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This way I could reuse it in web servers, db migrators, db job runners ... those are all the examples I could think of ... just trust me, it's worth it. ### Outline - [The "Partial" Option Types](#partial) - [The Composable Parser](#parser) - [The Complete Option](#option) - [Option "completion"](#completion) - [The Option Parser](#option-parser) - [The Runner](#runner) - [The Tests](#tests) ### Standard Intro Statements to Ignore ```haskell {-| A resuable optparse-applicative parser for creating a postgresql-simple 'Connection' -} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, LambdaCase, DeriveGeneric, DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, CPP, ApplicativeDo #-} module Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Options where import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple import Options.Applicative import Text.Read import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC import GHC.Generics import Options.Generic import Data.Typeable import Data.String import Data.Monoid import Data.Either.Validation import Data.Default ``` ### The "Partial" Option Types In general, options types are built from many optional fields. Additionally, multiple options sets can be combined (i.e. command line options, config file, environment vars, defaults, etc). The easiest way to handle this is to create a "partial" option family that can be monoidally composed and is "completed" with a default option value. ```haskell -- | An optional version of 'ConnectInfo'. This includes an instance of -- | 'ParseRecord' which provides the optparse-applicative Parser. data PartialConnectInfo = PartialConnectInfo { host :: Last String , port :: Last Int , user :: Last String , password :: Last String , database :: Last String } deriving (Show, Eq, Read, Ord, Generic, Typeable) ``` We will utilize a boilerplate prevention library by Gabriel Gonzalez called [`optparse-generic`](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/optparse-generic-1.1.3) which generates a parser from the record field names. To create the parser we have to merely declare an instance of `ParseRecord`. ```haskell instance ParseRecord PartialConnectInfo ``` Now we make `PartialConnectInfo` an instance of `Monoid` so we can combine multiple options together. ```haskell instance Monoid PartialConnectInfo where mempty = PartialConnectInfo (Last Nothing) (Last Nothing) (Last Nothing) (Last Nothing) (Last Nothing) mappend x y = PartialConnectInfo { host = host x <> host y , port = port x <> port y , user = user x <> user y , password = password x <> password y , database = database x <> database y } ``` As it so happens there are two ways to create a db connection with `postgresql-simple`: `ConnectInfo` and a `ByteString` connection string. We have a partial version of `ConnectInfo` but we need something for the connection string. ```haskell newtype ConnectString = ConnectString { connectString :: ByteString } deriving ( Show, Eq, Read, Ord, Generic, Typeable, IsString ) ``` I don't like the default option parsing for `String` in `optparse-applicative`. I want something that will escape double quotes, remove single quotes or just use the string unaltered. The function `parseString` does this. ```haskell unSingleQuote :: String -> Maybe String unSingleQuote (x : xs@(_ : _)) | x == '\'' && last xs == '\'' = Just $ init xs | otherwise = Nothing unSingleQuote _ = Nothing parseString :: String -> Maybe String parseString x = readMaybe x <|> unSingleQuote x <|> Just x ``` We use `parseString` to make a custom instance of `ParseRecord`. ```haskell instance ParseRecord ConnectString where parseRecord = fmap (ConnectString . BSC.pack) $ option ( eitherReader $ maybe (Left "Impossible!") Right . parseString ) (long "connectString") ``` Thus, my `PartialOptions` type is either the `ConnectString` or the `PartialConnectInfo` type. ```haskell data PartialOptions = POConnectString ConnectString | POPartialConnectInfo PartialConnectInfo deriving (Show, Eq, Read, Generic, Typeable) instance Monoid PartialOptions where mempty = POPartialConnectInfo mempty mappend a b = case (a, b) of (POConnectString x, _) -> POConnectString x (POPartialConnectInfo x, POPartialConnectInfo y) -> POPartialConnectInfo $ x <> y (POPartialConnectInfo _, POConnectString x) -> POConnectString x ``` There is one wrinkle. `optparse-generic` treats sum types as "commands". This makes sense as a default, but it is not what we want. We want to choose one record or another based on the non-overlapping flags. This is easy enough to do by hand. ```haskell instance ParseRecord PartialOptions where parseRecord = fmap POConnectString parseRecord <|> fmap POPartialConnectInfo parseRecord ``` ### The Composable Parser We can use `PartialOptions` as the type of a field in a larger options record defined elsewhere. When defining this more complicated parser, we reuse the work we did here by calling `parseRecord`. To make it even clearer we create an alias called `parser` so clients will know what to use. ```haskell -- | The main parser to reuse. parser :: Parser PartialOptions parser = parseRecord ``` ### The Complete Option The connection option for `postgresql-simple` is either the record `ConnectInfo` or a connection string ```haskell data Options = OConnectString ByteString | OConnectInfo ConnectInfo deriving (Show, Eq, Read, Generic, Typeable) ``` ### Option "completion" `postgresql-simple` provides sensible defaults for `ConnectInfo` via `defaultConnectInfo`. We use these as the defaults when parsing. We create a `PartialConnectInfo` with these defaults. ```haskell mkLast :: a -> Last a mkLast = Last . Just -- | The 'PartialConnectInfo' version of 'defaultConnectInfo' instance Default PartialConnectInfo where def = PartialConnectInfo { host = mkLast $ connectHost defaultConnectInfo , port = mkLast $ fromIntegral $ connectPort defaultConnectInfo , user = mkLast $ connectUser defaultConnectInfo , password = mkLast $ connectPassword defaultConnectInfo , database = mkLast $ connectDatabase defaultConnectInfo } instance Default PartialOptions where def = POPartialConnectInfo def ``` We can now complete the `PartialConnectInfo` to get a `ConnectInfo`. ```haskell getOption :: String -> Last a -> Validation [String] a getOption optionName = \case Last (Just x) -> pure x Last Nothing -> Data.Either.Validation.Failure ["Missing " ++ optionName ++ " option"] completeConnectInfo :: PartialConnectInfo -> Either [String] ConnectInfo completeConnectInfo PartialConnectInfo {..} = validationToEither $ do connectHost <- getOption "host" host connectPort <- fromIntegral <$> getOption "port" port connectUser <- getOption "user" user connectPassword <- getOption "password" password connectDatabase <- getOption "database" database return $ ConnectInfo {..} ``` Completing a `PartialOptions` to get an `Options` follows straightforwardly ... if you've done this a bunch I suppose. ```haskell -- | mappend with 'defaultPartialConnectInfo' if necessary to create all -- options completeOptions :: PartialOptions -> Either [String] Options completeOptions = \case POConnectString (ConnectString x) -> Right $ OConnectString x POPartialConnectInfo x -> OConnectInfo <$> completeConnectInfo x ``` ### The Option Parser Parse a `PartialOptions` and then complete it. This is **not** composable but is convient for testing and if you only need a `Option` type ```haskell -- | Useful for testing or if only Options are needed. completeParser :: Parser Options completeParser = fmap (either (error . unlines) id . completeOptions . mappend def) parseRecord ``` ### The Runner As a convenience, we export the primary use of parsing connection options ... making a connection. ```haskell -- | Create a connection with an 'Option' run :: Options -> IO Connection run = \case OConnectString connString -> connectPostgreSQL connString OConnectInfo connInfo -> connect connInfo ``` ### The tests Testing is pretty straightforward using `System.Environment.withArgs`. See the [Spec.hs](/test/Spec.hs) for examples of how to test the parsers.