{-# LANGUAGE CPP, DeriveDataTypeable #-}

-- |
-- Module:      Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Copy
-- Copyright:   (c) 2013 Leon P Smith
-- License:     BSD3
-- Maintainer:  Leon P Smith <leon@melding-monads.com>
-- Stability:   experimental
-- mid-level support for COPY IN and COPY OUT.   See
-- <http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.2/static/sql-copy.html> for
-- more information.
-- To use this binding,  first call 'copy' with an appropriate
-- query as documented in the link above.  Then, in the case of a
-- @COPY TO STDOUT@ query,  call 'getCopyData' repeatedly until it
-- returns 'CopyOutDone'.   In the case of a @COPY FROM STDIN@
-- query,  call 'putCopyData' repeatedly and then finish by calling
-- either 'putCopyEnd' to proceed or 'putCopyError' to abort.
-- You cannot issue another query on the same connection while a copy
-- is ongoing; this will result in an exception.   It is harmless to
-- concurrently call @getNotification@ on a connection while it is in
-- a @CopyIn@ or @CopyOut@ state,  however be aware that current versions
-- of the PostgreSQL backend will not deliver notifications to a client
-- while a transaction is ongoing.

module Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Copy
    ( copy
    , copy_
    , CopyOutResult(..)
    , getCopyData
    , putCopyData
    , putCopyEnd
    , putCopyError
    ) where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Concurrent
import           Control.Exception  ( throwIO )
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as P
import           Data.Typeable(Typeable)
import           Data.Int(Int64)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.LibPQ as PQ
import           Database.PostgreSQL.Simple
import           Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Types
import           Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Internal

-- | Issue a @COPY FROM STDIN@ or @COPY TO STDOUT@ query.   In the former
--   case, the connection's state will change to @CopyIn@;  in the latter,
--   @CopyOut@.  The connection must be in the normal state in order
--   to call this function.  Performs parameter subsitution.

copy :: ( ToRow params ) => Connection -> Query -> params -> IO ()
copy conn template qs = do
    q <- formatQuery conn template qs
    doCopy "Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Copy.copy" conn template q

-- | Issue a @COPY FROM STDIN@ or @COPY TO STDOUT@ query.   In the former
--   case, the connection's state will change to @CopyIn@;  in the latter,
--   @CopyOut@.  The connection must be in the normal state in order
--   to call this function.  Does not perform parameter subsitution.

copy_ :: Connection -> Query -> IO ()
copy_ conn (Query q) = do
    doCopy "Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Copy.copy_" conn (Query q) q

doCopy :: B.ByteString -> Connection -> Query -> B.ByteString -> IO ()
doCopy funcName conn template q = do
    result <- exec conn q
    status <- PQ.resultStatus result
    let err = throwIO $ QueryError
                  (B.unpack funcName ++ " " ++ show status)
    case status of
      PQ.EmptyQuery    -> err
      PQ.CommandOk     -> err
      PQ.TuplesOk      -> err
      PQ.CopyOut       -> return ()
      PQ.CopyIn        -> return ()
      PQ.BadResponse   -> throwResultError funcName result status
      PQ.NonfatalError -> throwResultError funcName result status
      PQ.FatalError    -> throwResultError funcName result status

data CopyOutResult
   = CopyOutRow  !B.ByteString         -- ^ Data representing either exactly
                                       --   one row of the result,  or header
                                       --   or footer data depending on format.
   | CopyOutDone {-# UNPACK #-} !Int64 -- ^ No more rows, and a count of the
                                       --   number of rows returned.
     deriving (Eq, Typeable, Show)

-- | Retrieve some data from a @COPY TO STDOUT@ query.   A connection
--   must be in the @CopyOut@ state in order to call this function.  If this
--   returns a 'CopyOutRow', the connection remains in the @CopyOut@ state,
--   if it returns 'CopyOutDone', then the connection has reverted to the
--   ready state.

getCopyData :: Connection -> IO CopyOutResult
getCopyData conn = withConnection conn loop
    funcName = "Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Copy.getCopyData"
    loop pqconn = do
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
      row <- PQ.getCopyData pqconn False
      row <- PQ.getCopyData pqconn True
      case row of
        PQ.CopyOutRow rowdata -> return $! CopyOutRow rowdata
        PQ.CopyOutDone -> CopyOutDone <$> getCopyCommandTag funcName pqconn
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
        PQ.CopyOutWouldBlock -> do
            fail (B.unpack funcName ++ ": the impossible happened")
        PQ.CopyOutWouldBlock -> do
            mfd <- PQ.socket pqconn
            case mfd of
              Nothing -> throwIO (fdError funcName)
              Just fd -> do
                  threadWaitRead fd
                  _ <- PQ.consumeInput pqconn
                  loop pqconn
        PQ.CopyOutError -> do
            mmsg <- PQ.errorMessage pqconn
            throwIO SqlError {
                          sqlState       = "",
                          sqlExecStatus  = FatalError,
                          sqlErrorMsg    = maybe "" id mmsg,
                          sqlErrorDetail = "",
                          sqlErrorHint   = funcName

-- | Feed some data to a @COPY FROM STDIN@ query.  Note that
--   the data does not need to represent a single row,  or even an
--   integral number of rows.  The net result of
--   @putCopyData conn a >> putCopyData conn b@
--   is the same as @putCopyData conn c@ whenever @c == BS.append a b@.
--   A connection must be in the @CopyIn@ state in order to call this
--   function,  otherwise a 'SqlError' exception will result.  The
--   connection remains in the @CopyIn@ state after this function
--   is called.

putCopyData :: Connection -> B.ByteString -> IO ()
putCopyData conn dat = withConnection conn $ \pqconn -> do
    doCopyIn funcName (\c -> PQ.putCopyData c dat) pqconn
    funcName = "Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Copy.putCopyData"

-- | Completes a @COPY FROM STDIN@ query.  Returns the number of rows
--   processed.
--   A connection must be in the @CopyIn@ state in order to call this
--   function,  otherwise a 'SqlError' exception will result.  The
--   connection's state changes back to normal after this function
--   is called.

putCopyEnd :: Connection -> IO Int64
putCopyEnd conn = withConnection conn $ \pqconn -> do
    doCopyIn funcName (\c -> PQ.putCopyEnd c Nothing) pqconn
    getCopyCommandTag funcName pqconn
    funcName = "Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Copy.putCopyEnd"

-- | Aborts a @COPY FROM STDIN@ query.  The string parameter is simply
--   an arbitrary error message that may show up in the PostgreSQL
--   server's log.
--   A connection must be in the @CopyIn@ state in order to call this
--   function,  otherwise a 'SqlError' exception will result.  The
--   connection's state changes back to normal after this function
--   is called.

putCopyError :: Connection -> B.ByteString -> IO ()
putCopyError conn err = withConnection conn $ \pqconn -> do
    doCopyIn funcName (\c -> PQ.putCopyEnd c (Just err)) pqconn
    funcName = "Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Copy.putCopyError"

doCopyIn :: B.ByteString -> (PQ.Connection -> IO PQ.CopyInResult)
         -> PQ.Connection -> IO ()
doCopyIn funcName action = loop
    loop pqconn = do
      stat <- action pqconn
      case stat of
        PQ.CopyInOk    -> return ()
        PQ.CopyInError -> do
            mmsg <- PQ.errorMessage pqconn
            throwIO SqlError {
                      sqlState = "",
                      sqlExecStatus  = FatalError,
                      sqlErrorMsg    = maybe "" id mmsg,
                      sqlErrorDetail = "",
                      sqlErrorHint   = funcName
        PQ.CopyInWouldBlock -> do
            mfd <- PQ.socket pqconn
            case mfd of
              Nothing -> throwIO (fdError funcName)
              Just fd -> do
                  threadWaitWrite fd
                  loop pqconn
{-# INLINE doCopyIn #-}

getCopyCommandTag :: B.ByteString -> PQ.Connection -> IO Int64
getCopyCommandTag funcName pqconn = do
    result  <- maybe (fail errCmdStatus) return =<< PQ.getResult pqconn
    cmdStat <- maybe (fail errCmdStatus) return =<< PQ.cmdStatus result
    let rowCount =   P.string "COPY " *> (P.decimal <* P.endOfInput)
    case P.parseOnly rowCount cmdStat of
      Left  _ -> fail errCmdStatusFmt
      Right n -> return $! n
    errCmdStatus    = B.unpack funcName ++ ": failed to fetch command status"
    errCmdStatusFmt = B.unpack funcName ++ ": failed to parse command status"