module SpecHelper where import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as B64 (decodeLenient, encode) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified System.IO.Error as E import Data.Aeson (Value (..), decode, encode) import Data.CaseInsensitive (CI (..), original) import Data.List (lookup) import Data.List.NonEmpty (fromList) import Network.Wai.Test (SResponse (simpleBody, simpleHeaders, simpleStatus)) import System.Environment (getEnv) import System.Process (readProcess) import Text.Regex.TDFA ((=~)) import Network.HTTP.Types import Test.Hspec import Test.Hspec.Wai import Text.Heredoc import PostgREST.Config (AppConfig (..), JSPathExp (..), LogLevel (..), OpenAPIMode (..), parseSecret) import PostgREST.DbStructure.Identifiers (QualifiedIdentifier (..)) import Protolude hiding (toS) import Protolude.Conv (toS) matchContentTypeJson :: MatchHeader matchContentTypeJson = "Content-Type" <:> "application/json; charset=utf-8" matchContentTypeSingular :: MatchHeader matchContentTypeSingular = "Content-Type" <:> "application/vnd.pgrst.object+json; charset=utf-8" matchHeaderAbsent :: HeaderName -> MatchHeader matchHeaderAbsent name = MatchHeader $ \headers _body -> case lookup name headers of Just _ -> Just $ "unexpected header: " <> toS (original name) <> "\n" Nothing -> Nothing validateOpenApiResponse :: [Header] -> WaiSession () () validateOpenApiResponse headers = do r <- request methodGet "/" headers "" liftIO $ let respStatus = simpleStatus r in respStatus `shouldSatisfy` \s -> s == Status { statusCode = 200, statusMessage="OK" } liftIO $ let respHeaders = simpleHeaders r in respHeaders `shouldSatisfy` \hs -> ("Content-Type", "application/openapi+json; charset=utf-8") `elem` hs let Just body = decode (simpleBody r) Just schema <- liftIO $ decode <$> BL.readFile "test/fixtures/openapi.json" let args :: M.Map Text Value args = M.fromList [ ( "schema", schema ) , ( "data", body ) ] hdrs = acceptHdrs "application/json" request methodPost "/rpc/validate_json_schema" hdrs (encode args) `shouldRespondWith` "true" { matchStatus = 200 , matchHeaders = [] } getEnvVarWithDefault :: Text -> Text -> IO Text getEnvVarWithDefault var def = toS <$> getEnv (toS var) `E.catchIOError` const (return $ toS def) _baseCfg :: AppConfig _baseCfg = let secret = Just $ encodeUtf8 "reallyreallyreallyreallyverysafe" in AppConfig { configAppSettings = [ ("app.settings.app_host", "localhost") , ("app.settings.external_api_secret", "0123456789abcdef") ] , configDbAnonRole = "postgrest_test_anonymous" , configDbChannel = mempty , configDbChannelEnabled = True , configDbExtraSearchPath = [] , configDbMaxRows = Nothing , configDbPoolSize = 10 , configDbPoolTimeout = 10 , configDbPreRequest = Just $ QualifiedIdentifier "test" "switch_role" , configDbPreparedStatements = True , configDbRootSpec = Nothing , configDbSchemas = fromList ["test"] , configDbConfig = False , configDbUri = mempty , configDbUseLegacyGucs = True , configFilePath = Nothing , configJWKS = parseSecret <$> secret , configJwtAudience = Nothing , configJwtRoleClaimKey = [JSPKey "role"] , configJwtSecret = secret , configJwtSecretIsBase64 = False , configLogLevel = LogCrit , configOpenApiMode = OAFollowPriv , configOpenApiServerProxyUri = Nothing , configRawMediaTypes = [] , configServerHost = "localhost" , configServerPort = 3000 , configServerUnixSocket = Nothing , configServerUnixSocketMode = 432 , configDbTxAllowOverride = True , configDbTxRollbackAll = True } testCfg :: Text -> AppConfig testCfg testDbConn = _baseCfg { configDbUri = testDbConn } testCfgDisallowRollback :: Text -> AppConfig testCfgDisallowRollback testDbConn = (testCfg testDbConn) { configDbTxAllowOverride = False, configDbTxRollbackAll = False } testCfgForceRollback :: Text -> AppConfig testCfgForceRollback testDbConn = (testCfg testDbConn) { configDbTxAllowOverride = False, configDbTxRollbackAll = True } testCfgNoJWT :: Text -> AppConfig testCfgNoJWT testDbConn = (testCfg testDbConn) { configJwtSecret = Nothing, configJWKS = Nothing } testUnicodeCfg :: Text -> AppConfig testUnicodeCfg testDbConn = (testCfg testDbConn) { configDbSchemas = fromList ["تست"] } testMaxRowsCfg :: Text -> AppConfig testMaxRowsCfg testDbConn = (testCfg testDbConn) { configDbMaxRows = Just 2 } testDisabledOpenApiCfg :: Text -> AppConfig testDisabledOpenApiCfg testDbConn = (testCfg testDbConn) { configOpenApiMode = OADisabled } testIgnorePrivOpenApiCfg :: Text -> AppConfig testIgnorePrivOpenApiCfg testDbConn = (testCfg testDbConn) { configOpenApiMode = OAIgnorePriv, configDbSchemas = fromList ["test", "v1"] } testProxyCfg :: Text -> AppConfig testProxyCfg testDbConn = (testCfg testDbConn) { configOpenApiServerProxyUri = Just "" } testCfgBinaryJWT :: Text -> AppConfig testCfgBinaryJWT testDbConn = let secret = Just . B64.decodeLenient $ "cmVhbGx5cmVhbGx5cmVhbGx5cmVhbGx5dmVyeXNhZmU=" in (testCfg testDbConn) { configJwtSecret = secret , configJWKS = parseSecret <$> secret } testCfgAudienceJWT :: Text -> AppConfig testCfgAudienceJWT testDbConn = let secret = Just . B64.decodeLenient $ "cmVhbGx5cmVhbGx5cmVhbGx5cmVhbGx5dmVyeXNhZmU=" in (testCfg testDbConn) { configJwtSecret = secret , configJwtAudience = Just "youraudience" , configJWKS = parseSecret <$> secret } testCfgAsymJWK :: Text -> AppConfig testCfgAsymJWK testDbConn = let secret = Just $ encodeUtf8 [str|{"alg":"RS256","e":"AQAB","key_ops":["verify"],"kty":"RSA","n":"0etQ2Tg187jb04MWfpuogYGV75IFrQQBxQaGH75eq_FpbkyoLcEpRUEWSbECP2eeFya2yZ9vIO5ScD-lPmovePk4Aa4SzZ8jdjhmAbNykleRPCxMg0481kz6PQhnHRUv3nF5WP479CnObJKqTVdEagVL66oxnX9VhZG9IZA7k0Th5PfKQwrKGyUeTGczpOjaPqbxlunP73j9AfnAt4XCS8epa-n3WGz1j-wfpr_ys57Aq-zBCfqP67UYzNpeI1AoXsJhD9xSDOzvJgFRvc3vm2wjAW4LEMwi48rCplamOpZToIHEPIaPzpveYQwDnB1HFTR1ove9bpKJsHmi-e2uzQ","use":"sig"}|] in (testCfg testDbConn) { configJwtSecret = secret , configJWKS = parseSecret <$> secret } testCfgAsymJWKSet :: Text -> AppConfig testCfgAsymJWKSet testDbConn = let secret = Just $ encodeUtf8 [str|{"keys": [{"alg":"RS256","e":"AQAB","key_ops":["verify"],"kty":"RSA","n":"0etQ2Tg187jb04MWfpuogYGV75IFrQQBxQaGH75eq_FpbkyoLcEpRUEWSbECP2eeFya2yZ9vIO5ScD-lPmovePk4Aa4SzZ8jdjhmAbNykleRPCxMg0481kz6PQhnHRUv3nF5WP479CnObJKqTVdEagVL66oxnX9VhZG9IZA7k0Th5PfKQwrKGyUeTGczpOjaPqbxlunP73j9AfnAt4XCS8epa-n3WGz1j-wfpr_ys57Aq-zBCfqP67UYzNpeI1AoXsJhD9xSDOzvJgFRvc3vm2wjAW4LEMwi48rCplamOpZToIHEPIaPzpveYQwDnB1HFTR1ove9bpKJsHmi-e2uzQ","use":"sig"}]}|] in (testCfg testDbConn) { configJwtSecret = secret , configJWKS = parseSecret <$> secret } testNonexistentSchemaCfg :: Text -> AppConfig testNonexistentSchemaCfg testDbConn = (testCfg testDbConn) { configDbSchemas = fromList ["nonexistent"] } testCfgExtraSearchPath :: Text -> AppConfig testCfgExtraSearchPath testDbConn = (testCfg testDbConn) { configDbExtraSearchPath = ["public", "extensions"] } testCfgRootSpec :: Text -> AppConfig testCfgRootSpec testDbConn = (testCfg testDbConn) { configDbRootSpec = Just $ QualifiedIdentifier mempty "root"} testCfgHtmlRawOutput :: Text -> AppConfig testCfgHtmlRawOutput testDbConn = (testCfg testDbConn) { configRawMediaTypes = ["text/html"] } testCfgResponseHeaders :: Text -> AppConfig testCfgResponseHeaders testDbConn = (testCfg testDbConn) { configDbPreRequest = Just $ QualifiedIdentifier mempty "custom_headers" } testMultipleSchemaCfg :: Text -> AppConfig testMultipleSchemaCfg testDbConn = (testCfg testDbConn) { configDbSchemas = fromList ["v1", "v2"] } testCfgLegacyGucs :: Text -> AppConfig testCfgLegacyGucs testDbConn = (testCfg testDbConn) { configDbUseLegacyGucs = False } resetDb :: Text -> IO () resetDb dbConn = loadFixture dbConn "data" analyzeTable :: Text -> Text -> IO () analyzeTable dbConn tableName = void $ readProcess "psql" ["--set", "ON_ERROR_STOP=1", toS dbConn, "-a", "-c", toS $ "ANALYZE test.\"" <> tableName <> "\""] [] loadFixture :: Text -> FilePath -> IO() loadFixture dbConn name = void $ readProcess "psql" ["--set", "ON_ERROR_STOP=1", toS dbConn, "-q", "-f", "test/fixtures/" ++ name ++ ".sql"] [] rangeHdrs :: ByteRange -> [Header] rangeHdrs r = [rangeUnit, (hRange, renderByteRange r)] rangeHdrsWithCount :: ByteRange -> [Header] rangeHdrsWithCount r = ("Prefer", "count=exact") : rangeHdrs r acceptHdrs :: BS.ByteString -> [Header] acceptHdrs mime = [(hAccept, mime)] rangeUnit :: Header rangeUnit = ("Range-Unit" :: CI BS.ByteString, "items") matchHeader :: CI BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> [Header] -> Bool matchHeader name valRegex headers = maybe False (=~ valRegex) $ lookup name headers noBlankHeader :: [Header] -> Bool noBlankHeader = notElem mempty noProfileHeader :: [Header] -> Bool noProfileHeader headers = isNothing $ find ((== "Content-Profile") . fst) headers authHeader :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> Header authHeader typ creds = (hAuthorization, typ <> " " <> creds) authHeaderBasic :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> Header authHeaderBasic u p = authHeader "Basic" $ toS . B64.encode . toS $ u <> ":" <> p authHeaderJWT :: BS.ByteString -> Header authHeaderJWT = authHeader "Bearer" -- | Tests whether the text can be parsed as a json object containing -- the key "message", and optional keys "details", "hint", "code", -- and no extraneous keys isErrorFormat :: BL.ByteString -> Bool isErrorFormat s = "message" `S.member` keys && S.null (S.difference keys validKeys) where obj = decode s :: Maybe (M.Map Text Value) keys = maybe S.empty M.keysSet obj validKeys = S.fromList ["message", "details", "hint", "code"]