjust' and 'Time.setDate'. interceptTimeConstantNow :: ∀ t d r a . HasDate t d => Members [Time t d, Embed IO] r => Sem r a -> Sem r a interceptTimeConstantNow sem = do now <- @t @d tv <- newTVarIO now runAtomicStateTVar tv . interceptTimeConstantState @t . raise $ sem {-# inline interceptTimeConstantNow #-}