# port-utils ## openFreePort This is another version of `warp`'s `openFreePort` function. This function has fewer dependencies than the `warp` version. `openFreePort` returns a socket on a random port and the port it has been bound to. ```haskell openFreePort :: IO (Int, Socket) ``` ## wait `wait` will attempt to connect to a host and port until it is successful. Between each unsuccessful attempt, it sleeps for 10 ms. Here is an example of the primary function: ```haskell import Network.Socket.Wait (wait) void $ forkIO $ Warp.run 7000 app -- Wait for the server to start listening on the socket wait "" 7000 -- Communicate with the server ... ``` In bash one could write: ```bash while ! nc -z localhost 7000 ; do sleep 0.01 ; done ``` The bash script above was copied from this stackoverflow answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/50008755