{-| A resuable optparse-applicative parser for creating a postgresql-simple 'Connection' -} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, LambdaCase, DeriveGeneric, DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP, GADTs, OverloadedStrings #-} module Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.PartialOptions where import Control.Monad ((<=<), foldM) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC import Data.Char (isUpper, toLower) import Data.Default (Default(..)) import qualified Data.Either.Validation as DEV import Data.Either.Validation (Validation(..), validationToEither) import Data.List (intercalate) import Data.List.Split (splitOn) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple (ConnectInfo(..), Connection, connectPostgreSQL, defaultConnectInfo) import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Options (Options(..), toConnectionString) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Generics.Deriving.Monoid (Last(..), gmappenddefault, gmemptydefault) import Options.Applicative (Parser, (<|>), eitherReader, long, option) import Options.Generic (Modifiers(..), ParseRecord(..), defaultModifiers, parseRecordWithModifiers) import Text.Read (readMaybe) import URI.ByteString as URI -- | An optional version of 'Options'. This includes an instance of -- | 'ParseRecord' which provides the optparse-applicative Parser. data PartialOptions = PartialOptions { host :: Last String , hostaddr :: Last String , port :: Last Int , user :: Last String , password :: Last String , dbname :: Last String , connectTimeout :: Last Int , clientEncoding :: Last String , options :: Last String , fallbackApplicationName :: Last String , keepalives :: Last Int , keepalivesIdle :: Last Int , keepalivesCount :: Last Int , sslmode :: Last String , requiressl :: Last Int , sslcompression :: Last Int , sslcert :: Last String , sslkey :: Last String , sslrootcert :: Last String , requirepeer :: Last String , krbsrvname :: Last String , gsslib :: Last String , service :: Last String } deriving (Show, Eq, Read, Ord, Generic, Typeable) instance ParseRecord PartialOptions where parseRecord = option (eitherReader parseConnectionString) (long "connectString") <|> parseRecordWithModifiers defaultModifiers instance Semigroup PartialOptions where (<>) = gmappenddefault instance Monoid PartialOptions where mempty = gmemptydefault mappend = (<>) -- Copied from Options.Generic source code underscoreModifiers :: Modifiers underscoreModifiers = Modifiers lispCase lispCase (const Nothing) where lispCase = dropWhile (== '_') . (>>= lower) . dropWhile (== '_') lower c | isUpper c = ['_', toLower c] | otherwise = [c] unSingleQuote :: String -> Maybe String unSingleQuote (x : xs@(_ : _)) | x == '\'' && last xs == '\'' = Just $ init xs | otherwise = Nothing unSingleQuote _ = Nothing parseString :: String -> Maybe String parseString x = readMaybe x <|> unSingleQuote x <|> Just x mkLast :: a -> Last a mkLast = Last . Just -- | The 'PartialOptions' version of 'defaultOptions' instance Default PartialOptions where def = mempty { host = mkLast $ connectHost defaultConnectInfo , port = mkLast $ fromIntegral $ connectPort defaultConnectInfo , user = mkLast $ connectUser defaultConnectInfo , password = mkLast $ connectPassword defaultConnectInfo , dbname = mkLast $ connectDatabase defaultConnectInfo } getOption :: String -> Last a -> Validation [String] a getOption optionName = \case Last (Just x) -> pure x Last Nothing -> DEV.Failure ["Missing " ++ optionName ++ " option"] getLast' :: Applicative f => Last a -> f (Maybe a) getLast' = pure . getLast completeOptions :: PartialOptions -> Either [String] Options completeOptions PartialOptions {..} = validationToEither $ Options <$> getLast' host <*> getLast' hostaddr <*> (fmap fromIntegral <$> getLast' port) <*> getLast' user <*> getLast' password <*> getOption "dbname" dbname <*> getLast' connectTimeout <*> getLast' clientEncoding <*> getLast' options <*> getLast' fallbackApplicationName <*> getLast' keepalives <*> getLast' keepalivesIdle <*> getLast' keepalivesCount <*> getLast' sslmode <*> getLast' requiressl <*> getLast' sslcompression <*> getLast' sslcert <*> getLast' sslkey <*> getLast' sslrootcert <*> getLast' requirepeer <*> getLast' krbsrvname <*> getLast' gsslib <*> getLast' service -- | Useful for testing or if only Options are needed. completeParser :: Parser Options completeParser = fmap (either (error . unlines) id . completeOptions . mappend def) parseRecord -- | Create a connection with an 'Option' run :: Options -> IO Connection run = connectPostgreSQL . toConnectionString userInfoToPartialOptions :: UserInfo -> PartialOptions userInfoToPartialOptions UserInfo {..} = mempty { user = return $ BSC.unpack uiUsername } <> if BS.null uiPassword then mempty else mempty { password = return $ BSC.unpack uiPassword } autorityToPartialOptions :: Authority -> PartialOptions autorityToPartialOptions Authority {..} = maybe mempty userInfoToPartialOptions authorityUserInfo <> mempty { host = return $ BSC.unpack $ hostBS authorityHost } <> maybe mempty (\p -> mempty { port = return $ portNumber p }) authorityPort pathToPartialOptions :: ByteString -> PartialOptions pathToPartialOptions path = case drop 1 $ BSC.unpack path of "" -> mempty x -> mempty {dbname = return x } parseInt :: String -> String -> Either String Int parseInt msg v = maybe (Left (msg <> " value of: " <> v <> " is not a number")) Right $ readMaybe v keywordToPartialOptions :: String -> String -> Either String PartialOptions keywordToPartialOptions k v = case k of "host" -> return $ mempty { host = return v } "hostaddress" -> return $ mempty { hostaddr = return v } "port" -> do portValue <- parseInt "port" v return $ mempty { port = return portValue } "user" -> return $ mempty { user = return v } "password" -> return $ mempty { password = return v } "dbname" -> return $ mempty { dbname = return v} "connect_timeout" -> do x <- parseInt "connect_timeout" v return $ mempty { connectTimeout = return x } "client_encoding" -> return $ mempty { clientEncoding = return v } "options" -> return $ mempty { options = return v } "fallback_applicationName" -> return $ mempty { fallbackApplicationName = return v } "keepalives" -> do x <- parseInt "keepalives" v return $ mempty { keepalives = return x } "keepalives_idle" -> do x <- parseInt "keepalives_idle" v return $ mempty { keepalivesIdle = return x } "keepalives_count" -> do x <- parseInt "keepalives_count" v return $ mempty { keepalivesCount = return x } "sslmode" -> return $ mempty { sslmode = return v } "requiressl" -> do x <- parseInt "requiressl" v return $ mempty { requiressl = return x } "sslcompression" -> do x <- parseInt "sslcompression" v return $ mempty { sslcompression = return x } "sslcert" -> return $ mempty { sslcert = return v } "sslkey" -> return $ mempty { sslkey = return v } "sslrootcert" -> return $ mempty { sslrootcert = return v } "requirepeer" -> return $ mempty { requirepeer = return v } "krbsrvname" -> return $ mempty { krbsrvname = return v } "gsslib" -> return $ mempty { gsslib = return v } "service" -> return $ mempty { service = return v } x -> Left $ "Unrecongnized option: " ++ show x queryToPartialOptions :: URI.Query -> Either String PartialOptions queryToPartialOptions Query {..} = foldM (\acc (k, v) -> fmap (mappend acc) $ keywordToPartialOptions (BSC.unpack k) $ BSC.unpack v) mempty queryPairs uriToOptions :: URIRef Absolute -> Either String PartialOptions uriToOptions URI {..} = case schemeBS uriScheme of "postgresql" -> do queryParts <- queryToPartialOptions uriQuery return $ maybe mempty autorityToPartialOptions uriAuthority <> pathToPartialOptions uriPath <> queryParts x -> Left $ "Wrong protocol. Expected \"postgresql\" but got: " ++ show x parseURIStr :: String -> Either String (URIRef Absolute) parseURIStr = left show . parseURI strictURIParserOptions . BSC.pack where left f = \case Left x -> Left $ f x Right x -> Right x parseKeywords :: String -> Either String PartialOptions parseKeywords [] = Left "Failed to parse keywords" parseKeywords x = fmap mconcat . mapM (uncurry keywordToPartialOptions <=< toTuple . splitOn "=") $ words x where toTuple [k, v] = return (k, v) toTuple xs = Left $ "invalid opts:" ++ show (intercalate "=" xs) parseConnectionString :: String -> Either String PartialOptions parseConnectionString url = do url' <- maybe (Left "failed to parse as string") Right $ parseString url parseKeywords url' <|> (uriToOptions =<< parseURIStr url')