module HasqlBroadcastSpec (spec) where import Protolude import Data.Function (id) import Test.Hspec import PostgresWebsockets.Broadcast import PostgresWebsockets.HasqlBroadcast import Hasql.Notifications spec :: Spec spec = describe "newHasqlBroadcaster" $ do let newConnection connStr = either (panic . show) id <$> acquire connStr it "relay messages sent to the appropriate database channel" $ do multi <- either (panic .show) id <$> newHasqlBroadcasterOrError "postgres-websockets" "postgres://localhost/postgres_ws_test" msg <- liftIO newEmptyMVar onMessage multi "test" $ putMVar msg con <- newConnection "postgres://localhost/postgres_ws_test" void $ notify con (toPgIdentifier "postgres-websockets") "{\"channel\": \"test\", \"payload\": \"hello there\"}" readMVar msg `shouldReturn` Message "test" "{\"channel\": \"test\", \"payload\": \"hello there\"}"