{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Network.Xmpp.IM.Roster where import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import Control.Concurrent.STM import Control.Monad import Data.List (nub) #if MIN_VERSION_containers(0, 5, 0) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map #else import qualified Data.Map as Map #endif import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromMaybe) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.XML.Pickle import Data.XML.Types import System.Log.Logger import Network.Xmpp.Concurrent.Basic import Network.Xmpp.Concurrent.IQ import Network.Xmpp.Concurrent.Types import Network.Xmpp.IM.Roster.Types import Network.Xmpp.Marshal import Network.Xmpp.Types -- | Timeout to use with IQ requests timeout :: Maybe Integer timeout = Just 3000000 -- 3 seconds -- | Add or update an item to the roster. -- -- To update the item just send the complete set of new data. rosterSet :: Jid -- ^ JID of the item -> Maybe Text -- ^ Name alias -> [Text] -- ^ Groups (duplicates will be removed) -> Session -> IO (Either IQSendError (Annotated IQResponse)) rosterSet j n gs session = do let el = pickleElem xpQuery (Query Nothing [QueryItem { qiApproved = Nothing , qiAsk = False , qiJid = j , qiName = n , qiSubscription = Nothing , qiGroups = nub gs }]) sendIQA' timeout Nothing Set Nothing el [] session -- | Synonym to rosterSet rosterAdd :: Jid -> Maybe Text -> [Text] -> Session -> IO (Either IQSendError (Annotated IQResponse)) rosterAdd = rosterSet -- | Remove an item from the roster. Return 'True' when the item is sucessfully -- removed or if it wasn't in the roster to begin with. rosterRemove :: Jid -> Session -> IO Bool rosterRemove j sess = do roster <- getRoster sess case Map.lookup j (items roster) of Nothing -> return True -- jid is not on the Roster Just _ -> do res <- rosterPush (Item False False j Nothing Remove []) sess case res of Right (IQResponseResult IQResult{}, _) -> return True _ -> return False where rosterPush :: Item -> Session -> IO (Either IQSendError (Annotated IQResponse)) rosterPush item session = do let el = pickleElem xpQuery (Query Nothing [fromItem item]) sendIQA' timeout Nothing Set Nothing el [] session -- | Retrieve the current Roster state (STM version) getRosterSTM :: Session -> STM Roster getRosterSTM session = readTVar (rosterRef session) -- | Retrieve the current Roster state getRoster :: Session -> IO Roster getRoster session = atomically $ getRosterSTM session -- | Get the initial roster or refresh the roster. You don't need to call this -- on your own. initRoster :: Session -> IO () initRoster session = do oldRoster <- getRoster session mbRoster <- retrieveRoster (if isJust (ver oldRoster) then Just oldRoster else Nothing ) session case mbRoster of Nothing -> errorM "Pontarius.Xmpp" "Server did not return a roster: " Just roster -> atomically $ writeTVar (rosterRef session) roster handleRoster :: Maybe Jid -> TVar Roster -> (QueryItem -> IO ()) -> StanzaHandler handleRoster mbBoundJid ref onUpdate out sta _ = do case sta of XmppStanza (IQRequestS (iqr@IQRequest{iqRequestPayload = iqb@Element{elementName = en}})) | nameNamespace en == Just "jabber:iq:roster" -> do let doHandle = case (iqRequestFrom iqr, mbBoundJid) of -- We don't need to check our own JID when the IQ -- request was sent without a from address (Nothing, _) -> True -- We don't have a Jid bound, so we can't verify that -- the from address matches our bare jid (Just _fr, Nothing) -> False -- Check that the from address matches our bare jid (Just fr, Just boundJid) | fr == toBare boundJid -> True | otherwise -> False if doHandle then case unpickleElem xpQuery iqb of Right Query{ queryVer = v , queryItems = [update] } -> do handleUpdate v update onUpdate update _ <- out . XmppStanza $ result iqr return [] _ -> do errorM "Pontarius.Xmpp" "Invalid roster query" _ <- out . XmppStanza $ badRequest iqr return [] -- Don't handle roster pushes from unauthorized sources else return [(sta, [])] _ -> return [(sta, [])] where handleUpdate v' update = atomically $ modifyTVar ref $ \(Roster v is) -> Roster (v' `mplus` v) $ case qiSubscription update of Just Remove -> Map.delete (qiJid update) is _ -> Map.insert (qiJid update) (toItem update) is badRequest (IQRequest iqid from _to lang _tp bd _attrs) = IQErrorS $ IQError iqid Nothing from lang errBR (Just bd) [] errBR = StanzaError Cancel BadRequest Nothing Nothing result (IQRequest iqid from _to lang _tp _bd _attrs) = IQResultS $ IQResult iqid Nothing from lang Nothing [] retrieveRoster :: Maybe Roster -> Session -> IO (Maybe Roster) retrieveRoster mbOldRoster sess = do useVersioning <- isJust . streamFeaturesRosterVer <$> getFeatures sess let version = if useVersioning then case mbOldRoster of Nothing -> Just "" Just oldRoster -> ver oldRoster else Nothing res <- sendIQ' timeout Nothing Get Nothing (pickleElem xpQuery (Query version [])) [] sess case res of Left e -> do errorM "Pontarius.Xmpp.Roster" $ "getRoster: " ++ show e return Nothing Right (IQResponseResult IQResult{iqResultPayload = Just ros}) -> case unpickleElem xpQuery ros of Left _e -> do errorM "Pontarius.Xmpp.Roster" "getRoster: invalid query element" return Nothing Right ros' -> return . Just $ toRoster ros' Right (IQResponseResult IQResult{iqResultPayload = Nothing}) -> do return mbOldRoster -- sever indicated that no roster updates are necessary Right (IQResponseError e) -> do errorM "Pontarius.Xmpp.Roster" $ "getRoster: server returned error" ++ show e return Nothing where toRoster (Query v is) = Roster v (Map.fromList $ map (\i -> (qiJid i, toItem i)) is) toItem :: QueryItem -> Item toItem qi = Item { riApproved = fromMaybe False (qiApproved qi) , riAsk = qiAsk qi , riJid = qiJid qi , riName = qiName qi , riSubscription = fromSubscription (qiSubscription qi) , riGroups = nub $ qiGroups qi } where fromSubscription Nothing = None fromSubscription (Just s) | s `elem` [None, To, From, Both] = s | otherwise = None fromItem :: Item -> QueryItem fromItem i = QueryItem { qiApproved = Nothing , qiAsk = False , qiJid = riJid i , qiName = riName i , qiSubscription = case riSubscription i of Remove -> Just Remove _ -> Nothing , qiGroups = nub $ riGroups i } xpItems :: PU [Node] [QueryItem] xpItems = xpWrap (map (\((app_, ask_, jid_, name_, sub_), groups_) -> QueryItem app_ ask_ jid_ name_ sub_ groups_)) (map (\(QueryItem app_ ask_ jid_ name_ sub_ groups_) -> ((app_, ask_, jid_, name_, sub_), groups_))) $ xpElems "{jabber:iq:roster}item" (xp5Tuple (xpAttribute' "approved" xpBool) (xpWrap isJust (\p -> if p then Just () else Nothing) $ xpOption $ xpAttribute_ "ask" "subscribe") (xpAttribute "jid" xpJid) (xpAttribute' "name" xpText) (xpAttribute' "subscription" xpSubscription) ) (xpFindMatches $ xpElemText "{jabber:iq:roster}group") xpQuery :: PU [Node] Query xpQuery = xpWrap (\(ver_, items_) -> Query ver_ items_ ) (\(Query ver_ items_) -> (ver_, items_)) $ xpElem "{jabber:iq:roster}query" (xpAttribute' "ver" xpText) xpItems xpSubscription :: PU Text Subscription xpSubscription = ("xpSubscription", "") xpIso subscriptionFromText subscriptionToText where subscriptionFromText "none" = None subscriptionFromText "to" = To subscriptionFromText "from" = From subscriptionFromText "both" = Both subscriptionFromText "remove" = Remove subscriptionFromText _ = None subscriptionToText None = "none" subscriptionToText To = "to" subscriptionToText From = "from" subscriptionToText Both = "both" subscriptionToText Remove = "remove"