# Changelog for Posit Numbers # posit-2022.0.0.1 * Added `PositF` constraint synonym to simplify the usage of `(PositC es, PositC (Next es))`, as is needed for `Floating` instances * More coverage in the test suite for multiple types # posit-2022 * Added Types (P8, P16, P32, P64, P128, P256) for the Posit Standard 2022 encoding, exponent size = 2, and with nBytes = 2^es * Refactored `Floating` to step up in resolution and then calculate a function, and then round it down to the the lower resolution * Added polymorphic `Posit es` approximations for the `Floating` class * Moved functions used in the test suite to the Test.Algorithms module, to eliminate the `do-test` flag * Since the test flag has been removed the test can be run by: stack test * Please forgive the lack of camelCase in some of the Floating functions... I think it reads better this time * The Weigh test can be run as a benchmark: stack bench # posit- * Bug fix for `mkIntRep` to resolve an overflow issue with the fractional part when it rounds up, in anticipation of the 2022 Standard release # posit- * No more Orphan Instances for Storable! * Figured out how to resolve the orphan instances problem with `newtype`, `DerivingVia` and `UndecidableInstances`. * Added a "weigh" based test to verify the proper size of each Posit type * Added a WeighPosit test; command to run: stack test posit:test-posit-weigh * Added NFData instance. * New GitHub Snapshot of Liquid Haskell makes it work with GHC 9.0.2! # posit- * Made the following changes in anticipation of adding the 2022 Posit Standard: * Made the `IntN` type family non-Injective, and added more visable type applications to help the compiler select the proper types * Corrected some bad uses of `nBytes @es`, with `2^(exponentSize @es)`, in order to be more general * Chagned `maxPosRat` to match the more general form as described in "Posit Arithmetic" (John L Gustafson, 10 October 2017) * Changed `lnOf2` to be a long decimal value, in order to be more general * Changed Borwein's algorithm, with quintic convergence, to check for a fixed point of both `a` and `s` * Added Borwein's Quadradic 1985 * Added Borewein's Cubic # posit- * Added `FlexableContexts` back in to Posit.hs, a build error occured on GHC-9.2 that didn't occur with GHC-9.0 or GHC-8.10 # posit- * Refactored `IntN` Type Family to be a closed type family instead of an associated type family * Refactored `IntN` constraints to use `ConstraintKinds` and made that to be a Super Class of `PositC` to improve the encapsulation the Constraints of the internal implementation * Refactored `PositC` to make use of `ConstrainedClassMethods` vastly reducing code duplication * Eliminated the `FlexableContexts` Language Extension from Posit.hs Interface, since the `InN` constraints no longer bleed into that file * Added test of Heegner numbers (almost integers) * Added test of various Gamma Function approximations * Improved function names in the Orphan Instance for `Storable` ( `Word128` ) * Improved documentation ## posit- * Posit Standard 3.2 [Posit Standard] (https://posithub.org/docs/posit_standard.pdf) * LiquidHaskell support: stack build --flag posit:do-liquid * To run the test suite: stack test --flag posit:do-test * To play around: stack repl --flag posit:do-test