{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances  #-}
module PostgREST.DbStructure (
, accessibleTables
, doesProcExist
, doesProcReturnJWT
) where

import qualified Hasql.Decoders                as HD
import qualified Hasql.Encoders                as HE
import qualified Hasql.Query                   as H

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Monad                 (join, replicateM)
import           Data.Functor.Contravariant    (contramap)
import           Data.List                     (elemIndex, find, sort,
                                                subsequences, transpose)
import           Data.Maybe                    (fromJust, fromMaybe, isJust,
                                                listToMaybe, mapMaybe)
import           Data.Monoid
import           Data.Text                     (Text, split)
import qualified Hasql.Session                 as H
import           PostgREST.Types
import           Text.InterpolatedString.Perl6 (q)

import           Data.Int                      (Int32)
import           GHC.Exts                      (groupWith)
import           Prelude

getDbStructure :: Schema -> H.Session DbStructure
getDbStructure schema = do
  tabs <- H.query () allTables
  cols <- H.query () $ allColumns tabs
  syns <- H.query () $ allSynonyms cols
  rels <- H.query () $ allRelations tabs cols
  keys <- H.query () $ allPrimaryKeys tabs

  let rels' = (addManyToManyRelations . raiseRelations schema syns . addParentRelations . addSynonymousRelations syns) rels
      cols' = addForeignKeys rels' cols
      keys' = synonymousPrimaryKeys syns keys

  return DbStructure {
      dbTables = tabs
    , dbColumns = cols'
    , dbRelations = rels'
    , dbPrimaryKeys = keys'

encodeQi :: HE.Params QualifiedIdentifier
encodeQi =
  contramap qiSchema (HE.value HE.text) <>
  contramap qiName   (HE.value HE.text)

decodeTables :: HD.Result [Table]
decodeTables =
  HD.rowsList tblRow
  tblRow = Table <$> HD.value HD.text <*> HD.value HD.text
                 <*> HD.value HD.bool

decodeColumns :: [Table] -> HD.Result [Column]
decodeColumns tables =
  mapMaybe (columnFromRow tables) <$> HD.rowsList colRow
  colRow =
      <$> HD.value HD.text <*> HD.value HD.text
      <*> HD.value HD.text <*> HD.value HD.int4
      <*> HD.value HD.bool <*> HD.value HD.text
      <*> HD.value HD.bool
      <*> HD.nullableValue HD.int4
      <*> HD.nullableValue HD.int4
      <*> HD.nullableValue HD.text
      <*> HD.nullableValue HD.text

decodeRelations :: [Table] -> [Column] -> HD.Result [Relation]
decodeRelations tables cols =
  mapMaybe (relationFromRow tables cols) <$> HD.rowsList relRow
  relRow = (,,,,,)
    <$> HD.value HD.text
    <*> HD.value HD.text
    <*> HD.value (HD.array (HD.arrayDimension replicateM (HD.arrayValue HD.text)))
    <*> HD.value HD.text
    <*> HD.value HD.text
    <*> HD.value (HD.array (HD.arrayDimension replicateM (HD.arrayValue HD.text)))

decodePks :: [Table] -> HD.Result [PrimaryKey]
decodePks tables =
  mapMaybe (pkFromRow tables) <$> HD.rowsList pkRow
  pkRow = (,,) <$> HD.value HD.text <*> HD.value HD.text <*> HD.value HD.text

decodeSynonyms :: [Column] -> HD.Result [(Column,Column)]
decodeSynonyms cols =
  mapMaybe (synonymFromRow cols) <$> HD.rowsList synRow
  synRow = (,,,,,)
    <$> HD.value HD.text <*> HD.value HD.text
    <*> HD.value HD.text <*> HD.value HD.text
    <*> HD.value HD.text <*> HD.value HD.text

doesProcExist :: H.Query QualifiedIdentifier Bool
doesProcExist =
  H.statement sql encodeQi (HD.singleRow (HD.value HD.bool)) True
  sql = [q| SELECT EXISTS (
      SELECT 1
      FROM   pg_catalog.pg_namespace n
      JOIN   pg_catalog.pg_proc p
      ON     pronamespace = n.oid
      WHERE  nspname = $1
      AND    proname = $2
    ) |]

doesProcReturnJWT :: H.Query QualifiedIdentifier Bool
doesProcReturnJWT =
  H.statement sql encodeQi (HD.singleRow (HD.value HD.bool)) True
  sql = [q| SELECT EXISTS (
      SELECT 1
      FROM   pg_catalog.pg_namespace n
      JOIN   pg_catalog.pg_proc p
      ON     pronamespace = n.oid
      WHERE  nspname = $1
      AND    proname = $2
      AND    pg_catalog.pg_get_function_result(p.oid) like '%jwt_claims'
    ) |]

accessibleTables :: H.Query Schema [Table]
accessibleTables =
  H.statement sql (HE.value HE.text) decodeTables True
  sql = [q|
      n.nspname as table_schema,
      relname as table_name,
      c.relkind = 'r' or (c.relkind IN ('v', 'f')) and (pg_relation_is_updatable(c.oid::regclass, false) & 8) = 8
      or (exists (
         select 1
         from pg_trigger
         where pg_trigger.tgrelid = c.oid and (pg_trigger.tgtype::integer & 69) = 69)
      ) as insertable
      pg_class c
      join pg_namespace n on n.oid = c.relnamespace
      c.relkind in ('v', 'r', 'm')
      and n.nspname = $1
      and (
        pg_has_role(c.relowner, 'USAGE'::text)
        or has_table_privilege(c.oid, 'SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, TRUNCATE, REFERENCES, TRIGGER'::text)
        or has_any_column_privilege(c.oid, 'SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, REFERENCES'::text)
    order by relname |]

synonymousColumns :: [(Column,Column)] -> [Column] -> [[Column]]
synonymousColumns allSyns cols = synCols'
    syns = sort $ filter ((== colTable (head cols)) . colTable . fst) allSyns
    synCols= transpose $ map (\c -> map snd $ filter ((== c) . fst) syns) cols
    synCols' = (filter sameTable . filter matchLength) synCols
    matchLength cs = length cols == length cs
    sameTable (c:cs) = all (\cc -> colTable c == colTable cc) (c:cs)
    sameTable [] = False

addForeignKeys :: [Relation] -> [Column] -> [Column]
addForeignKeys rels = map addFk
    addFk col = col { colFK = fk col }
    fk col = join $ relToFk col <$> find (lookupFn col) rels
    lookupFn :: Column -> Relation -> Bool
    lookupFn c Relation{relColumns=cs, relType=rty} = c `elem` cs && rty==Child
    -- lookupFn _ _ = False
    relToFk col Relation{relColumns=cols, relFColumns=colsF} = ForeignKey <$> colF
        pos = elemIndex col cols
        colF = (colsF !!) <$> pos

addSynonymousRelations :: [(Column,Column)] -> [Relation] -> [Relation]
addSynonymousRelations _ [] = []
addSynonymousRelations syns (rel:rels) = rel : synRelsP ++ synRelsF ++ addSynonymousRelations syns rels
    synRelsP = synRels (relColumns rel) (\t cs -> rel{relTable=t,relColumns=cs})
    synRelsF = synRels (relFColumns rel) (\t cs -> rel{relFTable=t,relFColumns=cs})
    synRels cols mapFn = map (\cs -> mapFn (colTable $ head cs) cs) $ synonymousColumns syns cols

addParentRelations :: [Relation] -> [Relation]
addParentRelations [] = []
addParentRelations (rel@(Relation t c ft fc _ _ _ _):rels) = Relation ft fc t c Parent Nothing Nothing Nothing : rel : addParentRelations rels

addManyToManyRelations :: [Relation] -> [Relation]
addManyToManyRelations rels = rels ++ addMirrorRelation (mapMaybe link2Relation links)
    links = join $ map (combinations 2) $ filter (not . null) $ groupWith groupFn $ filter ( (==Child). relType) rels
    groupFn :: Relation -> Text
    groupFn Relation{relTable=Table{tableSchema=s, tableName=t}} = s<>"_"<>t
    combinations k ns = filter ((k==).length) (subsequences ns)
    addMirrorRelation [] = []
    addMirrorRelation (rel@(Relation t c ft fc _ lt lc1 lc2):rels') = Relation ft fc t c Many lt lc2 lc1 : rel : addMirrorRelation rels'
    link2Relation [
      Relation{relTable=lt, relColumns=lc1, relFTable=t,  relFColumns=c},
      Relation{             relColumns=lc2, relFTable=ft, relFColumns=fc}
      | lc1 /= lc2 && length lc1 == 1 && length lc2 == 1 = Just $ Relation t c ft fc Many (Just lt) (Just lc1) (Just lc2)
      | otherwise = Nothing
    link2Relation _ = Nothing

raiseRelations :: Schema -> [(Column,Column)] -> [Relation] -> [Relation]
raiseRelations schema syns = map raiseRel
    raiseRel rel
      | tableSchema table == schema = rel
      | isJust newCols = rel{relFTable=fromJust newTable,relFColumns=fromJust newCols}
      | otherwise = rel
        cols = relFColumns rel
        table = relFTable rel
        newCols = listToMaybe $ filter ((== schema) . tableSchema . colTable . head) (synonymousColumns syns cols)
        newTable = (colTable . head) <$> newCols

synonymousPrimaryKeys :: [(Column,Column)] -> [PrimaryKey] -> [PrimaryKey]
synonymousPrimaryKeys _ [] = []
synonymousPrimaryKeys syns (key:keys) = key : newKeys ++ synonymousPrimaryKeys syns keys
    keySyns = filter ((\c -> colTable c == pkTable key && colName c == pkName key) . fst) syns
    newKeys = map ((\c -> PrimaryKey{pkTable=colTable c,pkName=colName c}) . snd) keySyns

allTables :: H.Query () [Table]
allTables =
  H.statement sql HE.unit decodeTables True
  sql = [q|
      n.nspname AS table_schema,
      c.relname AS table_name,
      c.relkind = 'r' OR (c.relkind IN ('v','f'))
      AND (pg_relation_is_updatable(c.oid::regclass, FALSE) & 8) = 8
      OR (EXISTS
        ( SELECT 1
          FROM pg_trigger
          WHERE pg_trigger.tgrelid = c.oid
          AND (pg_trigger.tgtype::integer & 69) = 69) ) AS insertable
    FROM pg_class c
    JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
    WHERE c.relkind IN ('v','r','m')
      AND n.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema')
    GROUP BY table_schema, table_name, insertable
    ORDER BY table_schema, table_name |]

allColumns :: [Table] -> H.Query () [Column]
allColumns tabs =
  H.statement sql HE.unit (decodeColumns tabs) True
  sql = [q|
        info.table_schema AS schema,
        info.table_name AS table_name,
        info.column_name AS name,
        info.ordinal_position AS position,
        info.is_nullable::boolean AS nullable,
        info.data_type AS col_type,
        info.is_updatable::boolean AS updatable,
        info.character_maximum_length AS max_len,
        info.numeric_precision AS precision,
        info.column_default AS default_value,
        array_to_string(enum_info.vals, ',') AS enum
    FROM (
        -- CTE based on information_schema.columns to remove the owner filter
        WITH columns AS (
            SELECT current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_catalog,
                nc.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_schema,
                c.relname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_name,
                a.attname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS column_name,
                a.attnum::information_schema.cardinal_number AS ordinal_position,
                pg_get_expr(ad.adbin, ad.adrelid)::information_schema.character_data AS column_default,
                        WHEN a.attnotnull OR t.typtype = 'd'::"char" AND t.typnotnull THEN 'NO'::text
                        ELSE 'YES'::text
                    END::information_schema.yes_or_no AS is_nullable,
                        WHEN t.typtype = 'd'::"char" THEN
                            WHEN bt.typelem <> 0::oid AND bt.typlen = (-1) THEN 'ARRAY'::text
                            WHEN nbt.nspname = 'pg_catalog'::name THEN format_type(t.typbasetype, NULL::integer)
                            ELSE 'USER-DEFINED'::text
                            WHEN t.typelem <> 0::oid AND t.typlen = (-1) THEN 'ARRAY'::text
                            WHEN nt.nspname = 'pg_catalog'::name THEN format_type(a.atttypid, NULL::integer)
                            ELSE 'USER-DEFINED'::text
                    END::information_schema.character_data AS data_type,
                information_schema._pg_char_max_length(information_schema._pg_truetypid(a.*, t.*), information_schema._pg_truetypmod(a.*, t.*))::information_schema.cardinal_number AS character_maximum_length,
                information_schema._pg_char_octet_length(information_schema._pg_truetypid(a.*, t.*), information_schema._pg_truetypmod(a.*, t.*))::information_schema.cardinal_number AS character_octet_length,
                information_schema._pg_numeric_precision(information_schema._pg_truetypid(a.*, t.*), information_schema._pg_truetypmod(a.*, t.*))::information_schema.cardinal_number AS numeric_precision,
                information_schema._pg_numeric_precision_radix(information_schema._pg_truetypid(a.*, t.*), information_schema._pg_truetypmod(a.*, t.*))::information_schema.cardinal_number AS numeric_precision_radix,
                information_schema._pg_numeric_scale(information_schema._pg_truetypid(a.*, t.*), information_schema._pg_truetypmod(a.*, t.*))::information_schema.cardinal_number AS numeric_scale,
                information_schema._pg_datetime_precision(information_schema._pg_truetypid(a.*, t.*), information_schema._pg_truetypmod(a.*, t.*))::information_schema.cardinal_number AS datetime_precision,
                information_schema._pg_interval_type(information_schema._pg_truetypid(a.*, t.*), information_schema._pg_truetypmod(a.*, t.*))::information_schema.character_data AS interval_type,
                NULL::integer::information_schema.cardinal_number AS interval_precision,
                NULL::character varying::information_schema.sql_identifier AS character_set_catalog,
                NULL::character varying::information_schema.sql_identifier AS character_set_schema,
                NULL::character varying::information_schema.sql_identifier AS character_set_name,
                        WHEN nco.nspname IS NOT NULL THEN current_database()
                        ELSE NULL::name
                    END::information_schema.sql_identifier AS collation_catalog,
                nco.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS collation_schema,
                co.collname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS collation_name,
                        WHEN t.typtype = 'd'::"char" THEN current_database()
                        ELSE NULL::name
                    END::information_schema.sql_identifier AS domain_catalog,
                        WHEN t.typtype = 'd'::"char" THEN nt.nspname
                        ELSE NULL::name
                    END::information_schema.sql_identifier AS domain_schema,
                        WHEN t.typtype = 'd'::"char" THEN t.typname
                        ELSE NULL::name
                    END::information_schema.sql_identifier AS domain_name,
                current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS udt_catalog,
                COALESCE(nbt.nspname, nt.nspname)::information_schema.sql_identifier AS udt_schema,
                COALESCE(bt.typname, t.typname)::information_schema.sql_identifier AS udt_name,
                NULL::character varying::information_schema.sql_identifier AS scope_catalog,
                NULL::character varying::information_schema.sql_identifier AS scope_schema,
                NULL::character varying::information_schema.sql_identifier AS scope_name,
                NULL::integer::information_schema.cardinal_number AS maximum_cardinality,
                a.attnum::information_schema.sql_identifier AS dtd_identifier,
                'NO'::character varying::information_schema.yes_or_no AS is_self_referencing,
                'NO'::character varying::information_schema.yes_or_no AS is_identity,
                NULL::character varying::information_schema.character_data AS identity_generation,
                NULL::character varying::information_schema.character_data AS identity_start,
                NULL::character varying::information_schema.character_data AS identity_increment,
                NULL::character varying::information_schema.character_data AS identity_maximum,
                NULL::character varying::information_schema.character_data AS identity_minimum,
                NULL::character varying::information_schema.yes_or_no AS identity_cycle,
                'NEVER'::character varying::information_schema.character_data AS is_generated,
                NULL::character varying::information_schema.character_data AS generation_expression,
                    WHEN c.relkind = 'r'::"char" OR (c.relkind = ANY (ARRAY['v'::"char", 'f'::"char"])) AND pg_column_is_updatable(c.oid::regclass, a.attnum, false) THEN 'YES'::text
                    ELSE 'NO'::text
                END::information_schema.yes_or_no AS is_updatable
            FROM pg_attribute a
               LEFT JOIN pg_attrdef ad ON a.attrelid = ad.adrelid AND a.attnum = ad.adnum
               JOIN (pg_class c
               JOIN pg_namespace nc ON c.relnamespace = nc.oid) ON a.attrelid = c.oid
               JOIN (pg_type t
               JOIN pg_namespace nt ON t.typnamespace = nt.oid) ON a.atttypid = t.oid
               LEFT JOIN (pg_type bt
               JOIN pg_namespace nbt ON bt.typnamespace = nbt.oid) ON t.typtype = 'd'::"char" AND t.typbasetype = bt.oid
               LEFT JOIN (pg_collation co
               JOIN pg_namespace nco ON co.collnamespace = nco.oid) ON a.attcollation = co.oid AND (nco.nspname <> 'pg_catalog'::name OR co.collname <> 'default'::name)
            WHERE NOT pg_is_other_temp_schema(nc.oid) AND a.attnum > 0 AND NOT a.attisdropped AND (c.relkind = ANY (ARRAY['r'::"char", 'v'::"char", 'f'::"char"]))
              /*--AND (pg_has_role(c.relowner, 'USAGE'::text) OR has_column_privilege(c.oid, a.attnum, 'SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, REFERENCES'::text))*/
        /*-- FROM information_schema.columns*/
        FROM columns
        WHERE table_schema NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema')
    ) AS info
            n.nspname AS s,
            t.typname AS n,
            array_agg(e.enumlabel ORDER BY e.enumsortorder) AS vals
        FROM pg_type t
        JOIN pg_enum e ON t.oid = e.enumtypid
        JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = t.typnamespace
        GROUP BY s,n
    ) AS enum_info ON (info.udt_name = enum_info.n)
    ORDER BY schema, position |]

columnFromRow :: [Table] ->
                 (Text,       Text,        Text,
                  Int32,      Bool,        Text,
                  Bool,       Maybe Int32, Maybe Int32,
                  Maybe Text, Maybe Text)
                 -> Maybe Column
columnFromRow tabs (s, t, n, pos, nul, typ, u, l, p, d, e) = buildColumn <$> table
    buildColumn tbl = Column tbl n pos nul typ u l p d (parseEnum e) Nothing
    table = find (\tbl -> tableSchema tbl == s && tableName tbl == t) tabs
    parseEnum :: Maybe Text -> [Text]
    parseEnum str = fromMaybe [] $ split (==',') <$> str

allRelations :: [Table] -> [Column] -> H.Query () [Relation]
allRelations tabs cols =
  H.statement sql HE.unit (decodeRelations tabs cols) True
  sql = [q|
    SELECT ns1.nspname AS table_schema,
           tab.relname AS table_name,
           column_info.cols AS columns,
           ns2.nspname AS foreign_table_schema,
           other.relname AS foreign_table_name,
           column_info.refs AS foreign_columns
    FROM pg_constraint,
       LATERAL (SELECT array_agg(cols.attname) AS cols,
                       array_agg(cols.attnum)  AS nums,
                       array_agg(refs.attname) AS refs
                  FROM ( SELECT unnest(conkey) AS col, unnest(confkey) AS ref) k,
                       LATERAL (SELECT * FROM pg_attribute
                                 WHERE attrelid = conrelid AND attnum = col)
                            AS cols,
                       LATERAL (SELECT * FROM pg_attribute
                                 WHERE attrelid = confrelid AND attnum = ref)
                            AS refs)
            AS column_info,
       LATERAL (SELECT * FROM pg_namespace WHERE pg_namespace.oid = connamespace) AS ns1,
       LATERAL (SELECT * FROM pg_class WHERE pg_class.oid = conrelid) AS tab,
       LATERAL (SELECT * FROM pg_class WHERE pg_class.oid = confrelid) AS other,
       LATERAL (SELECT * FROM pg_namespace WHERE pg_namespace.oid = other.relnamespace) AS ns2
    WHERE confrelid != 0
    ORDER BY (conrelid, column_info.nums) |]

relationFromRow :: [Table] -> [Column] -> (Text, Text, [Text], Text, Text, [Text]) -> Maybe Relation
relationFromRow allTabs allCols (rs, rt, rcs, frs, frt, frcs) =
  Relation <$> table <*> cols <*> tableF <*> colsF <*> pure Child <*> pure Nothing <*> pure Nothing <*> pure Nothing
    findTable s t = find (\tbl -> tableSchema tbl == s && tableName tbl == t) allTabs
    findCol s t c = find (\col -> tableSchema (colTable col) == s && tableName (colTable col) == t && colName col == c) allCols
    table  = findTable rs rt
    tableF = findTable frs frt
    cols  = mapM (findCol rs rt) rcs
    colsF = mapM (findCol frs frt) frcs

allPrimaryKeys :: [Table] -> H.Query () [PrimaryKey]
allPrimaryKeys tabs =
  H.statement sql HE.unit (decodePks tabs) True
  sql = [q|
    -- CTE to replace information_schema.table_constraints to remove owner limit
    WITH tc AS (
        SELECT current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS constraint_catalog,
            nc.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS constraint_schema,
            c.conname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS constraint_name,
            current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_catalog,
            nr.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_schema,
            r.relname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_name,
                CASE c.contype
                    WHEN 'c'::"char" THEN 'CHECK'::text
                    WHEN 'f'::"char" THEN 'FOREIGN KEY'::text
                    WHEN 'p'::"char" THEN 'PRIMARY KEY'::text
                    WHEN 'u'::"char" THEN 'UNIQUE'::text
                    ELSE NULL::text
                END::information_schema.character_data AS constraint_type,
                    WHEN c.condeferrable THEN 'YES'::text
                    ELSE 'NO'::text
                END::information_schema.yes_or_no AS is_deferrable,
                    WHEN c.condeferred THEN 'YES'::text
                    ELSE 'NO'::text
                END::information_schema.yes_or_no AS initially_deferred
        FROM pg_namespace nc,
            pg_namespace nr,
            pg_constraint c,
            pg_class r
        WHERE nc.oid = c.connamespace AND nr.oid = r.relnamespace AND c.conrelid = r.oid AND (c.contype <> ALL (ARRAY['t'::"char", 'x'::"char"])) AND r.relkind = 'r'::"char" AND NOT pg_is_other_temp_schema(nr.oid)
        /*--AND (pg_has_role(r.relowner, 'USAGE'::text) OR has_table_privilege(r.oid, 'INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, TRUNCATE, REFERENCES, TRIGGER'::text) OR has_any_column_privilege(r.oid, 'INSERT, UPDATE, REFERENCES'::text))*/
        UNION ALL
        SELECT current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS constraint_catalog,
            nr.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS constraint_schema,
            (((((nr.oid::text || '_'::text) || r.oid::text) || '_'::text) || a.attnum::text) || '_not_null'::text)::information_schema.sql_identifier AS constraint_name,
            current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_catalog,
            nr.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_schema,
            r.relname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_name,
            'CHECK'::character varying::information_schema.character_data AS constraint_type,
            'NO'::character varying::information_schema.yes_or_no AS is_deferrable,
            'NO'::character varying::information_schema.yes_or_no AS initially_deferred
        FROM pg_namespace nr,
            pg_class r,
            pg_attribute a
        WHERE nr.oid = r.relnamespace AND r.oid = a.attrelid AND a.attnotnull AND a.attnum > 0 AND NOT a.attisdropped AND r.relkind = 'r'::"char" AND NOT pg_is_other_temp_schema(nr.oid)
        /*--AND (pg_has_role(r.relowner, 'USAGE'::text) OR has_table_privilege(r.oid, 'INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, TRUNCATE, REFERENCES, TRIGGER'::text) OR has_any_column_privilege(r.oid, 'INSERT, UPDATE, REFERENCES'::text))*/
    -- CTE to replace information_schema.key_column_usage to remove owner limit
    kc AS (
        SELECT current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS constraint_catalog,
            ss.nc_nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS constraint_schema,
            ss.conname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS constraint_name,
            current_database()::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_catalog,
            ss.nr_nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_schema,
            ss.relname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_name,
            a.attname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS column_name,
            (ss.x).n::information_schema.cardinal_number AS ordinal_position,
                    WHEN ss.contype = 'f'::"char" THEN information_schema._pg_index_position(ss.conindid, ss.confkey[(ss.x).n])
                    ELSE NULL::integer
                END::information_schema.cardinal_number AS position_in_unique_constraint
        FROM pg_attribute a,
            ( SELECT r.oid AS roid,
                nc.nspname AS nc_nspname,
                nr.nspname AS nr_nspname,
                c.oid AS coid,
                information_schema._pg_expandarray(c.conkey) AS x
               FROM pg_namespace nr,
                pg_class r,
                pg_namespace nc,
                pg_constraint c
              WHERE nr.oid = r.relnamespace AND r.oid = c.conrelid AND nc.oid = c.connamespace AND (c.contype = ANY (ARRAY['p'::"char", 'u'::"char", 'f'::"char"])) AND r.relkind = 'r'::"char" AND NOT pg_is_other_temp_schema(nr.oid)) ss
        WHERE ss.roid = a.attrelid AND a.attnum = (ss.x).x AND NOT a.attisdropped
        /*--AND (pg_has_role(ss.relowner, 'USAGE'::text) OR has_column_privilege(ss.roid, a.attnum, 'SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, REFERENCES'::text))*/
        --information_schema.table_constraints tc,
        --information_schema.key_column_usage kc
        tc, kc
        tc.constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY' AND
        kc.table_name = tc.table_name AND
        kc.table_schema = tc.table_schema AND
        kc.constraint_name = tc.constraint_name AND
        kc.table_schema NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') |]

pkFromRow :: [Table] -> (Schema, Text, Text) -> Maybe PrimaryKey
pkFromRow tabs (s, t, n) = PrimaryKey <$> table <*> pure n
  where table = find (\tbl -> tableSchema tbl == s && tableName tbl == t) tabs

allSynonyms :: [Column] -> H.Query () [(Column,Column)]
allSynonyms cols =
  H.statement sql HE.unit (decodeSynonyms cols) True
  -- query explanation at https://gist.github.com/ruslantalpa/2eab8c930a65e8043d8f
  sql = [q|
    WITH view_columns AS (
    		c.oid AS view_oid,
    		a.attname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS column_name
    	FROM pg_attribute a
    	JOIN pg_class c ON a.attrelid = c.oid
    	JOIN pg_namespace nc ON c.relnamespace = nc.oid
    		NOT pg_is_other_temp_schema(nc.oid)
    		AND a.attnum > 0
    		AND NOT a.attisdropped
    		AND (c.relkind = 'v'::"char")
    		AND nc.nspname NOT IN ('information_schema', 'pg_catalog')
    view_column_usage AS (
    		v.oid as view_oid,
    		nv.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS view_schema,
    		v.relname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS view_name,
    		nt.nspname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_schema,
    		t.relname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS table_name,
    		a.attname::information_schema.sql_identifier AS column_name,
    		pg_get_viewdef(v.oid)::information_schema.character_data AS view_definition
    	FROM pg_namespace nv
    	JOIN pg_class v ON nv.oid = v.relnamespace
    	JOIN pg_depend dv ON v.oid = dv.refobjid
    	JOIN pg_depend dt ON dv.objid = dt.objid
    	JOIN pg_class t ON dt.refobjid = t.oid
    	JOIN pg_namespace nt ON t.relnamespace = nt.oid
    	JOIN pg_attribute a ON t.oid = a.attrelid AND dt.refobjsubid = a.attnum

    		nv.nspname not in ('information_schema', 'pg_catalog')
    		AND v.relkind = 'v'::"char"
    		AND dv.refclassid = 'pg_class'::regclass::oid
    		AND dv.classid = 'pg_rewrite'::regclass::oid
    		AND dv.deptype = 'i'::"char"
    		AND dv.refobjid <> dt.refobjid
    		AND dt.classid = 'pg_rewrite'::regclass::oid
    		AND dt.refclassid = 'pg_class'::regclass::oid
    		AND (t.relkind = ANY (ARRAY['r'::"char", 'v'::"char", 'f'::"char"]))
    candidates AS (
    			SELECT CASE WHEN match IS NOT NULL THEN coalesce(match[7], match[4]) END
    				CONCAT('SELECT ', SPLIT_PART(vcu.view_definition, 'SELECT', 2)),
    				CONCAT('SELECT.*?((',vcu.table_name,')|(\w+))\.(', vcu.column_name, ')(\sAS\s(")?([^"]+)\6)?.*?FROM.*?',vcu.table_schema,'\.(\2|',vcu.table_name,'\s+(AS\s)?\3)'),
    			) match
    		) AS view_column_name
    	FROM view_column_usage AS vcu
    	c.column_name AS table_column_name,
    FROM view_columns AS vc, candidates AS c
    	vc.view_oid = c.view_oid AND
    	vc.column_name = c.view_column_name
    ORDER BY c.view_schema, c.view_name, c.table_name, c.view_column_name

synonymFromRow :: [Column] -> (Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text) -> Maybe (Column,Column)
synonymFromRow allCols (s1,t1,c1,s2,t2,c2) = (,) <$> col1 <*> col2
    col1 = findCol s1 t1 c1
    col2 = findCol s2 t2 c2
    findCol s t c = find (\col -> (tableSchema . colTable) col == s && (tableName . colTable) col == t && colName col == c) allCols