# posit 2022.0.0.1 The [Posit Standard 2022](https://posithub.org/docs/posit_standard-2.pdf), and [Posit Standard 3.2](https://posithub.org/docs/posit_standard.pdf), where Real numbers are approximated by Maybe Rational. The Posit Numbers are a drop in replacement for `Float` or `Double` mapped to a 2's complement integer type; smoothly and with tapering precision, in a similar way to the projective real line. The 'posit' library implements the following standard classes: * Show * Eq * Ord -- compare as an integer representation * Num -- Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and other operations * Enum -- Successor and Predecessor * Fractional -- division, divide by zero is Not a Real (NaR) number * Real * Bounded * FusedOps -- dot product and others * Convertable -- Conversions between different posit formats * AltShow * Read * Storable -- Formats for binary data, for computation and data interchange * RealFrac * RealFloat * Floating -- Mathematical functions such as logarithm, exponential, trigonometric, and hyperbolic functions. Warning! May induce trance. The Posits are indexed by the type (es :: ES) where exponent size and word size are related. In `posit-3.2` es is instantiated as Z, I, II, III, IV, V. In `posit-2022` es is instantiated as Z_2022, I_2022, II_2022, III_2022, IV_2022, V_2022. The word size (in bits) of the value is `= 8 * 2^es`, that is `2^es` bytes. The Types: 'Posit8', 'Posit16', 'Posit32', 'Posit64', 'Posit128', and 'Posit256' as well as, 'P8', 'P16', 'P32', 'P64', 'P128', and 'P256' are implemented and include a couple of auxiliary classes, like AltShow, AltFloating, and FusedOps. ``` class AltShow a where -- Display the Posit in its Binary Representation displayBinary :: a -> String -- Display the Posit in its Integral Representation displayIntegral :: a -> String -- Display the Posit as a Rational displayRational :: a -> String -- Display the Posit as a Decimal until the Repented occurs displayDecimal :: a -> String ``` ``` class AltFloating p where eps :: p -- Machine Epsilon near 1.0 phi :: p gamma :: p -> p sinc :: p -> p expm1 :: p -> p ``` ``` class Num a => FusedOps a where -- |Fused Multiply Add: (a * b) + c fma :: a -> a -> a -> a -- |Fused Add Multiply: (a + b) * c fam :: a -> a -> a -> a -- |Fused Multiply Multiply Subtract: (a * b) - (c * d) fmms :: a -> a -> a -> a -> a -- |Fused Sum of 3 values: a + b + c fsum3 :: a -> a -> a -> a -- |Fused Sum of 4 values: a + b + c + d fsum4 :: a -> a -> a -> a -> a -- |Fused Sum of a List of Posits fsumL :: Foldable t => t a -> a -- |Fused Dot Product of 3 element vector: (a1 * b1) + (a2 * b2) + (a3 * b3) fdot3 :: a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -- |Fused Dot Product of 4 element veector: (a0 * b0) + (a1 * b1) + (a2 * b2) + (a3 * b3) fdot4 :: a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -- |Fused Dot Product of Two Lists fdotL :: Foldable t => t a -> t a -> a -- |Fused Subtract Multiply: a - (b * c) fsm :: a -> a -> a -> a ``` The Posit type is 'Convertible' between other Posit lengths. ``` class Convertible a b where convert :: a -> b ``` The Posit Library is built on top of two of the most excellent libraries: [data-dword](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/data-dword), and [scientific](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/scientific). The 'data-dword' library provides the underlining machine word representation, it can provide 2^es word size, 2's complement fixed length integers. The 'scientific' library provides 'read' and 'show' instances.