{-| This module utilize PostgreSQL to implement a durable queue for efficently processing
    arbitrary payloads which can be represented as JSON.

    Typically a producer would enqueue a new payload as part of larger database

   createAccount userRecord = do
      'runDBTSerializable' $ do
         createUserDB userRecord
         'enqueueDB' $ makeVerificationEmail userRecord

In another thread or process, the consumer would drain the queue.

    forever $ do
      -- Attempt get a payload or block until one is available
      payload <- 'lock' conn

      -- Perform application specifc parsing of the payload value
      case fromJSON $ 'pValue' payload of
        Success x -> sendEmail x -- Perform application specific processing
        Error err -> logErr err

      -- Remove the payload from future processing
      'dequeue' conn $ 'pId' payload

 For a more complete example or a consumer, utilizing the provided
 'Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Queue.Main.defaultMain', see

This modules provides two flavors of functions, a DB API and an IO API.
Most operations are provided in both flavors, with the exception of 'lock'.
'lock' blocks and would not be that useful as part of a larger transaction
since it would keep the transaction open for a potentially long time. Although
both flavors are provided, in general one versions is more useful for typical
use cases.

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes                #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings          #-}
module Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Queue
  ( -- * Types
    PayloadId (..)
  , State (..)
  , Payload (..)
  -- * DB API
  , enqueueDB
  , dequeueDB
  , withPayloadDB
  , getCountDB
  -- * IO API
  , enqueue
  , tryDequeue
  , dequeue
  , withPayload
  , getCount
  ) where
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.Catch
import           Data.Aeson
import           Data.Function
import           Data.Int
import           Data.Text                               (Text)
import           Data.Time
import           Database.PostgreSQL.Simple              (Connection, Only (..))
import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple              as Simple
import           Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromField
import           Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromRow
import           Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Notification
import           Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.SqlQQ
import           Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.ToField
import           Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.ToRow
import           Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Transaction
import           Database.PostgreSQL.Transact
import           Data.Monoid
import           Data.String
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class
import           Data.Maybe

---  Types
newtype PayloadId = PayloadId { unPayloadId :: Int64 }
  deriving (Eq, Show, FromField, ToField)

instance FromRow PayloadId where
  fromRow = fromOnly <$> fromRow

instance ToRow PayloadId where
  toRow = toRow . Only

-- The fundemental record stored in the queue. The queue is a single table
-- and each row consists of a 'Payload'
data Payload = Payload
  { pId         :: PayloadId
  , pValue      :: Value
  -- ^ The JSON value of a payload
  , pState      :: State
  , pAttempts   :: Int
  , pCreatedAt  :: UTCTime
  , pModifiedAt :: UTCTime
  } deriving (Show, Eq)

instance FromRow Payload where
  fromRow = Payload <$> field <*> field <*> field <*> field <*> field <*> field

-- | A 'Payload' can exist in three states in the queue, 'Enqueued',
--   and 'Dequeued'. A 'Payload' starts in the 'Enqueued' state and is locked
--   so some sort of process can occur with it, usually something in 'IO'.
--   Once the processing is complete, the `Payload' is moved the 'Dequeued'
--   state, which is the terminal state.
data State = Enqueued | Dequeued
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded)

instance ToField State where
  toField = toField . \case
    Enqueued -> "enqueued" :: Text
    Dequeued -> "dequeued"

-- Converting from enumerations is annoying :(
instance FromField State where
  fromField f y = do
     n <- typename f
     if n == "state_t" then case y of
       Nothing -> returnError UnexpectedNull f "state can't be NULL"
       Just y' -> case y' of
         "enqueued" -> return Enqueued
         "dequeued" -> return Dequeued
         x          -> returnError ConversionFailed f (show x)
       returnError Incompatible f $
         "Expect type name to be state but it was " ++ show n

---  DB API
withSchema :: String -> Simple.Query -> Simple.Query
withSchema schemaName q = "SET search_path TO " <> fromString schemaName <> "; " <> q

notifyName :: IsString s => String -> s
notifyName schemaName = fromString $ schemaName <> "_enqueue"

{-| Enqueue a new JSON value into the queue. This particularly function
    can be composed as part of a larger database transaction. For instance,
    a single transaction could create a user and enqueue a email message.

   createAccount userRecord = do
      'runDBTSerializable' $ do
         createUserDB userRecord
         'enqueueDB' $ makeVerificationEmail userRecord
enqueueDB :: String -> Value -> DB PayloadId
enqueueDB schemaName value = enqueueWithDB schemaName value 0

enqueueWithDB :: String -> Value -> Int -> DB PayloadId
enqueueWithDB schemaName value attempts =
  fmap head $ query (withSchema schemaName $ [sql|
    NOTIFY |] <> " " <> notifyName schemaName <> ";" <> [sql|
    INSERT INTO payloads (attempts, value)
    VALUES (?, ?)
    RETURNING id;|]
    $ (attempts, value)

retryDB :: String -> Value -> Int -> DB PayloadId
retryDB schemaName value attempts = enqueueWithDB schemaName value $ attempts + 1

-- | Transition a 'Payload' to the 'Dequeued' state.
dequeueDB :: String -> DB (Maybe Payload)
dequeueDB schemaName = fmap listToMaybe $ query_ $ withSchema schemaName
  [sql| UPDATE payloads
        SET state='dequeued'
        WHERE id in
          ( SELECT id
            FROM payloads
            WHERE state='enqueued'
            ORDER BY modified_at ASC
            LIMIT 1
        RETURNING id, value, state, attempts, created_at, modified_at


Attempt to get a payload and process it. If the function passed in throws an exception
return it on the left side of the `Either`. Re-add the payload up to some passed in
maximum. Return `Nothing` is the `payloads` table is empty otherwise the result is an `a`
from the payload ingesting function.

withPayloadDB :: String
              -- ^ schema
              -> Int
              -- ^ retry count
              -> (Payload -> IO a)
              -- ^ payload processing function
              -> DB (Either SomeException (Maybe a))
withPayloadDB schemaName retryCount f
  = query_
    ( withSchema schemaName
    $ [sql|
      SELECT id, value, state, attempts, created_at, modified_at
      FROM payloads
      WHERE state='enqueued'
      ORDER BY modified_at ASC
      LIMIT 1
 >>= \case
    [] -> return $ return Nothing
    [payload@Payload {..}] -> do
      execute [sql| UPDATE payloads SET state='dequeued' WHERE id = ? |] pId

      -- Retry on failure up to retryCount
      handle (\e -> when (pAttempts < retryCount)
                         (void $ retryDB schemaName pValue pAttempts)
                 >> return (Left e)
             $ Right . Just <$> liftIO (f payload)
    xs -> return
        $ Left
        $ toException
        $ userError
        $ "LIMIT is 1 but got more than one row: "
        ++ show xs

-- | Get the number of rows in the 'Enqueued' state.
getCountDB :: String -> DB Int64
getCountDB schemaName = fmap (fromOnly . head) $ query_ $ withSchema schemaName
  [sql| SELECT count(*)
        FROM payloads
        WHERE state='enqueued'
---  IO API
{-| Enqueue a new JSON value into the queue. See 'enqueueDB' for a version
    which can be composed with other queries in a single transaction.
enqueue :: String -> Connection -> Value -> IO PayloadId
enqueue schemaName conn value = runDBT (enqueueDB schemaName value) ReadCommitted conn

-- Block until a payload notification is fired. Fired during insertion.
notifyPayload :: String -> Connection -> IO ()
notifyPayload schemaName conn = do
  Notification {..} <- getNotification conn
  unless (notificationChannel == notifyName schemaName) $ notifyPayload schemaName conn

{-| Return a the oldest 'Payload' in the 'Enqueued' state or 'Nothing'
    if there are no payloads. For a blocking version utilizing PostgreSQL's
    NOTIFY and LISTEN, see 'dequeue'. This functions runs 'dequeueDb' as a
    'ReadCommitted' transaction.

  See `withPayload' for an alternative interface that will automatically return
  the payload to the 'Enqueued' state if an exception occurs.
tryDequeue :: String -> Connection -> IO (Maybe Payload)
tryDequeue schemaName conn = runDBT (dequeueDB schemaName) ReadCommitted conn

-- | Transition a 'Payload' to the 'Dequeued' state. his functions runs
--   'dequeueDB' as a 'Serializable' transaction.
dequeue :: String -> Connection -> IO Payload
dequeue schemaName conn = bracket_
  (Simple.execute_ conn $ "LISTEN " <> notifyName schemaName)
  (Simple.execute_ conn $ "UNLISTEN " <> notifyName schemaName)
  $ fix $ \continue -> do
      m <- tryDequeue schemaName conn
      case m of
        Nothing -> do
          notifyPayload schemaName conn
        Just x -> return x

{-| Return the oldest 'Payload' in the 'Enqueued' state or block until a
    payload arrives. This function utilizes PostgreSQL's LISTEN and NOTIFY
    functionality to avoid excessively polling of the DB while
    waiting for new payloads, without scarficing promptness.
withPayload :: String
            -> Connection
            -> Int
            -- ^ retry count
            -> (Payload -> IO a)
            -> IO (Either SomeException a)
withPayload schemaName conn retryCount f = bracket_
  (Simple.execute_ conn $ "LISTEN " <> notifyName schemaName)
  (Simple.execute_ conn $ "UNLISTEN " <> notifyName schemaName)
  $ fix
  $ \continue -> runDBT (withPayloadDB schemaName retryCount f) ReadCommitted conn
  >>= \case
    Left x -> return $ Left x
    Right Nothing -> do
      notifyPayload schemaName conn
    Right (Just x) -> return $ Right x

{-| Get the number of rows in the 'Enqueued' state. This function runs
    'getCountDB' in a 'ReadCommitted' transaction.
getCount :: String -> Connection -> IO Int64
getCount schemaName = runDBT (getCountDB schemaName) ReadCommitted