{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} -- | POSIX clocks. module System.Posix.Clock ( TimeSpec, timeSpecSeconds, timeSpecNanos, mkTimeSpec, timeSpecV, timeSpecToInt64, Clock(..), monotonicClock, realtimeClock, processTimeClock, threadTimeClock, getProcessClock, getClockResolution, getClockTime, setClockTime, clockSleep, clockSleepAbs, ) where import Data.Int import Data.Word import Data.Ratio (numerator) import Data.List (unfoldr) import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>)) import Control.Monad.Base import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, nullPtr) import Foreign.Storable (Storable(..)) import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (alloca) import Foreign.Marshal.Utils (with) import Foreign.C.Types (CInt, CULong, CTime) import Foreign.C.Error (getErrno, eINTR, throwErrno, throwErrnoIfMinus1_) import System.Posix.Types (ProcessID) import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce) #include #include #include #let alignment t = "%lu", (unsigned long) offsetof (struct { char x__; t (y__); }, y__) nsPerSecond ∷ Num α ⇒ α nsPerSecond = 1000000000 {-# INLINE nsPerSecond #-} minSecsInInt, minNsInInt ∷ Int (minSecsInInt, minNsInInt) = (minBound ∷ Int) `divMod` nsPerSecond maxSecsInInt, maxNsInInt ∷ Int (maxSecsInInt, maxNsInInt) = (maxBound ∷ Int) `divMod` nsPerSecond -- | Mirrors /struct timespec/. data TimeSpec = TimeSpec { timeSpecSeconds ∷ CTime , timeSpecNanos ∷ CULong } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Create a 'TimeSpec' from amounts of seconds and nanoseconds. mkTimeSpec ∷ CTime → CULong → TimeSpec mkTimeSpec s ns | ns < nsPerSecond = TimeSpec s ns | otherwise = TimeSpec (s + fromIntegral q) r where (q, r) = ns `quotRem` nsPerSecond -- | Convert a 'TimeSpec' to a pair of its components. -- Useful as a view pattern. timeSpecV ∷ TimeSpec → (CTime, CULong) timeSpecV (TimeSpec s ns) = (s, ns) {-# INLINE timeSpecV #-} instance Ord TimeSpec where (TimeSpec s1 ns1) `compare` (TimeSpec s2 ns2) = case s1 `compare` s2 of EQ → ns1 `compare` ns2 x → x instance Bounded TimeSpec where minBound = TimeSpec (fromIntegral (minBound ∷ #{itype time_t})) 0 maxBound = TimeSpec (fromIntegral (maxBound ∷ #{itype time_t})) (nsPerSecond - 1) instance Num TimeSpec where (TimeSpec s1 ns1) * (TimeSpec s2 ns2) = mkTimeSpec (s1 * s2 * nsPerSecond + s1 * (fromIntegral ns2) + s2 * (fromIntegral ns1) + (fromIntegral q)) $ fromIntegral r where (q, r) = ((fromIntegral ns1 ∷ Word64) * (fromIntegral ns2 ∷ Word64)) `quotRem` nsPerSecond (TimeSpec s1 ns1) + (TimeSpec s2 ns2) = mkTimeSpec (s1 + s2) (ns1 + ns2) (TimeSpec s1 ns1) - (TimeSpec s2 ns2) = if ns1 < ns2 then TimeSpec (s1 - s2 - 1) (nsPerSecond - ns2 + ns1) else TimeSpec (s1 - s2) (ns1 - ns2) negate (TimeSpec s ns) = mkTimeSpec ((-s) - 1) (nsPerSecond - ns) abs ts@(TimeSpec s _) = if s >= 0 then ts else negate ts signum (TimeSpec s ns) | s < 0 = TimeSpec (-1) (nsPerSecond - 1) | otherwise = TimeSpec 0 $ signum ns fromInteger i = TimeSpec (fromInteger s) (fromInteger ns) where (s, ns) = i `divMod` nsPerSecond instance Real TimeSpec where toRational (TimeSpec s ns) = toRational s * nsPerSecond + toRational ns instance Enum TimeSpec where succ (TimeSpec s ns) | ns == nsPerSecond - 1 = TimeSpec (succ s) 0 | otherwise = TimeSpec s (succ ns) pred (TimeSpec s ns) | ns == 0 = TimeSpec (pred s) (nsPerSecond - 1) | otherwise = TimeSpec s (ns - 1) toEnum i = TimeSpec (fromIntegral s) (fromIntegral ns) where (s, ns) = i `divMod` nsPerSecond fromEnum (TimeSpec s ns) = if s' < minSecs || (s' == minSecs && ns < minNs) || s' > maxSecs || (s' == maxSecs && ns > maxNs) then error "TimeSpec.fromEnum" else fromIntegral s' * nsPerSecond + fromIntegral ns where s', minSecs, maxSecs ∷ #{itype time_t} s' = unsafeCoerce s minSecs = fromIntegral minSecsInInt maxSecs = fromIntegral maxSecsInInt minNs, maxNs ∷ CULong minNs = fromIntegral minNsInInt maxNs = fromIntegral maxNsInInt enumFrom x = enumFromTo x maxBound enumFromThen x y = enumFromThenTo x y bound where bound | y >= x = maxBound | otherwise = minBound enumFromTo x y | y >= x = unfoldr (\z → if z == y then Nothing else Just (z, z + 1)) x | otherwise = unfoldr (\z → if z == y then Nothing else Just (z, z - 1)) x enumFromThenTo x n y | d >= 0 = if y < x then [] else unfoldr (\z → if z > y then Nothing else Just (z, z + d)) x | otherwise = if y > x then [] else unfoldr (\z → if z < y then Nothing else Just (z, z - d)) x where d = n - x instance Integral TimeSpec where toInteger (TimeSpec s ns) = (numerator $ toRational s) * nsPerSecond + toInteger ns -- TODO: Make it faster when the arguments are small enough quotRem tsN tsD = (fromInteger q, fromInteger r) where (q, r) = quotRem (toInteger tsN) (toInteger tsD) timeSpecToInt64 ∷ TimeSpec → Int64 timeSpecToInt64 (TimeSpec s ns) = #if HTYPE_TIME_T == Int64 (unsafeCoerce s ∷ Int64) * nsPerSecond + #elif HTYPE_TIME_T == Int32 (fromIntegral (unsafeCoerce s ∷ Int32) ∷ Int64) * nsPerSecond + #else # error FIXME: timeSpecToInt64: unexpected HTYPE_TIME_T value #endif fromIntegral ns {-# INLINE timeSpecToInt64 #-} {-# RULES "fromIntegral/TimeSpec->Int64" fromIntegral = timeSpecToInt64 "fromIntegral/TimeSpec->Word64" fromIntegral = fromIntegral . timeSpecToInt64 #-} instance Storable TimeSpec where alignment _ = #{alignment struct timespec} sizeOf _ = #{size struct timespec} peek p = TimeSpec <$> #{peek struct timespec, tv_sec} p <*> #{peek struct timespec, tv_nsec} p poke p (TimeSpec seconds nanoseconds) = do #{poke struct timespec, tv_sec} p seconds #{poke struct timespec, tv_nsec} p nanoseconds -- | Mirrors /clockid_t/. newtype Clock = Clock #{itype clockid_t} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Storable) #{enum Clock, Clock , monotonicClock = CLOCK_MONOTONIC , realtimeClock = CLOCK_REALTIME , processTimeClock = CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID , threadTimeClock = CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID } -- | Get the CPU-time clock of the given process. -- See /clock_getcpuclockid(3)/. getProcessClock ∷ MonadBase μ IO ⇒ ProcessID → μ Clock getProcessClock pid = liftBase $ alloca $ \p → do throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "getProcClock" $ c_clock_getcpuclockid pid p peek p -- | Get the clock resolution. See /clock_getres(3)/. getClockResolution ∷ MonadBase μ IO ⇒ Clock → μ TimeSpec getClockResolution clock = liftBase $ alloca $ \p → do throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "getClockResolution" $ c_clock_getres clock p peek p -- | Get the clock time. See /clock_gettime(3)/. getClockTime ∷ MonadBase μ IO ⇒ Clock → μ TimeSpec getClockTime clock = liftBase $ alloca $ \p → do throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "getClockTime" $ c_clock_gettime clock p peek p -- | Set the clock time. See /clock_settime(3)/. setClockTime ∷ MonadBase μ IO ⇒ Clock → TimeSpec → μ () setClockTime clock ts = liftBase $ with ts $ throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "setClockTime" . c_clock_settime clock -- | Sleep for the specified duration. When interrupted by a signal, returns -- the amount of time left to sleep. See /clock_nanosleep(3)/. clockSleep ∷ MonadBase μ IO ⇒ Clock → TimeSpec → μ TimeSpec clockSleep clock ts = liftBase $ with ts $ \pTs → alloca $ \pLeft → do result ← c_clock_nanosleep clock 0 pTs pLeft if result == 0 then return 0 else do errno ← getErrno if errno == eINTR then peek pLeft else throwErrno "clockSleep" -- | Sleep until the clock time reaches the specified value. -- See /clock_nanosleep(3)/. clockSleepAbs ∷ MonadBase μ IO ⇒ Clock → TimeSpec → μ () clockSleepAbs clock ts = liftBase $ with ts $ \p → throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "clockSleepAbs" $ c_clock_nanosleep clock #{const TIMER_ABSTIME} p nullPtr foreign import ccall unsafe "clock_getcpuclockid" c_clock_getcpuclockid ∷ ProcessID → Ptr Clock → IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "clock_getres" c_clock_getres ∷ Clock → Ptr TimeSpec → IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "clock_gettime" c_clock_gettime ∷ Clock → Ptr TimeSpec → IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "clock_settime" c_clock_settime ∷ Clock → Ptr TimeSpec → IO CInt foreign import ccall "clock_nanosleep" c_clock_nanosleep ∷ Clock → CInt → Ptr TimeSpec → Ptr TimeSpec → IO CInt