module Database.PostgreSQL.Query.TH
       ( -- * Deriving instances
       , deriveToRow
       , deriveEntity
       , deriveEverything
       , EntityOptions(..)
         -- * Embedding sql files
       , embedSql
       , sqlFile
         -- * Sql string interpolation
       , sqlExp
       , sqlExpEmbed
       , sqlExpFile
       ) where

import Prelude

import Control.Applicative
import Data.Default
import Data.FileEmbed ( embedFile )
import Database.PostgreSQL.Query.Entity ( Entity(..) )
import Database.PostgreSQL.Query.TH.SqlExp
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromRow ( FromRow(..), field )
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.ToRow ( ToRow(..) )
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Types ( Query(..) )
import Language.Haskell.TH

-- | Return constructor name
cName :: (Monad m) => Con -> m Name
cName (NormalC n _) = return n
cName (RecC n _) = return n
cName _ = error "Constructor must be simple"

-- | Return count of constructor fields
cArgs :: (Monad m) => Con -> m Int
cArgs (NormalC _ n) = return $ length n
cArgs (RecC _ n) = return $ length n
cArgs _ = error "Constructor must be simple"

-- | Get field names from record constructor
cFieldNames :: Con -> [Name]
cFieldNames (RecC _ vst) = map (\(a, _, _) -> a) vst
cFieldNames _ = error "Constructor must be a record (product type with field names)"

{-| Derive 'FromRow' instance. i.e. you have type like that

data Entity = Entity
              { eField :: Text
              , eField2 :: Int
              , efield3 :: Bool }

then 'deriveFromRow' will generate this instance:
instance FromRow Entity where

instance FromRow Entity where
    fromRow = Entity
              \<$> field
              \<*> field
              \<*> field

Datatype must have just one constructor with arbitrary count of fields

deriveFromRow :: Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveFromRow t = do
    TyConI (DataD _ _ _ [con] _) <- reify t
    cname <- cName con
    cargs <- cArgs con
    [d|instance FromRow $(return $ ConT t) where
           fromRow = $(fieldsQ cname cargs)|]
    fieldsQ cname cargs = do
        fld <- [| field |]
        fmp <- [| (<$>) |]
        fap <- [| (<*>) |]
        return $ UInfixE (ConE cname) fmp (fapChain cargs fld fap)

    fapChain 0 _ _ = error "there must be at least 1 field in constructor"
    fapChain 1 fld _ = fld
    fapChain n fld fap = UInfixE fld fap (fapChain (n-1) fld fap)

lookupVNameErr :: String -> Q Name
lookupVNameErr name =
    lookupValueName name >>=
    maybe (error $ "could not find identifier: " ++ name)

{-| derives 'ToRow' instance for datatype like

data Entity = Entity
              { eField :: Text
              , eField2 :: Int
              , efield3 :: Bool }

it will derive instance like that:

instance ToRow Entity where
     toRow (Entity e1 e2 e3) =
         [ toField e1
         , toField e2
         , toField e3 ]

deriveToRow :: Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveToRow t = do
    TyConI (DataD _ _ _ [con] _) <- reify t
    cname <- cName con
    cargs <- cArgs con
    cvars <- sequence
             $ replicate cargs
             $ newName "a"
    [d|instance ToRow $(return $ ConT t) where
           toRow $(return $ ConP cname $ map VarP cvars) = $(toFields cvars)|]
    toFields v = do
        tof <- lookupVNameErr "toField"
        return $ ListE
            $ map
            (\e -> AppE (VarE tof) (VarE e))

-- | Options for deriving `Entity`
data EntityOptions = EntityOptions
    { eoTableName      :: String -> String -- ^ Type name to table name converter
    , eoColumnNames    :: String -> String -- ^ Record field to column name converter
    , eoDeriveClasses  :: [Name]           -- ^ Typeclasses to derive for Id
    , eoIdType         :: Name             -- ^ Base type for Id

instance Default EntityOptions where
    def = EntityOptions
        { eoTableName = id
        , eoColumnNames = id
        , eoDeriveClasses = [''Ord, ''Eq, ''Show]
        , eoIdType = ''Integer

{- | Derives instance for 'Entity' using type name and field names. Also
generates type synonim for ID. E.g. code like this:

data Agent = Agent
    { aName          :: !Text
    , aAttributes    :: !HStoreMap
    , aLongWeirdName :: !Int
    } deriving (Ord, Eq, Show)

  def { eoIdType        = ''Id
      , eoTableName     = toUnderscore
      , eoColumnNames   = toUnderscore . drop 1
      , eoDeriveClasses =
        [''Show, ''Read, ''Ord, ''Eq
        , ''FromField, ''ToField, ''PathPiece]
  ''Agent )

Will generate code like this:

instance Database.PostgreSQL.Query.Entity Agent where
    newtype EntityId Agent
        = AgentId {getAgentId :: Id}
        deriving (Show, Read, Ord, Eq, FromField, ToField, PathPiece)
    tableName _ = "agent"
    fieldNames _ = ["name", "attributes", "long_weird_name"]
type AgentId = EntityId Agent

So, you dont need to write it by hands any more.

NOTE: 'toUnderscore' is from package 'inflections' here

deriveEntity :: EntityOptions -> Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveEntity opts tname = do
    TyConI (DataD _ _ _ [tcon] _) <- reify tname
    econt <- [t|Entity $(conT tname)|]
    ConT entityIdName <- [t|EntityId|]
    let tnames = nameBase tname
        idname = tnames ++ "Id"
        unidname = "get" ++ idname
        idtype = ConT (eoIdType opts)
        idcon = RecC (mkName idname)
                [(mkName unidname, NotStrict, idtype)]
        iddec = NewtypeInstD [] entityIdName [ConT tname]
                idcon (eoDeriveClasses opts)
        tblName = eoTableName opts tnames
        fldNames = map (eoColumnNames opts . nameBase) $ cFieldNames tcon
    VarE ntableName  <- [e|tableName|]
    VarE nfieldNames <- [e|fieldNames|]
    let tbldec = FunD ntableName  [Clause [WildP] (NormalB $ LitE  $ stringL tblName) []]
        flddec = FunD nfieldNames [Clause [WildP] (NormalB $ ListE $ map (LitE . stringL) fldNames) []]
        ret = InstanceD [] econt
              [ iddec, tbldec, flddec ]
        syndec = TySynD (mkName idname) [] (AppT (ConT entityIdName) (ConT tname))
    return [ret, syndec]

{- | Calls sequently `deriveFromRow` `deriveToRow` `deriveEntity`. E.g. code like this:

data Agent = Agent
    { aName          :: !Text
    , aAttributes    :: !HStoreMap
    , aLongWeirdName :: !Int
    } deriving (Ord, Eq, Show)

  def { eoIdType        = ''Id
      , eoTableName     = toUnderscore
      , eoColumnNames   = toUnderscore . drop 1
      , eoDeriveClasses =
        [''Show, ''Read, ''Ord, ''Eq
        , ''FromField, ''ToField, ''PathPiece]
  ''Agent )

will generate that:

instance ToRow Agent where
    toRow (Agent a_aE3w a_aE3x a_aE3y)
        = [toField a_aE3w, toField a_aE3x, toField a_aE3y]
instance FromRow Agent where
      = Agent <$> Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromRow.field
        <*> Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromRow.field
        <*> Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromRow.field
instance Database.PostgreSQL.Query.Entity Agent where
    newtype EntityId Agent
        = AgentId {getAgentId :: Id}
        deriving (Show, Read, Ord, Eq, FromField, ToField, PathPiece)
    tableName _ = "agent"
    fieldNames _ = ["name", "attributes", "long_weird_name"]
type AgentId = EntityId Agent


deriveEverything :: EntityOptions -> Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveEverything opts tname = fmap concat $ sequence
    [ deriveToRow tname
    , deriveFromRow tname
    , deriveEntity opts tname ]

-- embed sql file as value
embedSql :: String               -- ^ File path
         -> Q Exp
embedSql path = do
    [e| (Query ( $(embedFile path) )) |]
{-# DEPRECATED embedSql "use 'sqlExpEmbed' instead" #-}

-- embed sql file by pattern. __sqlFile "dir/file"__ is just the same as
-- __embedSql "sql/dir/file.sql"__
sqlFile :: String                -- ^ sql file pattern
        -> Q Exp
sqlFile s = do
    embedSql $ "sql/" ++ s ++ ".sql"
{-# DEPRECATED sqlFile "use 'sqlExpFile' instead" #-}