  , FlexibleContexts
  , FlexibleInstances
  , MultiParamTypeClasses
  , DeriveFunctor

module Data.Trie.Pred.Step where

import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Data.Trie.Class
import qualified Data.Trie.Map as MT
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE

import Data.Functor.Syntax
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)

-- * Single Predicated Step

data PredStep c s a = forall r. PredStep
  { predTag  :: s -- ^ Unique identifier for the predicate - used for combination
  , predPred :: s -> Maybe r
  , predData :: Maybe (r -> a)
  , predSub  :: c s (r -> a)

instance Functor (c s) => Functor (PredStep c s) where
  fmap f (PredStep i p mx xs) = PredStep i p (f <.$> mx) $ f <.$> xs

-- | Lookup and delete only - can't arbitrarilly construct a predicated trie.
instance Trie NonEmpty s c => Trie NonEmpty s (PredStep c) where
  lookup (t:|ts) (PredStep _ p mx xs) = do
    r <- p t
    if null ts then mx <$~> r
               else lookup (NE.fromList ts) xs <$~> r
  delete (t:|ts) xss@(PredStep i p mx xs) =
    maybe xss
      (const $ if null ts
               then PredStep i p Nothing xs
               else PredStep i p mx $ delete (NE.fromList ts) xs)
      (p t)

singletonPred :: Monoid (c s (r -> a)) => s -> (s -> Maybe r) -> (r -> a) -> PredStep c s a
singletonPred i p x = PredStep i p (Just x) mempty

-- * Adjacent Predicated Steps

newtype PredSteps c s a = PredSteps
  { unPredSteps :: [PredStep c s a] }
  deriving (Functor)

-- | Lookup and delete only - can't arbitrarilly construct a predicated trie.
instance Trie NonEmpty s c => Trie NonEmpty s (PredSteps c) where
  lookup ts (PredSteps ps) = getFirst $ foldMap (First . lookup ts) ps
  delete ts (PredSteps ps) = PredSteps $ fmap (delete ts) ps

instance Eq s => Monoid (PredSteps c s a) where
  mempty = PredSteps []
  mappend = unionPred

-- | @Last@-style instance
unionPred :: Eq s => PredSteps c s a -> PredSteps c s a -> PredSteps c s a
unionPred (PredSteps (xss@(PredStep i p mx xs):pxs)) (PredSteps (yss@(PredStep j q my ys):pys))
  | i == j = PredSteps $ yss : unPredSteps (unionPred (PredSteps pxs) (PredSteps pys))
  | otherwise = PredSteps $ xss : yss : unPredSteps (unionPred (PredSteps pxs) (PredSteps pys))
unionPred x (PredSteps []) = x
unionPred (PredSteps []) y = y