{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}

module Network.Xmpp.Concurrent.Types where

import           Control.Concurrent
import           Control.Concurrent.STM
import qualified Control.Exception.Lifted as Ex
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import           Data.Default
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import           Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import           Data.Typeable
import           Data.XML.Types (Element)
import           Network
import           Network.Xmpp.IM.Roster.Types
import           Network.Xmpp.Types
import           Network.Xmpp.Sasl.Types

-- | Configuration for the @Session@ object.
data SessionConfiguration = SessionConfiguration
    { -- | Configuration for the @Stream@ object.
      sessionStreamConfiguration :: StreamConfiguration
      -- | Handler to be run when the session ends (for whatever reason).
    , onConnectionClosed         :: Session -> XmppFailure -> IO ()
      -- | Function to generate the stream of stanza identifiers.
    , sessionStanzaIDs           :: IO (IO Text)
    , extraStanzaHandlers        :: [StanzaHandler]
    , enableRoster               :: Bool

instance Default SessionConfiguration where
    def = SessionConfiguration { sessionStreamConfiguration = def
                               , onConnectionClosed = \_ _ -> return ()
                               , sessionStanzaIDs = do
                                     idRef <- newTVarIO 1
                                     return . atomically $ do
                                         curId <- readTVar idRef
                                         writeTVar idRef (curId + 1 :: Integer)
                                         return . Text.pack . show $ curId
                               , extraStanzaHandlers = []
                               , enableRoster = True

-- | Handlers to be run when the Xmpp session ends and when the Xmpp connection is
-- closed.
data EventHandlers = EventHandlers
    { connectionClosedHandler :: XmppFailure -> IO ()

-- | Interrupt is used to signal to the reader thread that it should stop. Th contained semphore signals the reader to resume it's work.
data Interrupt = Interrupt (TMVar ()) deriving Typeable
instance Show Interrupt where show _ = "<Interrupt>"

instance Ex.Exception Interrupt

type WriteSemaphore = TMVar (BS.ByteString -> IO Bool)

-- | A concurrent interface to Pontarius XMPP.
data Session = Session
    { stanzaCh :: TChan Stanza -- All stanzas
    , iqHandlers :: TVar IQHandlers
      -- Writing lock, so that only one thread could write to the stream at any
      -- given time.
      -- Fields below are from Context.
    , writeSemaphore :: WriteSemaphore
    , readerThread :: ThreadId
    , idGenerator :: IO Text
      -- | Lock (used by withStream) to make sure that a maximum of one
      -- Stream action is executed at any given time.
    , streamRef :: TMVar Stream
    , eventHandlers :: TMVar EventHandlers
    , stopThreads :: IO ()
    , rosterRef :: TVar Roster
    , conf :: SessionConfiguration
    , sRealm :: HostName
    , sSaslCredentials :: Maybe (ConnectionState -> [SaslHandler] , Maybe Text)
    , reconnectWait :: TVar Int

-- | IQHandlers holds the registered channels for incoming IQ requests and
-- TMVars of and TMVars for expected IQ responses (the second Text represent a
-- stanza identifier.
type IQHandlers = (Map.Map (IQRequestType, Text) (TChan IQRequestTicket)
                  , Map.Map Text (TMVar IQResponse)

-- | Contains whether or not a reply has been sent, and the IQ request body to
-- reply to.

data IQRequestTicket = IQRequestTicket
    { answerTicket :: Either StanzaError (Maybe Element) -> IO (Maybe Bool)
                      -- ^ Return Nothing when the IQ request was already
                      -- answered before, Just True when it was sucessfully
                      -- answered and Just False when the answer was attempted,
                      -- but failed (e.g. there is a connection failure)
    , iqRequestBody :: IQRequest