-- | -- Module: Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.HDBC -- Copyright: 2016 Dylan Simon -- -- Use postgresql-typed as a backend for HDBC. {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.HDBC ( Connection , connect , fromPGConnection , withPGConnection , reloadTypes , connectionFetchSize , setFetchSize ) where import Control.Arrow ((&&&)) import Control.Concurrent.MVar (MVar, newMVar, withMVar) import Control.Exception (handle, throwIO) import Control.Monad (void, guard) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSLC import Data.IORef (newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef, modifyIORef') import Data.Int (Int16) import qualified Data.IntMap.Lazy as IntMap import Data.List (uncons) import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as Map import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isNothing) import Data.Time.Clock (DiffTime) import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (posixSecondsToUTCTime) import Data.Time.LocalTime (zonedTimeToUTC) import Data.Word (Word32) import qualified Database.HDBC.Types as HDBC import qualified Database.HDBC.ColTypes as HDBC import System.Mem.Weak (addFinalizer) import Text.Read (readMaybe) import Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types import Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Protocol import Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Dynamic import Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.TypeCache import Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.SQLToken import Paths_postgresql_typed (version) -- |A wrapped 'PGConnection'. -- This differs from a bare 'PGConnection' in a few ways: -- -- 1. It always has exactly one active transaction (with 'pgBegin') -- 2. It automatically disconnects on GC -- 3. It provides a mutex around the underlying 'PGConnection' for thread-safety -- data Connection = Connection { connectionPG :: MVar PGConnection , connectionServerVer :: String , connectionTypes :: IntMap.IntMap SqlType , connectionFetchSize :: Word32 -- ^Number of rows to fetch (and cache) with 'HDBC.execute' and each time 'HDBC.fetchRow' requires more rows. A higher value will result in fewer round-trips to the database but potentially more wasted data. Defaults to 1. 0 means fetch all rows. } sqlError :: IO a -> IO a sqlError = handle $ \(PGError m) -> let f c = BSC.unpack $ Map.findWithDefault BSC.empty c m fC = f 'C' fD = f 'D' in throwIO HDBC.SqlError { HDBC.seState = fC , HDBC.seNativeError = if null fC then -1 else fromMaybe 0 $ readMaybe (f 'P') , HDBC.seErrorMsg = f 'S' ++ ": " ++ f 'M' ++ if null fD then fD else '\n':fD } -- |Use the underlying 'PGConnection' directly. You must be careful to ensure that the first invariant is preserved: you should not call 'pgBegin', 'pgCommit', or 'pgRollback' on it. All other operations should be safe. withPGConnection :: Connection -> (PGConnection -> IO a) -> IO a withPGConnection c = sqlError . withMVar (connectionPG c) takePGConnection :: PGConnection -> IO (MVar PGConnection) takePGConnection pg = do addFinalizer pg (pgDisconnectOnce pg) pgBegin pg newMVar pg -- |Convert an existing 'PGConnection' to an HDBC-compatible 'Connection'. -- The caveats under 'connectionPG' apply if you plan to continue using the original 'PGConnection'. fromPGConnection :: PGConnection -> IO Connection fromPGConnection pg = do pgv <- takePGConnection pg reloadTypes Connection { connectionPG = pgv , connectionServerVer = maybe "" BSC.unpack $ pgServerVersion $ pgTypeEnv pg , connectionTypes = mempty , connectionFetchSize = 1 } -- |Connect to a database for HDBC use (equivalent to 'pgConnect' and 'pgBegin'). connect :: PGDatabase -> IO Connection connect d = sqlError $ do pg <- pgConnect d fromPGConnection pg -- |Reload the table of all types from the database. -- This may be needed if you make structural changes to the database. reloadTypes :: Connection -> IO Connection reloadTypes c = withPGConnection c $ \pg -> do t <- pgGetTypes pg return c{ connectionTypes = IntMap.map (sqlType (pgTypeEnv pg) . pgNameString) t } -- |Change the 'connectionFetchSize' for new 'HDBC.Statement's created with 'HDBC.prepare'. -- Ideally this could be set with each call to 'HDBC.execute' and 'HDBC.fetchRow', but the HDBC interface provides no way to do this. setFetchSize :: Word32 -> Connection -> Connection setFetchSize i c = c{ connectionFetchSize = i } sqls :: String -> BSLC.ByteString sqls = BSLC.pack placeholders :: Int -> [SQLToken] -> [SQLToken] placeholders n (SQLQMark False : l) = SQLParam n : placeholders (succ n) l placeholders n (SQLQMark True : l) = SQLQMark False : placeholders n l placeholders n (t : l) = t : placeholders n l placeholders _ [] = [] data ColDesc = ColDesc { colDescName :: String , colDesc :: HDBC.SqlColDesc , colDescDecode :: PGValue -> HDBC.SqlValue } data Cursor = Cursor { cursorDesc :: [ColDesc] , cursorRow :: [PGValues] , cursorActive :: Bool , _cursorStatement :: HDBC.Statement -- keep a handle to prevent GC } noCursor :: HDBC.Statement -> Cursor noCursor = Cursor [] [] False getType :: Connection -> PGConnection -> Maybe Bool -> PGColDescription -> ColDesc getType c pg nul PGColDescription{..} = ColDesc { colDescName = BSC.unpack pgColName , colDesc = HDBC.SqlColDesc { HDBC.colType = sqlTypeId t , HDBC.colSize = fromIntegral pgColModifier <$ guard (pgColModifier >= 0) , HDBC.colOctetLength = fromIntegral pgColSize <$ guard (pgColSize >= 0) , HDBC.colDecDigits = Nothing , HDBC.colNullable = nul } , colDescDecode = sqlTypeDecode t } where t = IntMap.findWithDefault (sqlType (pgTypeEnv pg) $ show pgColType) (fromIntegral pgColType) (connectionTypes c) instance HDBC.IConnection Connection where disconnect c = withPGConnection c pgDisconnectOnce commit c = withPGConnection c $ \pg -> do pgCommitAll pg pgBegin pg rollback c = withPGConnection c $ \pg -> do pgRollbackAll pg pgBegin pg runRaw c q = withPGConnection c $ \pg -> pgSimpleQueries_ pg $ sqls q run c q v = withPGConnection c $ \pg -> do let q' = sqls $ show $ placeholders 1 $ sqlTokens q v' = map encode v fromMaybe 0 <$> pgRun pg q' [] v' prepare c q = do let q' = sqls $ show $ placeholders 1 $ sqlTokens q n <- withPGConnection c $ \pg -> pgPrepare pg q' [] cr <- newIORef $ error "Cursor" let execute v = withPGConnection c $ \pg -> do d <- pgBind pg n (map encode v) (r, e) <- pgFetch pg n (connectionFetchSize c) modifyIORef' cr $ \p -> p { cursorDesc = map (getType c pg Nothing) d , cursorRow = r , cursorActive = isNothing e } return $ fromMaybe 0 e stmt = HDBC.Statement { HDBC.execute = execute , HDBC.executeRaw = void $ execute [] , HDBC.executeMany = mapM_ execute , HDBC.finish = withPGConnection c $ \pg -> do writeIORef cr $ noCursor stmt pgClose pg n , HDBC.fetchRow = withPGConnection c $ \pg -> do p <- readIORef cr fmap (zipWith colDescDecode (cursorDesc p)) <$> case cursorRow p of [] | cursorActive p -> do (rl, e) <- pgFetch pg n (connectionFetchSize c) let rl' = uncons rl writeIORef cr p { cursorRow = maybe [] snd rl' , cursorActive = isNothing e } return $ fst <$> rl' | otherwise -> return Nothing (r:l) -> do writeIORef cr p{ cursorRow = l } return $ Just r , HDBC.getColumnNames = map colDescName . cursorDesc <$> readIORef cr , HDBC.originalQuery = q , HDBC.describeResult = map (colDescName &&& colDesc) . cursorDesc <$> readIORef cr } writeIORef cr $ noCursor stmt addFinalizer stmt $ withPGConnection c $ \pg -> pgClose pg n return stmt clone c = withPGConnection c $ \pg -> do pg' <- pgConnect $ pgConnectionDatabase pg pgv <- takePGConnection pg' return c{ connectionPG = pgv } hdbcDriverName _ = "postgresql-typed" hdbcClientVer _ = show version proxiedClientName = HDBC.hdbcDriverName proxiedClientVer = HDBC.hdbcClientVer dbServerVer = connectionServerVer dbTransactionSupport _ = True getTables c = withPGConnection c $ \pg -> map (pgDecodeRep . head) . snd <$> pgSimpleQuery pg (BSLC.fromChunks [ "SELECT relname" , " FROM pg_catalog.pg_class" , " JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid" , " WHERE nspname = ANY (current_schemas(false))" , " AND relkind IN ('r','v','m','f')" ]) describeTable c t = withPGConnection c $ \pg -> map (\[attname, attrelid, attnum, atttypid, attlen, atttypmod, attnotnull] -> colDescName &&& colDesc $ getType c pg (Just $ not $ pgDecodeRep attnotnull) PGColDescription { pgColName = pgDecodeRep attname , pgColTable = pgDecodeRep attrelid , pgColNumber = pgDecodeRep attnum , pgColType = pgDecodeRep atttypid , pgColSize = pgDecodeRep attlen , pgColModifier = pgDecodeRep atttypmod , pgColBinary = False }) . snd <$> pgSimpleQuery pg (BSLC.fromChunks [ "SELECT attname, attrelid, attnum, atttypid, attlen, atttypmod, attnotnull" , " FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute" , " WHERE attrelid = ", pgLiteralRep t, "::regclass" , " AND attnum > 0 AND NOT attisdropped" , " ORDER BY attrelid, attnum" ]) encodeRep :: PGRep a => a -> PGValue encodeRep x = PGTextValue $ pgEncode (pgTypeOf x) x encode :: HDBC.SqlValue -> PGValue encode (HDBC.SqlString x) = encodeRep x encode (HDBC.SqlByteString x) = encodeRep x encode (HDBC.SqlWord32 x) = encodeRep x encode (HDBC.SqlWord64 x) = encodeRep (fromIntegral x :: Rational) encode (HDBC.SqlInt32 x) = encodeRep x encode (HDBC.SqlInt64 x) = encodeRep x encode (HDBC.SqlInteger x) = encodeRep (fromInteger x :: Rational) encode (HDBC.SqlChar x) = encodeRep x encode (HDBC.SqlBool x) = encodeRep x encode (HDBC.SqlDouble x) = encodeRep x encode (HDBC.SqlRational x) = encodeRep x encode (HDBC.SqlLocalDate x) = encodeRep x encode (HDBC.SqlLocalTimeOfDay x) = encodeRep x encode (HDBC.SqlZonedLocalTimeOfDay t z) = encodeRep (t, z) encode (HDBC.SqlLocalTime x) = encodeRep x encode (HDBC.SqlZonedTime x) = encodeRep (zonedTimeToUTC x) encode (HDBC.SqlUTCTime x) = encodeRep x encode (HDBC.SqlDiffTime x) = encodeRep (realToFrac x :: DiffTime) encode (HDBC.SqlPOSIXTime x) = encodeRep (realToFrac x :: Rational) -- (posixSecondsToUTCTime x) encode (HDBC.SqlEpochTime x) = encodeRep (posixSecondsToUTCTime (fromInteger x)) encode (HDBC.SqlTimeDiff x) = encodeRep (fromIntegral x :: DiffTime) encode HDBC.SqlNull = PGNullValue data SqlType = SqlType { sqlTypeId :: HDBC.SqlTypeId , sqlTypeDecode :: PGValue -> HDBC.SqlValue } sqlType :: PGTypeEnv -> String -> SqlType sqlType e t = SqlType { sqlTypeId = typeId t , sqlTypeDecode = decode t e } typeId :: String -> HDBC.SqlTypeId typeId "boolean" = HDBC.SqlBitT typeId "bytea" = HDBC.SqlVarBinaryT typeId "\"char\"" = HDBC.SqlCharT typeId "name" = HDBC.SqlVarCharT typeId "bigint" = HDBC.SqlBigIntT typeId "smallint" = HDBC.SqlSmallIntT typeId "integer" = HDBC.SqlIntegerT typeId "text" = HDBC.SqlLongVarCharT typeId "oid" = HDBC.SqlIntegerT typeId "real" = HDBC.SqlFloatT typeId "double precision" = HDBC.SqlDoubleT typeId "abstime" = HDBC.SqlUTCDateTimeT typeId "reltime" = HDBC.SqlIntervalT HDBC.SqlIntervalSecondT typeId "tinterval" = HDBC.SqlIntervalT HDBC.SqlIntervalDayToSecondT typeId "bpchar" = HDBC.SqlVarCharT typeId "character varying" = HDBC.SqlVarCharT typeId "date" = HDBC.SqlDateT typeId "time without time zone" = HDBC.SqlTimeT typeId "timestamp without time zone" = HDBC.SqlTimestampT typeId "timestamp with time zone" = HDBC.SqlTimestampWithZoneT -- XXX really SQLUTCDateTimeT typeId "interval" = HDBC.SqlIntervalT HDBC.SqlIntervalDayToSecondT typeId "time with time zone" = HDBC.SqlTimeWithZoneT typeId "numeric" = HDBC.SqlDecimalT typeId "uuid" = HDBC.SqlGUIDT typeId t = HDBC.SqlUnknownT t decodeRep :: PGColumn t a => PGTypeID t -> PGTypeEnv -> (a -> HDBC.SqlValue) -> PGValue -> HDBC.SqlValue decodeRep t e f (PGBinaryValue v) = f $ pgDecodeBinary e t v decodeRep t _ f (PGTextValue v) = f $ pgDecode t v decodeRep _ _ _ PGNullValue = HDBC.SqlNull #define DECODE(T) \ decode T e = decodeRep (PGTypeProxy :: PGTypeID T) e decode :: String -> PGTypeEnv -> PGValue -> HDBC.SqlValue DECODE("boolean") HDBC.SqlBool DECODE("\"char\"") HDBC.SqlChar DECODE("name") HDBC.SqlString DECODE("bigint") HDBC.SqlInt64 DECODE("smallint") (HDBC.SqlInt32 . fromIntegral :: Int16 -> HDBC.SqlValue) DECODE("integer") HDBC.SqlInt32 DECODE("text") HDBC.SqlString DECODE("oid") HDBC.SqlWord32 DECODE("real") HDBC.SqlDouble DECODE("double precision") HDBC.SqlDouble DECODE("bpchar") HDBC.SqlString DECODE("character varying") HDBC.SqlString DECODE("date") HDBC.SqlLocalDate DECODE("time without time zone") HDBC.SqlLocalTimeOfDay DECODE("time with time zone") (uncurry HDBC.SqlZonedLocalTimeOfDay) DECODE("timestamp without time zone") HDBC.SqlLocalTime DECODE("timestamp with time zone") HDBC.SqlUTCTime DECODE("interval") (HDBC.SqlDiffTime . realToFrac :: DiffTime -> HDBC.SqlValue) DECODE("numeric") HDBC.SqlRational decode _ _ = decodeRaw where decodeRaw (PGBinaryValue v) = HDBC.SqlByteString v decodeRaw (PGTextValue v) = HDBC.SqlByteString v decodeRaw PGNullValue = HDBC.SqlNull