module Main where import Prelude hiding (first, second) import Control.Arrow import Test.QuickCheck.Instances import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.Runners import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck import qualified Potoki.Core.IO as C import qualified Potoki.Core.Consume as D import qualified Potoki.Core.Transform as A import qualified Potoki.Core.Produce as E import qualified Data.Vector as G main = defaultMain $ testGroup "All tests" $ [ testProperty "list to list" $ \ (list :: [Int]) -> list === unsafePerformIO (C.produceAndConsume (E.list list) D.list) , testProperty "consecutive consumers" $ \ (list :: [Int], amount) -> list === unsafePerformIO (C.produceAndConsume (E.list list) ((++) <$> D.transform (A.take amount) D.list <*> D.list)) , transform ] transform = testGroup "Transform" $ [ transformProduce , transformChoice , transformArrowLaws ] transformProduce = testCase "Produce" $ do let list = [1, 2, 3] :: [Int] result <- C.produceAndTransformAndConsume (E.list list) (A.produce (E.list . \ n -> flip replicate n n)) (D.list) assertEqual "" [1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3] result transformChoice = testGroup "Choice" $ [ testCase "1" $ do let list = [Left 1, Left 2, Right 'z', Left 2, Right 'a', Left 1, Right 'b', Left 0, Right 'x', Left 4, Left 3] transform = left' id result <- C.produceAndTransformAndConsume (E.list list) transform D.list assertEqual "" [Left 1, Left 2, Right 'z', Left 2, Right 'a', Left 1, Right 'b', Left 0, Right 'x', Left 4, Left 3] result , testCase "2" $ do let list = [Left 1, Left 2, Right 'z', Right 'a', Right 'b', Left 0, Right 'x', Left 4, Left 3] transform = right (A.consume D.list) result <- C.produceAndTransformAndConsume (E.list list) transform D.list assertEqual "" [Left 1, Left 2, Right "zab", Left 0, Right "x", Left 4, Left 3] result , testCase "3" $ do let list = [Right 'z', Right 'a', Left 3, Right 'b', Left 0, Left 1, Right 'x', Left 4, Left 3] transform = left (A.consume D.list) result <- C.produceAndTransformAndConsume (E.list list) transform D.list assertEqual "" [Right 'z', Right 'a', Left [3], Right 'b', Left [0, 1], Right 'x', Left [4, 3]] result ] transformArrowLaws = testGroup "Arrow laws" [ testGroup "Strong" [ testCase "1" $ do let input = [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'c'),(4,'d')] transform = first transform1 result <- C.produceAndTransformAndConsume (E.list input) transform D.list assertEqual "" [(6,'c'),(4,'d')] result , testCase "Lack of elements" $ do let input = [(1,'a'),(2,'b')] transform = first transform1 result <- C.produceAndTransformAndConsume (E.list input) transform D.list assertEqual "" [(3,'b')] result ] , transformProperty "arr id = id" (arr id :: A.Transform Int Int) id , transformProperty "arr (f >>> g) = arr f >>> arr g" (arr (f >>> g)) (arr f >>> arr g) , transformProperty "first (arr f) = arr (first f)" (first (arr f) :: A.Transform (Int, Char) (Int, Char)) (arr (first f)) , transformProperty "first (f >>> g) = first f >>> first g" (first (transform1 >>> transform2) :: A.Transform (Int, Char) (Int, Char)) (first (transform1) >>> first (transform2)) , transformProperty "first f >>> arr fst = arr fst >>> f" (first transform1 >>> arr fst :: A.Transform (Int, Char) Int) (arr fst >>> transform1) , transformProperty "first f >>> arr (id *** g) = arr (id *** g) >>> first f" (first transform1 >>> arr (id *** g)) (arr (id *** g) >>> first transform1) , transformProperty "first (first f) >>> arr assoc = arr assoc >>> first f" (first (first transform1) >>> arr assoc :: A.Transform ((Int, Char), Double) (Int, (Char, Double))) (arr assoc >>> first transform1) , transformProperty "left (arr f) = arr (left f)" (left (arr f) :: A.Transform (Either Int Char) (Either Int Char)) (arr (left f)) , transformProperty "left (f >>> g) = left f >>> left g" (left (transform1 >>> transform2) :: A.Transform (Either Int Char) (Either Int Char)) (left (transform1) >>> left (transform2)) , transformProperty "f >>> arr Left = arr Left >>> left f" (transform1 >>> arr Left :: A.Transform Int (Either Int Char)) (arr Left >>> left transform1) , transformProperty "left f >>> arr (id +++ g) = arr (id +++ g) >>> left f" (left transform1 >>> arr (id +++ g)) (arr (id +++ g) >>> left transform1) , transformProperty "left (left f) >>> arr assocsum = arr assocsum >>> left f" (left (left transform1) >>> arr assocsum :: A.Transform (Either (Either Int Char) Double) (Either Int (Either Char Double))) (arr assocsum >>> left transform1) , transformProperty "left (left (arr f)) >>> arr assocsum = arr assocsum >>> left (arr f)" (left (left (arr f)) >>> arr assocsum :: A.Transform (Either (Either Int Char) Double) (Either Int (Either Char Double))) (arr assocsum >>> left (arr f)) ] where f = (+24) :: Int -> Int g = (*3) :: Int -> Int transform1 = A.consume (D.transform (A.take 3) D.sum) :: A.Transform Int Int transform2 = A.consume (D.transform (A.take 4) D.sum) :: A.Transform Int Int assoc ((a,b),c) = (a,(b,c)) assocsum (Left (Left x)) = Left x assocsum (Left (Right y)) = Right (Left y) assocsum (Right z) = Right (Right z) transformProperty :: (Arbitrary input, Show input, Eq output, Show output) => String -> A.Transform input output -> A.Transform input output -> TestTree transformProperty name leftTransform rightTransform = testProperty name property where property list = transform leftTransform === transform rightTransform where transform transform = unsafePerformIO (C.produceAndTransformAndConsume (E.list list) transform D.list)