# This file is attempting to maintain the working Liquid Haskell versions # that coorispond to a specific GHC or Stackage version # resolver: nightly-2023-03-30 # nightly-2023-02-20 # ghc-9.4.4 resolver: lts-20.16 # ghc-9.2.7 # Currently the only version that seems to work with LiquidHaskell # resolver: lts-19.33 # ghc-9.0.2 # resolver: lts-18.28 # ghc-8.10.7 # resolver: lts-18.6 # ghc-8.10.4 # resolver: lts-16.31 # ghc-8.8.4 # Fails To Build! ghc: panic! (the 'impossible' happened) # resolver: lts-14.27 # ghc-8.6.5 # Fails To Build! ghc: panic! (the 'impossible' happened) packages: - . allow-newer: true extra-deps: # For LiquidHaskell: - hashable- # lts-20.16 and below # - hashable- # ghc-9.4.4 - text-format-0.3.2 - Diff-0.3.4 - optparse-applicative- # - rest-rewrite-0.3.0 # ye olde reliable - rest-rewrite-0.4.1 # latest - smtlib-backends-0.3 # ghc-9.2.7 - smtlib-backends-process-0.3 # ghc-9.2.7 - git: https://github.com/ucsd-progsys/liquidhaskell # commit: # ghc-9.4.4 "Generically" errors out! Ambiguous occurrence ‘Generically’: It could refer to... ‘GHC.Generics.Generically’ or 'Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types.Generics.Generically' commit: 63337d432b47c1ba1ec9925db0994fc5cdce3eaf # ghc-9.2.7 # commit: b8780ee8d73d123adb39675ef87a2883f8aa1ecd # ghc-9.0.2 # commit: f917323a1f9db1677e592d6ffc81467d53588d70 # ghc-8.10.7 subdirs: - . - liquid-base - liquid-vector - liquid-bytestring - liquid-containers - liquid-ghc-prim - git: https://github.com/ucsd-progsys/liquid-fixpoint commit: 0e1a4725793740f495c26957044c56488d6e1efc # ghc-9.2.7 # commit: 5aed39ec3210b9093ed635693d01bf351e25392f # ghc-9.0.2 # commit: 544f8b0ba6d03b060701961250cce012412039c4 # ghc-8.10.7