{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.QueueSpec (spec, main) where import Control.Concurrent import Control.Concurrent.STM import Control.Concurrent.Async import Control.Monad import Data.Aeson import Data.Function import Data.List import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Queue import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Queue.Migrate import Test.Hspec (Spec, hspec, it) import Test.Hspec.Expectations.Lifted import Test.Hspec.DB import Control.Monad.Catch import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Data.List.Split import Data.Either main :: IO () main = hspec spec schemaName :: String schemaName = "complicated_name" spec :: Spec spec = describeDB (migrate schemaName) "Database.Queue" $ do itDB "empty locks nothing" $ (either throwM return =<< (withPayloadDB schemaName 8 return)) `shouldReturn` Nothing itDB "empty gives count 0" $ getCountDB schemaName `shouldReturn` 0 it "enqueuesDB/withPayloadDB" $ \conn -> do runDB conn $ do payloadId <- enqueueDB schemaName $ String "Hello" getCountDB schemaName `shouldReturn` 1 either throwM return =<< withPayloadDB schemaName 8 (\(Payload {..}) -> do pId `shouldBe` payloadId pValue `shouldBe` String "Hello" ) -- read committed but still 0. I don't depend on this but I want to see if it -- stays like this. getCountDB schemaName `shouldReturn` 0 runDB conn $ getCountDB schemaName `shouldReturn` 0 it "enqueuesDB/withPayloadDB/retries" $ \conn -> do runDB conn $ do void $ enqueueDB schemaName $ String "Hello" getCountDB schemaName `shouldReturn` 1 xs <- replicateM 7 $ withPayloadDB schemaName 8 (\(Payload {..}) -> throwM $ userError "not enough tries" ) all isLeft xs `shouldBe` True either throwM return =<< withPayloadDB schemaName 8 (\(Payload {..}) -> do pAttempts `shouldBe` 7 pValue `shouldBe` String "Hello" ) runDB conn $ getCountDB schemaName `shouldReturn` 0 it "enqueuesDB/withPayloadDB/timesout" $ \conn -> do runDB conn $ do void $ enqueueDB schemaName $ String "Hello" getCountDB schemaName `shouldReturn` 1 xs <- replicateM 2 $ withPayloadDB schemaName 1 (\(Payload {..}) -> throwM $ userError "not enough tries" ) all isLeft xs `shouldBe` True runDB conn $ getCountDB schemaName `shouldReturn` 0 it "selects the oldest first" $ \conn -> do runDB conn $ do payloadId0 <- enqueueDB schemaName $ String "Hello" liftIO $ threadDelay 1000000 payloadId1 <- enqueueDB schemaName $ String "Hi" getCountDB schemaName `shouldReturn` 2 either throwM return =<< withPayloadDB schemaName 8 (\(Payload {..}) -> do pId `shouldBe` payloadId0 pValue `shouldBe` String "Hello" ) either throwM return =<< withPayloadDB schemaName 8 (\(Payload {..}) -> do pId `shouldBe` payloadId1 pValue `shouldBe` String "Hi" ) runDB conn $ getCountDB schemaName `shouldReturn` 0 it "enqueues and dequeues concurrently withPayload" $ \testDB -> do let withPool' = withPool testDB elementCount = 1000 :: Int expected = [0 .. elementCount - 1] ref <- newTVarIO [] loopThreads <- replicateM 35 $ async $ withPool' $ \c -> fix $ \next -> do lastCount <- either throwM return <=< withPayload schemaName c 0 $ \(Payload {..}) -> do atomically $ do xs <- readTVar ref writeTVar ref $ pValue : xs return $ length xs + 1 when (lastCount < elementCount) next forM_ (chunksOf (elementCount `div` 11) expected) $ \xs -> forkIO $ void $ withPool' $ \c -> forM_ xs $ \i -> enqueue schemaName c $ toJSON i waitAnyCancel loopThreads xs <- atomically $ readTVar ref let Just decoded = mapM (decode . encode) xs sort decoded `shouldBe` sort expected it "enqueues and dequeues concurrently dequeue" $ \testDB -> do let withPool' = withPool testDB elementCount = 1000 :: Int expected = [0 .. elementCount - 1] ref <- newTVarIO [] loopThreads <- replicateM 35 $ async $ withPool' $ \c -> fix $ \next -> do Payload {..} <- dequeue schemaName c lastCount <- atomically $ do xs <- readTVar ref writeTVar ref $ pValue : xs return $ length xs + 1 when (lastCount < elementCount) next forM_ (chunksOf (elementCount `div` 11) expected) $ \xs -> forkIO $ void $ withPool' $ \c -> forM_ xs $ \i -> enqueue schemaName c $ toJSON i waitAnyCancel loopThreads xs <- atomically $ readTVar ref let Just decoded = mapM (decode . encode) xs sort decoded `shouldBe` sort expected