{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Network.Xmpp.Sasl.Mechanisms.DigestMd5
    ( digestMd5
    ) where

import           Control.Monad.Error
import           Control.Monad.State.Strict
import qualified Crypto.Classes as CC
import qualified Data.Binary as Binary
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as B64
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.Digest.Pure.MD5 as MD5
import qualified Data.List as L
import           Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text
import           Network.Xmpp.Sasl.Common
import           Network.Xmpp.Sasl.Types
import           Network.Xmpp.Types

xmppDigestMd5 ::  Text -- ^ Authentication identity (authzid or username)
               -> Maybe Text -- ^ Authorization identity (authcid)
               -> Text -- ^ Password (authzid)
               -> ErrorT AuthFailure (StateT StreamState IO) ()
xmppDigestMd5 authcid' authzid' password' = do
    (ac, az, pw) <- prepCredentials authcid' authzid' password'
    Just address <- gets streamAddress
    xmppDigestMd5' address ac az pw
    xmppDigestMd5' :: Text -> Text -> Maybe Text -> Text -> ErrorT AuthFailure (StateT StreamState IO) ()
    xmppDigestMd5' hostname authcid _authzid password = do -- TODO: use authzid?
        -- Push element and receive the challenge.
        _ <- saslInit "DIGEST-MD5" Nothing -- TODO: Check boolean?
        prs <- toPairs =<< saslFromJust =<< pullChallenge
        cnonce <- liftIO $ makeNonce
        _b <- respond . Just $ createResponse hostname prs cnonce
        _challenge2 <- pullFinalMessage
        return ()
        -- Produce the response to the challenge.
        createResponse :: Text
                       -> Pairs
                       -> BS.ByteString -- nonce
                       -> BS.ByteString
        createResponse hname prs cnonce = let
            Just qop   = L.lookup "qop" prs -- TODO: proper handling
            Just nonce = L.lookup "nonce" prs
            uname_     = Text.encodeUtf8 authcid
            passwd_    = Text.encodeUtf8 password
            -- Using Int instead of Word8 for random (GHC 7)
            -- compatibility.

            nc         = "00000001"
            digestURI  = "xmpp/" `BS.append` Text.encodeUtf8 hname
            digest     = md5Digest
                (lookup "realm" prs)
            response = BS.intercalate "," . map (BS.intercalate "=") $
                [["username", quote uname_]] ++
                    case L.lookup "realm" prs of
                        Just realm -> [["realm" , quote realm ]]
                        Nothing -> [] ++
                            [ ["nonce"     , quote nonce    ]
                            , ["cnonce"    , quote cnonce   ]
                            , ["nc"        ,       nc       ]
                            , ["qop"       ,       qop      ]
                            , ["digest-uri", quote digestURI]
                            , ["response"  ,       digest   ]
                            , ["charset"   ,       "utf-8"  ]
            in B64.encode response
        hash :: [BS8.ByteString] -> BS8.ByteString
        hash = BS8.pack . show
               . (CC.hash' :: BS.ByteString -> MD5.MD5Digest)
                  . BS.intercalate (":")
        hashRaw :: [BS8.ByteString] -> BS8.ByteString
        hashRaw = toStrict . Binary.encode .
            (CC.hash' :: BS.ByteString -> MD5.MD5Digest) . BS.intercalate (":")
        toStrict :: BL.ByteString -> BS8.ByteString
        toStrict = BS.concat . BL.toChunks
        -- TODO: this only handles MD5-sess
        md5Digest :: BS8.ByteString
                  -> Maybe BS8.ByteString
                  -> BS8.ByteString
                  -> BS8.ByteString
                  -> BS8.ByteString
                  -> BS8.ByteString
                  -> BS8.ByteString
                  -> BS8.ByteString
                  -> BS8.ByteString
        md5Digest uname realm pwd digestURI nc qop nonce cnonce =
          let ha1 = hash [ hashRaw [uname, maybe "" id realm, pwd]
                         , nonce
                         , cnonce
              ha2 = hash ["AUTHENTICATE", digestURI]
          in hash [ha1, nonce, nc, cnonce, qop, ha2]

digestMd5 :: Username -- ^ Authentication identity (authcid or username)
          -> Maybe AuthZID -- ^ Authorization identity (authzid)
          -> Password -- ^ Password
          -> SaslHandler
digestMd5 authcid authzid password =
    ( "DIGEST-MD5"
    , do
          r <- runErrorT $ xmppDigestMd5 authcid authzid password
          case r of
              Left (AuthStreamFailure e) -> return $ Left e
              Left e -> return $ Right $ Just e
              Right () -> return $ Right Nothing