{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} module Database.PostgreSQL.LargeObjects.Stream where import Control.Exception.Lifted (AssertionFailed (..), bracket, throwIO) import Control.Monad.Loops (whileJust_) import Control.Monad.State as State import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import Data.ByteString.Builder (byteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS import Data.IORef (modifyIORef, newIORef, readIORef) import Data.Semigroup ((<>)) import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.LargeObjects (LoFd, Oid (..)) import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.LargeObjects as Sql import System.IO (IOMode (ReadMode, WriteMode)) import System.IO.Streams (makeOutputStream) import qualified System.IO.Streams as Streams -- | Given a strict ByteString, create a postgres large object and fill it with those contents. newLargeObjectBS :: Connection -> BS.ByteString -> IO Oid newLargeObjectBS conn contents = do oid <- Sql.loCreat conn n <- withLargeObject conn oid WriteMode $ \lofd -> Sql.loWrite conn lofd contents let l = BS.length contents when (n /= l) . throwIO . AssertionFailed $ "newLargeObjectBS: loWrite reported writing " <> show n <> " bytes, expected " <> show l <> "." return oid -- | Given a lazy ByteString, create a postgres large object and fill it with those contents. -- Also returns the total length of the data written. newLargeObjectLBS :: Connection -> LBS.ByteString -> IO (Oid, Int) newLargeObjectLBS conn = newLargeObjectStream conn <=< Streams.fromLazyByteString -- | Create a new large object from an input stream, returning its object id and overall size. newLargeObjectStream :: Connection -> Streams.InputStream BS.ByteString -> IO (Oid, Int) newLargeObjectStream conn s = do oid <- Sql.loCreat conn t <- withLargeObject conn oid WriteMode $ \lofd -> do whileJust_ (Streams.read s) $ \chunk -> do n <- Sql.loWrite conn lofd chunk let l = BS.length chunk when (n /= l) . throwIO . AssertionFailed $ "newLargeObjectStream: loWrite reported writing " <> show n <> " bytes, expected " <> show l <> "." Sql.loTell conn lofd return (oid, t) -- | Act on a large object given by id, opening and closing the file descriptor appropriately. withLargeObject :: Connection -> Oid -> IOMode -> (LoFd -> IO a) -> IO a withLargeObject conn oid mode f = bracket (Sql.loOpen conn oid mode) (\lofd -> Sql.loClose conn lofd) f -- | Stream the contents of a database large object to the given output stream. Useful with Snap's 'addToOutput'. streamLargeObject :: Connection -> Oid -> Streams.OutputStream BS.Builder -> IO () streamLargeObject conn oid os = withLargeObject conn oid ReadMode $ \lofd -> fix $ \again -> do chunk <- Sql.loRead conn lofd 8192 -- somewhat arbitrary case BS.length chunk of 0 -> return () _ -> do Streams.write (Just $ byteString chunk) os again -- | Stream the contents of a database large object to the given output stream. Useful with Snap's 'addToOutput'. streamLargeObjectRange :: Connection -> Oid -> Int -> Int -> Streams.OutputStream BS.Builder -> IO () streamLargeObjectRange conn oid start end os = withLargeObject conn oid ReadMode $ \lofd -> do _ <- Sql.loSeek conn lofd Sql.AbsoluteSeek start let again n = do let nextChunkSize = min 8192 (end - n) chunk <- Sql.loRead conn lofd nextChunkSize case BS.length chunk of 0 -> return () k -> do Streams.write (Just $ byteString chunk) os again (n + k) again start -- | Act on the contents of a LargeObject as a Lazy ByteString withLargeObjectLBS :: Connection -> Oid -> (LBS.ByteString -> IO ()) -> IO () withLargeObjectLBS conn oid f = do lo <- newIORef mempty cb <- makeOutputStream $ \case Just chunk -> modifyIORef lo $ \chunks -> chunks <> chunk Nothing -> do payload <- readIORef lo f $ BS.toLazyByteString payload streamLargeObject conn oid cb Streams.write Nothing cb