-- add Writer to MonadEval so we dont need to specify [hh pp ...] -- the mkNode opts (FailT msg) [msg] .. -- repetitive: needs to add value -- no types referring to types otherwise we lose use of _ as Type {-# OPTIONS -Wall #-} {-# OPTIONS -Wcompat #-} {-# OPTIONS -Wincomplete-record-updates #-} {-# OPTIONS -Wincomplete-uni-patterns #-} {-# OPTIONS -Wredundant-constraints #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoOverloadedLists #-} {- | Dsl for evaluating and displaying type level expressions Contains instances of the class 'P' for evaluating expressions at the type level. -} module Predicate.Prelude ( -- ** boolean expressions type (&&) , type (||) , type (~>) , Not , Ands , Ors , Asc , Asc' , Desc , Desc' , Between , BetweenA , type (<..>) , All , Any , AllPositive , Positive , AllNegative , Negative , AndA , type (&*) , OrA , type (|+) -- ** regex expressions , Re , Re' , Rescan , Rescan' , RescanRanges , RescanRanges' , Resplit , Resplit' , ReplaceAll , ReplaceAll' , ReplaceOne , ReplaceOne' , ReplaceAllString , ReplaceAllString' , ReplaceOneString , ReplaceOneString' , ReplaceFn , ReplaceFn1 , ReplaceFn2 , ReplaceFn3 -- ** tuple expressions , Fst , Snd , Thd , L1 , L2 , L3 , L4 , L5 , L6 , Dup , Swap , SwapC(..) , Assoc , Unassoc , Pairs -- ** character expressions , IsLower , IsUpper , IsNumber , IsSpace , IsPunctuation , IsControl , IsHexDigit , IsOctDigit , IsSeparator , IsLatin1 , IsLowerAll , IsUpperAll , IsNumberAll , IsSpaceAll , IsPunctuationAll , IsControlAll , IsHexDigitAll , IsOctDigitAll , IsSeparatorAll , IsLatin1All -- ** datetime expressions , FormatTimeP , ParseTimeP , ParseTimeP' , ParseTimes , ParseTimes' , MkDay , MkDay' , UnMkDay -- ** numeric expressions , type (+) , type (-) , type (*) , type (/) , Negate , Abs , Signum , FromInteger , FromInteger' , FromIntegral , FromIntegral' , Truncate , Truncate' , Ceiling , Ceiling' , Floor , Floor' , Even , Odd , Div , Mod , DivMod , QuotRem , Quot , Rem -- *** rational numbers , type (%) , type (-%) , ToRational , FromRational , FromRational' -- ** proxy expressions , MkProxy , ProxyT , ProxyT' , Unproxy -- ** read / show expressions , ShowP , ReadP , ReadP' , ReadQ , ReadQ' , ReadMaybe , ReadMaybe' , ReadBase , ReadBase' , ShowBase -- ** aeson expressions , ParseJson' , ParseJson , EncodeJson , EncodeJsonFile , ParseJsonFile' , ParseJsonFile -- ** arrow expressions , type (&&&) , type (***) , First , Second , type (|||) , type (+++) -- ** compare expressions , type (>) , type (>=) , type (==) , type (/=) , type (<=) , type (<) , type (>~) , type (>=~) , type (==~) , type (/=~) , type (<=~) , type (<~) , Gt , Ge , Same , Le , Lt , Ne , type (==!) , OrdP , OrdA' , OrdA , OrdI , type (===~) , Cmp , CmpI -- ** enum expressions , Succ , Pred , FromEnum , ToEnum , ToEnum' , EnumFromTo -- *** bounded enum expressions , SuccB , SuccB' , PredB , PredB' , ToEnumBDef , ToEnumBDef' , ToEnumBFail -- ** wrap / unwrap expressions , Unwrap , Wrap , Wrap' , Coerce , Coerce2 -- ** list / foldable expressions , Map , Concat , ConcatMap , Partition , Filter , Break , Span , Intercalate , Elem , Inits , Tails , Ones , OneP , Len , Length , PadL , PadR , Cycle , SplitAts , SplitAt , ChunksOf , Rotate , Take , Drop , Min , Max , Sum , Product , IsEmpty , Null , Null' , ToList , ToList' , IToList , IToList' , FromList , EmptyList , EmptyList' , Singleton , Reverse , ReverseL , SortBy , SortOn , SortOnDesc , Remove , Keep -- *** overloaded list expressions , ToListExt , FromListExt -- ** maybe expressions , MkNothing , MkNothing' , MkJust , IsNothing , IsJust , MapMaybe , CatMaybes , Just , JustDef , JustFail , MaybeIn , MaybeBool -- ** either expressions , PartitionEithers , IsLeft , IsRight , MkLeft , MkLeft' , MkRight , MkRight' , Left' , Right' , LeftDef , LeftFail , RightDef , RightFail , EitherBool , EitherIn -- ** semigroup / monoid expressions , type (<>) , MConcat , STimes , SapA , SapA' , MEmptyT , MEmptyT' , MEmptyP , MEmpty2 , MEmpty2' -- ** indexing expressions , Ix , Ix' , IxL , type (!!) , Lookup , LookupDef , LookupDef' , LookupFail , LookupFail' -- cons / uncons expressions , type (:+) , type (+:) , Uncons , Unsnoc , Head , Tail , Init , Last , HeadDef , HeadFail , TailDef , TailFail , LastDef , LastFail , InitDef , InitFail -- ** these expressions , PartitionThese , Thiss , Thats , Theses , This' , That' , These' , IsThis , IsThat , IsThese , MkThis , MkThis' , MkThat , MkThat' , MkThese , ThisDef , ThisFail , ThatDef , ThatFail , TheseDef , TheseFail , TheseIn , TheseId , TheseX -- ** fold / unfold expressions , Scanl , ScanN , ScanNA , FoldN , FoldL , Unfoldr , IterateN , IterateUntil , IterateWhile , IterateNWhile , IterateNUntil -- ** failure expressions , Fail , Failp , Failt , FailS , Catch , Catch' -- ** zip expressions , ZipThese , ZipL , ZipR , Zip , Unzip , Unzip3 -- ** conditional expressions , If , Case , Case' , Case'' , Guards , GuardsQuick , Guard , ExitWhen , GuardSimple , GuardsN , GuardsDetail , Bools , BoolsQuick , BoolsN -- ** IO expressions , ReadFile , FileExists , ReadDir , DirExists , ReadEnv , ReadEnvAll , TimeUtc , TimeZt , AppendFile , WriteFile , WriteFile' , Stdout , Stderr , Stdin , ReadIO , ReadIO' -- ** string expressions , ToLower , ToUpper , TrimBoth , TrimL , TrimR , StripR , StripL , IsPrefix , IsInfix , IsSuffix , IsPrefixI , IsInfixI , IsSuffixI , ToString , FromString , FromString' -- ** print expressions , PrintF , PrintL , PrintT -- ** higher order expressions , Pure , Pure2 , FoldMap , type (<$) , type (<*) , type (*>) , FMapFst , FMapSnd , Sequence , Traverse , Join , EmptyT , type (<|>) , Extract , Duplicate -- ** expression combinators , type ($) , type (&) , Do , Dot , RDot , type (>>) , type (<<) , type (>>>) , DoN , type ($$) , type ($&) , K , Hide , Hole , Skip , type (|>) , type (>|) , type (>|>) , Uncurry -- *** parallel expressions , Para , ParaN , Repeat -- ** miscellaneous , Both , Prime , Luhn , Char1 ) where import Predicate.Core import Predicate.Util import Safe (succMay, predMay, toEnumMay) import GHC.TypeLits (Symbol,Nat,KnownSymbol,KnownNat,ErrorMessage((:$$:),(:<>:))) import qualified GHC.TypeLits as GL import Control.Lens hiding (iall) --import Control.Lens (Unwrapped, Wrapped, _Unwrapped', _Wrapped', Ixed, IxValue, Index, Reversing, Cons, Snoc, AsEmpty, FoldableWithIndex, allOf, (%~), (<&>), (^.), (^?), coerced, view, reversed, ix, cons, snoc, _Cons, _Snoc, (^?!), (.~), itoList, Identity(..), _Empty, has) import Data.List import qualified Data.Text.Lens as TL import Data.Proxy import Control.Applicative import Data.Typeable import Control.Monad.Except import qualified Control.Exception as E import Data.Kind (Type) import qualified Text.Regex.PCRE.Heavy as RH import Data.String import Data.Foldable import Data.Maybe import Control.Arrow import qualified Data.Semigroup as SG import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..)) import Numeric import Data.Char import Data.Function import Data.These (These(..)) import Data.Ratio import Data.Time import Data.Coerce import Data.Void import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import Text.Printf import System.Directory import Control.Comonad import System.IO import System.Environment import qualified GHC.Exts as GE import Data.Bool import Data.Either import qualified Data.Type.Equality as DE import Data.Time.Calendar.WeekDate import qualified Data.Aeson as A import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL8 import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL -- $setup -- >>> :set -XDataKinds -- >>> :set -XTypeApplications -- >>> :set -XTypeOperators -- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings -- >>> :set -XNoOverloadedLists -- >>> import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M -- >>> import qualified Data.Text as T -- >>> import Safe (readNote) -- | a type level predicate for a monotonic increasing list -- -- >>> pl @Asc "aaacdef" -- True (All(6)) -- TrueT -- -- >>> pz @Asc [1,2,3,4,5,5,7] -- True -- TrueT -- -- >>> pz @Asc' [1,2,3,4,5,5,7] -- False -- FalseT -- -- >>> pz @Asc "axacdef" -- False -- FalseT -- -- | a type level predicate for a monotonic increasing list data Asc type AscT = All (Fst Id <= Snd Id) Pairs instance P AscT x => P Asc x where type PP Asc x = PP AscT x eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @AscT) -- | a type level predicate for a strictly increasing list data Asc' type AscT' = All (Fst Id < Snd Id) Pairs instance P AscT' x => P Asc' x where type PP Asc' x = PP AscT' x eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @AscT') -- | a type level predicate for a monotonic decreasing list data Desc type DescT = All (Fst Id >= Snd Id) Pairs instance P DescT x => P Desc x where type PP Desc x = PP DescT x eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @DescT) -- | a type level predicate for a strictly decreasing list data Desc' type DescT' = All (Fst Id > Snd Id) Pairs instance P DescT' x => P Desc' x where type PP Desc' x = PP DescT' x eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @DescT') --type AscAlt = SortOn Id Id == Id --type DescAlt = SortOnDesc Id Id == Id -- | A predicate that determines if the value is between \'p\' and \'q\' -- -- >>> pz @(Between 5 8 Len) [1,2,3,4,5,5,7] -- True -- TrueT -- -- >>> pz @(5 <..> 8) 6 -- True -- TrueT -- -- >>> pl @(Between 5 8 Id) 9 -- False (9 <= 8) -- FalseT -- -- >>> pz @(10 % 4 <..> 40 % 5) 4 -- True -- TrueT -- -- >>> pz @(10 % 4 <..> 40 % 5) 33 -- False -- FalseT -- data Between p q r -- reify as it is used a lot! nicer specific messages at the top level! instance (Ord (PP p x) , Show (PP p x) , PP r x ~ PP p x , PP r x ~ PP q x , P p x , P q x , P r x ) => P (Between p q r) x where type PP (Between p q r) x = Bool eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Between" rr <- eval (Proxy @r) opts x case getValueLR opts msg0 rr [] of Left e -> pure e Right r -> do lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts x [hh rr] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let hhs = [hh rr, hh pp, hh qq] in if p <= r && r <= q then mkNodeB opts True [show p <> " <= " <> show r <> " <= " <> show q] hhs else if p > r then mkNodeB opts False [show p <> " <= " <> show r] hhs else mkNodeB opts False [show r <> " <= " <> show q] hhs data p <..> q infix 4 <..> type BetweenT p q = Between p q Id instance P (BetweenT p q) x => P (p <..> q) x where type PP (p <..> q) x = PP (BetweenT p q) x eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @(BetweenT p q)) -- | between for tuples -- -- >>> pl @(BetweenA (Fst Id) (Snd Id)) ((1,4),8) -- False (8 <= 4) -- FalseT -- -- >>> pl @(BetweenA (Fst Id) (Snd Id)) ((1,4),0) -- False (1 <= 0) -- FalseT -- -- >>> pl @(BetweenA (Fst Id) (Snd Id)) ((1,4),3) -- True (1 <= 3 <= 4) -- TrueT -- -- >>> pl @(BetweenA (ReadP (Day,Day) "(2017-04-11,2018-12-30)") (ReadP Day Id)) "2018-10-12" -- True (2017-04-11 <= 2018-10-12 <= 2018-12-30) -- TrueT -- -- >>> pl @(BetweenA (ReadP (Day,Day) "(2017-04-11,2018-12-30)") (ReadP Day Id)) "2019-10-12" -- False (2019-10-12 <= 2018-12-30) -- FalseT -- -- >>> pl @(BetweenA (ReadP (Day,Day) "(2017-04-11,2018-12-30)") (ReadP Day Id)) "2016-10-12" -- False (2017-04-11 <= 2016-10-12) -- FalseT -- {- too much data mitigated somewhat by Hide type BetweenAT p q = '(p,q) >> Between (Fst (Fst Id)) (Snd (Fst Id)) (Snd Id) instance P (BetweenAT p q) x => P (BetweenA p q) x where type PP (BetweenA p q) x = PP (BetweenAT p q) x eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @(BetweenAT p q)) -} data BetweenA p q instance (PP p x ~ (a,a') , P q x , PP q x ~ a , Ord a , a ~ a' , Show a , P p x ) => P (BetweenA p q) x where type PP (BetweenA p q) x = Bool eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "BetweenA" lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts x [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right ((p1,p2),q,pp,qq) -> [hh pp, hh qq] & if p1 <= q && q <= p2 then mkNodeB opts True [show p1 <> " <= " <> show q <> " <= " <> show p2] else if p1 > q then mkNodeB opts False [show p1 <> " <= " <> show q] else mkNodeB opts False [show q <> " <= " <> show p2] -- | similar to 'all' -- -- >>> pl @(All (Between 1 8 Id) Id) [7,3,4,1,2,9,0,1] -- False (All(8) i=5 (9 <= 8)) -- FalseT -- -- >>> pz @(All Odd Id) [1,5,11,5,3] -- True -- TrueT -- -- >>> pz @(All Odd Id) [] -- True -- TrueT -- -- >>> pe @(All Even Id) [1,5,11,5,3] -- False All(5) i=0 (1 == 0) -- | -- +- P Id [1,5,11,5,3] -- | -- +- False i=0:1 == 0 -- | | -- | +- P 1 `mod` 2 = 1 -- | | | -- | | +- P I -- | | | -- | | `- P '2 -- | | -- | `- P '0 -- | -- +- False i=1:1 == 0 -- | | -- | +- P 5 `mod` 2 = 1 -- | | | -- | | +- P I -- | | | -- | | `- P '2 -- | | -- | `- P '0 -- | -- +- False i=2:1 == 0 -- | | -- | +- P 11 `mod` 2 = 1 -- | | | -- | | +- P I -- | | | -- | | `- P '2 -- | | -- | `- P '0 -- | -- +- False i=3:1 == 0 -- | | -- | +- P 5 `mod` 2 = 1 -- | | | -- | | +- P I -- | | | -- | | `- P '2 -- | | -- | `- P '0 -- | -- `- False i=4:1 == 0 -- | -- +- P 3 `mod` 2 = 1 -- | | -- | +- P I -- | | -- | `- P '2 -- | -- `- P '0 -- FalseT -- data All p q instance (P p a , PP p a ~ Bool , PP q x ~ f a , P q x , Show a , Foldable f ) => P (All p q) x where type PP (All p q) x = Bool eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "All" qq <- eval (Proxy @q) opts x case getValueLR opts msg0 qq [] of Left e -> pure e Right q -> case chkSize opts msg0 q [hh qq] of Left e -> pure e Right () -> do ts <- zipWithM (\i a -> ((i, a),) <$> evalBool (Proxy @p) opts a) [0::Int ..] (toList q) pure $ case splitAndAlign opts [msg0] ts of Left e -> e Right abcs -> let hhs = hh qq : map (hh . fixit) ts msg1 = msg0 ++ "(" ++ show (length q) ++ ")" in case find (not . view _1) abcs of Nothing -> mkNodeB opts True [msg1] hhs Just (_,(i,_),tt) -> mkNodeB opts False [msg1 <> " i=" ++ showIndex i ++ " " <> topMessage tt] hhs chkSize :: Foldable t => POpts -> String -> t a -> [Holder] -> Either (TT x) () chkSize opts msg0 xs hhs = case splitAt _MX (toList xs) of (_,[]) -> Right () (_,_:_) -> Left $ mkNode opts (FailT (msg0 <> " list size exceeded")) [msg0 <> " list size exceeded: max is " ++ show _MX] hhs showIndex :: (Show i, Num i) => i -> String showIndex i = show (i+0) -- | similar to 'any' -- -- >>> pl @(Any Even Id) [1,5,11,5,3] -- False (Any(5)) -- FalseT -- -- >>> pl @(Any Even Id) [1,5,112,5,3] -- True (Any(5) i=2 (0 == 0)) -- TrueT -- -- >>> pz @(Any Even Id) [] -- False -- FalseT -- data Any p q instance (P p a , PP p a ~ Bool , PP q x ~ f a , P q x , Show a , Foldable f ) => P (Any p q) x where type PP (Any p q) x = Bool eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Any" qq <- eval (Proxy @q) opts x case getValueLR opts msg0 qq [] of Left e -> pure e Right q -> case chkSize opts msg0 q [hh qq] of Left e -> pure e Right () -> do ts <- zipWithM (\i a -> ((i, a),) <$> evalBool (Proxy @p) opts a) [0::Int ..] (toList q) pure $ case splitAndAlign opts [msg0] ts of Left e -> e Right abcs -> let hhs = hh qq : map (hh . fixit) ts msg1 = msg0 ++ "(" ++ show (length q) ++ ")" in case find (view _1) abcs of Nothing -> mkNodeB opts False [msg1] hhs Just (_,(i,_),tt) -> mkNodeB opts True [msg1 <> " i=" ++ showIndex i ++ " " <> topMessage tt] hhs -- | a type level predicate for all positive elements in a list -- -- >>> pz @AllPositive [1,5,10,2,3] -- True -- TrueT -- -- >>> pz @AllPositive [0,1,5,10,2,3] -- False -- FalseT -- -- >>> pz @AllPositive [3,1,-5,10,2,3] -- False -- FalseT -- -- >>> pz @AllNegative [-1,-5,-10,-2,-3] -- True -- TrueT -- data AllPositive type AllPositiveT = All Positive Id instance P AllPositiveT x => P AllPositive x where type PP AllPositive x = PP AllPositiveT x eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @AllPositiveT) -- | a type level predicate for all negative elements in a list data AllNegative type AllNegativeT = All Negative Id instance P AllNegativeT x => P AllNegative x where type PP AllNegative x = PP AllNegativeT x eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @AllNegativeT) type Positive = Gt 0 type Negative = Lt 0 -- | 'unzip' equivalent -- -- >>> pz @Unzip (zip [1..5] "abcd") -- Present ([1,2,3,4],"abcd") -- PresentT ([1,2,3,4],"abcd") -- data Unzip type UnzipT = '(Map (Fst Id) Id, Map (Snd Id) Id) instance P UnzipT x => P Unzip x where type PP Unzip x = PP UnzipT x eval _ = eval (Proxy @UnzipT) -- | 'unzip3' equivalent -- -- >>> pz @Unzip3 (zip3 [1..5] "abcd" (cycle [True,False])) -- Present ([1,2,3,4],"abcd",[True,False,True,False]) -- PresentT ([1,2,3,4],"abcd",[True,False,True,False]) -- data Unzip3 type Unzip3T = '(Map (Fst Id) Id, Map (Snd Id) Id, Map (Thd Id) Id) instance P Unzip3T x => P Unzip3 x where type PP Unzip3 x = PP Unzip3T x eval _ = eval (Proxy @Unzip3T) -- | represents a predicate using a 'Symbol' as a regular expression -- evaluates 'Re' and returns True if there is a match -- -- >>> pz @(Re "^\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}$" Id) "13:05:25" -- True -- TrueT -- data Re' (rs :: [ROpt]) p q data Re p q instance (GetROpts rs , PP p x ~ String , PP q x ~ String , P p x , P q x ) => P (Re' rs p q) x where type PP (Re' rs p q) x = Bool eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Re" <> (if null rs then "' " <> show rs else "") rs = getROpts @rs lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts x [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let msg1 = msg0 <> " (" <> p <> ")" hhs = [hh pp, hh qq] in case compileRegex @rs opts msg1 p hhs of Left tta -> tta Right regex -> let b = q RH.=~ regex in mkNodeB opts b [msg1 <> showLit1 opts " | " q] hhs type ReT p q = Re' '[] p q instance P (ReT p q) x => P (Re p q) x where type PP (Re p q) x = PP (ReT p q) x eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @(ReT p q)) -- only way with rescan is to be explicit: no repeats! and useanchors but not (?m) -- or just use Re' but then we only get a bool ie doesnt capture groups -- rescan returns Right [] as an failure! -- [] is failure! -- | runs a regex matcher returning the original values and optionally any groups -- -- >>> pz @(Rescan "^(\\d{2}):(\\d{2}):(\\d{2})$" Id) "13:05:25" -- Present [("13:05:25",["13","05","25"])] -- PresentT [("13:05:25",["13","05","25"])] -- -- >>> pz @(Rescan (Snd Id) "13:05:25") ('a',"^(\\d{2}):(\\d{2}):(\\d{2})$") -- Present [("13:05:25",["13","05","25"])] -- PresentT [("13:05:25",["13","05","25"])] -- data Rescan' (rs :: [ROpt]) p q instance (GetROpts rs , PP p x ~ String , PP q x ~ String , P p x , P q x ) => P (Rescan' rs p q) x where type PP (Rescan' rs p q) x = [(String, [String])] eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Rescan" <> (if null rs then "' " <> show rs else "") rs = getROpts @rs lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts x [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let msg1 = msg0 <> " (" <> p <> ")" hhs = [hh pp, hh qq] in case compileRegex @rs opts msg1 p hhs of Left tta -> tta Right regex -> case splitAt _MX $ RH.scan regex q of (b, _:_) -> mkNode opts (FailT "Regex looping") [msg1 <> " Looping? " <> show (take 10 b) <> "..." <> show1 opts " | " q] hhs ([], _) -> -- this is a failure cos empty string returned: so reuse p? mkNode opts (FailT "Regex no results") [msg1 <> " no match" <> show1 opts " | " q] [hh pp, hh qq] (b, _) -> mkNode opts (PresentT b) [lit01 opts msg1 b q] [hh pp, hh qq] data Rescan p q type RescanT p q = Rescan' '[] p q instance P (RescanT p q) x => P (Rescan p q) x where type PP (Rescan p q) x = PP (RescanT p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(RescanT p q)) -- | similar to 'Rescan' but gives the column start and ending positions instead of values -- -- >>> pz @(RescanRanges "^(\\d{2}):(\\d{2}):(\\d{2})$" Id) "13:05:25" -- Present [((0,8),[(0,2),(3,5),(6,8)])] -- PresentT [((0,8),[(0,2),(3,5),(6,8)])] -- data RescanRanges' (rs :: [ROpt]) p q instance (GetROpts rs , PP p x ~ String , PP q x ~ String , P p x , P q x ) => P (RescanRanges' rs p q) x where type PP (RescanRanges' rs p q) x = [((Int,Int), [(Int,Int)])] eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "RescanRanges" <> (if null rs then "' " <> show rs else "") rs = getROpts @rs lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts x [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let msg1 = msg0 <> " (" <> p <> ")" hhs = [hh pp, hh qq] in case compileRegex @rs opts msg1 p hhs of Left tta -> tta Right regex -> case splitAt _MX $ RH.scanRanges regex q of (b, _:_) -> mkNode opts (FailT "Regex looping") [msg1 <> " Looping? " <> show (take 10 b) <> "..." <> show1 opts " | " q] hhs ([], _) -> -- this is a failure cos empty string returned: so reuse p? mkNode opts (FailT "Regex no results") [msg1 <> " no match" <> show1 opts " | " q] hhs (b, _) -> mkNode opts (PresentT b) [lit01 opts msg1 b q] hhs data RescanRanges p q type RescanRangesT p q = RescanRanges' '[] p q instance P (RescanRangesT p q) x => P (RescanRanges p q) x where type PP (RescanRanges p q) x = PP (RescanRangesT p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(RescanRangesT p q)) -- | splits a string on a regex delimiter -- -- >>> pz @(Resplit "\\." Id) "" -- Present ["141","201","1","22"] -- PresentT ["141","201","1","22"] -- -- >>> pz @(Resplit (Singleton (Fst Id)) (Snd Id)) (':', "12:13:1") -- Present ["12","13","1"] -- PresentT ["12","13","1"] -- -- >>> pl @(Resplit' '[ 'Caseless ] "aBc" Id) "123AbC456abc" -- Present ["123","456",""] (Resplit (aBc) ["123","456",""] | 123AbC456abc) -- PresentT ["123","456",""] -- data Resplit' (rs :: [ROpt]) p q instance (GetROpts rs , PP p x ~ String , PP q x ~ String , P p x , P q x ) => P (Resplit' rs p q) x where type PP (Resplit' rs p q) x = [String] eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Resplit" <> (if null rs then "' " <> show rs else "") rs = getROpts @rs lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts x [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let msg1 = msg0 <> " (" <> p <> ")" hhs = [hh pp, hh qq] in case compileRegex @rs opts msg1 p hhs of Left tta -> tta Right regex -> case splitAt _MX $ RH.split regex q of (b, _:_) -> mkNode opts (FailT "Regex looping") [msg1 <> " Looping? " <> show (take 10 b) <> "..." <> show1 opts " | " q] hhs ([], _) -> -- this is a failure cos empty string returned: so reuse p? mkNode opts (FailT "Regex no results") [msg1 <> " no match" <> show1 opts " | " q] hhs (b, _) -> mkNode opts (PresentT b) [lit01 opts msg1 b q] hhs data Resplit p q type ResplitT p q = Resplit' '[] p q instance P (ResplitT p q) x => P (Resplit p q) x where type PP (Resplit p q) x = PP (ResplitT p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(ResplitT p q)) -- | limit the size of the lists _MX :: Int _MX = 100 -- | replaces regex \'s\' with a string \'s1\' inside the value -- -- >>> pz @(ReplaceAllString "\\." ":" Id) "" -- Present "141:201:1:22" -- PresentT "141:201:1:22" -- data ReplaceImpl (alle :: Bool) (rs :: [ROpt]) p q r instance (GetBool b , GetROpts rs , PP p x ~ String , PP q x ~ RReplace , PP r x ~ String , P p x , P q x , P r x ) => P (ReplaceImpl b rs p q r) x where type PP (ReplaceImpl b rs p q r) x = String eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Replace" <> (if alle then "All" else "One") <> (if null rs then "' " <> show rs else "") rs = getROpts @rs alle = getBool @b lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts x [] case lr of Left e -> pure e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let msg1 = msg0 <> " (" <> p <> ")" hhs = [hh pp, hh qq] in case compileRegex @rs opts msg1 p hhs of Left tta -> pure tta Right regex -> do rr <- eval (Proxy @r) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 rr hhs of Left e -> e Right r -> let ret :: String ret = case q of RReplace s -> (if alle then RH.gsub else RH.sub) regex s r RReplace1 s -> (if alle then RH.gsub else RH.sub) regex s r RReplace2 s -> (if alle then RH.gsub else RH.sub) regex s r RReplace3 s -> (if alle then RH.gsub else RH.sub) regex s r in mkNode opts (PresentT ret) [msg1 <> showLit0 opts " " r <> showLit1 opts " | " ret] (hhs <> [hh rr]) data ReplaceAll' (rs :: [ROpt]) p q r type ReplaceAllT' (rs :: [ROpt]) p q r = ReplaceImpl 'True rs p q r instance P (ReplaceAllT' rs p q r) x => P (ReplaceAll' rs p q r) x where type PP (ReplaceAll' rs p q r) x = PP (ReplaceAllT' rs p q r) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(ReplaceAllT' rs p q r)) data ReplaceAll p q r type ReplaceAllT p q r = ReplaceAll' '[] p q r instance P (ReplaceAllT p q r) x => P (ReplaceAll p q r) x where type PP (ReplaceAll p q r) x = PP (ReplaceAllT p q r) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(ReplaceAllT p q r)) data ReplaceOne' (rs :: [ROpt]) p q r type ReplaceOneT' (rs :: [ROpt]) p q r = ReplaceImpl 'False rs p q r instance P (ReplaceOneT' rs p q r) x => P (ReplaceOne' rs p q r) x where type PP (ReplaceOne' rs p q r) x = PP (ReplaceOneT' rs p q r) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(ReplaceOneT' rs p q r)) -- | replace first occurrence of string \'p\' with '\q'\ in \'r\' -- -- >>> pl @(ReplaceOneString "abc" "def" Id) "123abc456abc" -- Present "123def456abc" (ReplaceOne' [] (abc) 123abc456abc | 123def456abc) -- PresentT "123def456abc" -- data ReplaceOne p q r type ReplaceOneT p q r = ReplaceOne' '[] p q r instance P (ReplaceOneT p q r) x => P (ReplaceOne p q r) x where type PP (ReplaceOne p q r) x = PP (ReplaceOneT p q r) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(ReplaceOneT p q r)) -- | replace all occurrences of string \'p\' with '\q'\ in \'r\' -- -- >>> pl @(ReplaceAllString "abc" "def" Id) "123abc456abc" -- Present "123def456def" (ReplaceAll' [] (abc) 123abc456abc | 123def456def) -- PresentT "123def456def" -- -- >>> pl @(ReplaceAllString' '[] "abc" "def" Id) "123AbC456abc" -- Present "123AbC456def" (ReplaceAll' [] (abc) 123AbC456abc | 123AbC456def) -- PresentT "123AbC456def" -- -- >>> pl @(ReplaceAllString' '[ 'Caseless ] "abc" "def" Id) "123AbC456abc" -- Present "123def456def" (ReplaceAll (abc) 123AbC456abc | 123def456def) -- PresentT "123def456def" -- data ReplaceAllString' (rs :: [ROpt]) p q r type ReplaceAllStringT' (rs :: [ROpt]) p q r = ReplaceAll' rs p (ReplaceFn q) r instance P (ReplaceAllStringT' rs p q r) x => P (ReplaceAllString' rs p q r) x where type PP (ReplaceAllString' rs p q r) x = PP (ReplaceAllStringT' rs p q r) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(ReplaceAllStringT' rs p q r)) data ReplaceAllString p q r type ReplaceAllStringT p q r = ReplaceAllString' '[] p q r instance P (ReplaceAllStringT p q r) x => P (ReplaceAllString p q r) x where type PP (ReplaceAllString p q r) x = PP (ReplaceAllStringT p q r) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(ReplaceAllStringT p q r)) data ReplaceOneString' (rs :: [ROpt]) p q r type ReplaceOneStringT' (rs :: [ROpt]) p q r = ReplaceOne' rs p (ReplaceFn q) r instance P (ReplaceOneStringT' rs p q r) x => P (ReplaceOneString' rs p q r) x where type PP (ReplaceOneString' rs p q r) x = PP (ReplaceOneStringT' rs p q r) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(ReplaceOneStringT' rs p q r)) data ReplaceOneString p q r type ReplaceOneStringT p q r = ReplaceOneString' '[] p q r instance P (ReplaceOneStringT p q r) x => P (ReplaceOneString p q r) x where type PP (ReplaceOneString p q r) x = PP (ReplaceOneStringT p q r) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(ReplaceOneStringT p q r)) -- | Simple replacement string: see 'ReplaceAllString' and 'ReplaceOneString' -- data ReplaceFn p instance (PP p x ~ String , P p x) => P (ReplaceFn p) x where type PP (ReplaceFn p) x = RReplace eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "ReplaceFn" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let b = RReplace p in mkNode opts (PresentT b) [msg0 <> show1 opts " | " p] [hh pp] -- | A replacement function @(String -> [String] -> String)@ which returns the whole match and the groups -- Used by 'RH.sub' and 'RH.gsub' -- -- Requires "Text.Show.Functions" -- data ReplaceFn1 p instance (PP p x ~ (String -> [String] -> String) , P p x) => P (ReplaceFn1 p) x where type PP (ReplaceFn1 p) x = RReplace eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "ReplaceFn1 (String -> [String] -> String)" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right f -> mkNode opts (PresentT (RReplace1 f)) [msg0] [hh pp] -- | A replacement function @(String -> String)@ that yields the whole match -- Used by 'RH.sub' and 'RH.gsub' -- -- Requires "Text.Show.Functions" -- -- >>> :m + Text.Show.Functions -- >>> pz @(ReplaceAll "\\." (ReplaceFn2 (Fst Id)) (Snd Id)) (\x -> x <> ":" <> x, "") -- Present "141.:.201.:.1.:.22" -- PresentT "141.:.201.:.1.:.22" -- data ReplaceFn2 p instance (PP p x ~ (String -> String) , P p x) => P (ReplaceFn2 p) x where type PP (ReplaceFn2 p) x = RReplace eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "ReplaceFn2 (String -> String)" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right f -> mkNode opts (PresentT (RReplace2 f)) [msg0] [hh pp] -- | A replacement function @([String] -> String)@ which yields the groups -- Used by 'RH.sub' and 'RH.gsub' -- -- Requires "Text.Show.Functions" -- -- >>> :m + Text.Show.Functions -- >>> pz @(ReplaceAll "^(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)$" (ReplaceFn3 (Fst Id)) (Snd Id)) (\ys -> intercalate " | " $ map (show . succ . readNote @Int "invalid int") ys, "") -- Present "142 | 202 | 2 | 23" -- PresentT "142 | 202 | 2 | 23" -- data ReplaceFn3 p instance (PP p x ~ ([String] -> String) , P p x) => P (ReplaceFn3 p) x where type PP (ReplaceFn3 p) x = RReplace eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "ReplaceFn3 ([String] -> String)" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right f -> mkNode opts (PresentT (RReplace3 f)) [msg0] [hh pp] -- | a predicate for determining if a string 'Data.Text.IsText' belongs to the given character set -- -- >>> pz @IsSpace '\t' -- True -- TrueT -- -- >>> pz @IsSpace ' ' -- True -- TrueT -- -- >>> pz @IsSpace 'x' -- False -- FalseT -- -- >>> pz @IsLower 'a' -- True -- TrueT -- -- >>> pz @IsLower 'X' -- False -- FalseT -- -- >>> pz @IsHexDigit 'A' -- True -- TrueT -- -- >>> pz @IsHexDigit 'g' -- False -- FalseT -- data IsCharSet (cs :: CharSet) instance (x ~ Char, GetCharSet cs) => P (IsCharSet cs) x where type PP (IsCharSet cs) x = Bool eval _ opts c = let msg0 = "Is" ++ drop 1 (show cs) (cs,f) = getCharSet @cs b = f c in pure $ mkNodeB opts b [msg0 <> show1 opts " | " [c]] [] -- | predicate for determining if a character is lowercase -- -- >>> pz @IsLower '1' -- False -- FalseT -- -- >>> pz @IsLower 'a' -- True -- TrueT -- -- >>> pz @(Map '(IsControl, IsLatin1, IsHexDigit, IsOctDigit, IsNumber, IsPunctuation, IsSeparator, IsSpace) Id) "abc134" -- Present [(False,True,True,False,False,False,False,False),(False,True,True,False,False,False,False,False),(False,True,True,False,False,False,False,False),(False,True,True,True,True,False,False,False),(False,True,True,True,True,False,False,False),(False,True,True,True,True,False,False,False)] -- PresentT [(False,True,True,False,False,False,False,False),(False,True,True,False,False,False,False,False),(False,True,True,False,False,False,False,False),(False,True,True,True,True,False,False,False),(False,True,True,True,True,False,False,False),(False,True,True,True,True,False,False,False)] -- data IsLower type IsLowerT = IsCharSet 'CLower instance P IsLowerT x => P IsLower x where type PP IsLower x = PP IsLowerT x eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @IsLowerT) data IsUpper type IsUpperT = IsCharSet 'CUpper instance P IsUpperT x => P IsUpper x where type PP IsUpper x = PP IsUpperT x eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @IsUpperT) -- | predicate for determining if the character is a digit -- -- >>> pz @IsNumber 'g' -- False -- FalseT -- -- >>> pz @IsNumber '9' -- True -- TrueT -- data IsNumber type IsNumberT = IsCharSet 'CNumber instance P IsNumberT x => P IsNumber x where type PP IsNumber x = Bool eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @IsNumberT) data IsSpace type IsSpaceT = IsCharSet 'CSpace instance P IsSpaceT x => P IsSpace x where type PP IsSpace x = Bool eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @IsSpaceT) data IsPunctuation type IsPunctuationT = IsCharSet 'CPunctuation instance P IsPunctuationT x => P IsPunctuation x where type PP IsPunctuation x = Bool eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @IsPunctuationT) data IsControl type IsControlT = IsCharSet 'CControl instance P IsControlT x => P IsControl x where type PP IsControl x = Bool eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @IsControlT) data IsHexDigit type IsHexDigitT = IsCharSet 'CHexDigit instance P IsHexDigitT x => P IsHexDigit x where type PP IsHexDigit x = Bool eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @IsHexDigitT) data IsOctDigit type IsOctDigitT = IsCharSet 'COctDigit instance P IsOctDigitT x => P IsOctDigit x where type PP IsOctDigit x = Bool eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @IsOctDigitT) data IsSeparator type IsSeparatorT = IsCharSet 'CSeparator instance P IsSeparatorT x => P IsSeparator x where type PP IsSeparator x = Bool eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @IsSeparatorT) data IsLatin1 type IsLatin1T = IsCharSet 'CLatin1 instance P IsLatin1T x => P IsLatin1 x where type PP IsLatin1 x = Bool eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @IsLatin1T) -- | a predicate for determining if a string 'Data.Text.IsText' belongs to the given character set -- -- >>> pz @IsLowerAll "abc" -- True -- TrueT -- -- >>> pz @IsLowerAll "abcX" -- False -- FalseT -- -- >>> pz @IsLowerAll (T.pack "abcX") -- False -- FalseT -- -- >>> pz @IsHexDigitAll "01efA" -- True -- TrueT -- -- >>> pz @IsHexDigitAll "01egfA" -- False -- FalseT -- -- | predicate for determining if a string is all lowercase -- -- >>> pz @IsLowerAll "abcdef213" -- False -- FalseT -- -- >>> pz @IsLowerAll "abcdef" -- True -- TrueT -- -- >>> pz @IsLowerAll "" -- True -- TrueT -- -- >>> pz @IsLowerAll "abcdefG" -- False -- FalseT -- -- >>> pl @(Just Uncons >> IsUpper &* IsLowerAll) "AbcdE" -- False ((>>) False | {True (&*) False | (IsLowerAll | "bcdE")}) -- FalseT -- -- >>> pl @(Just Uncons >> IsUpper &* IsLowerAll) "Abcde" -- True ((>>) True | {True (&*) True}) -- TrueT -- -- >>> pl @(Just Uncons >> IsUpper &* IsLowerAll) "xbcde" -- False ((>>) False | {False (&*) True | (IsUpper | "x")}) -- FalseT -- -- >>> pl @(Just Uncons >> IsUpper &* IsLowerAll) "X" -- True ((>>) True | {True (&*) True}) -- TrueT -- -- >>> pz @( '(IsControlAll, IsLatin1All , IsHexDigitAll , IsOctDigitAll , IsNumberAll , IsPunctuationAll , IsSeparatorAll , IsSpaceAll ) ) "abc134" -- Present (False,True,True,False,False,False,False,False) -- PresentT (False,True,True,False,False,False,False,False) -- -- >>> pl @(SplitAts [1,2,10] Id >> Para '[IsLowerAll, IsNumberAll, IsUpperAll ]) "abdefghi" -- Present [True,False,False] ((>>) [True,False,False] | {Para(0) [True,False,False] | ["a","bd","efghi"]}) -- PresentT [True,False,False] -- -- >>> pl @(SplitAts [1,2,10] Id >> BoolsQuick "" '[IsLowerAll, IsNumberAll, IsUpperAll ]) "a98efghi" -- False ((>>) False | {Bool(2) [] (IsUpperAll | "efghi")}) -- FalseT -- -- >>> pl @(SplitAts [1,2,10] Id >> BoolsQuick "" '[IsLowerAll, IsNumberAll, IsUpperAll || IsLowerAll ]) "a98efghi" -- True ((>>) True | {Bools}) -- TrueT -- -- >>> pl @(SplitAts [1,2,10] Id >> BoolsQuick "" '[IsLowerAll, IsNumberAll, IsUpperAll || IsLowerAll ]) "a98efgHi" -- False ((>>) False | {Bool(2) [] (False || False | (IsUpperAll | "efgHi") || (IsLowerAll | "efgHi"))}) -- FalseT -- data IsCharSetAll (cs :: CharSet) instance (GetCharSet cs , Show a , TL.IsText a ) => P (IsCharSetAll cs) a where type PP (IsCharSetAll cs) a = Bool eval _ opts as = let b = allOf TL.text f as msg0 = "Is" ++ drop 1 (show cs) ++ "All" (cs,f) = getCharSet @cs in pure $ mkNodeB opts b [msg0 <> show1 opts " | " as] [] data CharSet = CLower | CUpper | CNumber | CSpace | CPunctuation | CControl | CHexDigit | COctDigit | CSeparator | CLatin1 deriving Show class GetCharSet (cs :: CharSet) where getCharSet :: (CharSet, Char -> Bool) instance GetCharSet 'CLower where getCharSet = (CLower, isLower) instance GetCharSet 'CUpper where getCharSet = (CUpper, isUpper) instance GetCharSet 'CNumber where getCharSet = (CNumber, isNumber) instance GetCharSet 'CSpace where getCharSet = (CSpace, isSpace) instance GetCharSet 'CPunctuation where getCharSet = (CPunctuation, isPunctuation) instance GetCharSet 'CControl where getCharSet = (CControl, isControl) instance GetCharSet 'CHexDigit where getCharSet = (CHexDigit, isHexDigit) instance GetCharSet 'COctDigit where getCharSet = (COctDigit, isOctDigit) instance GetCharSet 'CSeparator where getCharSet = (CSeparator, isSeparator) instance GetCharSet 'CLatin1 where getCharSet = (CLatin1, isLatin1) data IsLowerAll type IsLowerAllT = IsCharSetAll 'CLower instance P IsLowerAllT x => P IsLowerAll x where type PP IsLowerAll x = PP IsLowerAllT x eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @IsLowerAllT) data IsUpperAll type IsUpperAllT = IsCharSetAll 'CUpper instance P IsUpperAllT x => P IsUpperAll x where type PP IsUpperAll x = PP IsUpperAllT x eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @IsUpperAllT) -- | predicate for determining if the string is all digits -- -- >>> pz @IsNumberAll "213G" -- False -- FalseT -- -- >>> pz @IsNumberAll "929" -- True -- TrueT -- data IsNumberAll type IsNumberAllT = IsCharSetAll 'CNumber instance P IsNumberAllT x => P IsNumberAll x where type PP IsNumberAll x = Bool eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @IsNumberAllT) -- | predicate for determining if the string is all spaces -- -- >>> pz @IsSpaceAll "213G" -- False -- FalseT -- -- >>> pz @IsSpaceAll " " -- True -- TrueT -- -- >>> pz @IsSpaceAll "" -- True -- TrueT -- data IsSpaceAll type IsSpaceAllT = IsCharSetAll 'CSpace instance P IsSpaceAllT x => P IsSpaceAll x where type PP IsSpaceAll x = Bool eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @IsSpaceAllT) data IsPunctuationAll type IsPunctuationAllT = IsCharSetAll 'CPunctuation instance P IsPunctuationAllT x => P IsPunctuationAll x where type PP IsPunctuationAll x = Bool eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @IsPunctuationAllT) data IsControlAll type IsControlAllT = IsCharSetAll 'CControl instance P IsControlAllT x => P IsControlAll x where type PP IsControlAll x = Bool eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @IsControlAllT) data IsHexDigitAll type IsHexDigitAllT = IsCharSetAll 'CHexDigit instance P IsHexDigitAllT x => P IsHexDigitAll x where type PP IsHexDigitAll x = Bool eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @IsHexDigitAllT) data IsOctDigitAll type IsOctDigitAllT = IsCharSetAll 'COctDigit instance P IsOctDigitAllT x => P IsOctDigitAll x where type PP IsOctDigitAll x = Bool eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @IsOctDigitAllT) data IsSeparatorAll type IsSeparatorAllT = IsCharSetAll 'CSeparator instance P IsSeparatorAllT x => P IsSeparatorAll x where type PP IsSeparatorAll x = Bool eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @IsSeparatorAllT) data IsLatin1All type IsLatin1AllT = IsCharSetAll 'CLatin1 instance P IsLatin1AllT x => P IsLatin1All x where type PP IsLatin1All x = Bool eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @IsLatin1AllT) -- | converts a string 'Data.Text.Lens.IsText' value to lower case -- -- >>> pz @ToLower "HeLlO wOrld!" -- Present "hello world!" -- PresentT "hello world!" -- data ToLower instance (Show a, TL.IsText a) => P ToLower a where type PP ToLower a = a eval _ opts as = let msg0 = "ToLower" xs = as & TL.text %~ toLower in pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT xs) [show01 opts msg0 xs as] [] -- | converts a string 'Data.Text.Lens.IsText' value to upper case -- -- >>> pz @ToUpper "HeLlO wOrld!" -- Present "HELLO WORLD!" -- PresentT "HELLO WORLD!" -- data ToUpper instance (Show a, TL.IsText a) => P ToUpper a where type PP ToUpper a = a eval _ opts as = let msg0 = "ToUpper" xs = as & TL.text %~ toUpper in pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT xs) [show01 opts msg0 xs as] [] -- | similar to 'Data.List.inits' -- -- >>> pz @Inits [4,8,3,9] -- Present [[],[4],[4,8],[4,8,3],[4,8,3,9]] -- PresentT [[],[4],[4,8],[4,8,3],[4,8,3,9]] -- -- >>> pz @Inits [] -- Present [[]] -- PresentT [[]] -- data Inits instance ([a] ~ x, Show a) => P Inits x where type PP Inits x = [x] eval _ opts as = let msg0 = "Inits" xs = inits as in pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT xs) [show01 opts msg0 xs as] [] -- | similar to 'Data.List.tails' -- -- >>> pz @Tails [4,8,3,9] -- Present [[4,8,3,9],[8,3,9],[3,9],[9],[]] -- PresentT [[4,8,3,9],[8,3,9],[3,9],[9],[]] -- -- >>> pz @Tails [] -- Present [[]] -- PresentT [[]] -- data Tails instance ([a] ~ x, Show a) => P Tails x where type PP Tails x = [x] eval _ opts as = let msg0 = "Tails" xs = tails as in pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT xs) [show01 opts msg0 xs as] [] -- | split a list into single values -- -- >>> pz @(Ones Id) [4,8,3,9] -- Present [[4],[8],[3],[9]] -- PresentT [[4],[8],[3],[9]] -- -- >>> pz @(Ones Id) [] -- Present [] -- PresentT [] -- data Ones p instance ( PP p x ~ [a] , P p x , Show a ) => P (Ones p) x where type PP (Ones p) x = [PP p x] eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Ones" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> case chkSize opts msg0 p [hh pp] of Left e -> e Right () -> let d = map (:[]) p in mkNode opts (PresentT d) [show01 opts msg0 d p] [hh pp] -- | similar to 'show' -- -- >>> pz @(ShowP Id) [4,8,3,9] -- Present "[4,8,3,9]" -- PresentT "[4,8,3,9]" -- -- >>> pz @(ShowP Id) 'x' -- Present "'x'" -- PresentT "'x'" -- -- >>> pz @(ShowP (42 -% 10)) 'x' -- Present "(-21) % 5" -- PresentT "(-21) % 5" -- data ShowP p instance (Show (PP p x), P p x) => P (ShowP p) x where type PP (ShowP p) x = String eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "ShowP" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let d = show p in mkNode opts (PresentT d) [msg0 <> showLit0 opts " " d <> show1 opts " | " p] [hh pp] -- | type level expression representing a formatted time -- similar to 'Data.Time.formatTime' using a type level 'Symbol' to get the formatting string -- -- >>> pz @(FormatTimeP "%F %T" Id) (readNote @LocalTime "invalid localtime" "2019-05-24 05:19:59") -- Present "2019-05-24 05:19:59" -- PresentT "2019-05-24 05:19:59" -- -- >>> pz @(FormatTimeP (Fst Id) (Snd Id)) ("the date is %d/%m/%Y", readNote @Day "invalid day" "2019-05-24") -- Present "the date is 24/05/2019" -- PresentT "the date is 24/05/2019" -- data FormatTimeP p q instance (PP p x ~ String , FormatTime (PP q x) , P p x , Show (PP q x) , P q x ) => P (FormatTimeP p q) x where type PP (FormatTimeP p q) x = String eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "FormatTimeP" lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts x [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let msg1 = msg0 <> " (" <> p <> ")" b = formatTime defaultTimeLocale p q in mkNode opts (PresentT b) [msg1 <> showLit0 opts " " b <> show1 opts " | " q] [hh pp, hh qq] -- | similar to 'Data.Time.parseTimeM' where \'t\' is the 'Data.Time.ParseTime' type, \'p\' is the datetime format and \'q\' points to the content to parse -- -- >>> pz @(ParseTimeP LocalTime "%F %T" Id) "2019-05-24 05:19:59" -- Present 2019-05-24 05:19:59 -- PresentT 2019-05-24 05:19:59 -- -- >>> pz @(ParseTimeP LocalTime "%F %T" "2019-05-24 05:19:59") (Right "never used") -- Present 2019-05-24 05:19:59 -- PresentT 2019-05-24 05:19:59 -- -- keeping \'q\' as we might want to extract from a tuple data ParseTimeP' t p q instance (ParseTime (PP t a) , Typeable (PP t a) , Show (PP t a) , P p a , P q a , PP p a ~ String , PP q a ~ String ) => P (ParseTimeP' t p q) a where type PP (ParseTimeP' t p q) a = PP t a eval _ opts a = do let msg0 = "ParseTimeP " <> t t = showT @(PP t a) lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts a [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let msg1 = msg0 <> " (" <> p <> ")" hhs = [hh pp, hh qq] in case parseTimeM @Maybe @(PP t a) True defaultTimeLocale p q of Just b -> mkNode opts (PresentT b) [lit01' opts msg1 b "fmt=" p <> show1 opts " | " q] hhs Nothing -> mkNode opts (FailT (msg1 <> " failed to parse")) [msg1 <> " failed"] hhs data ParseTimeP (t :: Type) p q type ParseTimePT (t :: Type) p q = ParseTimeP' (Hole t) p q instance P (ParseTimePT t p q) x => P (ParseTimeP t p q) x where type PP (ParseTimeP t p q) x = PP (ParseTimePT t p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(ParseTimePT t p q)) -- | A convenience method to match against many different datetime formats to find a match -- -- >>> pz @(ParseTimes LocalTime '["%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", "%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S", "%B %d %Y %H:%M:%S", "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"] "03/11/19 01:22:33") () -- Present 2019-03-11 01:22:33 -- PresentT 2019-03-11 01:22:33 -- -- >>> pz @(ParseTimes LocalTime (Fst Id) (Snd Id)) (["%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", "%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S", "%B %d %Y %H:%M:%S", "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"], "03/11/19 01:22:33") -- Present 2019-03-11 01:22:33 -- PresentT 2019-03-11 01:22:33 -- data ParseTimes' t p q instance (ParseTime (PP t a) , Typeable (PP t a) , Show (PP t a) , P p a , P q a , PP p a ~ [String] , PP q a ~ String ) => P (ParseTimes' t p q) a where type PP (ParseTimes' t p q) a = PP t a eval _ opts a = do let msg0 = "ParseTimes " <> t t = showT @(PP t a) lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts a [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let msg1 = msg0 hhs = [hh pp, hh qq] zs = map (\d -> (d,) <$> parseTimeM @Maybe @(PP t a) True defaultTimeLocale d q) p in case catMaybes zs of [] -> mkNode opts (FailT ("no match on [" ++ q ++ "]")) [msg1 <> " no match"] hhs (d,b):_ -> mkNode opts (PresentT b) [lit01' opts msg1 b "fmt=" d <> show1 opts " | " q] hhs data ParseTimes (t :: Type) p q type ParseTimesT (t :: Type) p q = ParseTimes' (Hole t) p q instance P (ParseTimesT t p q) x => P (ParseTimes t p q) x where type PP (ParseTimes t p q) x = PP (ParseTimesT t p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(ParseTimesT t p q)) -- | create a 'Day' from three int values passed in as year month and day -- -- >>> pz @MkDay (2019,12,30) -- Present Just (2019-12-30,1,1) -- PresentT (Just (2019-12-30,1,1)) -- -- >>> pz @(MkDay' (Fst Id) (Snd Id) (Thd Id)) (2019,99,99999) -- Present Nothing -- PresentT Nothing -- -- >>> pz @MkDay (1999,3,13) -- Present Just (1999-03-13,10,6) -- PresentT (Just (1999-03-13,10,6)) -- data MkDay' p q r instance (P p x , P q x , P r x , PP p x ~ Int , PP q x ~ Int , PP r x ~ Int ) => P (MkDay' p q r) x where type PP (MkDay' p q r) x = Maybe (Day, Int, Int) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "MkDay" lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts x [] case lr of Left e -> pure e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> do let hhs = [hh pp, hh qq] rr <- eval (Proxy @r) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 rr hhs of Left e -> e Right r -> let mday = fromGregorianValid (fromIntegral p) q r b = mday <&> \day -> let (_, week, dow) = toWeekDate day in (day, week, dow) in mkNode opts (PresentT b) [show01' opts msg0 b "(y,m,d)=" (p,q,r)] (hhs <> [hh rr]) data MkDay type MkDayT = MkDay' (Fst Id) (Snd Id) (Thd Id) instance P MkDayT x => P MkDay x where type PP MkDay x = PP MkDayT x eval _ = eval (Proxy @MkDayT) -- | uncreate a 'Day' returning year month and day -- -- >>> pz @(UnMkDay Id) (readNote "invalid day" "2019-12-30") -- Present (2019,12,30) -- PresentT (2019,12,30) -- data UnMkDay p instance (PP p x ~ Day, P p x) => P (UnMkDay p) x where type PP (UnMkDay p) x = (Int, Int, Int) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "UnMkDay" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let (fromIntegral -> y, m, d) = toGregorian p b = (y, m, d) in mkNode opts (PresentT b) [show01 opts msg0 b p] [] -- | uses the 'Read' of the given type \'t\' and \'p\' which points to the content to read -- -- >>> pz @(ReadP Rational Id) "4 % 5" -- Present 4 % 5 -- PresentT (4 % 5) -- -- >>> pz @(Between (ReadP Day "2017-04-11") (ReadP Day "2018-12-30") (ReadP Day Id)) "2018-10-12" -- True -- TrueT -- -- >>> pz @(Between (ReadP Day "2017-04-11") (ReadP Day "2018-12-30") (ReadP Day Id)) "2016-10-12" -- False -- FalseT -- data ReadP' t p instance (P p x , PP p x ~ String , Typeable (PP t x) , Show (PP t x) , Read (PP t x) ) => P (ReadP' t p) x where type PP (ReadP' t p) x = PP t x eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "ReadP " <> t t = showT @(PP t x) pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right s -> let hhs = [hh pp] in case reads @(PP t x) s of [(b,"")] -> mkNode opts (PresentT b) [msg0 <> " " ++ show b] hhs o -> mkNode opts (FailT (msg0 <> " (" ++ s ++ ")")) [msg0 <> " failed " <> show o <> " | s=" ++ s] hhs data ReadP (t :: Type) p type ReadPT (t :: Type) p = ReadP' (Hole t) p instance P (ReadPT t p) x => P (ReadP t p) x where type PP (ReadP t p) x = PP (ReadPT t p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(ReadPT t p)) -- [] (a,s) (a,[]) -- | Read but returns the Maybe of the value and any remaining unparsed string -- -- >>> pz @(ReadMaybe Int Id) "123x" -- Present Just (123,"x") -- PresentT (Just (123,"x")) -- -- >>> pz @(ReadMaybe Int Id) "123" -- Present Just (123,"") -- PresentT (Just (123,"")) -- -- >>> pz @(ReadMaybe Int Id) "x123" -- Present Nothing -- PresentT Nothing -- data ReadMaybe' t p -- not as good as ReadQ -- type ReadZ' t p = ReadMaybe' t p >> JustFail "read failed" Id >> (Guard "oops" (Snd Id >> Null) >> Fst Id) instance (P p x , PP p x ~ String , Typeable (PP t x) , Show (PP t x) , Read (PP t x) ) => P (ReadMaybe' t p) x where type PP (ReadMaybe' t p) x = Maybe (PP t x, String) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "ReadMaybe " <> t t = showT @(PP t x) pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right s -> let msg1 = msg0 <> " (" <> s <> ")" hhs = [hh pp] in case reads @(PP t x) s of [(b,rest)] -> mkNode opts (PresentT (Just (b,rest))) [lit01 opts msg1 b s] hhs o -> mkNode opts (PresentT Nothing) [msg1 <> " failed " <> show o] hhs data ReadMaybe (t :: Type) p type ReadMaybeT (t :: Type) p = ReadMaybe' (Hole t) p instance P (ReadMaybeT t p) x => P (ReadMaybe t p) x where type PP (ReadMaybe t p) x = PP (ReadMaybeT t p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(ReadMaybeT t p)) -- | emulates ReadP data ReadQ' t p type ReadQT' t p = ReadMaybe' t p >> MaybeIn (Failp "read failed") (Guard "oops" (Snd Id >> Null) >> Fst Id) instance P (ReadQT' t p) x => P (ReadQ' t p) x where type PP (ReadQ' t p) x = PP (ReadQT' t p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(ReadQT' t p)) data ReadQ (t :: Type) p type ReadQT (t :: Type) p = ReadQ' (Hole t) p instance P (ReadQT t p) x => P (ReadQ t p) x where type PP (ReadQ t p) x = PP (ReadQT t p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(ReadQT t p)) -- | similar to 'sum' -- -- >>> pz @Sum [10,4,5,12,3,4] -- Present 38 -- PresentT 38 -- -- >>> pz @Sum [] -- Present 0 -- PresentT 0 -- data Sum instance (Num a, Show a) => P Sum [a] where type PP Sum [a] = a eval _ opts as = let msg0 = "Sum" v = sum as in pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT v) [show01 opts msg0 v as] [] -- | similar to 'product' -- -- >>> pz @Product [10,4,5,12,3,4] -- Present 28800 -- PresentT 28800 -- -- >>> pz @Product [] -- Present 1 -- PresentT 1 -- data Product instance (Num a, Show a) => P Product [a] where type PP Product [a] = a eval _ opts as = let msg0 = "Product" v = product as in pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT v) [show01 opts msg0 v as] [] -- | similar to 'minimum' -- -- >>> pz @Min [10,4,5,12,3,4] -- Present 3 -- PresentT 3 -- -- >>> pz @Min [] -- Error empty list -- FailT "empty list" -- data Min instance (Ord a, Show a) => P Min [a] where type PP Min [a] = a eval _ opts as' = do let msg0 = "Min" pure $ case as' of [] -> mkNode opts (FailT "empty list") [msg0 <> "(empty list)"] [] as@(_:_) -> let v = minimum as in mkNode opts (PresentT v) [show01 opts msg0 v as] [] -- | similar to 'maximum' -- -- >>> pz @Max [10,4,5,12,3,4] -- Present 12 -- PresentT 12 -- -- >>> pz @Max [] -- Error empty list -- FailT "empty list" -- data Max instance (Ord a, Show a) => P Max [a] where type PP Max [a] = a eval _ opts as' = do let msg0 = "Max" pure $ case as' of [] -> mkNode opts (FailT "empty list") [msg0 <> "(empty list)"] [] as@(_:_) -> let v = maximum as in mkNode opts (PresentT v) [show01 opts msg0 v as] [] -- | sort a list -- -- >>> pz @(SortOn (Fst Id) Id) [(10,"abc"), (3,"def"), (4,"gg"), (10,"xyz"), (1,"z")] -- Present [(1,"z"),(3,"def"),(4,"gg"),(10,"abc"),(10,"xyz")] -- PresentT [(1,"z"),(3,"def"),(4,"gg"),(10,"abc"),(10,"xyz")] -- -- >>> pz @(SortBy (OrdP (Snd Id) (Fst Id)) Id) [(10,"ab"),(4,"x"),(20,"bbb")] -- Present [(20,"bbb"),(10,"ab"),(4,"x")] -- PresentT [(20,"bbb"),(10,"ab"),(4,"x")] -- -- >>> pz @(SortBy 'LT Id) [1,5,2,4,7,0] -- Present [1,5,2,4,7,0] -- PresentT [1,5,2,4,7,0] -- -- >>> pz @(SortBy 'GT Id) [1,5,2,4,7,0] -- Present [0,7,4,2,5,1] -- PresentT [0,7,4,2,5,1] -- -- >>> pz @(SortBy ((Fst (Fst Id) ==! Fst (Snd Id)) <> (Snd (Fst Id) ==! Snd (Snd Id))) Id) [(10,"ab"),(4,"x"),(20,"bbb"),(4,"a"),(4,"y")] -- Present [(4,"a"),(4,"x"),(4,"y"),(10,"ab"),(20,"bbb")] -- PresentT [(4,"a"),(4,"x"),(4,"y"),(10,"ab"),(20,"bbb")] -- -- >>> pz @(SortBy ((Fst (Fst Id) ==! Fst (Snd Id)) <> (Snd (Snd Id) ==! Snd (Fst Id))) Id) [(10,"ab"),(4,"x"),(20,"bbb"),(4,"a"),(4,"y")] -- Present [(4,"y"),(4,"x"),(4,"a"),(10,"ab"),(20,"bbb")] -- PresentT [(4,"y"),(4,"x"),(4,"a"),(10,"ab"),(20,"bbb")] -- data SortBy p q type SortByHelperT p = Partition (p == 'GT) Id instance (P p (a,a) , P q x , Show a , PP q x ~ [a] , PP p (a,a) ~ Ordering ) => P (SortBy p q) x where type PP (SortBy p q) x = PP q x eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "SortBy" qq <- eval (Proxy @q) opts x case getValueLR opts (msg0 <> " q failed") qq [] of Left e -> pure e Right as -> do let ff :: MonadEval m => [a] -> m (TT [a]) ff = \case [] -> pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT mempty) [msg0 <> " empty"] [] [w] -> pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT [w]) [msg0 <> " one element " <> show w] [] w:ys@(_:_) -> do pp <- (if isVerbose opts then eval (Proxy @(SortByHelperT p)) else eval (Proxy @(Hide (SortByHelperT p)))) opts (map (w,) ys) -- pp <- eval (Proxy @(Hide (Partition (p >> Id == 'GT) Id))) opts (map (w,) ys) -- too much output: dont need (Map (Snd Id) *** Map (Snd Id)) -- just do map snd in code -- pp <- eval (Proxy @(Partition (p >> (Id == 'GT)) Id >> (Map (Snd Id) *** Map (Snd Id)))) opts (map (w,) ys) case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> pure e Right (ll', rr') -> do lhs <- ff (map snd ll') case getValueLR opts msg0 lhs [] of Left _ -> pure lhs -- dont rewrap Right ll -> do rhs <- ff (map snd rr') case getValueLR opts msg0 rhs [] of Left _ -> pure rhs Right rr -> pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT (ll ++ w : rr)) [msg0 <> show0 opts " lhs=" ll <> " pivot " <> show w <> show0 opts " rhs=" rr] (hh pp : [hh lhs | length ll > 1] ++ [hh rhs | length rr > 1]) ret <- ff as pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 ret [hh qq] of Left _e -> ret -- dont rewrap else will double up messages: already handled Right xs -> mkNode opts (_tBool ret) [msg0 <> show0 opts " " xs] [hh qq, hh ret] data SortOn p q type SortOnT p q = SortBy (OrdA p) q instance P (SortOnT p q) x => P (SortOn p q) x where type PP (SortOn p q) x = PP (SortOnT p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(SortOnT p q)) data SortOnDesc p q type SortOnDescT p q = SortBy (Swap >> OrdA p) q instance P (SortOnDescT p q) x => P (SortOnDesc p q) x where type PP (SortOnDesc p q) x = PP (SortOnDescT p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(SortOnDescT p q)) -- | similar to 'length' -- -- >>> pz @Len [10,4,5,12,3,4] -- Present 6 -- PresentT 6 -- -- >>> pz @Len [] -- Present 0 -- PresentT 0 -- data Len instance (Show a, as ~ [a]) => P Len as where type PP Len as = Int eval _ opts as = let msg0 = "Len" n = length as in pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT n) [show01 opts msg0 n as] [] -- | similar to 'length' for 'Foldable' instances -- -- >>> pz @(Length Id) (Left "aa") -- Present 0 -- PresentT 0 -- -- >>> pz @(Length Id) (Right "aa") -- Present 1 -- PresentT 1 -- -- >>> pz @(Length (Right' Id)) (Right "abcd") -- Present 4 -- PresentT 4 -- -- >>> pz @(Length (Thd (Snd Id))) (True,(23,'x',[10,9,1,3,4,2])) -- Present 6 -- PresentT 6 -- data Length p instance (PP p x ~ t a , P p x , Show (t a) , Foldable t) => P (Length p) x where type PP (Length p) x = Int eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Length" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let n = length p in mkNode opts (PresentT n) [show01 opts msg0 n p] [] -- | similar to 'fst' -- -- >>> pz @(Fst Id) (10,"Abc") -- Present 10 -- PresentT 10 -- -- >>> pz @(Fst Id) (10,"Abc",'x') -- Present 10 -- PresentT 10 -- -- >>> pz @(Fst Id) (10,"Abc",'x',False) -- Present 10 -- PresentT 10 -- data Fst p instance (Show (ExtractL1T (PP p x)) , ExtractL1C (PP p x) , P p x , Show (PP p x) ) => P (Fst p) x where type PP (Fst p) x = ExtractL1T (PP p x) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Fst" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let b = extractL1C p in mkNode opts (PresentT b) [show01 opts msg0 b p] [hh pp] data L1 p type L1T p = Fst p instance P (L1T p) x => P (L1 p) x where type PP (L1 p) x = PP (L1T p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(L1T p)) class ExtractL1C tp where type ExtractL1T tp extractL1C :: tp -> ExtractL1T tp instance ExtractL1C (a,b) where type ExtractL1T (a,b) = a extractL1C (a,_) = a instance ExtractL1C (a,b,c) where type ExtractL1T (a,b,c) = a extractL1C (a,_,_) = a instance ExtractL1C (a,b,c,d) where type ExtractL1T (a,b,c,d) = a extractL1C (a,_,_,_) = a instance ExtractL1C (a,b,c,d,e) where type ExtractL1T (a,b,c,d,e) = a extractL1C (a,_,_,_,_) = a instance ExtractL1C (a,b,c,d,e,f) where type ExtractL1T (a,b,c,d,e,f) = a extractL1C (a,_,_,_,_,_) = a -- | similar to 'snd' -- -- >>> pz @(Snd Id) (10,"Abc") -- Present "Abc" -- PresentT "Abc" -- -- >>> pz @(Snd Id) (10,"Abc",True) -- Present "Abc" -- PresentT "Abc" -- data Snd p instance (Show (ExtractL2T (PP p x)) , ExtractL2C (PP p x) , P p x , Show (PP p x) ) => P (Snd p) x where type PP (Snd p) x = ExtractL2T (PP p x) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Snd" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let b = extractL2C p in mkNode opts (PresentT b) [show01 opts msg0 b p] [hh pp] data L2 p type L2T p = Snd p instance P (L2T p) x => P (L2 p) x where type PP (L2 p) x = PP (L2T p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(L2T p)) class ExtractL2C tp where type ExtractL2T tp extractL2C :: tp -> ExtractL2T tp instance ExtractL2C (a,b) where type ExtractL2T (a,b) = b extractL2C (_,b) = b instance ExtractL2C (a,b,c) where type ExtractL2T (a,b,c) = b extractL2C (_,b,_) = b instance ExtractL2C (a,b,c,d) where type ExtractL2T (a,b,c,d) = b extractL2C (_,b,_,_) = b instance ExtractL2C (a,b,c,d,e) where type ExtractL2T (a,b,c,d,e) = b extractL2C (_,b,_,_,_) = b instance ExtractL2C (a,b,c,d,e,f) where type ExtractL2T (a,b,c,d,e,f) = b extractL2C (_,b,_,_,_,_) = b -- | similar to 3rd element in a n-tuple -- -- >>> pz @(Thd Id) (10,"Abc",133) -- Present 133 -- PresentT 133 -- -- >>> pz @(Thd Id) (10,"Abc",133,True) -- Present 133 -- PresentT 133 -- data Thd p instance (Show (ExtractL3T (PP p x)) , ExtractL3C (PP p x) , P p x , Show (PP p x) ) => P (Thd p) x where type PP (Thd p) x = ExtractL3T (PP p x) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Thd" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let b = extractL3C p in mkNode opts (PresentT b) [show01 opts msg0 b p] [hh pp] data L3 p type L3T p = Thd p instance P (L3T p) x => P (L3 p) x where type PP (L3 p) x = PP (L3T p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(L3T p)) class ExtractL3C tp where type ExtractL3T tp extractL3C :: tp -> ExtractL3T tp instance ExtractL3C (a,b) where type ExtractL3T (a,b) = GL.TypeError ('GL.Text "Thd doesn't work for 2-tuples") extractL3C _ = errorInProgram "Thd doesn't work for 2-tuples" instance ExtractL3C (a,b,c) where type ExtractL3T (a,b,c) = c extractL3C (_,_,c) = c instance ExtractL3C (a,b,c,d) where type ExtractL3T (a,b,c,d) = c extractL3C (_,_,c,_) = c instance ExtractL3C (a,b,c,d,e) where type ExtractL3T (a,b,c,d,e) = c extractL3C (_,_,c,_,_) = c instance ExtractL3C (a,b,c,d,e,f) where type ExtractL3T (a,b,c,d,e,f) = c extractL3C (_,_,c,_,_,_) = c -- | similar to 4th element in a n-tuple -- -- >>> pz @(L4 Id) (10,"Abc",'x',True) -- Present True -- PresentT True -- -- >>> pz @(L4 (Fst (Snd Id))) ('x',((10,"Abc",'x',999),"aa",1),9) -- Present 999 -- PresentT 999 -- data L4 p instance (Show (ExtractL4T (PP p x)) , ExtractL4C (PP p x) , P p x , Show (PP p x) ) => P (L4 p) x where type PP (L4 p) x = ExtractL4T (PP p x) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "L4" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let b = extractL4C p in mkNode opts (PresentT b) [show01 opts msg0 b p] [hh pp] class ExtractL4C tp where type ExtractL4T tp extractL4C :: tp -> ExtractL4T tp instance ExtractL4C (a,b) where type ExtractL4T (a,b) = GL.TypeError ('GL.Text "L4 doesn't work for 2-tuples") extractL4C _ = errorInProgram "L4 doesn't work for 2-tuples" instance ExtractL4C (a,b,c) where type ExtractL4T (a,b,c) = GL.TypeError ('GL.Text "L4 doesn't work for 3-tuples") extractL4C _ = errorInProgram "L4 doesn't work for 3-tuples" instance ExtractL4C (a,b,c,d) where type ExtractL4T (a,b,c,d) = d extractL4C (_,_,_,d) = d instance ExtractL4C (a,b,c,d,e) where type ExtractL4T (a,b,c,d,e) = d extractL4C (_,_,_,d,_) = d instance ExtractL4C (a,b,c,d,e,f) where type ExtractL4T (a,b,c,d,e,f) = d extractL4C (_,_,_,d,_,_) = d -- | similar to 5th element in a n-tuple -- -- >>> pz @(L5 Id) (10,"Abc",'x',True,1) -- Present 1 -- PresentT 1 -- data L5 p instance (Show (ExtractL5T (PP p x)) , ExtractL5C (PP p x) , P p x , Show (PP p x) ) => P (L5 p) x where type PP (L5 p) x = ExtractL5T (PP p x) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "L5" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let b = extractL5C p in mkNode opts (PresentT b) [show01 opts msg0 b p] [hh pp] class ExtractL5C tp where type ExtractL5T tp extractL5C :: tp -> ExtractL5T tp instance ExtractL5C (a,b) where type ExtractL5T (a,b) = GL.TypeError ('GL.Text "L5 doesn't work for 2-tuples") extractL5C _ = errorInProgram "L5 doesn't work for 2-tuples" instance ExtractL5C (a,b,c) where type ExtractL5T (a,b,c) = GL.TypeError ('GL.Text "L5 doesn't work for 3-tuples") extractL5C _ = errorInProgram "L5 doesn't work for 3-tuples" instance ExtractL5C (a,b,c,d) where type ExtractL5T (a,b,c,d) = GL.TypeError ('GL.Text "L5 doesn't work for 4-tuples") extractL5C _ = errorInProgram "L5 doesn't work for 4-tuples" instance ExtractL5C (a,b,c,d,e) where type ExtractL5T (a,b,c,d,e) = e extractL5C (_,_,_,_,e) = e instance ExtractL5C (a,b,c,d,e,f) where type ExtractL5T (a,b,c,d,e,f) = e extractL5C (_,_,_,_,e,_) = e -- | similar to 6th element in a n-tuple -- -- >>> pz @(L6 Id) (10,"Abc",'x',True,1,99) -- Present 99 -- PresentT 99 -- data L6 p instance (Show (ExtractL6T (PP p x)) , ExtractL6C (PP p x) , P p x , Show (PP p x) ) => P (L6 p) x where type PP (L6 p) x = ExtractL6T (PP p x) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "L6" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let b = extractL6C p in mkNode opts (PresentT b) [show01 opts msg0 b p] [hh pp] class ExtractL6C tp where type ExtractL6T tp extractL6C :: tp -> ExtractL6T tp instance ExtractL6C (a,b) where type ExtractL6T (a,b) = GL.TypeError ('GL.Text "L6 doesn't work for 2-tuples") extractL6C _ = errorInProgram "L6 doesn't work for 2-tuples" instance ExtractL6C (a,b,c) where type ExtractL6T (a,b,c) = GL.TypeError ('GL.Text "L6 doesn't work for 3-tuples") extractL6C _ = errorInProgram "L6 doesn't work for 3-tuples" instance ExtractL6C (a,b,c,d) where type ExtractL6T (a,b,c,d) = GL.TypeError ('GL.Text "L6 doesn't work for 4-tuples") extractL6C _ = errorInProgram "L6 doesn't work for 4-tuples" instance ExtractL6C (a,b,c,d,e) where type ExtractL6T (a,b,c,d,e) = GL.TypeError ('GL.Text "L6 doesn't work for 5-tuples") extractL6C _ = errorInProgram "L6 doesn't work for 5-tuples" instance ExtractL6C (a,b,c,d,e,f) where type ExtractL6T (a,b,c,d,e,f) = f extractL6C (_,_,_,_,_,f) = f -- | 'fromString' function where you need to provide the type \'t\' of the result -- -- >>> :set -XFlexibleContexts -- >>> pz @(FromString (Identity _) Id) "abc" -- Present Identity "abc" -- PresentT (Identity "abc") -- -- >>> pz @(FromString (Seq.Seq Char) Id) "abc" -- Present fromList "abc" -- PresentT (fromList "abc") data FromString' t s instance (P s a , PP s a ~ String , Show (PP t a) , IsString (PP t a) ) => P (FromString' t s) a where type PP (FromString' t s) a = PP t a eval _ opts a = do let msg0 = "FromString" ss <- eval (Proxy @s) opts a pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 ss [] of Left e -> e Right s -> let b = fromString @(PP t a) s in mkNode opts (PresentT b) [msg0 <> show0 opts " " b] [hh ss] data FromString (t :: Type) p type FromStringPT (t :: Type) p = FromString' (Hole t) p instance P (FromStringPT t p) x => P (FromString t p) x where type PP (FromString t p) x = PP (FromStringPT t p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(FromStringPT t p)) -- | 'fromInteger' function where you need to provide the type \'t\' of the result -- -- >>> pz @(FromInteger (SG.Sum _) Id) 23 -- Present Sum {getSum = 23} -- PresentT (Sum {getSum = 23}) -- -- >>> pz @(FromInteger Rational 44) 12 -- Present 44 % 1 -- PresentT (44 % 1) -- -- >>> pz @(FromInteger Rational Id) 12 -- Present 12 % 1 -- PresentT (12 % 1) -- data FromInteger' t n instance (Num (PP t a) , Integral (PP n a) , P n a , Show (PP t a) ) => P (FromInteger' t n) a where type PP (FromInteger' t n) a = PP t a eval _ opts a = do let msg0 = "FromInteger" nn <- eval (Proxy @n) opts a pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 nn [] of Left e -> e Right n -> let b = fromInteger (fromIntegral n) in mkNode opts (PresentT b) [msg0 <> show0 opts " " b] [hh nn] data FromInteger (t :: Type) p type FromIntegerT (t :: Type) p = FromInteger' (Hole t) p --type FromIntegerP n = FromInteger' Unproxy n instance P (FromIntegerT t p) x => P (FromInteger t p) x where type PP (FromInteger t p) x = PP (FromIntegerT t p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(FromIntegerT t p)) -- | 'fromIntegral' function where you need to provide the type \'t\' of the result -- -- >>> pz @(FromIntegral (SG.Sum _) Id) 23 -- Present Sum {getSum = 23} -- PresentT (Sum {getSum = 23}) data FromIntegral' t n instance (Num (PP t a) , Integral (PP n a) , P n a , Show (PP t a) , Show (PP n a) ) => P (FromIntegral' t n) a where type PP (FromIntegral' t n) a = PP t a eval _ opts a = do let msg0 = "FromIntegral" nn <- eval (Proxy @n) opts a pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 nn [] of Left e -> e Right n -> let b = fromIntegral n in mkNode opts (PresentT b) [show01 opts msg0 b n] [hh nn] data FromIntegral (t :: Type) p type FromIntegralT (t :: Type) p = FromIntegral' (Hole t) p instance P (FromIntegralT t p) x => P (FromIntegral t p) x where type PP (FromIntegral t p) x = PP (FromIntegralT t p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(FromIntegralT t p)) -- | 'toRational' function -- -- >>> pz @(ToRational Id) 23.5 -- Present 47 % 2 -- PresentT (47 % 2) data ToRational p instance (a ~ PP p x , Show a , Real a , P p x) => P (ToRational p) x where type PP (ToRational p) x = Rational eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "ToRational" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right a -> let r = toRational a in mkNode opts (PresentT r) [show01 opts msg0 r a] [hh pp] -- | 'fromRational' function where you need to provide the type \'t\' of the result -- -- >>> pz @(FromRational Rational Id) 23.5 -- Present 47 % 2 -- PresentT (47 % 2) data FromRational' t r instance (P r a , PP r a ~ Rational , Show (PP t a) , Fractional (PP t a) ) => P (FromRational' t r) a where type PP (FromRational' t r) a = PP t a eval _ opts a = do let msg0 = "FromRational" rr <- eval (Proxy @r) opts a pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 rr [] of Left e -> e Right r -> let b = fromRational @(PP t a) r in mkNode opts (PresentT b) [show01 opts msg0 b r] [hh rr] data FromRational (t :: Type) p type FromRationalT (t :: Type) p = FromRational' (Hole t) p instance P (FromRationalT t p) x => P (FromRational t p) x where type PP (FromRational t p) x = PP (FromRationalT t p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(FromRationalT t p)) -- | 'truncate' function where you need to provide the type \'t\' of the result -- -- >>> pz @(Truncate Int Id) (23 % 5) -- Present 4 -- PresentT 4 data Truncate' t p instance (Show (PP p x) , P p x , Show (PP t x) , RealFrac (PP p x) , Integral (PP t x) ) => P (Truncate' t p) x where type PP (Truncate' t p) x = PP t x eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Truncate" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let b = truncate p in mkNode opts (PresentT b) [show01 opts msg0 b p] [hh pp] data Truncate (t :: Type) p type TruncateT (t :: Type) p = Truncate' (Hole t) p instance P (TruncateT t p) x => P (Truncate t p) x where type PP (Truncate t p) x = PP (TruncateT t p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(TruncateT t p)) -- | 'ceiling' function where you need to provide the type \'t\' of the result -- -- >>> pz @(Ceiling Int Id) (23 % 5) -- Present 5 -- PresentT 5 data Ceiling' t p instance (Show (PP p x) , P p x , Show (PP t x) , RealFrac (PP p x) , Integral (PP t x) ) => P (Ceiling' t p) x where type PP (Ceiling' t p) x = PP t x eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Ceiling" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let b = ceiling p in mkNode opts (PresentT b) [show01 opts msg0 b p] [hh pp] data Ceiling (t :: Type) p type CeilingT (t :: Type) p = Ceiling' (Hole t) p instance P (CeilingT t p) x => P (Ceiling t p) x where type PP (Ceiling t p) x = PP (CeilingT t p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(CeilingT t p)) -- | 'floor' function where you need to provide the type \'t\' of the result -- -- >>> pz @(Floor Int Id) (23 % 5) -- Present 4 -- PresentT 4 data Floor' t p instance (Show (PP p x) , P p x , Show (PP t x) , RealFrac (PP p x) , Integral (PP t x) ) => P (Floor' t p) x where type PP (Floor' t p) x = PP t x eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Floor" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let b = floor p in mkNode opts (PresentT b) [show01 opts msg0 b p] [hh pp] data Floor (t :: Type) p type FloorT (t :: Type) p = Floor' (Hole t) p instance P (FloorT t p) x => P (Floor t p) x where type PP (Floor t p) x = PP (FloorT t p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(FloorT t p)) -- | converts a value to a 'Proxy': the same as '\'Proxy' -- -- >>> pz @MkProxy 'x' -- Present Proxy -- PresentT Proxy -- data MkProxy instance Show a => P MkProxy a where type PP MkProxy a = Proxy a eval _ opts a = let msg0 = "MkProxy" b = Proxy @a in pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT b) [msg0 <> show1 opts " | " a] [] -- | processes a type level list predicates running each in sequence: see 'Predicate.>>' -- -- >>> pz @(Do [Pred Id, ShowP Id, Id &&& Len]) 9876543 -- Present ("9876542",7) -- PresentT ("9876542",7) -- -- >>> pz @(Do '[W 123, W "xyz", Len &&& Id, Pred Id *** Id<>Id]) () -- Present (2,"xyzxyz") -- PresentT (2,"xyzxyz") -- data Do (ps :: [k]) instance (P (DoExpandT ps) a) => P (Do ps) a where type PP (Do ps) a = PP (DoExpandT ps) a eval _ = eval (Proxy @(DoExpandT ps)) type family DoExpandT (ps :: [k]) :: Type where DoExpandT '[] = GL.TypeError ('GL.Text "'[] invalid: requires at least one predicate in the list") DoExpandT '[p] = Id >> p -- need this else fails cos 1 is nat and would mean that the result is nat not Type! -- if p >> Id then turns TrueT to PresentT True DoExpandT (p ': p1 ': ps) = p >> DoExpandT (p1 ': ps) -- | Convenient method to convert a value \'p\' to a 'Maybe' based on a predicate '\b\' -- if '\b\' then Just \'p'\ else Nothing -- -- >>> pz @(MaybeBool (Id > 4) Id) 24 -- Present Just 24 -- PresentT (Just 24) -- -- >>> pz @(MaybeBool (Id > 4) Id) (-5) -- Present Nothing -- PresentT Nothing -- data MaybeBool b p instance (Show (PP p a) , P b a , P p a , PP b a ~ Bool ) => P (MaybeBool b p) a where type PP (MaybeBool b p) a = Maybe (PP p a) eval _ opts z = do let msg0 = "MaybeBool" bb <- evalBool (Proxy @b) opts z case getValueLR opts (msg0 <> " b failed") bb [] of Left e -> pure e Right True -> do pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts z pure $ case getValueLR opts (msg0 <> " p failed") pp [hh bb] of Left e -> e Right p -> mkNode opts (PresentT (Just p)) [msg0 <> "(False)" <> show0 opts " Just " p] [hh bb, hh pp] Right False -> pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT Nothing) [msg0 <> "(True)"] [hh bb] -- | Convenient method to convert a \'p\' or '\q'\ to a 'Either' based on a predicate '\b\' -- if \'b\' then Right \'p\' else Left '\q\' -- -- >>> pz @(EitherBool (Fst Id > 4) (Snd Id >> Fst Id) (Snd Id >> Snd Id)) (24,(-1,999)) -- Present Right 999 -- PresentT (Right 999) -- -- >>> pz @(EitherBool (Fst Id > 4) (Fst (Snd Id)) (Snd (Snd Id))) (1,(-1,999)) -- Present Left (-1) -- PresentT (Left (-1)) -- data EitherBool b p q instance (Show (PP p a) , P p a , Show (PP q a) , P q a , P b a , PP b a ~ Bool ) => P (EitherBool b p q) a where type PP (EitherBool b p q) a = Either (PP p a) (PP q a) eval _ opts z = do let msg0 = "EitherBool" bb <- evalBool (Proxy @b) opts z case getValueLR opts (msg0 <> " b failed") bb [] of Left e -> pure e Right False -> do pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts z pure $ case getValueLR opts (msg0 <> " p failed") pp [hh bb] of Left e -> e Right p -> mkNode opts (PresentT (Left p)) [msg0 <> "(False)" <> show0 opts " Left " p] [hh bb, hh pp] Right True -> do qq <- eval (Proxy @q) opts z pure $ case getValueLR opts (msg0 <> " q failed") qq [hh bb] of Left e -> e Right q -> mkNode opts (PresentT (Right q)) [msg0 <> "(True)" <> show0 opts " Right " q] [hh bb, hh qq] -- | pad \'q\' with '\n'\ values from '\p'\ -- -- >>> pz @(PadL 5 999 Id) [12,13] -- Present [999,999,999,12,13] -- PresentT [999,999,999,12,13] -- -- >>> pz @(PadR 5 (Fst Id) '[12,13]) (999,'x') -- Present [12,13,999,999,999] -- PresentT [12,13,999,999,999] -- -- >>> pz @(PadR 2 (Fst Id) '[12,13,14]) (999,'x') -- Present [12,13,14] -- PresentT [12,13,14] -- data PadImpl (left :: Bool) n p q instance (P n a , GetBool left , Integral (PP n a) , [PP p a] ~ PP q a , P p a , P q a , Show (PP p a) ) => P (PadImpl left n p q) a where type PP (PadImpl left n p q) a = PP q a eval _ opts a = do let msg0 = "Pad" <> (if lft then "L" else "R") lft = getBool @left lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @n) (Proxy @p) opts a [] case lr of Left e -> pure e Right (fromIntegral -> n,p,nn,pp) -> do let msg1 = msg0 <> show0 opts " " n <> " pad=" <> show p hhs = [hh nn, hh pp] qq <- eval (Proxy @q) opts a pure $ case getValueLR opts (msg1 <> " q failed") qq hhs of Left e -> e Right q -> let l = length q diff = if n<=l then 0 else n-l bs = if lft then (replicate diff p) <> q else q <> replicate diff p in mkNode opts (PresentT bs) [show01 opts msg1 bs q] (hhs <> [hh qq]) data PadL n p q type PadLT n p q = PadImpl 'True n p q instance P (PadLT n p q) x => P (PadL n p q) x where type PP (PadL n p q) x = PP (PadLT n p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(PadLT n p q)) data PadR n p q type PadRT n p q = PadImpl 'False n p q instance P (PadRT n p q) x => P (PadR n p q) x where type PP (PadR n p q) x = PP (PadRT n p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(PadRT n p q)) -- | split a list \'p\' into parts using the lengths in the type level list \'ns\' -- -- >>> pz @(SplitAts '[2,3,1,1] Id) "hello world" -- Present ["he","llo"," ","w","orld"] -- PresentT ["he","llo"," ","w","orld"] -- -- >>> pz @(SplitAts '[2] Id) "hello world" -- Present ["he","llo world"] -- PresentT ["he","llo world"] -- -- >>> pz @(SplitAts '[10,1,1,5] Id) "hello world" -- Present ["hello worl","d","",""] -- PresentT ["hello worl","d","",""] -- data SplitAts ns p instance (P ns x , P p x , PP p x ~ [a] , Show n , Show a , PP ns x ~ [n] , Integral n ) => P (SplitAts ns p) x where type PP (SplitAts ns p) x = [PP p x] eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "SplitAts" lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @ns) (Proxy @p) opts x [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (ns,p,nn,pp) -> let zs = foldr (\n k s -> let (a,b) = splitAtNeg (fromIntegral n) s in a:k b ) (\as -> if null as then [] else [as]) ns p in mkNode opts (PresentT zs) [show01' opts msg0 zs "ns=" ns <> show1 opts " | " p] [hh nn, hh pp] -- | similar to 'splitAt' -- -- >>> pz @(SplitAt 4 Id) "hello world" -- Present ("hell","o world") -- PresentT ("hell","o world") -- -- >>> pz @(SplitAt 20 Id) "hello world" -- Present ("hello world","") -- PresentT ("hello world","") -- -- >>> pz @(SplitAt 0 Id) "hello world" -- Present ("","hello world") -- PresentT ("","hello world") -- -- >>> pz @(SplitAt (Snd Id) (Fst Id)) ("hello world",4) -- Present ("hell","o world") -- PresentT ("hell","o world") -- -- >>> pz @(SplitAt (Negate 2) Id) "hello world" -- Present ("hello wor","ld") -- PresentT ("hello wor","ld") -- data SplitAt n p instance (PP p a ~ [b] , P n a , P p a , Show b , Integral (PP n a) ) => P (SplitAt n p) a where type PP (SplitAt n p) a = (PP p a, PP p a) eval _ opts a = do let msg0 = "SplitAt" lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @n) (Proxy @p) opts a [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e -- (Left e, tt') Right (fromIntegral -> n,p,pp,qq) -> let msg1 = msg0 <> show0 opts " " n <> show0 opts " " p ret = splitAtNeg n p in mkNode opts (PresentT ret) [show01' opts msg1 ret "n=" n <> show1 opts " | " p] [hh pp, hh qq] splitAtNeg :: Int -> [a] -> ([a], [a]) splitAtNeg n as = splitAt (if n<0 then (length as + n) else n) as data Take n p type TakeT n p = Fst (SplitAt n p) instance P (TakeT n p) x => P (Take n p) x where type PP (Take n p) x = PP (TakeT n p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(TakeT n p)) data Drop n p type DropT n p = Snd (SplitAt n p) instance P (DropT n p) x => P (Drop n p) x where type PP (Drop n p) x = PP (DropT n p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(DropT n p)) --type Tail = Uncons >> 'Just (Snd Id) --type Head = Uncons >> 'Just (Fst Id) --type Init = Unsnoc >> 'Just (Fst Id) --type Last = Unsnoc >> 'Just (Snd Id) -- | similar to 'Control.Arrow.&&&' data p &&& q infixr 3 &&& type WAmpT p q = W '(p, q) instance P (WAmpT p q) x => P (p &&& q) x where type PP (p &&& q) x = PP (WAmpT p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(WAmpT p q)) -- | similar to 'Control.Arrow.***' -- -- >>> pz @(Pred Id *** ShowP Id) (13, True) -- Present (12,"True") -- PresentT (12,"True") -- -- >>> pl @(FlipT (***) Len (Id * 12)) (99,"cdef") -- Present (1188,4) ((***) (1188,4) | (99,"cdef")) -- PresentT (1188,4) -- data p *** q infixr 3 *** instance (Show (PP p a) , Show (PP q b) , P p a , P q b , Show a , Show b ) => P (p *** q) (a,b) where type PP (p *** q) (a,b) = (PP p a, PP q b) eval _ opts (a,b) = do let msg0 = "(***)" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts a case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> pure e Right a1 -> do qq <- eval (Proxy @q) opts b pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 qq [hh pp] of Left e -> e Right b1 -> mkNode opts (PresentT (a1,b1)) [msg0 <> show0 opts " " (a1,b1) <> show1 opts " | " (a,b)] [hh pp, hh qq] data First p type FirstT p = p *** I instance P (FirstT p) x => P (First p) x where type PP (First p) x = PP (FirstT p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(FirstT p)) data Second q type SecondT q = I *** q instance P (SecondT q) x => P (Second q) x where type PP (Second q) x = PP (SecondT q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(SecondT q)) -- | similar 'Control.Arrow.|||' -- -- >>> pz @(Pred Id ||| Id) (Left 13) -- Present 12 -- PresentT 12 -- -- >>> pz @(ShowP Id ||| Id) (Right "hello") -- Present "hello" -- PresentT "hello" -- data p ||| q infixr 2 ||| type EitherIn p q = p ||| q instance (Show (PP p a) , P p a , P q b , PP p a ~ PP q b , Show a , Show b ) => P (p ||| q) (Either a b) where type PP (p ||| q) (Either a b) = PP p a eval _ opts lr = do let msg0 = "(|||)" case lr of Left a -> do pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts a pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right a1 -> let msg1 = msg0 ++ " Left" in mkNode opts (_tBool pp) [show01 opts msg1 a1 a] [hh pp] Right a -> do qq <- eval (Proxy @q) opts a pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 qq [] of Left e -> e Right a1 -> let msg1 = msg0 ++ " Right" in mkNode opts (_tBool qq) [show01 opts msg1 a1 a] [hh qq] -- | similar to 'isLeft' -- -- >>> pz @(IsLeft Id) (Right 123) -- False -- FalseT -- -- >>> pz @(IsLeft Id) (Left 'a') -- True -- TrueT -- data IsLeft p instance (P p x, PP p x ~ Either a b) => P (IsLeft p) x where type PP (IsLeft p) x = Bool eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "IsLeft" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x let hhs = [hh pp] pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right (Left _) -> mkNodeB opts True [msg0] hhs Right (Right _) -> mkNodeB opts False [msg0] hhs -- | similar to 'isRight' -- -- >>> pz @(IsRight Id) (Right 123) -- True -- TrueT -- -- >>> pz @(IsRight Id) (Left "aa") -- False -- FalseT -- data IsRight p instance (P p x, PP p x ~ Either a b) => P (IsRight p) x where type PP (IsRight p) x = Bool eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "IsRight" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x let hhs = [hh pp] pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right (Left _) -> mkNodeB opts False [msg0] hhs Right (Right _) -> mkNodeB opts True [msg0] hhs -- | similar 'Control.Arrow.+++' -- -- >>> pz @(Pred Id +++ Id) (Left 13) -- Present Left 12 -- PresentT (Left 12) -- -- >>> pz @(ShowP Id +++ Reverse) (Right "hello") -- Present Right "olleh" -- PresentT (Right "olleh") -- data p +++ q infixr 2 +++ instance (Show (PP p a) , Show (PP q b) , P p a , P q b , Show a , Show b ) => P (p +++ q) (Either a b) where type PP (p +++ q) (Either a b) = Either (PP p a) (PP q b) eval _ opts lr = do let msg0 = "(+++)" case lr of Left a -> do pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts a pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right a1 -> let msg1 = msg0 ++ " Left" in mkNode opts (PresentT (Left a1)) [msg1 <> show0 opts " " a1 <> show1 opts " | " a] [hh pp] Right a -> do qq <- eval (Proxy @q) opts a pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 qq [] of Left e -> e Right a1 -> let msg1 = msg0 ++ " Right" in mkNode opts (PresentT (Right a1)) [msg1 <> show0 opts " " a1 <> show1 opts " | " a] [hh qq] data Dup type DupT = W '(Id, Id) instance Show x => P Dup x where type PP Dup x = PP DupT x eval _ = eval (Proxy @DupT) data BinOp = BMult | BSub | BAdd deriving (Show,Eq) data p + q infixl 6 + type AddT p q = Bin 'BAdd p q instance P (AddT p q) x => P (p + q) x where type PP (p + q) x = PP (AddT p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(AddT p q)) data p - q infixl 6 - type SubT p q = Bin 'BSub p q instance P (SubT p q) x => P (p - q) x where type PP (p - q) x = PP (SubT p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(SubT p q)) data p * q infixl 7 * type MultT p q = Bin 'BMult p q instance P (MultT p q) x => P (p * q) x where type PP (p * q) x = PP (MultT p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(MultT p q)) data p > q infix 4 > instance P (Cmp 'CGt p q) x => P (p > q) x where type PP (p > q) x = Bool eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @(Cmp 'CGt p q)) data p >= q infix 4 >= instance P (Cmp 'CGe p q) x => P (p >= q) x where type PP (p >= q) x = Bool eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @(Cmp 'CGe p q)) data p == q infix 4 == instance P (Cmp 'CEq p q) x => P (p == q) x where type PP (p == q) x = Bool eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @(Cmp 'CEq p q)) data p <= q infix 4 <= instance P (Cmp 'CLe p q) x => P (p <= q) x where type PP (p <= q) x = Bool eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @(Cmp 'CLe p q)) data p < q infix 4 < instance P (Cmp 'CLt p q) x => P (p < q) x where type PP (p < q) x = Bool eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @(Cmp 'CLt p q)) data p /= q infix 4 /= instance P (Cmp 'CNe p q) x => P (p /= q) x where type PP (p /= q) x = Bool eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @(Cmp 'CNe p q)) --type p + q = Bin 'BAdd p q --type p - q = Bin 'BSub p q --type p * q = Bin 'BMult p q --type p > q = Cmp 'CGt p q --type p >= q = Cmp 'CGe p q --type p == q = Cmp 'CEq p q --type p /= q = Cmp 'CNe p q --type p <= q = Cmp 'CLe p q --type p < q = Cmp 'CLt p q type Gt n = I > n type Ge n = I >= n type Same n = I == n type Le n = I <= n type Lt n = I < n type Ne n = I /= n --type p >~ q = CmpI 'CGt p q --type p >=~ q = CmpI 'CGe p q --type p ==~ q = CmpI 'CEq p q --type p <=~ q = CmpI 'CLe p q --type p <~ q = CmpI 'CLt p q --type p /=~ q = CmpI 'CNe p q data p >~ q infix 4 >~ instance P (CmpI 'CGt p q) x => P (p >~ q) x where type PP (p >~ q) x = Bool eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @(CmpI 'CGt p q)) data p >=~ q infix 4 >=~ instance P (CmpI 'CGe p q) x => P (p >=~ q) x where type PP (p >=~ q) x = Bool eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @(CmpI 'CGe p q)) data p ==~ q infix 4 ==~ instance P (CmpI 'CEq p q) x => P (p ==~ q) x where type PP (p ==~ q) x = Bool eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @(CmpI 'CEq p q)) data p <=~ q infix 4 <=~ instance P (CmpI 'CLe p q) x => P (p <=~ q) x where type PP (p <=~ q) x = Bool eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @(CmpI 'CLe p q)) data p <~ q infix 4 <~ instance P (CmpI 'CLt p q) x => P (p <~ q) x where type PP (p <~ q) x = Bool eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @(CmpI 'CLt p q)) data p /=~ q infix 4 /=~ instance P (CmpI 'CNe p q) x => P (p /=~ q) x where type PP (p /=~ q) x = Bool eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @(CmpI 'CNe p q)) class GetBinOp (k :: BinOp) where getBinOp :: (Num a, a ~ b) => (String, a -> b -> a) instance GetBinOp 'BMult where getBinOp = ("*",(*)) instance GetBinOp 'BSub where getBinOp = ("-",(-)) instance GetBinOp 'BAdd where getBinOp = ("+",(+)) -- | addition, multiplication and subtraction -- -- >>> pz @(Fst Id * Snd Id) (13,5) -- Present 65 -- PresentT 65 -- -- >>> pz @(Fst Id + 4 * Length (Snd Id) - 4) (3,"hello") -- Present 19 -- PresentT 19 -- data Bin (op :: BinOp) p q instance (GetBinOp op , PP p a ~ PP q a , P p a , P q a , Show (PP p a) , Num (PP p a) ) => P (Bin op p q) a where type PP (Bin op p q) a = PP p a eval _ opts a = do let (s,f) = getBinOp @op lr <- runPQ s (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts a [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let d = p `f` q in mkNode opts (PresentT d) [show p <> " " <> s <> " " <> show q <> " = " <> show d] [hh pp, hh qq] -- | fractional division -- -- >>> pz @(Fst Id / Snd Id) (13,2) -- Present 6.5 -- PresentT 6.5 -- -- >>> pz @(ToRational 13 / Id) 0 -- Error (/) zero denominator -- FailT "(/) zero denominator" -- -- >>> pz @(12 % 7 / 14 % 5 + Id) 12.4 -- Present 3188 % 245 -- PresentT (3188 % 245) -- data p / q infixl 7 / instance (PP p a ~ PP q a , Eq (PP q a) , P p a , P q a , Show (PP p a) , Fractional (PP p a) ) => P (p / q) a where type PP (p / q) a = PP p a eval _ opts a = do let msg0 = "(/)" lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts a [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) | q == 0 -> let msg1 = msg0 <> " zero denominator" in mkNode opts (FailT msg1) [msg1] [hh pp, hh qq] | otherwise -> let d = p / q in mkNode opts (PresentT d) [show p <> " / " <> show q <> " = " <> show d] [hh pp, hh qq] -- | creates a 'Rational' value -- -- >>> pz @(Id < 21 % 5) (-3.1) -- True -- TrueT -- -- >>> pz @(Id < 21 % 5) 4.5 -- False -- FalseT -- -- >>> pz @(Fst Id % Snd Id) (13,2) -- Present 13 % 2 -- PresentT (13 % 2) -- -- >>> pz @(13 % Id) 0 -- Error (%) zero denominator -- FailT "(%) zero denominator" -- -- >>> pz @(4 % 3 + 5 % 7) "asfd" -- Present 43 % 21 -- PresentT (43 % 21) -- -- >>> pz @(4 -% 7 * 5 -% 3) "asfd" -- Present 20 % 21 -- PresentT (20 % 21) -- -- >>> pz @(Negate (14 % 3)) () -- Present (-14) % 3 -- PresentT ((-14) % 3) -- -- >>> pz @(14 % 3) () -- Present 14 % 3 -- PresentT (14 % 3) -- -- >>> pz @(Negate (14 % 3) ==! FromIntegral _ (Negate 5)) () -- Present GT -- PresentT GT -- -- >>> pz @(14 -% 3 ==! 5 -% 1) "aa" -- Present GT -- PresentT GT -- -- >>> pz @(Negate (14 % 3) ==! Negate 5 % 2) () -- Present LT -- PresentT LT -- -- >>> pz @(14 -% 3 * 5 -% 1) () -- Present 70 % 3 -- PresentT (70 % 3) -- -- >>> pz @(14 % 3 ==! 5 % 1) () -- Present LT -- PresentT LT -- -- >>> pz @(15 % 3 / 4 % 2) () -- Present 5 % 2 -- PresentT (5 % 2) -- data p % q infixl 8 % instance (Integral (PP p x) , Integral (PP q x) , Eq (PP q x) , P p x , P q x , Show (PP p x) , Show (PP q x) ) => P (p % q) x where type PP (p % q) x = Rational eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "(%)" lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts x [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) | q == 0 -> let msg1 = msg0 <> " zero denominator" in mkNode opts (FailT msg1) [msg1] [hh pp, hh qq] | otherwise -> let d = fromIntegral p % fromIntegral q in mkNode opts (PresentT d) [show p <> " % " <> show q <> " = " <> show d] [hh pp, hh qq] data p -% q -- = Negate (p % q) infixl 8 -% type NegateRatioT p q = Negate (p % q) instance P (NegateRatioT p q) x => P (p -% q) x where type PP (p -% q) x = PP (NegateRatioT p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(NegateRatioT p q)) -- | similar to 'negate' -- -- >>> pz @(Negate Id) 14 -- Present -14 -- PresentT (-14) -- -- >>> pz @(Negate (Fst Id * Snd Id)) (14,3) -- Present -42 -- PresentT (-42) -- -- >>> pz @(Negate (15 -% 4)) "abc" -- Present 15 % 4 -- PresentT (15 % 4) -- -- >>> pz @(Negate (15 % 3)) () -- Present (-5) % 1 -- PresentT ((-5) % 1) -- -- >>> pz @(Negate (Fst Id % Snd Id)) (14,3) -- Present (-14) % 3 -- PresentT ((-14) % 3) -- data Negate p instance (Show (PP p x), Num (PP p x), P p x) => P (Negate p) x where type PP (Negate p) x = PP p x eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Negate" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let d = negate p in mkNode opts (PresentT d) [show01 opts msg0 d p] [hh pp] -- | similar to 'abs' -- -- >>> pz @(Abs Id) (-14) -- Present 14 -- PresentT 14 -- -- >>> pz @(Abs (Snd Id)) ("xx",14) -- Present 14 -- PresentT 14 -- -- >>> pz @(Abs Id) 0 -- Present 0 -- PresentT 0 -- -- >>> pz @(Abs (Negate 44)) "aaa" -- Present 44 -- PresentT 44 -- data Abs p instance (Show (PP p x), Num (PP p x), P p x) => P (Abs p) x where type PP (Abs p) x = PP p x eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Abs" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let d = abs p in mkNode opts (PresentT d) [show01 opts msg0 d p] [hh pp] -- | similar to 'signum' -- -- >>> pz @(Signum Id) (-14) -- Present -1 -- PresentT (-1) -- -- >>> pz @(Signum Id) 14 -- Present 1 -- PresentT 1 -- -- >>> pz @(Signum Id) 0 -- Present 0 -- PresentT 0 -- data Signum p instance (Show (PP p x), Num (PP p x), P p x) => P (Signum p) x where type PP (Signum p) x = PP p x eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Signum" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let d = signum p in mkNode opts (PresentT d) [show01 opts msg0 d p] [hh pp] -- | unwraps a value (see '_Wrapped'') -- -- >>> pz @(Unwrap Id) (SG.Sum (-13)) -- Present -13 -- PresentT (-13) -- data Unwrap p instance (PP p x ~ s , P p x , Show s , Show (Unwrapped s) , Wrapped s ) => P (Unwrap p) x where type PP (Unwrap p) x = Unwrapped (PP p x) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Unwrap" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let d = p ^. _Wrapped' in mkNode opts (PresentT d) [show01 opts msg0 d p] [hh pp] -- | wraps a value (see '_Wrapped'' and '_Unwrapped'') -- -- >>> :m + Data.List.NonEmpty -- >>> pz @(Wrap (SG.Sum _) Id) (-13) -- Present Sum {getSum = -13} -- PresentT (Sum {getSum = -13}) -- -- >>> pz @(Wrap SG.Any (Ge 4)) 13 -- Present Any {getAny = True} -- PresentT (Any {getAny = True}) -- -- >>> pz @(Wrap (NonEmpty _) (Uncons >> 'Just Id)) "abcd" -- Present 'a' :| "bcd" -- PresentT ('a' :| "bcd") -- data Wrap' t p instance (Show (PP p x) , P p x , Unwrapped (PP s x) ~ PP p x , Wrapped (PP s x) , Show (PP s x) ) => P (Wrap' s p) x where type PP (Wrap' s p) x = PP s x eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Wrap" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let d = p ^. _Unwrapped' in mkNode opts (PresentT d) [show01 opts msg0 d p] [hh pp] data Wrap (t :: Type) p type WrapT (t :: Type) p = Wrap' (Hole t) p instance P (WrapT t p) x => P (Wrap t p) x where type PP (Wrap t p) x = PP (WrapT t p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(WrapT t p)) -- | similar to 'coerce' -- -- >>> pz @(Coerce (SG.Sum Integer)) (Identity (-13)) -- Present Sum {getSum = -13} -- PresentT (Sum {getSum = -13}) -- data Coerce (t :: k) instance (Show a , Show t , Coercible t a ) => P (Coerce t) a where type PP (Coerce t) a = t eval _ opts a = let msg0 = "Coerce" d = a ^. coerced in pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT d) [show01 opts msg0 d a] [] -- can coerce over a functor: but need to provide type of 'a' and 't' explicitly -- | see 'Coerce': coerce over a functor -- -- >>> pz @(Coerce2 (SG.Sum Integer)) [Identity (-13), Identity 4, Identity 99] -- Present [Sum {getSum = -13},Sum {getSum = 4},Sum {getSum = 99}] -- PresentT [Sum {getSum = -13},Sum {getSum = 4},Sum {getSum = 99}] -- -- >>> pz @(Coerce2 (SG.Sum Integer)) (Just (Identity (-13))) -- Present Just (Sum {getSum = -13}) -- PresentT (Just (Sum {getSum = -13})) -- -- >>> pz @(Coerce2 (SG.Sum Int)) (Nothing @(Identity Int)) -- Present Nothing -- PresentT Nothing -- data Coerce2 (t :: k) instance (Show (f a) , Show (f t) , Coercible t a , Functor f ) => P (Coerce2 t) (f a) where type PP (Coerce2 t) (f a) = f t eval _ opts fa = let msg0 = "Coerce2" d = view coerced <$> fa in pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT d) [show01 opts msg0 d fa] [] -- | lift mempty over a Functor -- -- >>> pz @(MEmpty2 (SG.Product Int)) [Identity (-13), Identity 4, Identity 99] -- Present [Product {getProduct = 1},Product {getProduct = 1},Product {getProduct = 1}] -- PresentT [Product {getProduct = 1},Product {getProduct = 1},Product {getProduct = 1}] -- data MEmpty2' t instance (Show (f a) , Show (f (PP t (f a))) , Functor f , Monoid (PP t (f a)) ) => P (MEmpty2' t) (f a) where type PP (MEmpty2' t) (f a) = f (PP t (f a)) eval _ opts fa = let msg0 = "MEmpty2" b = mempty <$> fa in pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT b) [show01 opts msg0 b fa] [] data MEmpty2 (t :: Type) type MEmpty2T (t :: Type) = MEmpty2' (Hole t) instance P (MEmpty2T t) x => P (MEmpty2 t) x where type PP (MEmpty2 t) x = PP (MEmpty2T t) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(MEmpty2T t)) -- | lift pure over a Functor -- -- >>> pz @(Pure2 (Either String)) [1,2,4] -- Present [Right 1,Right 2,Right 4] -- PresentT [Right 1,Right 2,Right 4] -- data Pure2 (t :: Type -> Type) instance (Show (f (t a)) , Show (f a) , Applicative t , Functor f ) => P (Pure2 t) (f a) where type PP (Pure2 t) (f a) = f (t a) eval _ opts fa = let msg0 = "Pure2" b = fmap pure fa in pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT b) [show01 opts msg0 b fa] [] -- | similar to 'reverse' -- -- >>> pz @Reverse [1,2,4] -- Present [4,2,1] -- PresentT [4,2,1] -- -- >>> pz @Reverse "AbcDeF" -- Present "FeDcbA" -- PresentT "FeDcbA" -- data Reverse instance (Show a, as ~ [a]) => P Reverse as where type PP Reverse as = as eval _ opts as = let msg0 = "Reverse" d = reverse as in pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT d) [show01 opts msg0 d as] [] -- | reverses using 'reversing' -- -- >>> pz @ReverseL (T.pack "AbcDeF") -- Present "FeDcbA" -- PresentT "FeDcbA" -- -- >>> pz @ReverseL ("AbcDeF" :: String) -- Present "FeDcbA" -- PresentT "FeDcbA" -- data ReverseL instance (Show t, Reversing t) => P ReverseL t where type PP ReverseL t = t eval _ opts as = let msg0 = "ReverseL" d = as ^. reversed in pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT d) [show01 opts msg0 d as] [] -- | swaps using 'SwapC' -- -- >>> pz @Swap (Left 123) -- Present Right 123 -- PresentT (Right 123) -- -- >>> pz @Swap (Right 123) -- Present Left 123 -- PresentT (Left 123) -- -- >>> pz @Swap (These 'x' 123) -- Present These 123 'x' -- PresentT (These 123 'x') -- -- >>> pz @Swap (This 'x') -- Present That 'x' -- PresentT (That 'x') -- -- >>> pz @Swap (That 123) -- Present This 123 -- PresentT (This 123) -- -- >>> pz @Swap (123,'x') -- Present ('x',123) -- PresentT ('x',123) -- -- >>> pz @Swap (Left "abc") -- Present Right "abc" -- PresentT (Right "abc") -- -- >>> pz @Swap (Right 123) -- Present Left 123 -- PresentT (Left 123) -- data Swap class Bifunctor p => SwapC p where -- (p :: Type -> Type -> Type) where swapC :: p a b -> p b a instance SwapC Either where swapC (Left a) = Right a swapC (Right a) = Left a instance SwapC These where swapC (This a) = That a swapC (That b) = This b swapC (These a b) = These b a instance SwapC (,) where swapC (a,b) = (b,a) instance (Show (p a b) , SwapC p , Show (p b a) ) => P Swap (p a b) where type PP Swap (p a b) = p b a eval _ opts pab = let msg0 = "Swap" d = swapC pab in pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT d) [show01 opts msg0 d pab] [] -- | assoc using 'AssocC' -- -- >>> pz @Assoc (This (These 123 'x')) -- Present These 123 (This 'x') -- PresentT (These 123 (This 'x')) -- -- >>> pz @Assoc ((99,'a'),True) -- Present (99,('a',True)) -- PresentT (99,('a',True)) -- -- >>> pz @Assoc ((99,'a'),True) -- Present (99,('a',True)) -- PresentT (99,('a',True)) -- -- >>> pz @Assoc (Right "Abc" :: Either (Either () ()) String) -- Present Right (Right "Abc") -- PresentT (Right (Right "Abc")) -- -- >>> pz @Assoc (Left (Left 'x')) -- Present Left 'x' -- PresentT (Left 'x') -- data Assoc class AssocC p where assoc :: p (p a b) c -> p a (p b c) unassoc :: p a (p b c) -> p (p a b) c instance AssocC Either where assoc (Left (Left a)) = Left a assoc (Left (Right b)) = Right (Left b) assoc (Right b) = Right (Right b) unassoc (Left a) = Left (Left a) unassoc (Right (Left b)) = Left (Right b) unassoc (Right (Right b)) = Right b instance AssocC These where assoc (This (This a)) = This a assoc (This (That b)) = That (This b) assoc (That b) = That (That b) assoc (These (This a) c) = These a (That c) assoc (These (That b) c) = That (These b c) assoc (These (These a b) c) = These a (These b c) assoc (This (These a b)) = These a (This b) unassoc (This a) = This (This a) unassoc (That (This b)) = This (That b) unassoc (That (That b)) = That b unassoc (These a (That c)) = These (This a) c unassoc (That (These b c)) = These (That b) c unassoc (These a (These b c)) = These (These a b) c unassoc (These a (This b)) = This (These a b) -- copied from Data.These partitionThese :: [These a b] -> ([a], [b], [(a, b)]) partitionThese [] = ([], [], []) partitionThese (t:ts) = case t of This x -> (x : xs, ys, xys) That y -> ( xs, y : ys, xys) These x y -> ( xs, ys, (x,y) : xys) where ~(xs,ys,xys) = partitionThese ts instance AssocC (,) where assoc ((a,b),c) = (a,(b,c)) unassoc (a,(b,c)) = ((a,b),c) instance (Show (p (p a b) c) , Show (p a (p b c)) , AssocC p ) => P Assoc (p (p a b) c) where type PP Assoc (p (p a b) c) = p a (p b c) eval _ opts pabc = let msg0 = "Assoc" d = assoc pabc in pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT d) [show01 opts msg0 d pabc] [] -- | unassoc using 'AssocC' -- -- >>> pz @Unassoc (These 123 (This 'x')) -- Present This (These 123 'x') -- PresentT (This (These 123 'x')) -- -- >>> pz @Unassoc (99,('a',True)) -- Present ((99,'a'),True) -- PresentT ((99,'a'),True) -- -- >>> pz @Unassoc (This 10 :: These Int (These Bool ())) -- Present This (This 10) -- PresentT (This (This 10)) -- -- >>> pz @Unassoc (Right (Right 123)) -- Present Right 123 -- PresentT (Right 123) -- -- >>> pz @Unassoc (Left 'x' :: Either Char (Either Bool Double)) -- Present Left (Left 'x') -- PresentT (Left (Left 'x')) -- data Unassoc instance (Show (p (p a b) c) , Show (p a (p b c)) , AssocC p ) => P Unassoc (p a (p b c)) where type PP Unassoc (p a (p b c)) = p (p a b) c eval _ opts pabc = let msg0 = "Unassoc" d = unassoc pabc in pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT d) [show01 opts msg0 d pabc] [] -- | bounded 'succ' function -- -- >>> pz @(SuccB' Id) (13 :: Int) -- Present 14 -- PresentT 14 -- -- >>> pz @(SuccB' Id) LT -- Present EQ -- PresentT EQ -- -- >>> pz @(SuccB 'LT Id) GT -- Present LT -- PresentT LT -- -- >>> pz @(SuccB' Id) GT -- Error Succ bounded -- FailT "Succ bounded" -- instance (PP q x ~ a , P q x , P p (Proxy a) , PP p (Proxy a) ~ a , Show a , Eq a , Bounded a , Enum a ) => P (SuccB p q) x where type PP (SuccB p q) x = PP q x eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "SuccB" qq <- eval (Proxy @q) opts x case getValueLR opts msg0 qq [] of Left e -> pure e Right q -> case succMay q of Nothing -> do let msg1 = msg0 <> " out of range" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts (Proxy @a) pure $ case getValueLR opts msg1 pp [hh qq] of Left e -> e Right _ -> mkNode opts (_tBool pp) [msg1] [hh qq, hh pp] Just n -> pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT n) [show01 opts msg0 n q] [hh qq] data SuccB p q data SuccB' q type SuccBT' q = SuccB (Failp "Succ bounded") q instance P (SuccBT' q) x => P (SuccB' q) x where type PP (SuccB' q) x = PP (SuccBT' q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(SuccBT' q)) -- | bounded 'pred' function -- -- >>> pz @(PredB' Id) (13 :: Int) -- Present 12 -- PresentT 12 -- -- >>> pz @(PredB' Id) LT -- Error Pred bounded -- FailT "Pred bounded" -- data PredB' q type PredBT' q = PredB (Failp "Pred bounded") q instance (PP q x ~ a , P q x , P p (Proxy a) , PP p (Proxy a) ~ a , Show a , Eq a , Bounded a , Enum a ) => P (PredB p q) x where type PP (PredB p q) x = PP q x eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "PredB" qq <- eval (Proxy @q) opts x case getValueLR opts msg0 qq [] of Left e -> pure e Right q -> case predMay q of Nothing -> do let msg1 = msg0 <> " out of range" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts (Proxy @a) pure $ case getValueLR opts msg1 pp [hh qq] of Left e -> e Right _ -> mkNode opts (_tBool pp) [msg1] [hh qq, hh pp] Just n -> pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT n) [show01 opts msg0 n q] [hh qq] -- | unbounded 'succ' function -- -- >>> pz @(Succ Id) 13 -- Present 14 -- PresentT 14 -- -- >>> pz @(Succ Id) LT -- Present EQ -- PresentT EQ -- -- >>> pz @(Succ Id) GT -- Error Succ IO e=Prelude.Enum.Ordering.succ: bad argument -- FailT "Succ IO e=Prelude.Enum.Ordering.succ: bad argument" -- data Succ p instance (Show a , Enum a , PP p x ~ a , P p x ) => P (Succ p) x where type PP (Succ p) x = PP p x eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Succ" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> pure e Right p -> do lr <- catchit @_ @E.SomeException (succ p) pure $ case lr of Left e -> mkNode opts (FailT (msg0 <> " " <> e)) [msg0 <> show0 opts " " p] [hh pp] Right n -> mkNode opts (PresentT n) [show01 opts msg0 n p] [hh pp] -- | unbounded 'pred' function -- -- >>> pz @(Pred Id) 13 -- Present 12 -- PresentT 12 -- -- >>> pz @(Pred Id) LT -- Error Pred IO e=Prelude.Enum.Ordering.pred: bad argument -- FailT "Pred IO e=Prelude.Enum.Ordering.pred: bad argument" -- data Pred p instance (Show a , Enum a , PP p x ~ a , P p x ) => P (Pred p) x where type PP (Pred p) x = PP p x eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Pred" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> pure e Right p -> do lr <- catchit @_ @E.SomeException (pred p) pure $ case lr of Left e -> mkNode opts (FailT (msg0 <> " " <> e)) [msg0 <> show0 opts " " p] [hh pp] Right n -> mkNode opts (PresentT n) [show01 opts msg0 n p] [hh pp] data PredB p q instance P (PredBT' q) x => P (PredB' q) x where type PP (PredB' q) x = PP (PredBT' q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(PredBT' q)) -- | 'fromEnum' function -- -- >>> pz @(FromEnum Id) 'x' -- Present 120 -- PresentT 120 -- data FromEnum p instance (Show a , Enum a , PP p x ~ a , P p x ) => P (FromEnum p) x where type PP (FromEnum p) x = Int eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "FromEnum" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let n = fromEnum p in mkNode opts (PresentT n) [show01 opts msg0 n p] [hh pp] -- | unsafe 'toEnum' function -- -- >>> pz @(ToEnum Char Id) 120 -- Present 'x' -- PresentT 'x' data ToEnum' t p instance (PP p x ~ a , P p x , Show a , Enum (PP t x) , Show (PP t x) , Integral a ) => P (ToEnum' t p) x where type PP (ToEnum' t p) x = PP t x eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "ToEnum" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> pure e Right p -> do lr <- catchit @_ @E.SomeException (toEnum $! fromIntegral p) pure $ case lr of Left e -> mkNode opts (FailT (msg0 <> " " <> e)) [msg0 <> show0 opts " " p] [hh pp] Right n -> mkNode opts (PresentT n) [show01 opts msg0 n p] [hh pp] data ToEnum (t :: Type) p type ToEnumT (t :: Type) p = ToEnum' (Hole t) p instance P (ToEnumT t p) x => P (ToEnum t p) x where type PP (ToEnum t p) x = PP (ToEnumT t p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(ToEnumT t p)) -- | bounded 'toEnum' function -- -- >>> pz @(ToEnumBDef Ordering LT) 2 -- Present GT -- PresentT GT -- -- >>> pz @(ToEnumBDef Ordering LT) 6 -- Present LT -- PresentT LT -- -- >>> pz @(ToEnumBFail Ordering) 6 -- Error ToEnum bounded -- FailT "ToEnum bounded" -- data ToEnumBDef' t def instance (P def (Proxy (PP t a)) , PP def (Proxy (PP t a)) ~ PP t a , Show a , Show (PP t a) , Bounded (PP t a) , Enum (PP t a) , Integral a ) => P (ToEnumBDef' t def) a where type PP (ToEnumBDef' t def) a = PP t a eval _ opts a = do let msg0 = "ToEnumBDef" case toEnumMay $ fromIntegral a of Nothing -> do let msg1 = msg0 <> " out of range" pp <- eval (Proxy @def) opts (Proxy @(PP t a)) pure $ case getValueLR opts msg1 pp [] of Left e -> e Right _ -> mkNode opts (_tBool pp) [msg1] [hh pp] Just n -> pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT n) [show01 opts msg0 n a] [] data ToEnumBDef (t :: Type) def type ToEnumBDefT (t :: Type) def = ToEnumBDef' (Hole t) def instance P (ToEnumBDefT t def) x => P (ToEnumBDef t def) x where type PP (ToEnumBDef t def) x = PP (ToEnumBDefT t def) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(ToEnumBDefT t def)) data ToEnumBFail (t :: Type) type ToEnumBFailT (t :: Type) = ToEnumBDef' (Hole t) (Failp "ToEnum bounded") instance P (ToEnumBFailT t) x => P (ToEnumBFail t) x where type PP (ToEnumBFail t) x = PP (ToEnumBFailT t) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(ToEnumBFailT t)) -- | a predicate on prime numbers -- -- >>> pz @(Prime Id) 2 -- True -- TrueT -- -- >>> pz @(Map '(Id,Prime Id) Id) [0..12] -- Present [(0,False),(1,False),(2,True),(3,True),(4,False),(5,True),(6,False),(7,True),(8,False),(9,False),(10,False),(11,True),(12,False)] -- PresentT [(0,False),(1,False),(2,True),(3,True),(4,False),(5,True),(6,False),(7,True),(8,False),(9,False),(10,False),(11,True),(12,False)] -- data Prime p instance (PP p x ~ a , P p x , Show a , Integral a ) => P (Prime p) x where type PP (Prime p) x = Bool eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Prime" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let b = isPrime $ fromIntegral p in mkNodeB opts b [msg0 <> show1 opts " | " p] [] isPrime :: Integer -> Bool isPrime n = n==2 || n>2 && all ((> 0).rem n) (2:[3,5 .. floor . sqrt @Double . fromIntegral $ n+1]) -- empty lists at the type level wont work here -- | filters a list \'q\' keeping or removing those elements in \'p\' -- -- >>> pz @(Keep '[5] '[1,5,5,2,5,2]) () -- Present [5,5,5] -- PresentT [5,5,5] -- -- >>> pz @(Keep '[0,1,1,5] '[1,5,5,2,5,2]) () -- Present [1,5,5,5] -- PresentT [1,5,5,5] -- -- >>> pz @(Remove '[5] '[1,5,5,2,5,2]) () -- Present [1,2,2] -- PresentT [1,2,2] -- -- >>> pz @(Remove '[0,1,1,5] '[1,5,5,2,5,2]) () -- Present [2,2] -- PresentT [2,2] -- -- >>> pz @(Remove '[99] '[1,5,5,2,5,2]) () -- Present [1,5,5,2,5,2] -- PresentT [1,5,5,2,5,2] -- -- >>> pz @(Remove '[99,91] '[1,5,5,2,5,2]) () -- Present [1,5,5,2,5,2] -- PresentT [1,5,5,2,5,2] -- -- >>> pz @(Remove Id '[1,5,5,2,5,2]) [] -- Present [1,5,5,2,5,2] -- PresentT [1,5,5,2,5,2] -- -- >>> pz @(Remove '[] '[1,5,5,2,5,2]) 44 -- works if you make this a number! -- Present [1,5,5,2,5,2] -- PresentT [1,5,5,2,5,2] -- data KeepImpl (keep :: Bool) p q instance (GetBool keep , Eq a , Show a , P p x , P q x , PP p x ~ PP q x , PP q x ~ [a] ) => P (KeepImpl keep p q) x where type PP (KeepImpl keep p q) x = PP q x eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = if keep then "Keep" else "Remove" keep = getBool @keep lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts x [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let ret = filter (bool not id keep . (`elem` p)) q in mkNode opts (PresentT ret) [show01' opts msg0 ret "p=" p <> show1 opts " | q=" q] [hh pp, hh qq] data Keep p q type KeepT p q = KeepImpl 'True p q instance P (KeepT p q) x => P (Keep p q) x where type PP (Keep p q) x = PP (KeepT p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(KeepT p q)) data Remove p q type RemoveT p q = KeepImpl 'False p q instance P (RemoveT p q) x => P (Remove p q) x where type PP (Remove p q) x = PP (RemoveT p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(RemoveT p q)) -- | 'elem' function -- -- >>> pz @(Elem (Fst Id) (Snd Id)) ('x',"abcdxy") -- True -- TrueT -- -- >>> pz @(Elem (Fst Id) (Snd Id)) ('z',"abcdxy") -- False -- FalseT -- data Elem p q instance ([PP p a] ~ PP q a , P p a , P q a , Show (PP p a) , Eq (PP p a) ) => P (Elem p q) a where type PP (Elem p q) a = Bool eval _ opts a = do let msg0 = "Elem" lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts a [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let b = p `elem` q in mkNodeB opts b [show p <> " `elem` " <> show q] [hh pp, hh qq] --type Head' p = HeadFail "Head(empty)" p --type Tail' p = TailFail "Tail(empty)" p --type Last p = LastFail "Last(empty)" p --type Init' p = InitFail "Init(empty)" p -- | similar to fmap fst -- -- >>> pz @FMapFst (Just (13,"Asf")) -- Present Just 13 -- PresentT (Just 13) -- -- to make this work we grab the fst or snd out of the Maybe so it is a head or not/ is a tail or not etc! -- we still have access to the whole original list so we dont lose anything! data FMapFst instance Functor f => P FMapFst (f (a,x)) where type PP FMapFst (f (a,x)) = f a eval _ opts mb = pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT (fst <$> mb)) ["FMapFst"] [] -- | similar to fmap snd -- -- >>> pz @FMapSnd (Just ("asf",13)) -- Present Just 13 -- PresentT (Just 13) -- data FMapSnd instance Functor f => P FMapSnd (f (x,a)) where type PP FMapSnd (f (x,a)) = f a eval _ opts mb = pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT (snd <$> mb)) ["FMapSnd"] [] -- | takes the head or default of a list-like object -- -- see 'ConsT' for other supported types eg 'Seq.Seq' -- -- >>> pz @(HeadDef 444 Id) [] -- Present 444 -- PresentT 444 -- -- >>> pz @(HeadDef 444 Id) [1..5] -- Present 1 -- PresentT 1 -- -- >>> pz @(HeadDef 444 Id) [1..5] -- Present 1 -- PresentT 1 -- -- >>> pz @(HeadDef (Char1 "w") Id) (Seq.fromList "abcdef") -- Present 'a' -- PresentT 'a' -- -- >>> pz @(HeadDef (Char1 "w") Id) Seq.empty -- Present 'w' -- PresentT 'w' -- -- >>> :set -XFlexibleContexts -- >>> pz @(HeadDef (MEmptyT _) Id) ([] :: [SG.Sum Int]) -- Present Sum {getSum = 0} -- PresentT (Sum {getSum = 0}) -- -- >>> pz @(HeadDef (MEmptyT String) '[ "abc","def","asdfadf" ]) () -- Present "abc" -- PresentT "abc" -- -- >>> pz @(HeadDef (MEmptyT _) (Snd Id)) (123,[ "abc","def","asdfadf" ]) -- Present "abc" -- PresentT "abc" -- -- >>> pz @(HeadDef (MEmptyT _) (Snd Id)) (123,[]) -- Present () -- PresentT () -- data HeadDef p q type HeadDefT p q = JustDef p (q >> Uncons >> FMapFst) instance P (HeadDefT p q) x => P (HeadDef p q) x where type PP (HeadDef p q) x = PP (HeadDefT p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(HeadDefT p q)) -- | takes the head of a list or fail -- -- see 'ConsT' for other supported types eg 'Seq.Seq' -- -- >>> pz @(HeadFail "dude" Id) [ "abc","def","asdfadf" ] -- Present "abc" -- PresentT "abc" -- -- >>> pz @(HeadFail "empty list" Id) [] -- Error empty list -- FailT "empty list" -- data HeadFail msg q type HeadFailT msg q = JustFail msg (q >> Uncons >> FMapFst) instance P (HeadFailT msg q) x => P (HeadFail msg q) x where type PP (HeadFail msg q) x = PP (HeadFailT msg q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(HeadFailT msg q)) data TailDef p q type TailDefT p q = JustDef p (q >> Uncons >> FMapSnd) instance P (TailDefT p q) x => P (TailDef p q) x where type PP (TailDef p q) x = PP (TailDefT p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(TailDefT p q)) data TailFail msg q type TailFailT msg q = JustFail msg (q >> Uncons >> FMapSnd) instance P (TailFailT msg q) x => P (TailFail msg q) x where type PP (TailFail msg q) x = PP (TailFailT msg q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(TailFailT msg q)) data LastDef p q type LastDefT p q = JustDef p (q >> Unsnoc >> FMapSnd) instance P (LastDefT p q) x => P (LastDef p q) x where type PP (LastDef p q) x = PP (LastDefT p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(LastDefT p q)) data LastFail msg q type LastFailT msg q = JustFail msg (q >> Unsnoc >> FMapSnd) instance P (LastFailT msg q) x => P (LastFail msg q) x where type PP (LastFail msg q) x = PP (LastFailT msg q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(LastFailT msg q)) data InitDef p q type InitDefT p q = JustDef p (q >> Unsnoc >> FMapFst) instance P (InitDefT p q) x => P (InitDef p q) x where type PP (InitDef p q) x = PP (InitDefT p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(InitDefT p q)) data InitFail msg q type InitFailT msg q = JustFail msg (q >> Unsnoc >> FMapFst) instance P (InitFailT msg q) x => P (InitFail msg q) x where type PP (InitFail msg q) x = PP (InitFailT msg q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(InitFailT msg q)) data LookupDef' v w p q type LookupDefT' v w p q = JustDef p (q >> Lookup v w) instance P (LookupDefT' v w p q) x => P (LookupDef' v w p q) x where type PP (LookupDef' v w p q) x = PP (LookupDefT' v w p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(LookupDefT' v w p q)) data LookupFail' msg v w q type LookupFailT' msg v w q = JustFail msg (q >> Lookup v w) instance P (LookupFailT' msg v w q) x => P (LookupFail' msg v w q) x where type PP (LookupFail' msg v w q) x = PP (LookupFailT' msg v w q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(LookupFailT' msg v w q)) data LookupDef v w p type LookupDefT v w p = LookupDef' v w p I instance P (LookupDefT v w p) x => P (LookupDef v w p) x where type PP (LookupDef v w p) x = PP (LookupDefT v w p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(LookupDefT v w p)) data LookupFail msg v w type LookupFailT msg v w = LookupFail' msg v w I instance P (LookupFailT msg v w) x => P (LookupFail msg v w) x where type PP (LookupFail msg v w) x = PP (LookupFailT msg v w) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(LookupFailT msg v w)) --type Just' p = JustFail "expected Just" p data Left' p type LeftT' p = LeftFail "expected Left" p instance P (LeftT' p) x => P (Left' p) x where type PP (Left' p) x = PP (LeftT' p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(LeftT' p)) data Right' p type RightT' p = RightFail "expected Right" p instance P (RightT' p) x => P (Right' p) x where type PP (Right' p) x = PP (RightT' p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(RightT' p)) data This' p type ThisT' p = ThisFail "expected This" p instance P (ThisT' p) x => P (This' p) x where type PP (This' p) x = PP (ThisT' p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(ThisT' p)) data That' p type ThatT' p = ThatFail "expected That" p instance P (ThatT' p) x => P (That' p) x where type PP (That' p) x = PP (ThatT' p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(ThatT' p)) data These' p type TheseT' p = TheseFail "expected These" p instance P (TheseT' p) x => P (These' p) x where type PP (These' p) x = PP (TheseT' p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(TheseT' p)) -- | similar to 'Control.Arrow.|||' but additionally gives \'p\' and \'q\' the original input -- -- >>> pz @(EitherX (ShowP (Fst (Fst Id) + Snd Id)) (ShowP Id) (Snd Id)) (9,Left 123) -- Present "132" -- PresentT "132" -- -- >>> pz @(EitherX (ShowP (Fst (Fst Id) + Snd Id)) (ShowP Id) (Snd Id)) (9,Right 'x') -- Present "((9,Right 'x'),'x')" -- PresentT "((9,Right 'x'),'x')" -- -- >>> pz @(EitherX (ShowP Id) (ShowP (Second (Succ Id))) (Snd Id)) (9,Right 'x') -- Present "((9,Right 'x'),'y')" -- PresentT "((9,Right 'x'),'y')" -- data EitherX p q r instance (P r x , P p (x,a) , P q (x,b) , PP r x ~ Either a b , PP p (x,a) ~ c , PP q (x,b) ~ c ) => P (EitherX p q r) x where type PP (EitherX p q r) x = EitherXT (PP r x) x p eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "EitherX" rr <- eval (Proxy @r) opts x case getValueLR opts msg0 rr [] of Left e -> pure e Right (Left a) -> do let msg1 = msg0 <> "(Left)" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts (x,a) pure $ case getValueLR opts msg1 pp [hh rr] of Left e -> e Right _ -> mkNode opts (_tBool pp) [msg1] [hh rr, hh pp] Right (Right b) -> do let msg1 = msg0 <> "(Right)" qq <- eval (Proxy @q) opts (x,b) pure $ case getValueLR opts msg1 qq [hh rr] of Left e -> e Right _ -> mkNode opts (_tBool qq) [msg1] [hh rr, hh qq] type family EitherXT lr x p where EitherXT (Either a b) x p = PP p (x,a) EitherXT o _ _ = GL.TypeError ( 'GL.Text "EitherXT: expected 'Either a b' " ':$$: 'GL.Text "o = " ':<>: 'GL.ShowType o) -- | similar to 'Data.These.mergeTheseWith' but additionally provides \'p\', '\q'\ and \'r\' the original input as the first element in the tuple -- -- >>> pz @(TheseX ((Fst (Fst Id) + Snd Id) >> ShowP Id) (ShowP Id) (Snd (Snd Id)) (Snd Id)) (9,This 123) -- Present "132" -- PresentT "132" -- -- >>> pz @(TheseX '(Snd Id,"fromthis") '(Negate 99,Snd Id) (Snd Id) Id) (This 123) -- Present (123,"fromthis") -- PresentT (123,"fromthis") -- -- >>> pz @(TheseX '(Snd Id,"fromthis") '(Negate 99,Snd Id) (Snd Id) Id) (That "fromthat") -- Present (-99,"fromthat") -- PresentT (-99,"fromthat") -- -- >>> pz @(TheseX '(Snd Id,"fromthis") '(Negate 99,Snd Id) (Snd Id) Id) (These 123 "fromthese") -- Present (123,"fromthese") -- PresentT (123,"fromthese") -- data TheseX p q r s instance (P s x , P p (x,a) , P q (x,b) , P r (x,(a,b)) , PP s x ~ These a b , PP p (x,a) ~ c , PP q (x,b) ~ c , PP r (x,(a,b)) ~ c ) => P (TheseX p q r s) x where type PP (TheseX p q r s) x = TheseXT (PP s x) x p eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "TheseX" ss <- eval (Proxy @s) opts x case getValueLR opts msg0 ss [] of Left e -> pure e Right (This a) -> do let msg1 = msg0 <> "(This)" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts (x,a) pure $ case getValueLR opts msg1 pp [hh ss] of Left e -> e Right _ -> mkNode opts (_tBool pp) [msg1] [hh ss, hh pp] Right (That b) -> do let msg1 = msg0 <> "(That)" qq <- eval (Proxy @q) opts (x,b) pure $ case getValueLR opts msg1 qq [hh ss] of Left e -> e Right _ -> mkNode opts (_tBool qq) [msg1] [hh ss, hh qq] Right (These a b) -> do let msg1 = msg0 <> "(These)" rr <- eval (Proxy @r) opts (x,(a,b)) pure $ case getValueLR opts msg1 rr [hh ss] of Left e -> e Right _ -> mkNode opts (_tBool rr) [msg1] [hh ss, hh rr] type family TheseXT lr x p where TheseXT (These a b) x p = PP p (x,a) -- | similar to 'maybe' -- -- provides a Proxy to the result of \'q\' but does not provide the surrounding context -- -- >>> pz @(MaybeIn "foundnothing" (ShowP (Pred Id))) (Just 20) -- Present "19" -- PresentT "19" -- -- >>> pz @(MaybeIn "found nothing" (ShowP (Pred Id))) Nothing -- Present "found nothing" -- PresentT "found nothing" -- data MaybeIn p q -- tricky: the nothing case is the proxy of PP q a: ie proxy of the final result instance (P q a , Show a , Show (PP q a) , PP p (Proxy (PP q a)) ~ PP q a , P p (Proxy (PP q a)) ) => P (MaybeIn p q) (Maybe a) where type PP (MaybeIn p q) (Maybe a) = PP q a eval _ opts ma = do let msg0 = "MaybeIn" case ma of Nothing -> do let msg1 = msg0 <> "(Nothing)" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts (Proxy @(PP q a)) pure $ case getValueLR opts msg1 pp [] of Left e -> e Right b -> mkNode opts (_tBool pp) [msg1 <> show0 opts " " b <> " | Proxy"] [hh pp] Just a -> do let msg1 = msg0 <> "(Nothing)" qq <- eval (Proxy @q) opts a pure $ case getValueLR opts msg1 qq [] of Left e -> e Right b -> mkNode opts (_tBool qq) [show01 opts msg1 b a] [hh qq] -- | similar to 'isJust' -- -- >>> pz @(IsJust Id) Nothing -- False -- FalseT -- -- >>> pz @(IsJust Id) (Just 'a') -- True -- TrueT -- data IsJust p instance (P p x, PP p x ~ Maybe a) => P (IsJust p) x where type PP (IsJust p) x = Bool eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "IsJust" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x let hhs = [hh pp] pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right (Just _) -> mkNodeB opts True [msg0] hhs Right Nothing -> mkNodeB opts False [msg0] hhs -- | similar to 'isNothing' -- -- >>> pz @(IsNothing Id) (Just 123) -- False -- FalseT -- -- >>> pz @(IsNothing Id) Nothing -- True -- TrueT -- data IsNothing p instance (P p x, PP p x ~ Maybe a) => P (IsNothing p) x where type PP (IsNothing p) x = Bool eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "IsNothing" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x let hhs = [hh pp] pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right (Just _) -> mkNodeB opts False [msg0] hhs Right Nothing -> mkNodeB opts True [msg0] hhs data MapMaybe p q type MapMaybeT p q = ConcatMap (p >> MaybeIn MEmptyP '[Id]) q instance P (MapMaybeT p q) x => P (MapMaybe p q) x where type PP (MapMaybe p q) x = PP (MapMaybeT p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(MapMaybeT p q)) -- | similar to 'Data.Either.catMaybes' -- -- >>> pl @(CatMaybes Id) [Just 'a',Nothing,Just 'c',Just 'd',Nothing] -- Present "acd" (Concat "acd" | ["a","","c","d",""]) -- PresentT "acd" -- data CatMaybes q type CatMaybesT q = MapMaybe Id q instance P (CatMaybesT q) x => P (CatMaybes q) x where type PP (CatMaybes q) x = PP (CatMaybesT q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(CatMaybesT q)) -- | similar to 'SG.stimes' -- -- >>> pz @(STimes 4 Id) (SG.Sum 3) -- Present Sum {getSum = 12} -- PresentT (Sum {getSum = 12}) -- -- >>> pz @(STimes 4 Id) "ab" -- Present "abababab" -- PresentT "abababab" -- data STimes n p instance (P n a , Integral (PP n a) , Semigroup (PP p a) , P p a , Show (PP p a) ) => P (STimes n p) a where type PP (STimes n p) a = PP p a eval _ opts a = do let msg0 = "STimes" lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @n) (Proxy @p) opts a [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (fromIntegral -> (n::Int),p,pp,qq) -> let msg1 = msg0 <> show0 opts " " n <> " p=" <> show p b = SG.stimes n p in mkNode opts (PresentT b) [show01' opts msg1 b "n=" n <> show1 opts " | " p] [hh pp, hh qq] -- | similar to 'pure' -- -- >>> pz @(Pure Maybe Id) 4 -- Present Just 4 -- PresentT (Just 4) -- -- >>> pz @(Pure [] Id) 4 -- Present [4] -- PresentT [4] -- -- >>> pz @(Pure (Either String) (Fst Id)) (13,True) -- Present Right 13 -- PresentT (Right 13) -- data Pure (t :: Type -> Type) p instance (P p x , Show (PP p x) , Show (t (PP p x)) , Applicative t ) => P (Pure t p) x where type PP (Pure t p) x = t (PP p x) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Pure" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right a -> let b = pure a in mkNode opts (PresentT b) [show01 opts msg0 b a] [hh pp] -- type PMEmpty = MEmptyT' 'Proxy -- lifts 'a' to 'Proxy a' then we can use it with MEmptyP -- | similar to 'mempty' -- -- >>> pz @(MEmptyT (SG.Sum Int)) () -- Present Sum {getSum = 0} -- PresentT (Sum {getSum = 0}) -- -- no Monoid for Maybe a unless a is also a monoid but can use empty! data MEmptyT' t instance (Show (PP t a), Monoid (PP t a)) => P (MEmptyT' t) a where type PP (MEmptyT' t) a = PP t a eval _ opts _ = let msg0 = "MEmptyT" b = mempty @(PP t a) in pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT b) [msg0 <> show0 opts " " b] [] data MEmptyT (t :: Type) type MEmptyTT (t :: Type) = MEmptyT' (Hole t) instance P (MEmptyTT t) x => P (MEmptyT t) x where type PP (MEmptyT t) x = PP (MEmptyTT t) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(MEmptyTT t)) data MEmptyP type MEmptyPT = MEmptyT' Unproxy -- expects a proxy: so only some things work with this: eg MaybeIn instance P MEmptyPT x => P MEmptyP x where type PP MEmptyP x = PP MEmptyPT x eval _ = eval (Proxy @MEmptyPT) -- | similar to 'empty' -- -- >>> pz @(EmptyT Maybe Id) () -- Present Nothing -- PresentT Nothing -- -- >>> pz @(EmptyT [] Id) () -- Present [] -- PresentT [] -- -- >>> pz @(EmptyT [] (Char1 "x")) (13,True) -- Present "" -- PresentT "" -- -- >>> pz @(EmptyT (Either String) (Fst Id)) (13,True) -- Present Left "" -- PresentT (Left "") -- data EmptyT (t :: Type -> Type) p instance (P p x , PP p x ~ a , Show (t a) , Show a , Alternative t ) => P (EmptyT t p) x where type PP (EmptyT t p) x = t (PP p x) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "EmptyT" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let b = empty @t in mkNode opts (PresentT b) [show01 opts msg0 b p] [hh pp] data MkNothing' t -- works always! MaybeBool is a good alternative and then dont need the extra 't' -- for this to be useful has to have 't' else we end up with tons of problems instance P (MkNothing' t) a where type PP (MkNothing' t) a = Maybe (PP t a) eval _ opts _ = let msg0 = "MkNothing" in pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT Nothing) [msg0] [] data MkNothing (t :: Type) type MkNothingT (t :: Type) = MkNothing' (Hole t) instance P (MkNothing t) x where type PP (MkNothing t) x = PP (MkNothingT t) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(MkNothingT t)) -- | 'GHC.Maybe.Just' constructor -- -- >>> pz @(MkJust Id) 44 -- Present Just 44 -- PresentT (Just 44) -- data MkJust p instance (PP p x ~ a, P p x, Show a) => P (MkJust p) x where type PP (MkJust p) x = Maybe (PP p x) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "MkJust" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let d = Just p in mkNode opts (PresentT d) [msg0 <> show0 opts " Just " p] [hh pp] -- | 'Data.Either.Left' constructor -- -- >>> pz @(MkLeft _ Id) 44 -- Present Left 44 -- PresentT (Left 44) -- data MkLeft' t p instance (Show (PP p x), P p x) => P (MkLeft' t p) x where type PP (MkLeft' t p) x = Either (PP p x) (PP t x) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "MkLeft" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let d = Left p in mkNode opts (PresentT d) [msg0 <> show0 opts " Left " p] [hh pp] data MkLeft (t :: Type) p type MkLeftT (t :: Type) p = MkLeft' (Hole t) p instance P (MkLeftT t p) x => P (MkLeft t p) x where type PP (MkLeft t p) x = PP (MkLeftT t p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(MkLeftT t p)) -- | 'Data.Either.Right' constructor -- -- >>> pz @(MkRight _ Id) 44 -- Present Right 44 -- PresentT (Right 44) -- data MkRight' t p instance (Show (PP p x), P p x) => P (MkRight' t p) x where type PP (MkRight' t p) x = Either (PP t x) (PP p x) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "MkRight" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let d = Right p in mkNode opts (PresentT d) [msg0 <> show0 opts " Right " p] [hh pp] data MkRight (t :: Type) p type MkRightT (t :: Type) p = MkRight' (Hole t) p instance P (MkRightT t p) x => P (MkRight t p) x where type PP (MkRight t p) x = PP (MkRightT t p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(MkRightT t p)) -- | 'Data.These.This' constructor -- -- >>> pz @(MkThis _ Id) 44 -- Present This 44 -- PresentT (This 44) -- -- >>> pz @(Proxy Int >> MkThis' Unproxy 10) [] -- Present This 10 -- PresentT (This 10) -- data MkThis' t p instance (Show (PP p x), P p x) => P (MkThis' t p) x where type PP (MkThis' t p) x = These (PP p x) (PP t x) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "MkThis" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let d = This p in mkNode opts (PresentT d) [msg0 <> show0 opts " This " p] [hh pp] data MkThis (t :: Type) p type MkThisT (t :: Type) p = MkThis' (Hole t) p instance P (MkThisT t p) x => P (MkThis t p) x where type PP (MkThis t p) x = PP (MkThisT t p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(MkThisT t p)) -- | 'Data.These.That' constructor -- -- >>> pz @(MkThat _ Id) 44 -- Present That 44 -- PresentT (That 44) -- data MkThat' t p instance (Show (PP p x), P p x) => P (MkThat' t p) x where type PP (MkThat' t p) x = These (PP t x) (PP p x) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "MkThat" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let d = That p in mkNode opts (PresentT d) [msg0 <> show0 opts " That " p] [hh pp] data MkThat (t :: Type) p type MkThatT (t :: Type) p = MkThat' (Hole t) p instance P (MkThatT t p) x => P (MkThat t p) x where type PP (MkThat t p) x = PP (MkThatT t p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(MkThatT t p)) -- type MkThat t p = MkThis t p >> Swap -- type MkThat' (t :: Type) = Pure (These t) Id -- t has to be a semigroup -- | 'Data.These.These' constructor -- -- >>> pz @(MkThese (Fst Id) (Snd Id)) (44,'x') -- Present These 44 'x' -- PresentT (These 44 'x') -- data MkThese p q instance (P p a , P q a , Show (PP p a) , Show (PP q a) ) => P (MkThese p q) a where type PP (MkThese p q) a = These (PP p a) (PP q a) eval _ opts a = do let msg0 = "MkThese" lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts a [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let d = These p q in mkNode opts (PresentT d) [msg0 <> show0 opts " " d] [hh pp, hh qq] -- | similar to 'mconcat' -- -- >>> pz @(MConcat Id) [SG.Sum 44, SG.Sum 12, SG.Sum 3] -- Present Sum {getSum = 59} -- PresentT (Sum {getSum = 59}) -- data MConcat p instance (PP p x ~ [a] , P p x , Show a , Monoid a ) => P (MConcat p) x where type PP (MConcat p) x = ExtractAFromList (PP p x) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "MConcat" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let b = mconcat p in mkNode opts (PresentT b) [show01 opts msg0 b p] [hh pp] -- | similar to a limited form of 'foldMap' -- -- >>> pz @(FoldMap (SG.Sum _) Id) [44, 12, 3] -- Present 59 -- PresentT 59 -- -- >>> pz @(FoldMap (SG.Product _) Id) [44, 12, 3] -- Present 1584 -- PresentT 1584 -- -- >>> type Ands' p = FoldMap SG.All p -- >>> pz @(Ands' Id) [True,False,True,True] -- Present False -- PresentT False -- -- >>> pz @(Ands' Id) [True,True,True] -- Present True -- PresentT True -- -- >>> pz @(Ands' Id) [] -- Present True -- PresentT True -- -- >>> type Ors' p = FoldMap SG.Any p -- >>> pz @(Ors' Id) [False,False,False] -- Present False -- PresentT False -- -- >>> pz @(Ors' Id) [] -- Present False -- PresentT False -- -- >>> pz @(Ors' Id) [False,False,False,True] -- Present True -- PresentT True -- -- >>> type AllPositive' = FoldMap SG.All (Map Positive Id) -- >>> pz @AllPositive' [3,1,-5,10,2,3] -- Present False -- PresentT False -- -- >>> type AllNegative' = FoldMap SG.All (Map Negative Id) -- >>> pz @AllNegative' [-1,-5,-10,-2,-3] -- Present True -- PresentT True -- -- >>> :set -XKindSignatures -- >>> type Max' (t :: Type) = FoldMap (SG.Max t) Id -- requires t be Bounded for monoid instance -- >>> pz @(Max' Int) [10,4,5,12,3,4] -- Present 12 -- PresentT 12 -- data FoldMap (t :: Type) p type FoldMapT (t :: Type) p = Map (Wrap t Id) p >> Unwrap (MConcat Id) instance P (FoldMapT t p) x => P (FoldMap t p) x where type PP (FoldMap t p) x = PP (FoldMapT t p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(FoldMapT t p)) -- | similar to 'concat' -- -- >>> pz @(Concat Id) ["abc","D","eF","","G"] -- Present "abcDeFG" -- PresentT "abcDeFG" -- -- >>> pz @(Concat (Snd Id)) ('x',["abc","D","eF","","G"]) -- Present "abcDeFG" -- PresentT "abcDeFG" -- data Concat p instance (Show a , Show (t [a]) , PP p x ~ t [a] , P p x , Foldable t ) => P (Concat p) x where type PP (Concat p) x = ExtractAFromTA (PP p x) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Concat" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let b = concat p in mkNode opts (PresentT b) [show01 opts msg0 b p] [hh pp] -- | similar to 'cycle' but for a fixed number \'n\' -- -- >>> pz @(Cycle 5 Id) [1,2] -- Present [1,2,1,2,1] -- PresentT [1,2,1,2,1] -- data Cycle n p instance (Show a , Show (t a) , PP p x ~ t a , P p x , Integral (PP n x) , P n x , Foldable t ) => P (Cycle n p) x where type PP (Cycle n p) x = [ExtractAFromTA (PP p x)] eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Cycle" lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @n) (Proxy @p) opts x [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (fromIntegral -> n,p,nn,pp) -> let hhs = [hh nn, hh pp] in case chkSize opts msg0 p hhs of Left e -> e Right () -> let msg1 = msg0 <> "("<> show n <> ")" d = take n (cycle (toList p)) in mkNode opts (PresentT d) [show01 opts msg1 d p] hhs data ProxyT' t instance P (ProxyT' t) x where type PP (ProxyT' t) x = Proxy (PP t x) eval _ opts _ = pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT Proxy) ["ProxyT"] [] data ProxyT (t :: Type) type ProxyTT (t :: Type) = ProxyT' (Hole t) instance P (ProxyT t) x where type PP (ProxyT t) x = PP (ProxyTT t) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(ProxyTT t)) -- | similar to 'Data.List.!!' -- -- >>> pz @(Ix 4 "not found") ["abc","D","eF","","G"] -- Present "G" -- PresentT "G" -- -- >>> pz @(Ix 40 "not found") ["abc","D","eF","","G"] -- Present "not found" -- PresentT "not found" -- data Ix (n :: Nat) def instance (P def (Proxy a) , PP def (Proxy a) ~ a , KnownNat n , Show a ) => P (Ix n def) [a] where type PP (Ix n def) [a] = a eval _ opts as = do let n = nat @n msg0 = "Ix(" <> show n <> ")" case as ^? ix n of Nothing -> do let msg1 = msg0 <> " not found" pp <- eval (Proxy @def) opts (Proxy @a) pure $ case getValueLR opts msg1 pp [] of Left e -> e Right _ -> mkNode opts (_tBool pp) [msg1] [hh pp] Just a -> pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT a) [msg0 <> show0 opts " " a] [] data Ix' (n :: Nat) type IxT' (n :: Nat) = Ix n (Failp "Ix index not found") instance P (IxT' n) x => P (Ix' n) x where type PP (Ix' n) x = PP (IxT' n) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(IxT' n)) -- | similar to 'Data.List.!!' leveraging 'Ixed' -- -- >>> pz @(IxL Id 2 "notfound") ["abc","D","eF","","G"] -- Present "eF" -- PresentT "eF" -- -- >>> pz @(IxL Id 20 "notfound") ["abc","D","eF","","G"] -- Present "notfound" -- PresentT "notfound" -- data IxL p q def -- p is the big value and q is the index and def is the default instance (P q a , P p a , Show (PP p a) , Ixed (PP p a) , PP q a ~ Index (PP p a) , Show (Index (PP p a)) , Show (IxValue (PP p a)) , P r (Proxy (IxValue (PP p a))) , PP r (Proxy (IxValue (PP p a))) ~ IxValue (PP p a) ) => P (IxL p q r) a where type PP (IxL p q r) a = IxValue (PP p a) eval _ opts a = do let msg0 = "IxL" lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts a [] case lr of Left e -> pure e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let msg1 = msg0 <> "(" <> show q <> ")" in case p ^? ix q of Nothing -> do rr <- eval (Proxy @r) opts (Proxy @(IxValue (PP p a))) pure $ case getValueLR opts msg1 rr [hh pp, hh qq] of Left e -> e Right _ -> mkNode opts (_tBool rr) [msg1 <> " index not found"] [hh pp, hh qq] Just ret -> pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT ret) [show01' opts msg1 ret "p=" p <> show1 opts " | q=" q] [hh pp, hh qq] -- | similar to 'Data.List.!!' leveraging 'Ixed' -- -- >>> pz @(Id !! 2) ["abc","D","eF","","G"] -- Present "eF" -- PresentT "eF" -- -- >>> pz @(Id !! 20) ["abc","D","eF","","G"] -- Error (!!) index not found -- FailT "(!!) index not found" -- -- >>> import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M -- >>> pz @(Id !! "eF") (M.fromList (flip zip [0..] ["abc","D","eF","","G"])) -- Present 2 -- PresentT 2 -- data p !! q type BangBangT p q = IxL p q (Failp "(!!) index not found") instance P (BangBangT p q) a => P (p !! q) a where type PP (p !! q) a = PP (BangBangT p q) a eval _ = eval (Proxy @(BangBangT p q)) -- | 'lookup' leveraging 'Ixed' -- -- >>> pz @(Lookup Id 2) ["abc","D","eF","","G"] -- Present Just "eF" -- PresentT (Just "eF") -- -- >>> pz @(Lookup Id 20) ["abc","D","eF","","G"] -- Present Nothing -- PresentT Nothing -- data Lookup p q instance (P q a , P p a , Show (PP p a) , Ixed (PP p a) , PP q a ~ Index (PP p a) , Show (Index (PP p a)) , Show (IxValue (PP p a)) ) => P (Lookup p q) a where type PP (Lookup p q) a = Maybe (IxValue (PP p a)) eval _ opts a = do let msg0 = "Lookup" lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts a [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let msg1 = msg0 <> "(" <> show q <> ")" hhs = [hh pp, hh qq] in case p ^? ix q of Nothing -> mkNode opts (PresentT Nothing) [msg1 <> " not found"] hhs Just ret -> mkNode opts (PresentT (Just ret)) [show01' opts msg1 ret "p=" p <> show1 opts " | q=" q] hhs -- | 'Data.List.ands' -- -- >>> pz @(Ands Id) [True,True,True] -- True -- TrueT -- -- >>> pl @(Ands Id) [True,True,True,False] -- False (Ands(4) i=3 | [True,True,True,False]) -- FalseT -- -- >>> pz @(Ands Id) [] -- True -- TrueT -- data Ands p instance (PP p x ~ t a , P p x , Show (t a) , Foldable t , a ~ Bool ) => P (Ands p) x where type PP (Ands p) x = Bool eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Ands" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let msg1 = msg0 ++ "(" ++ show (length p) ++ ")" w = case findIndex not (toList p) of Nothing -> "" Just i -> " i="++show i in mkNodeB opts (and p) [msg1 <> w <> show1 opts " | " p] [hh pp] -- | 'Data.List.ors' -- -- >>> pz @(Ors Id) [False,False,False] -- False -- FalseT -- -- >>> pl @(Ors Id) [True,True,True,False] -- True (Ors(4) i=0 | [True,True,True,False]) -- TrueT -- -- >>> pl @(Ors Id) [] -- False (Ors(0) | []) -- FalseT -- data Ors p instance (PP p x ~ t a , P p x , Show (t a) , Foldable t , a ~ Bool ) => P (Ors p) x where type PP (Ors p) x = Bool eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Ors" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let msg1 = msg0 ++ "(" ++ show (length p) ++ ")" w = case findIndex id (toList p) of Nothing -> "" Just i -> " i="++show i in mkNodeB opts (or p) [msg1 <> w <> show1 opts " | " p] [hh pp] -- cant directly create a singleton type using '[] since the type of '[] is unknown. instead use 'Singleton' or 'EmptyT' -- | similar to cons -- -- >>> pz @(Fst Id :+ Snd Id) (99,[1,2,3,4]) -- Present [99,1,2,3,4] -- PresentT [99,1,2,3,4] -- -- >>> pz @(Snd Id :+ Fst Id) ([],5) -- Present [5] -- PresentT [5] -- -- >>> pz @(123 :+ EmptyList _) "somestuff" -- Present [123] -- PresentT [123] -- data p :+ q infixr 5 :+ instance (P p x , P q x , Show (PP p x) , Show (PP q x) , Cons (PP q x) (PP q x) (PP p x) (PP p x) ) => P (p :+ q) x where type PP (p :+ q) x = PP q x eval _ opts z = do let msg0 = "(:+)" lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts z [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let b = p `cons` q in mkNode opts (PresentT b) [show01' opts msg0 b "p=" p <> show1 opts " | q=" q] [hh pp, hh qq] -- | similar to snoc -- -- >>> pz @(Snd Id +: Fst Id) (99,[1,2,3,4]) -- Present [1,2,3,4,99] -- PresentT [1,2,3,4,99] -- -- >>> pz @(Fst Id +: Snd Id) ([],5) -- Present [5] -- PresentT [5] -- -- >>> pz @(EmptyT [] Id +: 5) 5 -- Present [5] -- PresentT [5] -- data p +: q infixl 5 +: instance (P p x , P q x , Show (PP q x) , Show (PP p x) , Snoc (PP p x) (PP p x) (PP q x) (PP q x) ) => P (p +: q) x where type PP (p +: q) x = PP p x eval _ opts z = do let msg0 = "(+:)" lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts z [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let b = p `snoc` q in mkNode opts (PresentT b) [show01' opts msg0 b "p=" p <> show1 opts " | q=" q] [hh pp, hh qq] -- | 'Control.Lens.uncons' -- -- >>> pz @Uncons [1,2,3,4] -- Present Just (1,[2,3,4]) -- PresentT (Just (1,[2,3,4])) -- -- >>> pz @Uncons [] -- Present Nothing -- PresentT Nothing -- -- >>> pz @Uncons (Seq.fromList "abc") -- Present Just ('a',fromList "bc") -- PresentT (Just ('a',fromList "bc")) -- -- >>> pz @Uncons ("xyz" :: T.Text) -- Present Just ('x',"yz") -- PresentT (Just ('x',"yz")) -- data Uncons instance (Show (ConsT s) , Show s , Cons s s (ConsT s) (ConsT s) ) => P Uncons s where type PP Uncons s = Maybe (ConsT s,s) eval _ opts as = let msg0 = "Uncons" b = as ^? _Cons in pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT b) [show01 opts msg0 b as] [] -- | 'Control.Lens.unsnoc' -- -- >>> pz @Unsnoc [1,2,3,4] -- Present Just ([1,2,3],4) -- PresentT (Just ([1,2,3],4)) -- -- >>> pz @Unsnoc [] -- Present Nothing -- PresentT Nothing -- -- >>> pz @Unsnoc ("xyz" :: T.Text) -- Present Just ("xy",'z') -- PresentT (Just ("xy",'z')) -- data Unsnoc instance (Show (ConsT s) , Show s , Snoc s s (ConsT s) (ConsT s) ) => P Unsnoc s where type PP Unsnoc s = Maybe (s,ConsT s) eval _ opts as = let msg0 = "Unsnoc" b = as ^? _Snoc in pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT b) [show01 opts msg0 b as] [] -- | similar to 'null' using 'AsEmpty' -- -- >>> pz @IsEmpty [1,2,3,4] -- False -- FalseT -- -- >>> pz @IsEmpty [] -- True -- TrueT -- -- >>> pz @IsEmpty LT -- False -- FalseT -- -- >>> pz @IsEmpty EQ -- True -- TrueT -- data IsEmpty instance (Show as, AsEmpty as) => P IsEmpty as where type PP IsEmpty as = Bool eval _ opts as = let b = has _Empty as in pure $ mkNodeB opts b ["IsEmpty" <> show1 opts " | " as] [] data Null' p instance (Show (t a) , Foldable t , t a ~ PP p x , P p x ) => P (Null' p) x where type PP (Null' p) x = Bool eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Null" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let b = null p in mkNodeB opts b ["Null" <> show1 opts " | " p] [hh pp] -- | similar to 'null' using 'Foldable' -- -- >>> pz @Null [1,2,3,4] -- False -- FalseT -- -- >>> pz @Null [] -- True -- TrueT -- -- >>> pz @Null Nothing -- True -- TrueT -- data Null type NullT = Null' Id instance P NullT a => P Null a where type PP Null a = Bool eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @NullT) -- | similar to 'enumFromTo' -- -- >>> pz @(EnumFromTo 2 5) () -- Present [2,3,4,5] -- PresentT [2,3,4,5] -- -- >>> pz @(EnumFromTo 'LT 'GT) () -- Present [LT,EQ,GT] -- PresentT [LT,EQ,GT] -- -- >>> pz @(EnumFromTo 'GT 'LT) () -- Present [] -- PresentT [] -- -- >>> pz @(EnumFromTo (Pred Id) (Succ Id)) (SG.Max 10) -- Present [Max {getMax = 9},Max {getMax = 10},Max {getMax = 11}] -- PresentT [Max {getMax = 9},Max {getMax = 10},Max {getMax = 11}] -- data EnumFromTo p q instance (P p x , P q x , PP p x ~ a , Show a , PP q x ~ a , Enum a ) => P (EnumFromTo p q) x where type PP (EnumFromTo p q) x = [PP p x] eval _ opts z = do let msg0 = "EnumFromTo" lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts z [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> mkNode opts (PresentT (enumFromTo p q)) [msg0 <> " [" <> show p <> " .. " <> show q <> "]"] [hh pp, hh qq] -- | similar to 'partitionEithers' -- -- >>> pz @PartitionEithers [Left 'a',Right 2,Left 'c',Right 4,Right 99] -- Present ("ac",[2,4,99]) -- PresentT ("ac",[2,4,99]) -- -- >>> pz @PartitionEithers [Right 2,Right 4,Right 99] -- Present ([],[2,4,99]) -- PresentT ([],[2,4,99]) -- -- >>> pz @PartitionEithers [Left 'a',Left 'c'] -- Present ("ac",[]) -- PresentT ("ac",[]) -- -- >>> pz @PartitionEithers ([] :: [Either () Int]) -- Present ([],[]) -- PresentT ([],[]) -- data PartitionEithers instance (Show a, Show b) => P PartitionEithers [Either a b] where type PP PartitionEithers [Either a b] = ([a], [b]) eval _ opts as = let msg0 = "PartitionEithers" b = partitionEithers as in pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT b) [show01 opts msg0 b as] [] -- | similar to 'partitionThese'. returns a 3-tuple with the results so use 'Fst' 'Snd' 'Thd' to extract -- -- >>> pz @PartitionThese [This 'a', That 2, This 'c', These 'z' 1, That 4, These 'a' 2, That 99] -- Present ("ac",[2,4,99],[('z',1),('a',2)]) -- PresentT ("ac",[2,4,99],[('z',1),('a',2)]) -- data PartitionThese instance (Show a, Show b) => P PartitionThese [These a b] where type PP PartitionThese [These a b] = ([a], [b], [(a, b)]) eval _ opts as = let msg0 = "PartitionThese" b = partitionThese as in pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT b) [show01 opts msg0 b as] [] data Thiss type ThissT = Fst PartitionThese instance P ThissT x => P Thiss x where type PP Thiss x = PP ThissT x eval _ = eval (Proxy @ThissT) data Thats type ThatsT = Snd PartitionThese instance P ThatsT x => P Thats x where type PP Thats x = PP ThatsT x eval _ = eval (Proxy @ThatsT) data Theses type ThesesT = Thd PartitionThese instance P ThesesT x => P Theses x where type PP Theses x = PP ThesesT x eval _ = eval (Proxy @ThesesT) -- want to pass Proxy b to q but then we have no way to calculate 'b' -- | similar to 'scanl' -- -- >>> pz @(Scanl (Snd Id :+ Fst Id) (Fst Id) (Snd Id)) ([99],[1..5]) -- Present [[99],[1,99],[2,1,99],[3,2,1,99],[4,3,2,1,99],[5,4,3,2,1,99]] -- PresentT [[99],[1,99],[2,1,99],[3,2,1,99],[4,3,2,1,99],[5,4,3,2,1,99]] -- -- >>> pz @(ScanN 4 Id (Succ Id)) 'c' -- Present "cdefg" -- PresentT "cdefg" -- -- >>> pz @(FoldN 4 Id (Succ Id)) 'c' -- Present 'g' -- PresentT 'g' -- -- >>> pz @(Dup >> ScanN 4 Id (Pred Id *** Succ Id)) 'g' -- Present [('g','g'),('f','h'),('e','i'),('d','j'),('c','k')] -- PresentT [('g','g'),('f','h'),('e','i'),('d','j'),('c','k')] -- data Scanl p q r -- scanr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> [b] -- result is scanl but signature is flipped ((a,b) -> b) -> b -> [a] -> [b] instance (PP p (b,a) ~ b , PP q x ~ b , PP r x ~ [a] , P p (b,a) , P q x , P r x , Show b , Show a ) => P (Scanl p q r) x where type PP (Scanl p q r) x = [PP q x] eval _ opts z = do let msg0 = "Scanl" lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @q) (Proxy @r) opts z [] case lr of Left e -> pure e Right (q,r,qq,rr) -> case chkSize opts msg0 r [hh rr] of Left e -> pure e Right () -> do let msg1 = msg0 -- <> show0 opts " " q <> show0 opts " " r ff i b as' rs | i >= _MX = pure (rs, Left $ mkNode opts (FailT (msg1 <> ":failed at i=" <> showIndex i)) [msg1 <> " i=" <> showIndex i <> " (b,as')=" <> show (b,as')] []) | otherwise = case as' of [] -> pure (rs, Right ()) -- ++ [((i,q), mkNode opts (PresentT q) [msg1 <> "(done)"] [])], Right ()) a:as -> do pp :: TT b <- eval (Proxy @p) opts (b,a) case getValueLR opts (msg1 <> " i=" <> showIndex i <> " a=" <> show a) pp [] of Left e -> pure (rs,Left e) Right b' -> ff (i+1) b' as (rs ++ [((i,b), pp)]) (ts,lrx) :: ([((Int, b), TT b)], Either (TT [b]) ()) <- ff 1 q r [] pure $ case splitAndAlign opts [msg1] (((0,q), mkNode opts (PresentT q) [msg1 <> "(initial)"] []) : ts) of Left e -> errorInProgram $ "Scanl e=" ++ show (fromTT e) Right abcs -> let vals = map (view _1) abcs itts = map (view _2 &&& view _3) abcs in case lrx of Left e -> mkNode opts (_tBool e) [msg1] (hh qq : hh rr : map (hh . fixit) itts ++ [hh e]) Right () -> mkNode opts (PresentT vals) [show01' opts msg1 vals "b=" q <> show1 opts " | as=" r] (hh qq : hh rr : map (hh . fixit) itts) data ScanN n p q type ScanNT n p q = Scanl (Fst Id >> q) p (EnumFromTo 1 n) -- n times using q then run p instance P (ScanNT n p q) x => P (ScanN n p q) x where type PP (ScanN n p q) x = PP (ScanNT n p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(ScanNT n p q)) data ScanNA q type ScanNAT q = ScanN (Fst Id) (Snd Id) q instance P (ScanNAT q) x => P (ScanNA q) x where type PP (ScanNA q) x = PP (ScanNAT q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(ScanNAT q)) data FoldN n p q type FoldNT n p q = Last (ScanN n p q) instance P (FoldNT n p q) x => P (FoldN n p q) x where type PP (FoldN n p q) x = PP (FoldNT n p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(FoldNT n p q)) data FoldL p q r type FoldLT p q r = Last (Scanl p q r) instance P (FoldLT p q r) x => P (FoldL p q r) x where type PP (FoldL p q r) x = PP (FoldLT p q r) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(FoldLT p q r)) -- | similar to 'unfoldr' -- -- >>> pz @(Unfoldr (MaybeBool (Not Null) (SplitAt 2 Id)) Id) [1..5] -- Present [[1,2],[3,4],[5]] -- PresentT [[1,2],[3,4],[5]] -- -- >>> pz @(IterateN 4 (Succ Id)) 4 -- Present [4,5,6,7] -- PresentT [4,5,6,7] -- data Unfoldr p q --type IterateN (t :: Type) n f = Unfoldr (If (Fst Id == 0) (MkNothing t) (Snd Id &&& (Pred Id *** f) >> MkJust Id)) '(n, Id) instance (PP q a ~ s , PP p s ~ Maybe (b,s) , P q a , P p s , Show s , Show b ) => P (Unfoldr p q) a where type PP (Unfoldr p q) a = [UnfoldT (PP p (PP q a))] eval _ opts z = do let msg0 = "Unfoldr" qq <- eval (Proxy @q) opts z case getValueLR opts msg0 qq [] of Left e -> pure e Right q -> do let msg1 = msg0 <> show0 opts " " q ff i s rs | i >= _MX = pure (rs, Left $ mkNode opts (FailT (msg1 <> ":failed at i=" <> showIndex i)) [msg1 <> " i=" <> showIndex i <> " s=" <> show s] []) | otherwise = do pp :: TT (PP p s) <- eval (Proxy @p) opts s case getValueLR opts (msg1 <> " i=" <> showIndex i <> " s=" <> show s) pp [] of Left e -> pure (rs, Left e) Right Nothing -> pure (rs, Right ()) Right w@(Just (_b,s')) -> ff (i+1) s' (rs ++ [((i,w), pp)]) (ts,lr) :: ([((Int, PP p s), TT (PP p s))], Either (TT [b]) ()) <- ff 1 q [] pure $ case splitAndAlign opts [msg1] ts of Left e -> errorInProgram $ "Unfoldr e=" ++ show (fromTT e) Right abcs -> let vals = map (view _1) abcs itts = map (view _2 &&& view _3) abcs in case lr of Left e -> mkNode opts (_tBool e) [msg1] (hh qq : map (hh . fixit) itts ++ [hh e]) Right () -> let ret = fst <$> catMaybes vals in mkNode opts (PresentT ret) [show01' opts msg1 ret "s=" q ] (hh qq : map (hh . fixit) itts) type family UnfoldT mbs where UnfoldT (Maybe (b,s)) = b data IterateN n f type IterateNT n f = Unfoldr (MaybeBool (Fst Id > 0) '(Snd Id, Pred Id *** f)) '(n, Id) instance P (IterateNT n f) x => P (IterateN n f) x where type PP (IterateN n f) x = PP (IterateNT n f) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(IterateNT n f)) data IterateUntil p f type IterateUntilT p f = IterateWhile (Not p) f instance P (IterateUntilT p f) x => P (IterateUntil p f) x where type PP (IterateUntil p f) x = PP (IterateUntilT p f) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(IterateUntilT p f)) data IterateWhile p f type IterateWhileT p f = Unfoldr (MaybeBool p '(Id, f)) Id instance P (IterateWhileT p f) x => P (IterateWhile p f) x where type PP (IterateWhile p f) x = PP (IterateWhileT p f) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(IterateWhileT p f)) data IterateNWhile n p f type IterateNWhileT n p f = '(n, Id) >> IterateWhile (Fst Id > 0 && (Snd Id >> p)) (Pred Id *** f) >> Map (Snd Id) Id instance P (IterateNWhileT n p f) x => P (IterateNWhile n p f) x where type PP (IterateNWhile n p f) x = PP (IterateNWhileT n p f) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(IterateNWhileT n p f)) data IterateNUntil n p f type IterateNUntilT n p f = IterateNWhile n (Not p) f instance P (IterateNUntilT n p f) x => P (IterateNUntil n p f) x where type PP (IterateNUntil n p f) x = PP (IterateNUntilT n p f) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(IterateNUntilT n p f)) -- | similar to 'map' -- -- >>> pz @(Map (Pred Id) Id) [1..5] -- Present [0,1,2,3,4] -- PresentT [0,1,2,3,4] -- data Map p q instance (Show (PP p a) , P p a , PP q x ~ f a , P q x , Show a , Show (f a) , Foldable f ) => P (Map p q) x where type PP (Map p q) x = [PP p (ExtractAFromTA (PP q x))] eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Map" qq <- eval (Proxy @q) opts x case getValueLR opts msg0 qq [] of Left e -> pure e Right q -> do ts <- zipWithM (\i a -> ((i, a),) <$> eval (Proxy @p) opts a) [0::Int ..] (toList q) pure $ case splitAndAlign opts [msg0] ts of Left e -> e Right abcs -> let vals = map (view _1) abcs in mkNode opts (PresentT vals) [show01 opts msg0 vals q] (hh qq : map (hh . fixit) ts) data ConcatMap p q type ConcatMapT p q = Concat (Map p q) instance P (ConcatMapT p q) x => P (ConcatMap p q) x where type PP (ConcatMap p q) x = PP (ConcatMapT p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(ConcatMapT p q)) -- | if p then run q else run r -- -- >>> pz @(If (Gt 4) "greater than 4" "less than or equal to 4" ) 10 -- Present "greater than 4" -- PresentT "greater than 4" -- -- >>> pz @(If (Gt 4) "greater than 4" "less than or equal to 4") 0 -- Present "less than or equal to 4" -- PresentT "less than or equal to 4" data If p q r instance (Show (PP r a) , P p a , PP p a ~ Bool , P q a , P r a , PP q a ~ PP r a ) => P (If p q r) a where type PP (If p q r) a = PP q a eval _ opts a = do let msg0 = "If" pp <- evalBool (Proxy @p) opts a case getValueLR opts (msg0 <> " condition failed") pp [] of Left e -> pure e Right b -> do qqrr <- if b then eval (Proxy @q) opts a else eval (Proxy @r) opts a pure $ case getValueLR opts (msg0 <> " [" <> show b <> "]") qqrr [hh pp, hh qqrr] of Left e -> e Right ret -> mkNode opts (_tBool qqrr) [msg0 <> " " <> if b then "(true cond)" else "(false cond)" <> show0 opts " " ret] [hh pp, hh qqrr] -- | creates a list of overlapping pairs of elements. requires two or more elements -- -- >>> pz @Pairs [1,2,3,4] -- Present [(1,2),(2,3),(3,4)] -- PresentT [(1,2),(2,3),(3,4)] -- -- >>> pz @Pairs [] -- Error Pairs no data found -- FailT "Pairs no data found" -- -- >>> pz @Pairs [1] -- Error Pairs only one element found -- FailT "Pairs only one element found" -- data Pairs instance Show a => P Pairs [a] where type PP Pairs [a] = [(a,a)] eval _ opts as = let msg0 = "Pairs" lr = case as of [] -> Left (msg0 <> " no data found") [_] -> Left (msg0 <> " only one element found") _:bs@(_:_) -> Right (zip as bs) in pure $ case lr of Left e -> mkNode opts (FailT e) [e] [] Right zs -> mkNode opts (PresentT zs) [show01 opts msg0 zs as ] [] -- | similar to 'partition' -- -- >>> pz @(Partition (Ge 3) Id) [10,4,1,7,3,1,3,5] -- Present ([10,4,7,3,3,5],[1,1]) -- PresentT ([10,4,7,3,3,5],[1,1]) -- -- >>> pz @(Partition (Prime Id) Id) [10,4,1,7,3,1,3,5] -- Present ([7,3,3,5],[10,4,1,1]) -- PresentT ([7,3,3,5],[10,4,1,1]) -- -- >>> pz @(Partition (Ge 300) Id) [10,4,1,7,3,1,3,5] -- Present ([],[10,4,1,7,3,1,3,5]) -- PresentT ([],[10,4,1,7,3,1,3,5]) -- -- >>> pz @(Partition (Id < 300) Id) [10,4,1,7,3,1,3,5] -- Present ([10,4,1,7,3,1,3,5],[]) -- PresentT ([10,4,1,7,3,1,3,5],[]) -- data Partition p q instance (P p x , Show x , PP q a ~ [x] , PP p x ~ Bool , P q a ) => P (Partition p q) a where type PP (Partition p q) a = (PP q a, PP q a) eval _ opts a' = do let msg0 = "Partition" qq <- eval (Proxy @q) opts a' case getValueLR opts msg0 qq [] of Left e -> pure e Right q -> case chkSize opts msg0 q [hh qq] of Left e -> pure e Right () -> do ts <- zipWithM (\i a -> ((i, a),) <$> evalBool (Proxy @p) opts a) [0::Int ..] q pure $ case splitAndAlign opts [msg0] ts of Left e -> e Right abcs -> let itts = map (view _2 &&& view _3) abcs w0 = partition (view _1) abcs zz1 = (map (view (_2 . _2)) *** map (view (_2 . _2))) w0 in mkNode opts (PresentT zz1) [show01' opts msg0 zz1 "s=" q] (hh qq : map (hh . fixit) itts) data Filter p q type FilterT p q = Fst (Partition p q) instance P (FilterT p q) x => P (Filter p q) x where type PP (Filter p q) x = PP (FilterT p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(FilterT p q)) -- | similar to 'break' -- -- >>> pz @(Break (Ge 3) Id) [10,4,1,7,3,1,3,5] -- Present ([],[10,4,1,7,3,1,3,5]) -- PresentT ([],[10,4,1,7,3,1,3,5]) -- -- >>> pz @(Break (Lt 3) Id) [10,4,1,7,3,1,3,5] -- Present ([10,4],[1,7,3,1,3,5]) -- PresentT ([10,4],[1,7,3,1,3,5]) -- data Break p q -- only process up to the pivot! only process while Right False -- a predicate can return PresentP not just TrueP instance (P p x , PP q a ~ [x] , PP p x ~ Bool , P q a ) => P (Break p q) a where type PP (Break p q) a = (PP q a, PP q a) eval _ opts a' = do let msg0 = "Break" qq <- eval (Proxy @q) opts a' case getValueLR opts msg0 qq [] of Left e -> pure e Right q -> case chkSize opts msg0 q [hh qq] of Left e -> pure e Right () -> do let ff [] zs = pure (zs, [], Nothing) -- [(ia,qq)] extras | the rest of the data | optional last pivot or failure ff ((i,a):ias) zs = do pp <- evalBool (Proxy @p) opts a let v = ((i,a), pp) case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [hh qq] of Right False -> ff ias (zs Seq.|> v) Right True -> pure (zs,map snd ias,Just v) Left _ -> pure (zs,map snd ias,Just v) (ialls,rhs,mpivot) <- ff (itoList q) Seq.empty pure $ case mpivot of Nothing -> mkNode opts (PresentT (map (snd . fst) (toList ialls), rhs)) ([msg0] <> ["cnt=" <> show (length ialls, length rhs)]) (map (hh . fixit) (toList ialls)) Just iall@(ia, tt) -> case getValueLR opts (msg0 <> " predicate failed") tt (hh qq : map (hh . fixit) (toList (ialls Seq.|> iall))) of Right True -> mkNode opts (PresentT (map (snd . fst) (toList ialls), snd ia : rhs)) ([msg0] <> ["cnt=" <> show (length ialls, 1+length rhs)]) (hh qq : hh tt : map (hh . fixit) (toList (ialls Seq.|> iall))) Right False -> errorInProgram "Break" Left e -> e data Span p q type SpanT p q = Break (Not p) q instance P (SpanT p q) x => P (Span p q) x where type PP (Span p q) x = PP (SpanT p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(SpanT p q)) -- | Fails the computation with a message -- -- >>> pz @(Failt Int (PrintF "value=%03d" Id)) 99 -- Error value=099 -- FailT "value=099" -- -- >>> pz @(FailS (PrintT "value=%03d string=%s" Id)) (99,"somedata") -- Error value=099 string=somedata -- FailT "value=099 string=somedata" -- data Fail t prt instance (P prt a , PP prt a ~ String ) => P (Fail t prt) a where type PP (Fail t prt) a = PP t a eval _ opts a = do let msg0 = "Fail" pp <- eval (Proxy @prt) opts a pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right s -> mkNode opts (FailT s) [msg0 <> " " <> s] [hh pp | isVerbose opts] data FailS p instance P (Fail I p) x => P (FailS p) x where type PP (FailS p) x = PP (Fail I p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(Fail I p)) data Failt (t :: Type) p instance P (Fail (Hole t) p) x => P (Failt t p) x where type PP (Failt t p) x = PP (Fail (Hole t) p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(Fail (Hole t) p)) data Failp p instance P (Fail Unproxy p) x => P (Failp p) x where type PP (Failp p) x = PP (Fail Unproxy p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(Fail Unproxy p)) data Hole (t :: Type) -- | Acts as a proxy in this dsl where you can explicitly set the Type. -- -- It is passed around as an argument to help the type checker when needed. -- see 'ParseTimeP', 'ReadBase' -- instance Typeable t => P (Hole t) a where type PP (Hole t) a = t -- can only be Type not Type -> Type (can use Proxy but then we go down the rabbithole) eval _ opts _a = let msg0 = "Hole(" <> showT @t <> ")" in pure $ mkNode opts (FailT msg0) [msg0 <> " you probably meant to get access to the type of PP only and not evaluate"] [] data Unproxy instance Typeable a => P Unproxy (Proxy (a :: Type)) where type PP Unproxy (Proxy a) = a eval _ opts _a = let msg0 = "Unproxy(" <> showT @a <> ")" in pure $ mkNode opts (FailT msg0) [msg0 <> " you probably meant to get access to the type of PP only and not evaluate"] [] -- | catch a failure -- -- >>> pz @(Catch (Succ Id) (Fst Id >> Second (ShowP Id) >> PrintT "%s %s" Id >> 'LT)) GT -- Present LT -- PresentT LT -- -- >>> pz @(Catch' (Succ Id) (Second (ShowP Id) >> PrintT "%s %s" Id)) GT -- Error Succ IO e=Prelude.Enum.Ordering.succ: bad argument GT -- FailT "Succ IO e=Prelude.Enum.Ordering.succ: bad argument GT" -- -- >>> pz @(Catch' (Succ Id) (Second (ShowP Id) >> PrintT "%s %s" Id)) LT -- Present EQ -- PresentT EQ -- -- more flexible: takes a (String,x) and a proxy so we can still call 'False 'True -- now takes the FailT string and x so you can print more detail if you want -- need the proxy so we can fail without having to explicitly specify a type data Catch p q -- catch p and if fails runs q only on failt data Catch' p s type CatchT' p s = Catch p (FailCatch s) -- eg set eg s=PrintF "%d" Id or PrintF "%s" (ShowP Id) type FailCatch s = Fail (Snd Id >> Unproxy) (Fst Id >> s) instance P (CatchT' p s) x => P (Catch' p s) x where type PP (Catch' p s) x = PP (CatchT' p s) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(CatchT' p s)) instance (P p x , P q ((String, x) , Proxy (PP p x)) , PP p x ~ PP q ((String, x), Proxy (PP p x)) ) => P (Catch p q) x where type PP (Catch p q) x = PP p x eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Catch" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> do let emsg = e ^?! tBool . _FailT -- extract the failt string a push back into the fail case qq <- eval (Proxy @q) opts ((emsg, x), Proxy @(PP p x)) pure $ case getValueLR opts (msg0 <> " default condition failed") qq [hh pp] of Left e1 -> e1 Right _ -> mkNode opts (_tBool qq) [msg0 <> " caught exception[" <> emsg <> "]"] [hh pp, hh qq] Right _ -> pure $ mkNode opts (_tBool pp) [msg0 <> " did not fire"] [hh pp] -- | similar to 'even' -- -- >>> pz @(Map Even Id) [9,-4,12,1,2,3] -- Present [False,True,True,False,True,False] -- PresentT [False,True,True,False,True,False] -- -- >>> pz @(Map '(Even,Odd) Id) [9,-4,12,1,2,3] -- Present [(False,True),(True,False),(True,False),(False,True),(True,False),(False,True)] -- PresentT [(False,True),(True,False),(True,False),(False,True),(True,False),(False,True)] -- data Even type EvenT = Mod I 2 == 0 instance P EvenT x => P Even x where type PP Even x = Bool eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @EvenT) data Odd type OddT = Mod I 2 == 1 instance P OddT x => P Odd x where type PP Odd x = Bool eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @OddT) --type Div' p q = Fst (DivMod p q) --type Mod' p q = Snd (DivMod p q) -- | similar to 'div' -- -- >>> pz @(Div (Fst Id) (Snd Id)) (10,4) -- Present 2 -- PresentT 2 -- -- >>> pz @(Div (Fst Id) (Snd Id)) (10,0) -- Error Div zero denominator -- FailT "Div zero denominator" -- data Div p q instance (PP p a ~ PP q a , P p a , P q a , Show (PP p a) , Integral (PP p a) ) => P (Div p q) a where type PP (Div p q) a = PP p a eval _ opts a = do let msg0 = "Div" lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts a [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let hhs = [hh pp, hh qq] in case q of 0 -> mkNode opts (FailT (msg0 <> " zero denominator")) [msg0 <> " zero denominator"] hhs _ -> let d = p `div` q in mkNode opts (PresentT d) [show p <> " `div` " <> show q <> " = " <> show d] hhs -- | similar to 'mod' -- -- >>> pz @(Mod (Fst Id) (Snd Id)) (10,3) -- Present 1 -- PresentT 1 -- -- >>> pz @(Mod (Fst Id) (Snd Id)) (10,0) -- Error Mod zero denominator -- FailT "Mod zero denominator" -- data Mod p q instance (PP p a ~ PP q a , P p a , P q a , Show (PP p a) , Integral (PP p a) ) => P (Mod p q) a where type PP (Mod p q) a = PP p a eval _ opts a = do let msg0 = "Mod" lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts a [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let hhs = [hh pp, hh qq] in case q of 0 -> mkNode opts (FailT (msg0 <> " zero denominator")) [msg0 <> " zero denominator"] hhs _ -> let d = p `mod` q in mkNode opts (PresentT d) [show p <> " `mod` " <> show q <> " = " <> show d] hhs -- | similar to 'divMod' -- -- >>> pz @(DivMod (Fst Id) (Snd Id)) (10,3) -- Present (3,1) -- PresentT (3,1) -- -- >>> pz @(DivMod (Fst Id) (Snd Id)) (10,-3) -- Present (-4,-2) -- PresentT (-4,-2) -- -- >>> pz @(DivMod (Fst Id) (Snd Id)) (-10,3) -- Present (-4,2) -- PresentT (-4,2) -- -- >>> pz @(DivMod (Fst Id) (Snd Id)) (-10,-3) -- Present (3,-1) -- PresentT (3,-1) -- -- >>> pz @(DivMod (Fst Id) (Snd Id)) (10,0) -- Error DivMod zero denominator -- FailT "DivMod zero denominator" -- data DivMod p q instance (PP p a ~ PP q a , P p a , P q a , Show (PP p a) , Integral (PP p a) ) => P (DivMod p q) a where type PP (DivMod p q) a = (PP p a, PP p a) eval _ opts a = do let msg0 = "DivMod" lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts a [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let hhs = [hh pp, hh qq] in case q of 0 -> mkNode opts (FailT (msg0 <> " zero denominator")) [msg0 <> " zero denominator"] hhs _ -> let d = p `divMod` q in mkNode opts (PresentT d) [show p <> " `divMod` " <> show q <> " = " <> show d] hhs -- | similar to 'quotRem' -- -- >>> pz @(QuotRem (Fst Id) (Snd Id)) (10,3) -- Present (3,1) -- PresentT (3,1) -- -- >>> pz @(QuotRem (Fst Id) (Snd Id)) (10,-3) -- Present (-3,1) -- PresentT (-3,1) -- -- >>> pz @(QuotRem (Fst Id) (Snd Id)) (-10,-3) -- Present (3,-1) -- PresentT (3,-1) -- -- >>> pz @(QuotRem (Fst Id) (Snd Id)) (-10,3) -- Present (-3,-1) -- PresentT (-3,-1) -- -- >>> pz @(QuotRem (Fst Id) (Snd Id)) (10,0) -- Error QuotRem zero denominator -- FailT "QuotRem zero denominator" -- data QuotRem p q instance (PP p a ~ PP q a , P p a , P q a , Show (PP p a) , Integral (PP p a) ) => P (QuotRem p q) a where type PP (QuotRem p q) a = (PP p a, PP p a) eval _ opts a = do let msg0 = "QuotRem" lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts a [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let hhs = [hh pp, hh qq] in case q of 0 -> mkNode opts (FailT (msg0 <> " zero denominator")) [msg0 <> " zero denominator"] hhs _ -> let d = p `quotRem` q in mkNode opts (PresentT d) [show p <> " `quotRem` " <> show q <> " = " <> show d] hhs data Quot p q type QuotT p q = Fst (QuotRem p q) instance P (QuotT p q) x => P (Quot p q) x where type PP (Quot p q) x = PP (QuotT p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(QuotT p q)) data Rem p q type RemT p q = Snd (QuotRem p q) instance P (RemT p q) x => P (Rem p q) x where type PP (Rem p q) x = PP (RemT p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(RemT p q)) --type OneP = Guard "expected list of length 1" (Len == 1) >> Head Id --type OneP = Guard (PrintF "expected list of length 1 but found length=%d" Len) (Len == 1) >> Head Id -- k or prt has access to (Int,a) where Int is the current guard position: hence need to use PrintT -- todo: better explanation of how this works -- passthru but adds the length of ps (replaces LenT in the type synonym to avoid type synonyms being expanded out) -- | Guards contain a type level list of tuples the action to run on failure of the predicate and the predicate itself -- Each tuple validating against the corresponding value in a value list -- -- \'prt\' receives (Int,a) as input which is the position and value if there is a failure -- -- >>> pz @(Guards '[ '("arg1 failed",Gt 4), '("arg2 failed", Same 4)]) [17,4] -- Present [17,4] -- PresentT [17,4] -- -- >>> pz @(Guards '[ '("arg1 failed",Gt 4), '("arg2 failed", Same 5)]) [17,4] -- Error arg2 failed -- FailT "arg2 failed" -- -- >>> pz @(Guards '[ '("arg1 failed",Gt 99), '("arg2 failed", Same 4)]) [17,4] -- Error arg1 failed -- FailT "arg1 failed" -- -- >>> pz @(Guards '[ '(PrintT "arg %d failed with value %d" Id,Gt 4), '(PrintT "%d %d" Id, Same 4)]) [17,3] -- Error 1 3 -- FailT "1 3" -- -- >>> pz @(GuardsQuick (PrintT "arg %d failed with value %d" Id) '[Gt 4, Ge 3, Same 4]) [17,3,5] -- Error arg 2 failed with value 5 -- FailT "arg 2 failed with value 5" -- -- >>> pz @(GuardsQuick (PrintT "arg %d failed with value %d" Id) '[Gt 4, Ge 3, Same 4]) [17,3,5,99] -- Error Guards:invalid length(4) expected 3 -- FailT "Guards:invalid length(4) expected 3" -- data GuardsImpl (n :: Nat) (os :: [(k,k1)]) data Guards (ps :: [(k,k1)]) instance ([a] ~ x, GetLen ps, P (GuardsImpl (LenT ps) ps) x) => P (Guards ps) x where type PP (Guards ps) x = PP (GuardsImpl (LenT ps) ps) x eval _ opts as = do let msg0 = "Guards" n = getLen @ps if n /= length as then let msg1 = msg0 <> badLength as n in pure $ mkNode opts (FailT msg1) [msg1] [] else eval (Proxy @(GuardsImpl (LenT ps) ps)) opts as badLength :: (Foldable t, Show n, Num n) => t a -> n -> String badLength as n = ":invalid length(" <> show (length as) <> ") expected " ++ show (n+0) instance ([a] ~ x, Show a) => P (GuardsImpl n ('[] :: [(k,k1)])) x where type PP (GuardsImpl n ('[] :: [(k,k1)])) x = x eval _ opts as = let msg0 = "Guards" in if not (null as) then errorInProgram $ "GuardsImpl base case has extra data " ++ show as else pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT as) [msg0 <> " no data"] [] instance (PP prt (Int, a) ~ String , P prt (Int, a) , KnownNat n , GetLen ps , P p a , PP p a ~ Bool , P (GuardsImpl n ps) [a] , PP (GuardsImpl n ps) [a] ~ [a] , Show a , [a] ~ x ) => P (GuardsImpl n ('(prt,p) ': ps)) x where type PP (GuardsImpl n ('(prt,p) ': ps)) x = x eval _ opts as' = do let cpos = n-pos-1 msgbase1 = "Guard(" <> show cpos <> ")" msgbase2 = "Guards" n :: Int = nat @n pos = getLen @ps case as' of a:as -> do pp <- evalBool (Proxy @p) opts a case getValueLR opts (msgbase1 <> " p failed") pp [] of Left e -> pure e Right False -> do qq <- eval (Proxy @prt) opts (cpos,a) -- only run prt when predicate is False pure $ case getValueLR opts (msgbase2 <> " False predicate and prt failed") qq [hh pp] of Left e -> e Right msgx -> mkNode opts (FailT msgx) [msgbase1 <> " failed [" <> msgx <> "]" <> show0 opts " " a] (hh pp : [hh qq | isVerbose opts]) Right True -> if pos == 0 then -- we are at the bottom of the tree pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT [a]) [msgbase2] [hh pp] else do ss <- eval (Proxy @(GuardsImpl n ps)) opts as pure $ case getValueLRHide opts (msgbase1 <> " ok | rhs failed") ss [hh pp] of Left e -> e -- shortcut else we get too compounding errors with the pp tree being added each time! Right zs -> (ss & tForest %~ \x -> fromTT pp : x) & tBool .~ PresentT (a:zs) _ -> errorInProgram "GuardsImpl n+1 case has no data" data GuardsQuick (prt :: k) (ps :: [k1]) type GuardsQuickT (prt :: k) (ps :: [k1]) = Guards (ToGuardsT prt ps) instance P (GuardsQuickT prt ps) x => P (GuardsQuick prt ps) x where type PP (GuardsQuick prt ps) x = PP (GuardsQuickT prt ps) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(GuardsQuickT prt ps)) -- | boolean guard which checks a given a list of predicates against the list of values -- -- prefer 'Bools' as 'BoolsQuick' doesnt give much added value: passes in the index and the value to prt but you already have the index in the message -- -- pulls the top message from the tree if a predicate is false -- -- >>> pl @(Bools '[ '(W "hh",Between 0 23 Id), '(W "mm",Between 0 59 Id), '(PrintT "<<<%d %d>>>" Id,Between 0 59 Id) ] ) [12,93,14] -- False (Bool(1) [mm] (93 <= 59)) -- FalseT -- -- >>> pl @(Bools '[ '(W "hh",Between 0 23 Id), '(W "mm",Between 0 59 Id), '(PrintT "<<<%d %d>>>" Id,Between 0 59 Id) ] ) [12,13,94] -- False (Bool(2) [<<<2 94>>>] (94 <= 59)) -- FalseT -- -- >>> pl @(Bools '[ '(W "hh",Between 0 23 Id), '(W "mm",Between 0 59 Id), '(PrintT "<<<%d %d>>>" Id,Between 0 59 Id) ] ) [12,13,14] -- True (Bools) -- TrueT -- -- >>> pl @(BoolsQuick "abc" '[Between 0 23 Id, Between 0 59 Id, Between 0 59 Id]) [12,13,14] -- True (Bools) -- TrueT -- -- >>> pl @(BoolsQuick (PrintT "id=%d val=%d" Id) '[Between 0 23 Id, Between 0 59 Id, Between 0 59 Id]) [12,13,14] -- True (Bools) -- TrueT -- -- >>> pl @(BoolsQuick (PrintT "id=%d val=%d" Id) '[Between 0 23 Id, Between 0 59 Id, Between 0 59 Id]) [12,13,99] -- False (Bool(2) [id=2 val=99] (99 <= 59)) -- FalseT -- -- >>> pl @(Bools '[ '("hours",Between 0 23 Id), '("minutes",Between 0 59 Id), '("seconds",Between 0 59 Id) ] ) [12,13,14] -- True (Bools) -- TrueT -- -- >>> pl @(Bools '[ '("hours",Between 0 23 Id), '("minutes",Between 0 59 Id), '("seconds",Between 0 59 Id) ] ) [12,60,14] -- False (Bool(1) [minutes] (60 <= 59)) -- FalseT -- -- >>> pl @(Bools '[ '("hours",Between 0 23 Id), '("minutes",Between 0 59 Id), '("seconds",Between 0 59 Id) ] ) [12,60,14,20] -- False (Bools:invalid length(4) expected 3) -- FalseT -- data Bools (ps :: [(k,k1)]) instance ([a] ~ x , GetLen ps , P (BoolsImpl (LenT ps) ps) x , PP (BoolsImpl (LenT ps) ps) x ~ Bool ) => P (Bools ps) x where type PP (Bools ps) x = Bool eval _ opts as = do let msg0 = "Bools" msg1 = "Bool("++show n++")" n = getLen @ps case chkSize opts msg1 as [] of Left e -> pure e Right () -> if n /= length as then let msg2 = msg0 <> badLength as n in pure $ mkNodeB opts False [msg2] [] -- was FailT but now just FalseT else evalBool (Proxy @(BoolsImpl (LenT ps) ps)) opts as data BoolsImpl (n :: Nat) (os :: [(k,k1)]) instance (KnownNat n , Show a , [a] ~ x ) => P (BoolsImpl n ('[] :: [(k,k1)])) x where type PP (BoolsImpl n ('[] :: [(k,k1)])) x = Bool eval _ opts as = let msg0 = "Bool(" <> show n <> ")" n :: Int = nat @n in if not (null as) then errorInProgram $ "BoolsImpl base case has extra data " ++ show as else pure $ mkNodeB opts True [msg0 <> " empty"] [] instance (PP prt (Int, a) ~ String , P prt (Int, a) , KnownNat n , GetLen ps , P p a , PP p a ~ Bool , P (BoolsImpl n ps) x , PP (BoolsImpl n ps) [a] ~ Bool -- , Show a , [a] ~ x ) => P (BoolsImpl n ('(prt,p) ': ps)) x where type PP (BoolsImpl n ('(prt,p) ': ps)) x = Bool eval _ opts as' = do let cpos = n-pos-1 msgbase1 = "Bool(" <> showIndex cpos <> ")" msgbase2 = "Bools" n :: Int = nat @n pos = getLen @ps case as' of a:as -> do pp <- evalBool (Proxy @p) opts a case getValueLR opts (msgbase1 <> " p failed") pp [] of Left e -> pure e Right False -> do qq <- eval (Proxy @prt) opts (cpos,a) -- only run prt when predicate is False pure $ case getValueLR opts (msgbase2 <> " False predicate and prt failed") qq [hh pp] of Left e -> e Right msgx -> mkNodeB opts False [msgbase1 <> " [" <> msgx <> "] " <> topMessage pp] (hh pp : [hh qq | isVerbose opts]) Right True -> if pos == 0 then -- we are at the bottom of the tree pure $ mkNodeB opts True [msgbase2] [hh pp] else do ss <- evalBool (Proxy @(BoolsImpl n ps)) opts as pure $ case getValueLRHide opts (msgbase1 <> " ok | rhs failed") ss [hh pp] of Left e -> e -- shortcut else we get too compounding errors with the pp tree being added each time! Right _ -> ss & tForest %~ \x -> fromTT pp : x _ -> errorInProgram "BoolsImpl n+1 case has no data" data BoolsQuick (prt :: k) (ps :: [k1]) type BoolsQuickT (prt :: k) (ps :: [k1]) = Bools (ToGuardsT prt ps) -- why do we need this? when BoolsN works without [use the x ~ [a] trick in BoolsN] instance (PP (Bools (ToGuardsT prt ps)) x ~ Bool , P (BoolsQuickT prt ps) x ) => P (BoolsQuick prt ps) x where type PP (BoolsQuick prt ps) x = PP (BoolsQuickT prt ps) x eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @(BoolsQuickT prt ps)) -- | leverages 'RepeatT' for repeating predicates (passthrough method) -- -- >>> pl @(BoolsN (PrintT "id=%d must be between 0 and 255, found %d" Id) 4 (Between 0 255 Id)) [121,33,7,256] -- False (Bool(3) [id=3 must be between 0 and 255, found 256] (256 <= 255)) -- FalseT -- -- >>> pl @(BoolsN (PrintT "id=%d must be between 0 and 255, found %d" Id) 4 (Between 0 255 Id)) [121,33,7,44] -- True (Bools) -- TrueT -- data BoolsN prt (n :: Nat) (p :: k1) type BoolsNT prt (n :: Nat) (p :: k1) = Bools (ToGuardsT prt (RepeatT n p)) instance (x ~ [a], P (BoolsNT prt n p) x) => P (BoolsN prt n p) x where type PP (BoolsN prt n p) x = PP (BoolsNT prt n p) x eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @(BoolsNT prt n p)) -- | if a predicate fails then then the corresponding symbol and value will be passed to the print function -- -- >>> pz @(GuardsDetail "%s invalid: found %d" '[ '("hours", Between 0 23 Id),'("minutes",Between 0 59 Id),'("seconds",Between 0 59 Id)]) [13,59,61] -- Error seconds invalid: found 61 -- FailT "seconds invalid: found 61" -- -- >>> pz @(GuardsDetail "%s invalid: found %d" '[ '("hours", Between 0 23 Id),'("minutes",Between 0 59 Id),'("seconds",Between 0 59 Id)]) [27,59,12] -- Error hours invalid: found 27 -- FailT "hours invalid: found 27" -- -- >>> pz @(GuardsDetail "%s invalid: found %d" '[ '("hours", Between 0 23 Id),'("minutes",Between 0 59 Id),'("seconds",Between 0 59 Id)]) [23,59,12] -- Present [23,59,12] -- PresentT [23,59,12] -- data GuardsDetailImpl (ps :: [(k,k1)]) instance ([a] ~ x , GetLen ps , P (GuardsImplX (LenT ps) ps) x ) => P (GuardsDetailImpl ps) x where type PP (GuardsDetailImpl ps) x = PP (GuardsImplX (LenT ps) ps) x eval _ opts as = do let msg0 = "Guards" n = getLen @ps if n /= length as then let msg1 = msg0 <> badLength as n in pure $ mkNode opts (FailT msg1) [msg1] [] else eval (Proxy @(GuardsImplX (LenT ps) ps)) opts as data GuardsImplX (n :: Nat) (os :: [(k,k1)]) instance ([a] ~ x, Show a) => P (GuardsImplX n ('[] :: [(k,k1)])) x where type PP (GuardsImplX n ('[] :: [(k,k1)])) x = x eval _ opts as = let msg0 = "Guards" -- n :: Int = nat @n in if not (null as) then errorInProgram $ "GuardsImplX base case has extra data " ++ show as else pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT as) [msg0] [] instance (PP prt a ~ String , P prt a , KnownNat n , GetLen ps , P p a , PP p a ~ Bool , P (GuardsImplX n ps) [a] , PP (GuardsImplX n ps) [a] ~ [a] , Show a , [a] ~ x ) => P (GuardsImplX n ('(prt,p) ': ps)) x where type PP (GuardsImplX n ('(prt,p) ': ps)) x = x eval _ opts as' = do let cpos = n-pos-1 msgbase1 = "Guard(" <> showIndex cpos <> ")" msgbase2 = "Guards" n :: Int = nat @n pos = getLen @ps case as' of a:as -> do pp <- evalBool (Proxy @p) opts a case getValueLR opts (msgbase1 <> " p failed") pp [] of Left e -> pure e Right False -> do qq <- eval (Proxy @prt) opts a -- only run prt when predicate is False pure $ case getValueLR opts (msgbase2 <> " False predicate and prt failed") qq [hh pp] of Left e -> e Right msgx -> mkNode opts (FailT msgx) [msgbase1 <> " failed [" <> msgx <> "]" <> show0 opts " " a] (hh pp : [hh qq | isVerbose opts]) Right True -> do ss <- eval (Proxy @(GuardsImplX n ps)) opts as pure $ case getValueLRHide opts (msgbase1 <> " ok | rhs failed") ss [hh pp] of Left e -> e -- shortcut else we get too compounding errors with the pp tree being added each time! Right zs -> mkNode opts (PresentT (a:zs)) [msgbase1 <> show0 opts " " a] [hh pp, hh ss] _ -> errorInProgram "GuardsImplX n+1 case has no data" data GuardsDetail prt (ps :: [(k0,k1)]) type GuardsDetailT prt (ps :: [(k0,k1)]) = GuardsDetailImpl (ToGuardsDetailT prt ps) instance P (GuardsDetailT prt ps) x => P (GuardsDetail prt ps) x where type PP (GuardsDetail prt ps) x = PP (GuardsDetailT prt ps) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(GuardsDetailT prt ps)) type family ToGuardsDetailT (prt :: k1) (os :: [(k2,k3)]) :: [(Type,k3)] where ToGuardsDetailT prt '[ '(s,p) ] = '(PrintT prt '(s,Id), p) : '[] ToGuardsDetailT prt ( '(s,p) ': ps) = '(PrintT prt '(s,Id), p) ': ToGuardsDetailT prt ps ToGuardsDetailT prt '[] = GL.TypeError ('GL.Text "ToGuardsDetailT cannot be empty") -- | leverages 'RepeatT' for repeating predicates (passthrough method) -- -- >>> pz @(GuardsN (PrintT "id=%d must be between 0 and 255, found %d" Id) 4 (Between 0 255 Id)) [121,33,7,256] -- Error id=3 must be between 0 and 255, found 256 -- FailT "id=3 must be between 0 and 255, found 256" -- -- >>> pz @(GuardsN (PrintT "id=%d must be between 0 and 255, found %d" Id) 4 (Between 0 255 Id)) [121,33,7,44] -- Present [121,33,7,44] -- PresentT [121,33,7,44] -- data GuardsN prt (n :: Nat) p type GuardsNT prt (n :: Nat) p = Guards (ToGuardsT prt (RepeatT n p)) instance (x ~ [a], P (GuardsNT prt n p) x) => P (GuardsN prt n p) x where type PP (GuardsN prt n p) x = PP (GuardsNT prt n p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(GuardsNT prt n p)) -- | \'p\' is the predicate and on failure of the predicate runs \'prt\' -- -- >>> pz @(Guard "expected > 3" (Gt 3)) 17 -- Present 17 -- PresentT 17 -- -- >>> pz @(Guard "expected > 3" (Gt 3)) 1 -- Error expected > 3 -- FailT "expected > 3" -- -- >>> pz @(Guard (PrintF "%d not > 3" Id) (Gt 3)) (-99) -- Error -99 not > 3 -- FailT "-99 not > 3" -- data Guard prt p data ExitWhen prt p type ExitWhenT prt p = Guard prt (Not p) instance P (ExitWhenT prt p) x => P (ExitWhen prt p) x where type PP (ExitWhen prt p) x = PP (ExitWhenT prt p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(ExitWhenT prt p)) instance (Show a , P prt a , PP prt a ~ String , P p a , PP p a ~ Bool ) => P (Guard prt p) a where type PP (Guard prt p) a = a eval _ opts a = do let msg0 = "Guard" pp <- evalBool (Proxy @p) opts a case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> pure e Right False -> do qq <- eval (Proxy @prt) opts a pure $ case getValueLR opts (msg0 <> " Msg") qq [hh pp] of Left e -> e Right msgx -> mkNode opts (FailT msgx) [msg0 <> "(failed) [" <> msgx <> "]" <> show0 opts " | " a] (hh pp : [hh qq | isVerbose opts]) Right True -> pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT a) [msg0 <> "(ok)" <> show0 opts " | " a] [hh pp] -- dont show the guard message if successful -- | similar to 'Guard' but uses the root message of the False predicate case as the failure message -- -- most uses of GuardSimple can be replaced by using 'ol' and a boolean predicate unless you require failure -- -- >>> pz @(GuardSimple (Luhn Id)) [1..4] -- Error (Luhn map=[4,6,2,2] sum=14 ret=4 | [1,2,3,4]) -- FailT "(Luhn map=[4,6,2,2] sum=14 ret=4 | [1,2,3,4])" -- -- >>> pl @(Luhn Id) [1..4] -- False (Luhn map=[4,6,2,2] sum=14 ret=4 | [1,2,3,4]) -- FalseT -- -- >>> pz @(GuardSimple (Luhn Id)) [1,2,3,0] -- Present [1,2,3,0] -- PresentT [1,2,3,0] -- -- >>> pz @(GuardSimple (Len > 30)) [1,2,3,0] -- Error (4 > 30) -- FailT "(4 > 30)" -- data GuardSimple p instance (Show a , P p a , PP p a ~ Bool ) => P (GuardSimple p) a where type PP (GuardSimple p) a = a eval _ opts a = do let msg0 = "GuardSimple" pp <- evalBool (Proxy @p) (if hasNoTree opts then o0 else opts) a -- to not lose the message in oLite mode we use non lite and then fix it up after pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right False -> let msgx = topMessage pp in mkNode opts (FailT msgx) [msg0 <> "(failed) " <> msgx <> show0 opts " | " a] [hh pp] Right True -> mkNode opts (PresentT a) [msg0 <> "(ok)" <> show0 opts " | " a] [hh pp] -- | just run the effect but skip the value -- for example for use with Stdout so it doesnt interfere with the \'a\' on the rhs unless there is an failure data Skip p instance (Show (PP p a), P p a) => P (Skip p) a where type PP (Skip p) a = a eval _ opts a = do let msg0 = "Skip" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts a pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> mkNode opts (PresentT a) [msg0 <> show0 opts " " p] [hh pp] data p |> q type SkipLT p q = Skip p >> q infixr 1 |> instance P (SkipLT p q) x => P (p |> q) x where type PP (p |> q) x = PP (SkipLT p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(SkipLT p q)) data p >| q type SkipRT p q = p >> Skip q infixr 1 >| instance P (SkipRT p q) x => P (p >| q) x where type PP (p >| q) x = PP (SkipRT p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(SkipRT p q)) data p >|> q type SkipBothT p q = Skip p >> Skip q infixr 1 >|> instance P (SkipBothT p q) x => P (p >|> q) x where type PP (p >|> q) x = PP (SkipBothT p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(SkipBothT p q)) -- advantage of (>>) over 'Do [k] is we can use different kinds for (>>) without having to wrap with 'W' -- | This is composition for predicates -- -- >>> pz @(Fst Id >> Succ (Id !! 0)) ([11,12],'x') -- Present 12 -- PresentT 12 -- -- >>> pz @(Len *** Succ Id >> ShowP (First (Pred Id))) ([11,12],'x') -- Present "(1,'y')" -- PresentT "(1,'y')" -- data p >> q infixr 1 >> instance (Show (PP p a) , Show (PP q (PP p a)) , P p a , P q (PP p a) ) => P (p >> q) a where type PP (p >> q) a = PP q (PP p a) eval _ opts a = do let msg0 = "(>>)" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts a case getValueLRHide opts "(>>) lhs failed" pp [] of Left e -> pure e Right p -> do qq <- eval (Proxy @q) opts p pure $ case getValueLRHide opts (show p <> " (>>) rhs failed") qq [hh pp] of Left e -> e Right q -> mkNode opts (_tBool qq) [lit01 opts msg0 q (topMessage' qq)] [hh pp, hh qq] data p << q type LeftArrowsT p q = q >> p infixr 1 << instance P (LeftArrowsT p q) x => P (p << q) x where type PP (p << q) x = PP (LeftArrowsT p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(LeftArrowsT p q)) type p >>> q = p >> q infixl 1 >>> -- | similar to 'Prelude.&&' -- -- >>> pz @(Fst Id && Snd Id) (True, True) -- True -- TrueT -- -- >>> pz @(Id > 15 && Id < 17) 16 -- True -- TrueT -- -- >>> pz @(Id > 15 && Id < 17) 30 -- False -- FalseT -- -- >>> pz @(Fst Id && (Length (Snd Id) >= 4)) (True,[11,12,13,14]) -- True -- TrueT -- -- >>> pz @(Fst Id && (Length (Snd Id) == 4)) (True,[12,11,12,13,14]) -- False -- FalseT -- data p && q infixr 3 && instance (P p a , P q a , PP p a ~ Bool , PP q a ~ Bool ) => P (p && q) a where type PP (p && q) a = Bool eval _ opts a = do let msg0 = "&&" lr <- runPQBool msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts a [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let zz = case (p,q) of (True, True) -> "" (False, True) -> topMessage pp (True, False) -> topMessage qq (False, False) -> topMessage pp <> " " <> msg0 <> " " <> topMessage qq in mkNodeB opts (p&&q) [show p <> " " <> msg0 <> " " <> show q <> (if null zz then zz else " | " <> zz)] [hh pp, hh qq] -- | similar to 'Prelude.||' -- -- >>> pz @(Fst Id || (Length (Snd Id) >= 4)) (False,[11,12,13,14]) -- True -- TrueT -- -- >>> pz @(Not (Fst Id) || (Length (Snd Id) == 4)) (True,[12,11,12,13,14]) -- False -- FalseT -- data p || q infixr 2 || instance (P p a , P q a , PP p a ~ Bool , PP q a ~ Bool ) => P (p || q) a where type PP (p || q) a = Bool eval _ opts a = do let msg0 = "||" lr <- runPQBool msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts a [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let zz = case (p,q) of (False,False) -> topMessage pp <> " " <> msg0 <> " " <> topMessage qq _ -> "" in mkNodeB opts (p||q) [show p <> " " <> msg0 <> " " <> show q <> (if null zz then zz else " | " <> zz)] [hh pp, hh qq] -- | implication -- -- >>> pz @(Fst Id ~> (Length (Snd Id) >= 4)) (True,[11,12,13,14]) -- True -- TrueT -- -- >>> pz @(Fst Id ~> (Length (Snd Id) == 4)) (True,[12,11,12,13,14]) -- False -- FalseT -- -- >>> pz @(Fst Id ~> (Length (Snd Id) == 4)) (False,[12,11,12,13,14]) -- True -- TrueT -- -- >>> pz @(Fst Id ~> (Length (Snd Id) >= 4)) (False,[11,12,13,14]) -- True -- TrueT -- data p ~> q infixr 1 ~> instance (P p a , P q a , PP p a ~ Bool , PP q a ~ Bool ) => P (p ~> q) a where type PP (p ~> q) a = Bool eval _ opts a = do let msg0 = "~>" lr <- runPQBool msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts a [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let zz = case (p,q) of (True,False) -> topMessage pp <> " " <> msg0 <> " " <> topMessage qq _ -> "" in mkNodeB opts (p~>q) [show p <> " " <> msg0 <> " " <> show q <> (if null zz then zz else " | " <> zz)] [hh pp, hh qq] -- | 'not' function -- -- >>> pz @(Not Id) False -- True -- TrueT -- -- >>> pz @(Not Id) True -- False -- FalseT -- -- >>> pz @(Not (Fst Id)) (True,22) -- False -- FalseT -- -- >>> pl @(Not (Lt 3)) 13 -- True (Not (13 < 3)) -- TrueT -- data Not p instance (PP p x ~ Bool, P p x) => P (Not p) x where type PP (Not p) x = Bool eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Not" pp <- evalBool (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let b = not p in mkNodeB opts b [msg0 <> " " <> topMessage pp] [hh pp] -- | similar to 'compare' -- -- >>> pz @(Fst Id ==! Snd Id) (10,9) -- Present GT -- PresentT GT -- -- >>> pz @(14 % 3 ==! Fst Id -% Snd Id) (-10,7) -- Present GT -- PresentT GT -- -- >>> pz @(Fst Id ==! Snd Id) (10,11) -- Present LT -- PresentT LT -- -- >>> pz @(Snd Id ==! (Fst Id >> Snd Id >> Head Id)) (('x',[10,12,13]),10) -- Present EQ -- PresentT EQ -- -- >>> pz @(Snd Id ==! Head (Snd (Fst Id))) (('x',[10,12,13]),10) -- Present EQ -- PresentT EQ -- data p ==! q infix 4 ==! type OrdP p q = p ==! q instance (Ord (PP p a) , PP p a ~ PP q a , P p a , Show (PP q a) , P q a ) => P (p ==! q) a where type PP (p ==! q) a = Ordering eval _ opts a = do let msg0 = "(==!)" lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts a [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let d = compare p q in mkNode opts (PresentT d) [msg0 <> " " <> show p <> " " <> prettyOrd d <> show0 opts " " q] [hh pp, hh qq] data OrdA p instance P (OrdA' p p) x => P (OrdA p) x where type PP (OrdA p) x = PP (OrdA' p p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(OrdA' p p)) data OrdA' p q type OrdAT' p q = (Fst Id >> p) ==! (Snd Id >> q) instance P (OrdAT' p q) x => P (OrdA' p q) x where type PP (OrdA' p q) x = PP (OrdAT' p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(OrdAT' p q)) -- | compare two strings ignoring case -- -- >>> pz @(Fst Id ===~ Snd Id) ("abC","aBc") -- Present EQ -- PresentT EQ -- -- >>> pz @(Fst Id ===~ Snd Id) ("abC","DaBc") -- Present LT -- PresentT LT -- type OrdI p q = p ===~ q data p ===~ q infix 4 ===~ instance (PP p a ~ String , PP p a ~ PP q a , P p a , P q a ) => P (p ===~ q) a where type PP (p ===~ q) a = Ordering eval _ opts a = do let msg0 = "(===~)" lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts a [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let d = on compare (map toLower) p q in mkNode opts (PresentT d) [msg0 <> " " <> p <> " " <> prettyOrd d <> " " <> q] [hh pp, hh qq] -- | compare two values using the given ordering \'o\' -- -- >>> pl @(Lt 4) 123 -- False (123 < 4) -- FalseT -- -- >>> pl @(Lt 4) 1 -- True (1 < 4) -- TrueT -- -- >>> pl @(Negate 7 <..> 20) (-4) -- True (-7 <= -4 <= 20) -- TrueT -- -- >>> pl @(Negate 7 <..> 20) 21 -- False (21 <= 20) -- FalseT -- data Cmp (o :: OrderingP) p q instance (GetOrd o , Ord (PP p a) , Show (PP p a) , PP p a ~ PP q a , P p a , P q a ) => P (Cmp o p q) a where type PP (Cmp o p q) a = Bool eval _ opts a = do let (sfn, fn) = getOrd @o lr <- runPQ sfn (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts a [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let b = fn p q in mkNodeB opts b [show p <> " " <> sfn <> show0 opts " " q] [hh pp, hh qq] -- | compare two strings ignoring case using the given ordering \'o\' data CmpI (o :: OrderingP) p q instance (PP p a ~ String , GetOrd o , PP p a ~ PP q a , P p a , P q a ) => P (CmpI o p q) a where type PP (CmpI o p q) a = Bool eval _ opts a = do let (sfn, fn) = getOrd @o lr <- runPQ sfn (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts a [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let b = on fn (map toLower) p q in mkNodeB opts b ["CmpI " <> p <> " " <> sfn <> " " <> q] [hh pp, hh qq] -- | similar to 'Control.Lens.itoList' -- -- >>> pz @(IToList _ Id) ("aBc" :: String) -- Present [(0,'a'),(1,'B'),(2,'c')] -- PresentT [(0,'a'),(1,'B'),(2,'c')] -- data IToList' t p instance (Show x , P p x , Typeable (PP t (PP p x)) , Show (PP t (PP p x)) , FoldableWithIndex (PP t (PP p x)) f , PP p x ~ f a , Show a ) => P (IToList' t p) x where type PP (IToList' t p) x = [(PP t (PP p x), ExtractAFromTA (PP p x))] eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "IToList" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let b = itoList p t = showT @(PP t (PP p x)) in mkNode opts (PresentT b) [msg0 <> "(" <> t <> ")" <> show0 opts " " b <> show1 opts " | " x] [hh pp] data IToList (t :: Type) p type IToListT (t :: Type) p = IToList' (Hole t) p instance P (IToListT t p) x => P (IToList t p) x where type PP (IToList t p) x = PP (IToListT t p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(IToListT t p)) -- | similar to 'toList' -- -- >>> pz @ToList ("aBc" :: String) -- Present "aBc" -- PresentT "aBc" -- -- >>> pz @ToList (Just 14) -- Present [14] -- PresentT [14] -- -- >>> pz @ToList Nothing -- Present [] -- PresentT [] -- -- >>> pz @ToList (Left "xx") -- Present [] -- PresentT [] -- -- >>> pz @ToList (These 12 "xx") -- Present ["xx"] -- PresentT ["xx"] -- data ToList instance (Show (t a) , Foldable t , Show a ) => P ToList (t a) where type PP ToList (t a) = [a] eval _ opts as = let msg0 = "ToList" z = toList as in pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT z) [show01 opts msg0 z as] [] -- | similar to 'toList' -- -- >>> pz @(ToList' Id) ("aBc" :: String) -- Present "aBc" -- PresentT "aBc" -- -- >>> pz @(ToList' Id) (Just 14) -- Present [14] -- PresentT [14] -- -- >>> pz @(ToList' Id) Nothing -- Present [] -- PresentT [] -- -- >>> pz @(ToList' Id) (Left "xx") -- Present [] -- PresentT [] -- -- >>> pz @(ToList' Id) (These 12 "xx") -- Present ["xx"] -- PresentT ["xx"] -- data ToList' p instance (PP p x ~ t a , P p x , Show (t a) , Foldable t , Show a ) => P (ToList' p) x where type PP (ToList' p) x = [ExtractAFromTA (PP p x)] -- extra layer of indirection means pe (ToList' Id) "abc" won't work without setting the type of "abc" unlike ToList eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "ToList'" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let hhs = [hh pp] b = toList p in mkNode opts (PresentT b) [show01 opts msg0 b p] hhs -- | invokes 'GE.toList' -- -- >>> pz @ToListExt (M.fromList [(1,'x'),(4,'y')]) -- Present [(1,'x'),(4,'y')] -- PresentT [(1,'x'),(4,'y')] -- -- >>> pz @ToListExt (T.pack "abc") -- Present "abc" -- PresentT "abc" -- data ToListExt instance (Show l , GE.IsList l , Show (GE.Item l) ) => P ToListExt l where type PP ToListExt l = [GE.Item l] eval _ opts as = let msg0 = "ToListExt" z = GE.toList as in pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT z) [show01 opts msg0 z as] [] data FromList (t :: Type) -- doesnt work with OverloadedLists unless you cast to [a] explicitly instance (a ~ GE.Item t , Show t , GE.IsList t , [a] ~ x ) => P (FromList t) x where type PP (FromList t) x = t eval _ opts as = let msg0 = "FromList" z = GE.fromList (as :: [GE.Item t]) :: t in pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT z) [msg0 <> show0 opts " " z] [] -- | invokes 'GE.fromList' -- -- requires the OverloadedLists extension -- -- >>> :set -XOverloadedLists -- >>> pz @(FromListExt (M.Map _ _)) [(4,"x"),(5,"dd")] -- Present fromList [(4,"x"),(5,"dd")] -- PresentT (fromList [(4,"x"),(5,"dd")]) -- data FromListExt (t :: Type) -- l ~ l' is key instance (Show l , GE.IsList l , l ~ l' ) => P (FromListExt l') l where type PP (FromListExt l') l = l' eval _ opts as = let msg0 = "FromListExt" z = GE.fromList (GE.toList @l as) in pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT z) [msg0 <> show0 opts " " z] [] -- | predicate on 'These' -- -- >>> pz @(IsThis Id) (This "aBc") -- True -- TrueT -- -- >>> pz @(IsThis Id) (These 1 'a') -- False -- FalseT -- -- >>> pz @(IsThese Id) (These 1 'a') -- True -- TrueT -- -- >>> pl @(IsThat Id) (This 12) -- False (IsThat | This 12) -- FalseT -- -- >>> pl @(IsThis Id) (This 12) -- True (IsThis | This 12) -- TrueT -- -- >>> pl @(IsThese Id) (This 12) -- False (IsThese | This 12) -- FalseT -- -- >>> pl @(IsThese Id) (These 'x' 12) -- True (IsThese | These 'x' 12) -- TrueT -- data IsTh (th :: These x y) p -- x y can be anything -- trying to avoid show instance cos of ambiguities instance (PP p x ~ These a b , P p x , Show a , Show b , GetThese th ) => P (IsTh (th :: These x1 x2) p) x where type PP (IsTh th p) x = Bool eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Is" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let (t,f) = getThese @th b = f p in mkNodeB opts b [msg0 <> t <> show1 opts " | " p] [] data IsThis p type IsThisT p = IsTh ('This '()) p instance P (IsThisT p) x => P (IsThis p) x where type PP (IsThis p) x = PP (IsThisT p) x eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @(IsThisT p)) data IsThat p type IsThatT p = IsTh ('That '()) p instance P (IsThatT p) x => P (IsThat p) x where type PP (IsThat p) x = PP (IsThatT p) x eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @(IsThatT p)) data IsThese p type IsTheseT p = IsTh ('These '() '()) p instance P (IsTheseT p) x => P (IsThese p) x where type PP (IsThese p) x = PP (IsTheseT p) x eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @(IsTheseT p)) -- | similar to 'Data.These.these' -- -- >>> pz @(TheseIn Id Len (Fst Id + Length (Snd Id))) (This 13) -- Present 13 -- PresentT 13 -- -- >>> pz @(TheseIn Id Len (Fst Id + Length (Snd Id))) (That "this is a long string") -- Present 21 -- PresentT 21 -- -- >>> pz @(TheseIn Id Len (Fst Id + Length (Snd Id))) (These 20 "somedata") -- Present 28 -- PresentT 28 -- -- >>> pz @(TheseIn (MkLeft _ Id) (MkRight _ Id) (If (Fst Id > Length (Snd Id)) (MkLeft _ (Fst Id)) (MkRight _ (Snd Id)))) (That "this is a long string") -- Present Right "this is a long string" -- PresentT (Right "this is a long string") -- -- >>> pz @(TheseIn (MkLeft _ Id) (MkRight _ Id) (If (Fst Id > Length (Snd Id)) (MkLeft _ (Fst Id)) (MkRight _ (Snd Id)))) (These 1 "this is a long string") -- Present Right "this is a long string" -- PresentT (Right "this is a long string") -- -- >>> pz @(TheseIn (MkLeft _ Id) (MkRight _ Id) (If (Fst Id > Length (Snd Id)) (MkLeft _ (Fst Id)) (MkRight _ (Snd Id)))) (These 100 "this is a long string") -- Present Left 100 -- PresentT (Left 100) -- data TheseIn p q r instance (Show a , Show b , Show (PP p a) , P p a , P q b , P r (a,b) , PP p a ~ PP q b , PP p a ~ PP r (a,b) , PP q b ~ PP r (a,b) ) => P (TheseIn p q r) (These a b) where type PP (TheseIn p q r) (These a b) = PP p a eval _ opts th = do let msg0 = "TheseIn" case th of This a -> do let msg1 = "This " msg2 = msg0 <> msg1 pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts a pure $ case getValueLR opts (msg2 <> "p failed") pp [] of Left e -> e Right c -> mkNode opts (PresentT c) [show01' opts msg0 c msg1 a] [hh pp] That b -> do let msg1 = "That " msg2 = msg0 <> msg1 qq <- eval (Proxy @q) opts b pure $ case getValueLR opts (msg2 <> "q failed") qq [] of Left e -> e Right c -> mkNode opts (PresentT c) [show01' opts msg0 c msg1 b] [hh qq] These a b -> do let msg1 = "These " msg2 = msg0 <> msg1 rr <- eval (Proxy @r) opts (a,b) pure $ case getValueLR opts (msg2 <> "r failed") rr [] of Left e -> e Right c -> mkNode opts (PresentT c) [show01 opts msg0 c (These a b)] [hh rr] data TheseId p q type TheseIdT p q = TheseIn '(I, p) '(q, I) I instance P (TheseIdT p q) x => P (TheseId p q) x where type PP (TheseId p q) x = PP (TheseIdT p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(TheseIdT p q)) -- | creates an empty list of the given type -- -- >>> pz @(Id :+ EmptyList _) 99 -- Present [99] -- PresentT [99] -- data EmptyList' t instance P (EmptyList' t) x where type PP (EmptyList' t) x = [PP t x] eval _ opts _ = pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT []) ["EmptyList"] [] data EmptyList (t :: Type) type EmptyListT (t :: Type) = EmptyList' (Hole t) instance P (EmptyList t) x where type PP (EmptyList t) x = PP (EmptyListT t) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(EmptyListT t)) -- | creates a singleton from a value -- -- >>> pz @(Singleton (Char1 "aBc")) () -- Present "a" -- PresentT "a" -- -- >>> pz @(Singleton Id) False -- Present [False] -- PresentT [False] -- -- >>> pz @(Singleton (Snd Id)) (False,"hello") -- Present ["hello"] -- PresentT ["hello"] -- data Singleton p instance P p x => P (Singleton p) x where type PP (Singleton p) x = [PP p x] eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Singleton" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> mkNode opts (PresentT [p]) [msg0] [hh pp] --type Singleton p = p :+ EmptyT [] p -- | extracts the first character from a non empty 'Symbol' -- -- >>> pz @(Char1 "aBc") () -- Present 'a' -- PresentT 'a' -- data Char1 (s :: Symbol) -- gets the first char from the Symbol [requires that Symbol is not empty] instance (KnownSymbol s, GL.CmpSymbol s "" ~ 'GT) => P (Char1 s) a where type PP (Char1 s) a = Char eval _ opts _ = case symb @s of [] -> errorInProgram "Char1: found empty Symbol/string" c:_ -> pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT c) ["Char1" <> show0 opts " " c] [] -- | similar to 'Data.Align.align' thats pads with 'Data.These.This' or 'Data.These.That' if one list is shorter than the other -- -- the key is that all information about both lists are preserved -- -- >>> pz @(ZipThese (Fst Id) (Snd Id)) ("aBc", [1..5]) -- Present [These 'a' 1,These 'B' 2,These 'c' 3,That 4,That 5] -- PresentT [These 'a' 1,These 'B' 2,These 'c' 3,That 4,That 5] -- -- >>> pz @(ZipThese (Fst Id) (Snd Id)) ("aBcDeF", [1..3]) -- Present [These 'a' 1,These 'B' 2,These 'c' 3,This 'D',This 'e',This 'F'] -- PresentT [These 'a' 1,These 'B' 2,These 'c' 3,This 'D',This 'e',This 'F'] -- -- >>> pz @(ZipThese Id Reverse) "aBcDeF" -- Present [These 'a' 'F',These 'B' 'e',These 'c' 'D',These 'D' 'c',These 'e' 'B',These 'F' 'a'] -- PresentT [These 'a' 'F',These 'B' 'e',These 'c' 'D',These 'D' 'c',These 'e' 'B',These 'F' 'a'] -- -- >>> pz @(ZipThese Id '[]) "aBcDeF" -- Present [This 'a',This 'B',This 'c',This 'D',This 'e',This 'F'] -- PresentT [This 'a',This 'B',This 'c',This 'D',This 'e',This 'F'] -- -- >>> pz @(ZipThese '[] Id) "aBcDeF" -- Present [That 'a',That 'B',That 'c',That 'D',That 'e',That 'F'] -- PresentT [That 'a',That 'B',That 'c',That 'D',That 'e',That 'F'] -- -- >>> pz @(ZipThese '[] '[]) "aBcDeF" -- Present [] -- PresentT [] -- data ZipThese p q instance (PP p a ~ [x] , PP q a ~ [y] , P p a , P q a , Show x , Show y ) => P (ZipThese p q) a where type PP (ZipThese p q) a = [These (ExtractAFromList (PP p a)) (ExtractAFromList (PP q a))] eval _ opts a = do let msg0 = "ZipThese" lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts a [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let hhs = [hh pp, hh qq] in case chkSize opts msg0 p hhs <* chkSize opts msg0 q hhs of Left e -> e Right () -> let d = simpleAlign p q in mkNode opts (PresentT d) [show01' opts msg0 d "p=" p <> show1 opts " | q=" q] hhs simpleAlign :: [a] -> [b] -> [These a b] simpleAlign as [] = map This as simpleAlign [] bs = map That bs simpleAlign (a:as) (b:bs) = These a b : simpleAlign as bs type family ExtractAFromTA (ta :: Type) :: Type where ExtractAFromTA (t a) = a ExtractAFromTA z = GL.TypeError ( 'GL.Text "ExtractAFromTA: expected (t a) but found something else" ':$$: 'GL.Text "t a = " ':<>: 'GL.ShowType z) -- todo: get ExtractAFromList failure to fire if wrong Type -- | extract \'a\' from \'[a]\' which I need for type PP type family ExtractAFromList (as :: Type) :: Type where ExtractAFromList [a] = a ExtractAFromList z = GL.TypeError ( 'GL.Text "ExtractAFromList: expected [a] but found something else" ':$$: 'GL.Text "as = " ':<>: 'GL.ShowType z) -- | Zip two lists to their maximum length using padding if needed -- -- >>> pz @(ZipPad (Char1 "Z") 99 (Fst Id) (Snd Id)) ("abc", [1..5]) -- Present [('a',1),('b',2),('c',3),('Z',4),('Z',5)] -- PresentT [('a',1),('b',2),('c',3),('Z',4),('Z',5)] -- -- >>> pz @(ZipPad (Char1 "Z") 99 (Fst Id) (Snd Id)) ("abcdefg", [1..5]) -- Present [('a',1),('b',2),('c',3),('d',4),('e',5),('f',99),('g',99)] -- PresentT [('a',1),('b',2),('c',3),('d',4),('e',5),('f',99),('g',99)] -- -- >>> pz @(ZipPad (Char1 "Z") 99 (Fst Id) (Snd Id)) ("abcde", [1..5]) -- Present [('a',1),('b',2),('c',3),('d',4),('e',5)] -- PresentT [('a',1),('b',2),('c',3),('d',4),('e',5)] -- -- >>> pz @(ZipPad (Char1 "Z") 99 (Fst Id) (Snd Id)) ("", [1..5]) -- Present [('Z',1),('Z',2),('Z',3),('Z',4),('Z',5)] -- PresentT [('Z',1),('Z',2),('Z',3),('Z',4),('Z',5)] -- -- >>> pz @(ZipPad (Char1 "Z") 99 (Fst Id) (Snd Id)) ("abcde", []) -- Present [('a',99),('b',99),('c',99),('d',99),('e',99)] -- PresentT [('a',99),('b',99),('c',99),('d',99),('e',99)] -- data ZipPad l r p q instance (PP l a ~ x , PP r a ~ y , P l a , P r a , PP p a ~ [x] , PP q a ~ [y] , P p a , P q a , Show x , Show y ) => P (ZipPad l r p q) a where type PP (ZipPad l r p q) a = [(PP l a, PP r a)] eval _ opts a = do let msg0 = "ZipPad" lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts a [] case lr of Left e -> pure e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> do let hhs = [hh pp, hh qq] case chkSize opts msg0 p hhs <* chkSize opts msg0 q hhs of Left e -> pure e Right () -> do let lls = (length p,length q) case uncurry compare lls of LT -> do ll <- eval (Proxy @l) opts a pure $ case getValueLR opts (msg0 <> " l failed") ll hhs of Left e -> e Right l -> let d = zip (p ++ repeat l) q in mkNode opts (PresentT d) [show01' opts (msg0 <> " Left pad") d "p=" p <> show1 opts " | q=" q] (hhs ++ [hh ll]) GT -> do rr <- eval (Proxy @r) opts a pure $ case getValueLR opts (msg0 <> " r failed") rr hhs of Left e -> e Right r -> let d =zip p (q ++ repeat r) in mkNode opts (PresentT d) [show01' opts (msg0 <> " Right pad") d "p=" p <> show1 opts " | q=" q] (hhs ++ [hh rr]) EQ -> let d = zip p q in pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT d) [show01' opts (msg0 <> " No pad") d "p=" p <> show1 opts " | q=" q] hhs -- | zip two lists padding the left hand side if needed -- -- >>> pl @(ZipL 99 '[1,2,3] "abc") () -- Present [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'c')] (ZipL [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'c')] | p=[1,2,3] | q="abc") -- PresentT [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'c')] -- -- >>> pl @(ZipL 99 '[1,2] "abc") () -- Present [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(99,'c')] (ZipL [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(99,'c')] | p=[1,2] | q="abc") -- PresentT [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(99,'c')] -- -- >>> pl @(ZipL 99 '[1] "abc") () -- Present [(1,'a'),(99,'b'),(99,'c')] (ZipL [(1,'a'),(99,'b'),(99,'c')] | p=[1] | q="abc") -- PresentT [(1,'a'),(99,'b'),(99,'c')] -- -- >>> pl @(ZipL 99 '[1,2,3] "ab") () -- Error ZipL(3,2) rhs would be truncated -- FailT "ZipL(3,2) rhs would be truncated" -- data ZipL l p q instance (PP l a ~ x , P l a , PP p a ~ [x] , PP q a ~ [y] , P p a , P q a , Show x , Show y ) => P (ZipL l p q) a where type PP (ZipL l p q) a = [(ExtractAFromList (PP p a), ExtractAFromList (PP q a))] eval _ opts a = do let msg0 = "ZipL" lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts a [] case lr of Left e -> pure e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> do let hhs = [hh pp, hh qq] case chkSize opts msg0 p hhs <* chkSize opts msg0 q hhs of Left e -> pure e Right () -> do let lls = (length p,length q) case uncurry compare lls of GT -> let msg1 = msg0 ++ show lls in pure $ mkNode opts (FailT (msg1 ++ " rhs would be truncated")) [msg1 <> "rhs would be truncated " <> show1 opts " | p=" p <> show1 opts " | q=" q] hhs _ -> do ll <- eval (Proxy @l) opts a pure $ case getValueLR opts (msg0 <> " l failed") ll hhs of Left e -> e Right l -> let d = zip (p ++ repeat l) q in mkNode opts (PresentT d) [show01' opts msg0 d "p=" p <> show1 opts " | q=" q] (hhs ++ [hh ll]) -- | zip two lists padding the right hand side if needed -- -- >>> pl @(ZipR (Char1 "Z") '[1,2,3] "abc") () -- Present [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'c')] (ZipR [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'c')] | p=[1,2,3] | q="abc") -- PresentT [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'c')] -- -- >>> pl @(ZipR (Char1 "Z") '[1,2,3] "ab") () -- Present [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'Z')] (ZipR [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'Z')] | p=[1,2,3] | q="ab") -- PresentT [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'Z')] -- -- >>> pl @(ZipR (Char1 "Z") '[1,2,3] "a") () -- Present [(1,'a'),(2,'Z'),(3,'Z')] (ZipR [(1,'a'),(2,'Z'),(3,'Z')] | p=[1,2,3] | q="a") -- PresentT [(1,'a'),(2,'Z'),(3,'Z')] -- -- >>> pl @(ZipR (Char1 "Z") '[1,2] "abc") () -- Error ZipR(2,3) rhs would be truncated -- FailT "ZipR(2,3) rhs would be truncated" -- data ZipR r p q instance (PP r a ~ y , P r a , PP p a ~ [x] , PP q a ~ [y] , P p a , P q a , Show x , Show y ) => P (ZipR r p q) a where type PP (ZipR r p q) a = [(ExtractAFromList (PP p a), ExtractAFromList (PP q a))] eval _ opts a = do let msg0 = "ZipR" lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts a [] case lr of Left e -> pure e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> do let hhs = [hh pp, hh qq] case chkSize opts msg0 p hhs <* chkSize opts msg0 q hhs of Left e -> pure e Right () -> do let lls = (length p,length q) case uncurry compare lls of LT -> let msg1 = msg0 ++ show lls in pure $ mkNode opts (FailT (msg1 ++ " rhs would be truncated")) [msg1 <> "rhs would be truncated " <> show1 opts " | p=" p <> show1 opts " | q=" q] hhs _ -> do rr <- eval (Proxy @r) opts a pure $ case getValueLR opts (msg0 <> " l failed") rr hhs of Left e -> e Right r -> let d = zip p (q ++ repeat r) in mkNode opts (PresentT d) [show01' opts msg0 d "p=" p <> show1 opts " | q=" q] (hhs ++ [hh rr]) -- | zip two lists with the same length -- -- >>> pl @(Zip '[1,2,3] "abc") () -- Present [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'c')] (Zip [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'c')] | p=[1,2,3] | q="abc") -- PresentT [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'c')] -- -- >>> pl @(Zip '[1,2,3] "ab") () -- Error Zip(3,2) length mismatch -- FailT "Zip(3,2) length mismatch" -- -- >>> pl @(Zip '[1,2] "abc") () -- Error Zip(2,3) length mismatch -- FailT "Zip(2,3) length mismatch" -- data Zip p q instance (PP p a ~ [x] , PP q a ~ [y] , P p a , P q a , Show x , Show y ) => P (Zip p q) a where type PP (Zip p q) a = [(ExtractAFromList (PP p a), ExtractAFromList (PP q a))] eval _ opts a = do let msg0 = "Zip" lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts a [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let hhs = [hh pp, hh qq] in case chkSize opts msg0 p hhs <* chkSize opts msg0 q hhs of Left e -> e Right () -> let lls = (length p, length q) in case uncurry compare lls of EQ -> let d = zip p q in mkNode opts (PresentT d) [show01' opts msg0 d "p=" p <> show1 opts " | q=" q] hhs _ -> let msg1 = msg0 ++ show lls in mkNode opts (FailT (msg1 <> " length mismatch")) [msg1 <> " length mismatch" ++ show1 opts " | p=" p <> show1 opts " | q=" q] hhs -- | Luhn predicate check on last digit -- -- >>> pz @(Luhn Id) [1,2,3,0] -- True -- TrueT -- -- >>> pz @(Luhn Id) [1,2,3,4] -- False -- FalseT -- -- >>> pz @(GuardSimple (Luhn Id)) [15,4,3,1,99] -- Error (Luhn map=[90,2,3,8,6] sum=109 ret=9 | [15,4,3,1,99]) -- FailT "(Luhn map=[90,2,3,8,6] sum=109 ret=9 | [15,4,3,1,99])" -- -- >>> pl @(Luhn Id) [15,4,3,1,99] -- False (Luhn map=[90,2,3,8,6] sum=109 ret=9 | [15,4,3,1,99]) -- FalseT -- data Luhn p instance (PP p x ~ [Int] , P p x ) => P (Luhn p) x where type PP (Luhn p) x = Bool eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Luhn" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let xs = zipWith (*) (reverse p) (cycle [1,2]) ys = map (\w -> if w>=10 then w-9 else w) xs z = sum ys ret = z `mod` 10 hhs = [hh pp] in if ret == 0 then mkNodeB opts True [msg0 <> show0 opts " | " p] hhs else mkNodeB opts False [msg0 <> " map=" <> show ys <> " sum=" <> show z <> " ret=" <> show ret <> show1 opts " | " p] hhs -- | Read a number using base 2 through a maximum of 36 -- -- >>> pz @(ReadBase Int 16 Id) "00feD" -- Present 4077 -- PresentT 4077 -- -- >>> pz @(ReadBase Int 16 Id) "-ff" -- Present -255 -- PresentT (-255) -- -- >>> pz @(ReadBase Int 2 Id) "10010011" -- Present 147 -- PresentT 147 -- -- >>> pz @(ReadBase Int 8 Id) "Abff" -- Error invalid base 8 -- FailT "invalid base 8" -- -- supports negative numbers unlike readInt data ReadBase' t (n :: Nat) p instance (Typeable (PP t x) , ZwischenT 2 36 n , Show (PP t x) , Num (PP t x) , KnownNat n , PP p x ~ String , P p x ) => P (ReadBase' t n p) x where type PP (ReadBase' t n p) x = PP t x eval _ opts x = do let n = nat @n xs = getValidBase n msg0 = "ReadBase(" <> t <> "," <> show n <> ")" t = showT @(PP t x) pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let (ff,p1) = case p of '-':q -> (negate,q) _ -> (id,p) in case readInt (fromIntegral n) ((`elem` xs) . toLower) (fromJust . (`elemIndex` xs) . toLower) p1 of [(b,"")] -> mkNode opts (PresentT (ff b)) [msg0 <> show0 opts " " (ff b) <> show1 opts " | " p] [hh pp] o -> mkNode opts (FailT ("invalid base " <> show n)) [msg0 <> " as=" <> p <> " err=" <> show o] [hh pp] data ReadBase (t :: Type) (n :: Nat) p type ReadBaseT (t :: Type) (n :: Nat) p = ReadBase' (Hole t) n p instance P (ReadBaseT t n p) x => P (ReadBase t n p) x where type PP (ReadBase t n p) x = PP (ReadBaseT t n p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(ReadBaseT t n p)) getValidBase :: Int -> String getValidBase n = let xs = ['0'..'9'] <> ['a'..'z'] len = length xs in if n > len || n < 2 then errorInProgram $ "getValidBase: oops invalid base valid is 2 thru " ++ show len ++ " found " ++ show n else take n xs -- | Display a number at base 2 to 36, similar to 'showIntAtBase' but supports signed numbers -- -- >>> pz @(ShowBase 16 Id) 4077 -- Present "fed" -- PresentT "fed" -- -- >>> pz @(ShowBase 16 Id) (-255) -- Present "-ff" -- PresentT "-ff" -- -- >>> pz @(ShowBase 2 Id) 147 -- Present "10010011" -- PresentT "10010011" -- -- >>> pz @(ShowBase 2 (Negate 147)) "whatever" -- Present "-10010011" -- PresentT "-10010011" -- data ShowBase (n :: Nat) p instance (PP p x ~ a , P p x , Show a , 2 GL.<= n , n GL.<= 36 , KnownNat n , Integral a ) => P (ShowBase n p) x where type PP (ShowBase n p) x = String eval _ opts x = do let n = nat @n xs = getValidBase n msg0 = "ShowBase(" <> show n <> ")" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let (ff,a') = if p < 0 then (('-':), abs p) else (id,p) b = showIntAtBase (fromIntegral n) (xs !!) a' "" in mkNode opts (PresentT (ff b)) [msg0 <> showLit0 opts " " (ff b) <> show1 opts " | " p] [] -- | intercalate two lists -- -- >>> pz @(Intercalate '["aB"] '["xxxx","yz","z","www","xyz"]) () -- Present ["xxxx","aB","yz","aB","z","aB","www","aB","xyz"] -- PresentT ["xxxx","aB","yz","aB","z","aB","www","aB","xyz"] -- -- >>> pz @(Intercalate '[W 99,Negate 98] Id) [1..5] -- Present [1,99,-98,2,99,-98,3,99,-98,4,99,-98,5] -- PresentT [1,99,-98,2,99,-98,3,99,-98,4,99,-98,5] -- -- >>> pz @(Intercalate '[99,100] Id) [1..5] -- Present [1,99,100,2,99,100,3,99,100,4,99,100,5] --PresentT [1,99,100,2,99,100,3,99,100,4,99,100,5] -- data Intercalate p q instance (PP p x ~ [a] , PP q x ~ PP p x , P p x , P q x , Show a ) => P (Intercalate p q) x where type PP (Intercalate p q) x = PP p x eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Intercalate" lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts x [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let hhs = [hh pp, hh qq] in case chkSize opts msg0 p hhs <* chkSize opts msg0 q hhs of Left e -> e Right () -> let d = intercalate p (map (:[]) q) in mkNode opts (PresentT d) [show01 opts msg0 d p <> show1 opts " | " q] hhs -- | uses PrintF to format output -- -- >>> pz @(PrintF "value=%03d" Id) 12 -- Present "value=012" -- PresentT "value=012" -- -- >>> pz @(PrintF "%s" (Fst Id)) ("abc",'x') -- Present "abc" -- PresentT "abc" -- -- >>> pz @(PrintF "%d" (Fst Id)) ("abc",'x') -- Error PrintF (IO e=printf: bad formatting char 'd') -- FailT "PrintF (IO e=printf: bad formatting char 'd')" -- data PrintF s p instance (PrintfArg (PP p x) , Show (PP p x) , PP s x ~ String , P s x , P p x ) => P (PrintF s p) x where type PP (PrintF s p) x = String eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "PrintF" lrx <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @s) (Proxy @p) opts x [] case lrx of Left e -> pure e Right (s,p,ss,pp) -> do let msg1 = msg0 lr <- catchitNF @_ @E.SomeException (printf s p) pure $ case lr of Left e -> mkNode opts (FailT (msg1 <> " (" <> e <> ")")) [msg1 <> show0 opts " " p <> " s=" <> s] [hh ss, hh pp] Right ret -> mkNode opts (PresentT ret) [msg1 <> " [" <> showLit0 opts "" ret <> "]" <> show1 opts " | p=" p <> showLit1 opts " | s=" s] [hh ss, hh pp] type family GuardsT (ps :: [k]) where GuardsT '[] = '[] GuardsT (p ': ps) = Guard "fromGuardsT" p ': GuardsT ps --type Guards' (ps :: [k]) = Para (GuardsT ps) --type ToGuards (prt :: k) (os :: [k1]) = Proxy (Guards (ToGuardsT prt os)) type family ToGuardsT (prt :: k) (os :: [k1]) :: [(k,k1)] where ToGuardsT prt '[] = GL.TypeError ('GL.Text "ToGuardsT cannot be empty") ToGuardsT prt '[p] = '(prt,p) : '[] ToGuardsT prt (p ': ps) = '(prt,p) ': ToGuardsT prt ps -- | runs values in parallel unlike 'Do' which is serial -- -- >>> pz @(Para '[Id,Id + 1,Id * 4]) [10,20,30] -- Present [10,21,120] -- PresentT [10,21,120] -- -- >>> pz @(Para '[Id,Id + 1,Id * 4]) [10,20,30,40] -- Error Para:invalid length(4) expected 3 -- FailT "Para:invalid length(4) expected 3" -- data ParaImpl (n :: Nat) (os :: [k]) data Para (ps :: [k]) -- passthru but adds the length of ps (replaces LenT in the type synonym to avoid type synonyms being expanded out instance ([a] ~ x , GetLen ps , P (ParaImpl (LenT ps) ps) x ) => P (Para ps) x where type PP (Para ps) x = PP (ParaImpl (LenT ps) ps) x eval _ opts as = do let msg0 = "Para" n = getLen @ps if n /= length as then let msg1 = msg0 <> badLength as n in pure $ mkNode opts (FailT msg1) [msg1] [] else eval (Proxy @(ParaImpl (LenT ps) ps)) opts as -- only allow non empty lists -- might need [a] ~ x but it seems fine instance GL.TypeError ('GL.Text "ParaImpl '[] invalid: requires at least one value in the list") => P (ParaImpl n ('[] :: [k])) x where type PP (ParaImpl n ('[] :: [k])) x = Void eval _ _ _ = errorInProgram "ParaImpl empty list" instance (Show (PP p a) , KnownNat n , Show a , P p a ) => P (ParaImpl n '[p]) [a] where type PP (ParaImpl n '[p]) [a] = [PP p a] eval _ opts as' = do let msgbase0 = "Para" msgbase1 = msgbase0 <> "(" <> show n <> ")" n :: Int n = nat @n case as' of [a] -> do pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts a pure $ case getValueLR opts msgbase1 pp [] of Left e -> e -- show1 opts " " [b] fails but using 'b' is ok and (b : []) also works! -- GE.List problem Right b -> mkNode opts (PresentT [b]) [msgbase1 <> show0 opts " " [b] <> show1 opts " | " a] [hh pp] _ -> errorInProgram $ "ParaImpl base case should have exactly one element but found " ++ show as' instance (KnownNat n , GetLen ps , P p a , P (ParaImpl n (p1 ': ps)) [a] , PP (ParaImpl n (p1 ': ps)) [a] ~ [PP p a] , Show a , Show (PP p a) ) => P (ParaImpl n (p ': p1 ': ps)) [a] where type PP (ParaImpl n (p ': p1 ': ps)) [a] = [PP p a] eval _ opts as' = do let cpos = n-pos-1 msgbase0 = msgbase2 <> "(" <> showIndex cpos <> " of " <> show n <> ")" msgbase1 = msgbase2 <> "(" <> showIndex cpos <> ")" msgbase2 = "Para" n = nat @n pos = 1 + getLen @ps -- cos p1! case as' of a:as -> do pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts a case getValueLR opts msgbase0 pp [] of Left e -> pure e Right b -> do qq <- eval (Proxy @(ParaImpl n (p1 ': ps))) opts as pure $ case getValueLRHide opts (msgbase1 <> " rhs failed " <> show b) qq [hh pp] of Left e -> e Right bs -> mkNode opts (PresentT (b:bs)) [msgbase1 <> show0 opts " " (b:bs) <> show1 opts " | " as'] [hh pp, hh qq] _ -> errorInProgram "ParaImpl n+1 case has no data left" -- | leverages 'Para' for repeating predicates (passthrough method) -- -- >>> pz @(ParaN 4 (Succ Id)) [1..4] -- Present [2,3,4,5] -- PresentT [2,3,4,5] -- -- >>> pz @(ParaN 4 (Succ Id)) "azwxm" -- Error Para:invalid length(5) expected 4 -- FailT "Para:invalid length(5) expected 4" -- -- >>> pz @(ParaN 4 (Succ Id)) "azwx" -- Present "b{xy" -- PresentT "b{xy" -- data ParaN (n :: Nat) p instance ( P (ParaImpl (LenT (RepeatT n p)) (RepeatT n p)) x , GetLen (RepeatT n p) , x ~ [a] ) => P (ParaN n p) x where type PP (ParaN n p) x = PP (Para (RepeatT n p)) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(Para (RepeatT n p))) -- | tries each predicate ps and on the first match runs the corresponding qs but if there is no match on ps then runs the fail case e -- -- >>> pz @(Case (FailS "asdf" >> Snd Id >> Unproxy ) '[Lt 4,Lt 10,Same 50] '[PrintF "%d is lt4" Id, PrintF "%d is lt10" Id, PrintF "%d is same50" Id] Id) 50 -- Present "50 is same50" -- PresentT "50 is same50" -- -- >>> pz @(Case (FailS "asdf" >> Snd Id >> Unproxy ) '[Lt 4,Lt 10,Same 50] '[PrintF "%d is lt4" Id, PrintF "%d is lt10" Id, PrintF "%d is same50" Id] Id) 9 -- Present "9 is lt10" -- PresentT "9 is lt10" -- -- >>> pz @(Case (FailS "asdf" >> Snd Id >> Unproxy ) '[Lt 4,Lt 10,Same 50] '[PrintF "%d is lt4" Id, PrintF "%d is lt10" Id, PrintF "%d is same50" Id] Id) 3 -- Present "3 is lt4" -- PresentT "3 is lt4" -- -- >>> pz @(Case (FailS "asdf" >> Snd Id >> Unproxy ) '[Lt 4,Lt 10,Same 50] '[PrintF "%d is lt4" Id, PrintF "%d is lt10" Id, PrintF "%d is same50" Id] Id) 99 -- Error asdf -- FailT "asdf" -- data CaseImpl (n :: Nat) (e :: k0) (ps :: [k]) (qs :: [k1]) (r :: k2) -- ps = conditions -- qs = what to do [one to one -- r = the value -- e = otherwise -- leave til later data Case (e :: k0) (ps :: [k]) (qs :: [k1]) (r :: k2) data Case' (ps :: [k]) (qs :: [k1]) (r :: k2) data Case'' s (ps :: [k]) (qs :: [k1]) (r :: k2) type CaseT' (ps :: [k]) (qs :: [k1]) (r :: k2) = Case (Snd Id >> Failp "Case:no match") ps qs r type CaseT'' s (ps :: [k]) (qs :: [k1]) (r :: k2) = Case (FailCaseT s) ps qs r -- eg s= PrintF "%s" (ShowP Id) instance P (CaseT'' s ps qs r) x => P (Case'' s ps qs r) x where type PP (Case'' s ps qs r) x = PP (CaseT'' s ps qs r) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(CaseT'' s ps qs r)) instance P (CaseT' ps qs r) x => P (Case' ps qs r) x where type PP (Case' ps qs r) x = PP (CaseT' ps qs r) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(CaseT' ps qs r)) type FailCaseT p = Fail (Snd Id >> Unproxy) (Fst Id >> p) type CaseImplT e ps qs r = CaseImpl (LenT ps) e ps qs r -- passthru but adds the length of ps (replaces LenT in the type synonym to avoid type synonyms being expanded out instance (FailUnlessT (LenT ps DE.== LenT qs) ('GL.Text "lengths are not the same " ':<>: 'GL.ShowType (LenT ps) ':<>: 'GL.Text " vs " ':<>: 'GL.ShowType (LenT qs)) , P (CaseImplT e ps qs r) x ) => P (Case e ps qs r) x where type PP (Case e ps qs r) x = PP (CaseImplT e ps qs r) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(CaseImplT e ps qs r)) -- only allow non empty lists! instance (GL.TypeError ('GL.Text "CaseImpl '[] invalid: lhs requires at least one value in the list")) => P (CaseImpl n e ('[] :: [k]) (q ': qs) r) x where type PP (CaseImpl n e ('[] :: [k]) (q ': qs) r) x = Void eval _ _ _ = errorInProgram "CaseImpl lhs empty" instance (GL.TypeError ('GL.Text "CaseImpl '[] invalid: rhs requires at least one value in the list")) => P (CaseImpl n e (p ': ps) ('[] :: [k1]) r) x where type PP (CaseImpl n e (p ': ps) ('[] :: [k1]) r) x = Void eval _ _ _ = errorInProgram "CaseImpl rhs empty" instance (GL.TypeError ('GL.Text "CaseImpl '[] invalid: lists are both empty")) => P (CaseImpl n e ('[] :: [k]) ('[] :: [k1]) r) x where type PP (CaseImpl n e ('[] :: [k]) ('[] :: [k1]) r) x = Void eval _ _ _ = errorInProgram "CaseImpl both lists empty" instance (P r x , P q (PP r x) , Show (PP q (PP r x)) , P p (PP r x) , PP p (PP r x) ~ Bool , KnownNat n , Show (PP r x) , P e (PP r x, Proxy (PP q (PP r x))) , PP e (PP r x, Proxy (PP q (PP r x))) ~ PP q (PP r x) ) => P (CaseImpl n e '[p] '[q] r) x where type PP (CaseImpl n e '[p] '[q] r) x = PP q (PP r x) eval _ opts z = do let msgbase0 = "Case(" <> show n <> ")" n :: Int = nat @n rr <- eval (Proxy @r) opts z case getValueLR opts msgbase0 rr [] of Left e -> pure e Right a -> do pp <- evalBool (Proxy @p) opts a case getValueLR opts msgbase0 pp [hh rr] of Left e -> pure e Right True -> do qq <- eval (Proxy @q) opts a pure $ case getValueLR opts msgbase0 qq [hh rr, hh pp] of Left e -> e Right b -> mkNode opts (PresentT b) [show01 opts msgbase0 b a] (hh rr : hh pp : [hh qq | isVerbose opts]) Right False -> do ee <- eval (Proxy @e) opts (a, Proxy @(PP q (PP r x))) pure $ case getValueLR opts (msgbase0 <> " otherwise failed") ee [hh rr, hh pp] of Left e -> e Right b -> mkNode opts (PresentT b) [show01 opts msgbase0 b a] [hh rr, hh pp, hh ee] instance (KnownNat n , GetLen ps , P r x , P p (PP r x) , P q (PP r x) , PP p (PP r x) ~ Bool , Show (PP q (PP r x)) , Show (PP r x) , P (CaseImpl n e (p1 ': ps) (q1 ': qs) r) x , PP (CaseImpl n e (p1 ': ps) (q1 ': qs) r) x ~ PP q (PP r x) ) => P (CaseImpl n e (p ': p1 ': ps) (q ': q1 ': qs) r) x where type PP (CaseImpl n e (p ': p1 ': ps) (q ': q1 ': qs) r) x = PP q (PP r x) eval _ opts z = do let cpos = n-pos-1 msgbase0 = msgbase2 <> "(" <> showIndex cpos <> " of " <> show n <> ")" msgbase1 = msgbase2 <> "(" <> showIndex cpos <> ")" msgbase2 = "Case" n = nat @n pos = 1 + getLen @ps -- cos p1! rr <- eval (Proxy @r) opts z case getValueLR opts msgbase0 rr [] of Left e -> pure e Right a -> do pp <- evalBool (Proxy @p) opts a case getValueLR opts msgbase0 pp [hh rr] of Left e -> pure e Right True -> do qq <- eval (Proxy @q) opts a pure $ case getValueLR opts msgbase0 qq [hh pp, hh rr] of Left e -> e Right b -> mkNode opts (PresentT b) [show01 opts msgbase0 b a] (hh rr : hh pp : [hh qq | isVerbose opts]) Right False -> do ww <- eval (Proxy @(CaseImpl n e (p1 ': ps) (q1 ': qs) r)) opts z pure $ case getValueLR opts (msgbase1 <> " failed rhs") ww [hh rr, hh pp] of Left e -> e Right b -> mkNode opts (PresentT b) [show01 opts msgbase1 b a] [hh rr, hh pp, hh ww] -- | similar to 'sequenceA' -- -- >>> pz @Sequence [Just 10, Just 20, Just 30] -- Present Just [10,20,30] -- PresentT (Just [10,20,30]) -- -- >>> pz @Sequence [Just 10, Just 20, Just 30, Nothing, Just 40] -- Present Nothing -- PresentT Nothing -- data Sequence instance (Show (f (t a)) , Show (t (f a)) , Traversable t , Applicative f ) => P Sequence (t (f a)) where type PP Sequence (t (f a)) = f (t a) eval _ opts tfa = let d = sequenceA tfa in pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT d) ["Sequence" <> show0 opts " " d <> show1 opts " | " tfa] [] data Traverse p q type TraverseT p q = Map p q >> Sequence instance P (TraverseT p q) x => P (Traverse p q) x where type PP (Traverse p q) x = PP (TraverseT p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(TraverseT p q)) -- | run the expression \'p\' but remove the subtrees data Hide p -- type H p = Hide p -- doesnt work with % -- unsaturated! instance P p x => P (Hide p) x where type PP (Hide p) x = PP p x eval _ opts x = do tt <- eval (Proxy @(Msg "!" p)) opts x pure $ tt & tForest .~ [] -- | similar to 'readFile' -- -- >>> pz @(ReadFile "LICENSE" >> 'Just Id >> Len > 0) () -- True -- TrueT -- -- >>> pz @(FileExists "xyzzy") () -- False -- FalseT -- data ReadFile p data FileExists p type FileExistsT p = IsJust (ReadFile p) instance P (FileExistsT p) x => P (FileExists p) x where type PP (FileExists p) x = PP (FileExistsT p) x eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @(FileExistsT p)) instance (PP p x ~ String, P p x) => P (ReadFile p) x where type PP (ReadFile p) x = Maybe String eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "ReadFile" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> pure e Right p -> do let msg1 = msg0 <> "[" <> p <> "]" mb <- runIO $ do b <- doesFileExist p if b then Just <$> readFile p else pure Nothing pure $ case mb of Nothing -> mkNode opts (FailT (msg1 <> " must run in IO")) [msg1 <> " must run in IO"] [hh pp] Just Nothing -> mkNode opts (PresentT Nothing) [msg1 <> " does not exist"] [hh pp] Just (Just b) -> mkNode opts (PresentT (Just b)) [msg1 <> " len=" <> show (length b) <> showLit0 opts " Just " b] [hh pp] -- | does the directory exists -- -- >>> pz @(DirExists ".") () -- True -- TrueT -- data ReadDir p data DirExists p type DirExistsT p = IsJust (ReadDir p) instance P (DirExistsT p) x => P (DirExists p) x where type PP (DirExists p) x = PP (DirExistsT p) x eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @(DirExistsT p)) instance (PP p x ~ String, P p x) => P (ReadDir p) x where type PP (ReadDir p) x = Maybe [FilePath] eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "ReadDir" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> pure e Right p -> do let msg1 = msg0 <> "[" <> p <> "]" mb <- runIO $ do b <- doesDirectoryExist p if b then Just <$> listDirectory p else pure Nothing pure $ case mb of Nothing -> mkNode opts (FailT (msg1 <> " must run in IO")) [msg1 <> " must run in IO"] [] Just Nothing -> mkNode opts (PresentT Nothing) [msg1 <> " does not exist"] [] Just (Just b) -> mkNode opts (PresentT (Just b)) [msg1 <> " len=" <> show (length b) <> show0 opts " Just " b] [] -- | read an environment variable -- -- >>> pz @(ReadEnv "PATH" >> 'Just Id >> 'True) () -- True -- TrueT -- data ReadEnv p instance (PP p x ~ String, P p x) => P (ReadEnv p) x where type PP (ReadEnv p) x = Maybe String eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "ReadEnv" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> pure e Right p -> do let msg1 = msg0 <> "[" <> p <> "]" mb <- runIO $ lookupEnv p pure $ case mb of Nothing -> mkNode opts (FailT (msg1 <> " must run in IO")) [msg1 <> " must run in IO"] [] Just Nothing -> mkNode opts (PresentT Nothing) [msg1 <> " does not exist"] [] Just (Just v) -> mkNode opts (PresentT (Just v)) [msg1 <> showLit0 opts " " v] [] -- | read all the environment variables as key value pairs data ReadEnvAll instance P ReadEnvAll a where type PP ReadEnvAll a = [(String,String)] eval _ opts _ = do let msg0 = "ReadEnvAll" mb <- runIO getEnvironment pure $ case mb of Nothing -> mkNode opts (FailT (msg0 <> " must run in IO")) [msg0 <> " must run in IO"] [] Just v -> mkNode opts (PresentT v) [msg0 <> " count=" <> show (length v)] [] -- | get the current time using 'UTCTime' data TimeUtc instance P TimeUtc a where type PP TimeUtc a = UTCTime eval _ opts _a = do let msg0 = "TimeUtc" mb <- runIO getCurrentTime pure $ case mb of Nothing -> mkNode opts (FailT (msg0 <> " must run in IO")) [msg0 <> " must run in IO"] [] Just v -> mkNode opts (PresentT v) [msg0 <> show0 opts " " v] [] -- | get the current time using 'ZonedTime' data TimeZt instance P TimeZt a where type PP TimeZt a = ZonedTime eval _ opts _a = do let msg0 = "TimeZt" mb <- runIO getZonedTime pure $ case mb of Nothing -> mkNode opts (FailT (msg0 <> " must run in IO")) [msg0 <> " must run in IO"] [] Just v -> mkNode opts (PresentT v) [msg0 <> show0 opts " " v] [] data FHandle s = FStdout | FStderr | FOther s WFMode deriving Show class GetFHandle (x :: FHandle Symbol) where getFHandle :: FHandle String instance GetFHandle 'FStdout where getFHandle = FStdout instance GetFHandle 'FStderr where getFHandle = FStderr instance (GetMode w, KnownSymbol s) => GetFHandle ('FOther s w) where getFHandle = FOther (symb @s) (getMode @w) data WFMode = WFAppend | WFWrite | WFWriteForce deriving (Show,Eq) class GetMode (x :: WFMode) where getMode :: WFMode instance GetMode 'WFAppend where getMode = WFAppend instance GetMode 'WFWriteForce where getMode = WFWriteForce instance GetMode 'WFWrite where getMode = WFWrite data WriteFileImpl (hh :: FHandle Symbol) p -- | append to a file data AppendFile (s :: Symbol) p type AppendFileT (s :: Symbol) p = WriteFileImpl ('FOther s 'WFAppend) p instance P (AppendFileT s p) x => P (AppendFile s p) x where type PP (AppendFile s p) x = PP (AppendFileT s p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(AppendFileT s p)) -- | write to file, overwriting if needed data WriteFile' (s :: Symbol) p type WriteFileT' (s :: Symbol) p = WriteFileImpl ('FOther s 'WFWriteForce) p instance P (WriteFileT' s p) x => P (WriteFile' s p) x where type PP (WriteFile' s p) x = PP (WriteFileT' s p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(WriteFileT' s p)) -- | write to file, without overwriting data WriteFile (s :: Symbol) p type WriteFileT (s :: Symbol) p = WriteFileImpl ('FOther s 'WFWrite) p instance P (WriteFileT s p) x => P (WriteFile s p) x where type PP (WriteFile s p) x = PP (WriteFileT s p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(WriteFileT s p)) -- | write a string value to stdout data Stdout p type StdoutT p = WriteFileImpl 'FStdout p instance P (StdoutT p) x => P (Stdout p) x where type PP (Stdout p) x = PP (StdoutT p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(StdoutT p)) -- | write a string value to stderr data Stderr p type StderrT p = WriteFileImpl 'FStderr p instance P (StderrT p) x => P (Stderr p) x where type PP (Stderr p) x = PP (StderrT p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(StderrT p)) instance (GetFHandle fh , P p a , PP p a ~ String ) => P (WriteFileImpl fh p) a where type PP (WriteFileImpl fh p) a = () eval _ opts a = do let fh = getFHandle @fh msg0 = case fh of FStdout -> "Stdout" FStderr -> "Stderr" FOther s w -> (<>("[" <> s <> "]")) $ case w of WFAppend -> "AppendFile" WFWrite -> "WriteFile" WFWriteForce -> "WriteFile'" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts a case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> pure e Right ss -> do mb <- runIO $ case fh of FStdout -> fmap (left show) $ E.try @E.SomeException $ hPutStr stdout ss FStderr -> fmap (left show) $ E.try @E.SomeException $ hPutStr stderr ss FOther s w -> do b <- doesFileExist s if b && w == WFWrite then pure $ Left $ "file [" <> s <> "] already exists" else do let md = case w of WFAppend -> AppendMode _ -> WriteMode fmap (left show) $ E.try @E.SomeException $ withFile s md (`hPutStr` ss) pure $ case mb of Nothing -> mkNode opts (FailT (msg0 <> " must run in IO")) [msg0 <> " must run in IO"] [hh pp] Just (Left e) -> mkNode opts (FailT e) [msg0 <> " " <> e] [hh pp] Just (Right ()) -> mkNode opts (PresentT ()) [msg0] [hh pp] -- | read in a value of a given type from stdin with a prompt: similar to 'System.IO.readIO' type ReadIO (t :: Type) = ReadIO' t "Enter value" type ReadIO' (t :: Type) s = Stdout (s <> ":") >> Stdin >> ReadP t Id -- eg pe2 @(ReadIO Int + ReadIO Int) () -- | read a value from stdin data Stdin instance P Stdin x where type PP Stdin x = String eval _ opts _x = do let msg0 = "Stdin" mb <- runIO $ do lr <- E.try getLine pure $ case lr of Left (e :: E.SomeException) -> Left $ show e Right ss -> Right ss pure $ case mb of Nothing -> mkNode opts (FailT (msg0 <> " must run in IO")) [msg0 <> " must run in IO"] [] Just (Left e) -> mkNode opts (FailT e) [msg0 <> " " <> e] [] Just (Right ss) -> mkNode opts (PresentT ss) [msg0 <> "[" <> showLit1 opts "" ss <> "]"] [] --type Just' = JustFail "expected Just" Id --type Nothing' = Guard "expected Nothing" IsNothing -- | similar to 'isInfixOf' 'isPrefixOf' 'isSuffixOf' for strings only. -- -- The \'I\' suffixed versions work are case insensitive. -- -- >>> pz @(IsInfixI "abc" "axAbCd") () -- True -- TrueT -- -- >>> pz @(IsPrefixI "abc" "aBcbCd") () -- True -- TrueT -- -- >>> pz @(IsPrefix "abc" "aBcbCd") () -- False -- FalseT -- -- >>> pz @(IsSuffix "bCd" "aBcbCd") () -- True -- TrueT -- data IsFixImpl (cmp :: Ordering) (ignore :: Bool) p q instance (GetBool ignore , P p x , P q x , PP p x ~ String , PP q x ~ String , GetOrdering cmp ) => P (IsFixImpl cmp ignore p q) x where type PP (IsFixImpl cmp ignore p q) x = Bool eval _ opts x = do let cmp = getOrdering @cmp ignore = getBool @ignore lwr = if ignore then map toLower else id (ff,msg0) = case cmp of LT -> (isPrefixOf, "IsPrefix") EQ -> (isInfixOf, "IsInfix") GT -> (isSuffixOf, "IsSuffix") pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> pure e Right s0 -> do let msg1 = msg0 <> (if ignore then "I" else "") <> "(" <> s0 <> ")" qq <- eval (Proxy @q) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts (msg1 <> " q failed") qq [hh pp] of Left e -> e Right s1 -> mkNodeB opts (on ff lwr s0 s1) [msg1 <> showLit0 opts " " s1] [hh pp, hh qq] data IsPrefix p q type IsPrefixT p q = IsFixImpl 'LT 'False p q instance P (IsPrefixT p q) x => P (IsPrefix p q) x where type PP (IsPrefix p q) x = PP (IsPrefixT p q) x eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @(IsPrefixT p q)) data IsInfix p q type IsInfixT p q = IsFixImpl 'EQ 'False p q instance P (IsInfixT p q) x => P (IsInfix p q) x where type PP (IsInfix p q) x = PP (IsInfixT p q) x eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @(IsInfixT p q)) data IsSuffix p q type IsSuffixT p q = IsFixImpl 'GT 'False p q instance P (IsSuffixT p q) x => P (IsSuffix p q) x where type PP (IsSuffix p q) x = PP (IsSuffixT p q) x eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @(IsSuffixT p q)) data IsPrefixI p q type IsPrefixIT p q = IsFixImpl 'LT 'True p q instance P (IsPrefixIT p q) x => P (IsPrefixI p q) x where type PP (IsPrefixI p q) x = PP (IsPrefixIT p q) x eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @(IsPrefixIT p q)) data IsInfixI p q type IsInfixIT p q = IsFixImpl 'EQ 'True p q instance P (IsInfixIT p q) x => P (IsInfixI p q) x where type PP (IsInfixI p q) x = PP (IsInfixIT p q) x eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @(IsInfixIT p q)) data IsSuffixI p q type IsSuffixIT p q = IsFixImpl 'GT 'True p q instance P (IsSuffixIT p q) x => P (IsSuffixI p q) x where type PP (IsSuffixI p q) x = PP (IsSuffixIT p q) x eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @(IsSuffixIT p q)) -- | similar to 'SG.<>' -- -- >>> pz @(Fst Id <> Snd Id) ("abc","def") -- Present "abcdef" -- PresentT "abcdef" -- -- >>> pz @("abcd" <> "ef" <> Id) "ghi" -- Present "abcdefghi" -- PresentT "abcdefghi" -- -- >>> pz @("abcd" <> "ef" <> Id) "ghi" -- Present "abcdefghi" -- PresentT "abcdefghi" -- -- >>> pz @(Wrap (SG.Sum _) Id <> FromInteger _ 10) 13 -- Present Sum {getSum = 23} -- PresentT (Sum {getSum = 23}) -- -- >>> pz @(Wrap (SG.Product _) Id <> FromInteger _ 10) 13 -- Present Product {getProduct = 130} -- PresentT (Product {getProduct = 130}) -- -- >>> pz @('(FromInteger _ 10,"def") <> Id) (SG.Sum 12, "_XYZ") -- Present (Sum {getSum = 22},"def_XYZ") -- PresentT (Sum {getSum = 22},"def_XYZ") -- -- >>> pz @(SapA' (SG.Max _)) (10,12) -- Present Max {getMax = 12} -- PresentT (Max {getMax = 12}) -- -- >>> pz @(SapA' (SG.Sum _)) (10,12) -- Present Sum {getSum = 22} -- PresentT (Sum {getSum = 22}) -- data p <> q infixr 6 <> instance (Semigroup (PP p x) , PP p x ~ PP q x , P p x , Show (PP q x) ,P q x ) => P (p <> q) x where type PP (p <> q) x = PP p x eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "<>" lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts x [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let d = p <> q in mkNode opts (PresentT d) [show p <> " <> " <> show q <> " = " <> show d] [hh pp, hh qq] data SapA' (t :: Type) type SapAT' (t :: Type) = Wrap t (Fst Id) <> Wrap t (Snd Id) instance P (SapAT' t) x => P (SapA' t) x where type PP (SapA' t) x = PP (SapAT' t) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(SapAT' t)) data SapA type SapAT = Fst Id <> Snd Id instance P SapAT x => P SapA x where type PP SapA x = PP SapAT x eval _ = eval (Proxy @SapAT) -- | uses inductive tuples to replace variable arguments -- class PrintC x where prtC :: (PrintfArg a, PrintfType r) => String -> (a,x) -> r instance PrintC () where prtC s (a,()) = printf s a instance (PrintfArg a, PrintC rs) => PrintC (a,rs) where prtC s (a,rs) = prtC s rs a -- | print for flat n-tuples -- -- >>> pl @(PrintT "%d %s %s %s" '(Fst Id, Snd Id, Snd Id,Snd Id)) (10,"Asdf") -- Present "10 Asdf Asdf Asdf" (PrintT [10 Asdf Asdf Asdf] | s=%d %s %s %s) -- PresentT "10 Asdf Asdf Asdf" -- -- >>> pl @(PrintT "%c %d %s" Id) ('x', 10,"Asdf") -- Present "x 10 Asdf" (PrintT [x 10 Asdf] | s=%c %d %s) -- PresentT "x 10 Asdf" -- -- >>> pz @(PrintT "fst=%s snd=%03d" Id) ("ab",123) -- Present "fst=ab snd=123" -- PresentT "fst=ab snd=123" -- -- >>> pz @(PrintT "fst=%s snd=%03d thd=%s" Id) ("ab",123,"xx") -- Present "fst=ab snd=123 thd=xx" -- PresentT "fst=ab snd=123 thd=xx" -- -- >>> pl @(PrintT "%s %d %c %s" '(W "xyz", Fst Id, Snd Id, Thd Id)) (123,'x',"ab") -- Present "xyz 123 x ab" (PrintT [xyz 123 x ab] | s=%s %d %c %s) -- PresentT "xyz 123 x ab" -- -- >>> pl @(PrintT "%d %c %s" Id) (123,'x') -- Error PrintT(IO e=printf: argument list ended prematurely) -- FailT "PrintT(IO e=printf: argument list ended prematurely)" -- -- >>> pl @(PrintT "%d %c %s" Id) (123,'x',"abc",11) -- Error PrintT(IO e=printf: formatting string ended prematurely) -- FailT "PrintT(IO e=printf: formatting string ended prematurely)" -- data PrintT s p instance (PrintC bs , (b,bs) ~ InductTupleP y , InductTupleC y , PrintfArg b , PP s x ~ String , PP p x ~ y , P s x , P p x , CheckT (PP p x) ~ 'True ) => P (PrintT s p) x where type PP (PrintT s p) x = String eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "PrintT" lrx <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @s) (Proxy @p) opts x [] case lrx of Left e -> pure e Right (s,y,ss,pp) -> do let msg1 = msg0 hhs = [hh ss, hh pp] lr <- catchitNF @_ @E.SomeException (prtC @bs s (inductTupleC y)) pure $ case lr of Left e -> mkNode opts (FailT (msg1 <> "(" <> e <> ")")) [msg1 <> " s=" <> s] hhs Right ret -> mkNode opts (PresentT ret) [msg1 <> " [" <> showLit0 opts "" ret <> "]" <> showLit0 opts " | s=" s] hhs -- | print for lists -- if you can use 'PrintT' -- -- >>> pl @(PrintL 4 "%s %s %s %s" '[W "xyz", ShowP (Fst Id), ShowP (Snd Id), Thd Id]) (123,'x',"ab") -- Present "xyz 123 'x' ab" (PrintL(4) [xyz 123 'x' ab] | s=%s %s %s %s) -- PresentT "xyz 123 'x' ab" -- -- >>> pl @(PrintL 3 "first=%d second=%d third=%d" Id) [10,11,12] -- Present "first=10 second=11 third=12" (PrintL(3) [first=10 second=11 third=12] | s=first=%d second=%d third=%d) -- PresentT "first=10 second=11 third=12" -- -- >>> pl @(PrintL 2 "first=%d second=%d third=%d" Id) [10,11,12] -- Error PrintL(2) arg count=3 -- FailT "PrintL(2) arg count=3" -- -- >>> pl @(PrintL 4 "first=%d second=%d third=%d" Id) [10,11,12] -- Error PrintL(4) arg count=3 -- FailT "PrintL(4) arg count=3" -- data PrintL (n :: Nat) s p instance (KnownNat n , PrintC bs , (b,bs) ~ InductListP n a , InductListC n a , PrintfArg b , PP s x ~ String , PP p x ~ [a] , P s x , P p x ) => P (PrintL n s p) x where type PP (PrintL n s p) x = String eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "PrintL(" ++ show n ++ ")" n = nat @n lrx <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @s) (Proxy @p) opts x [] case lrx of Left e -> pure e Right (s,p,ss,pp) -> do let hhs = [hh ss, hh pp] if length p /= n then pure $ mkNode opts (FailT (msg0 <> " arg count=" ++ show (length p))) [msg0 <> " wrong length " ++ show (length p)] hhs else do lr <- catchitNF @_ @E.SomeException (prtC @bs s (inductListC @n @a p)) pure $ case lr of Left e -> mkNode opts (FailT (msg0 <> "(" <> e <> ")")) [msg0 <> " s=" <> s] hhs Right ret -> mkNode opts (PresentT ret) [msg0 <> " [" <> showLit0 opts "" ret <> "]" <> showLit0 opts " | s=" s] hhs type family CheckT (tp :: Type) :: Bool where CheckT () = GL.TypeError ('GL.Text "Printfn: inductive tuple cannot be empty") CheckT o = 'True type family ApplyConstT (ta :: Type) (b :: Type) :: Type where --type family ApplyConstT ta b where -- less restrictive so allows ('Just Int) Bool through! ApplyConstT (t a) b = t b ApplyConstT ta b = GL.TypeError ( 'GL.Text "ApplyConstT: (t a) b but found something else" ':$$: 'GL.Text "t a = " ':<>: 'GL.ShowType ta ':$$: 'GL.Text "b = " ':<>: 'GL.ShowType b) -- | similar to 'Control.Applicative.<$' -- -- >>> pz @(Fst Id <$ Snd Id) ("abc",Just 20) -- Present Just "abc" -- PresentT (Just "abc") -- data p <$ q infixl 4 <$ instance (P p x , P q x , Show (PP p x) , Functor t , PP q x ~ t c , ApplyConstT (PP q x) (PP p x) ~ t (PP p x) ) => P (p <$ q) x where type PP (p <$ q) x = ApplyConstT (PP q x) (PP p x) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "(<$)" lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts x [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let d = p <$ q in mkNode opts (PresentT d) [msg0 <> show0 opts " " p] [hh pp, hh qq] data p <* q infixl 4 <* -- | similar to 'Control.Applicative.<*' -- -- >>> pz @(Fst Id <* Snd Id) (Just "abc",Just 20) -- Present Just "abc" -- PresentT (Just "abc") -- type ArrowRT p q = q <* p data p *> q infixl 4 *> instance P (ArrowRT p q) x => P (p *> q) x where type PP (p *> q) x = PP (ArrowRT p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(ArrowRT p q)) instance (Show (t c) , P p x , P q x , Show (t b) , Applicative t , t b ~ PP p x , PP q x ~ t c ) => P (p <* q) x where type PP (p <* q) x = PP p x eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "(<*)" lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts x [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let d = p <* q in mkNode opts (PresentT d) [show01' opts msg0 p "p=" p <> show1 opts " | q=" q] [hh pp, hh qq] -- | similar to 'Control.Applicative.<|>' -- -- >>> pz @(Fst Id <|> Snd Id) (Nothing,Just 20) -- Present Just 20 -- PresentT (Just 20) -- -- >>> pz @(Fst Id <|> Snd Id) (Just 10,Just 20) -- Present Just 10 -- PresentT (Just 10) -- -- >>> pz @(Fst Id <|> Snd Id) (Nothing,Nothing) -- Present Nothing -- PresentT Nothing -- data p <|> q infixl 3 <|> instance (P p x , P q x , Show (t b) , Alternative t , t b ~ PP p x , PP q x ~ t b ) => P (p <|> q) x where type PP (p <|> q) x = PP p x eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "(<|>)" lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts x [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let d = p <|> q in mkNode opts (PresentT d) [show01' opts msg0 d "p=" p <> show1 opts " | q=" q] [hh pp, hh qq] -- | similar to 'Control.Comonad.extract' -- -- >>> pz @Extract (Nothing,Just 20) -- Present Just 20 -- PresentT (Just 20) -- -- >>> pz @Extract (Identity 20) -- Present 20 -- PresentT 20 -- data Extract instance (Show (t a) , Show a , Comonad t ) => P Extract (t a) where type PP Extract (t a) = a eval _ opts ta = let msg0 = "Extract" d = extract ta in pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT d) [show01 opts msg0 d ta] [] -- | similar to 'Control.Comonad.duplicate' -- -- >>> pz @Duplicate (20,"abc") -- Present (20,(20,"abc")) -- PresentT (20,(20,"abc")) -- data Duplicate instance (Show (t a) , Show (t (t a)) , Comonad t ) => P Duplicate (t a) where type PP Duplicate (t a) = t (t a) eval _ opts ta = let msg0 = "Duplicate" d = duplicate ta in pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT d) [show01 opts msg0 d ta] [] -- | similar to 'Control.Monad.join' -- -- >>> pz @Join (Just (Just 20)) -- Present Just 20 -- PresentT (Just 20) -- -- >>> pz @Join ["ab","cd","","ef"] -- Present "abcdef" -- PresentT "abcdef" -- data Join instance (Show (t (t a)) , Show (t a) , Monad t ) => P Join (t (t a)) where type PP Join (t (t a)) = t a eval _ opts tta = let msg0 = "Join" d = join tta in pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT d) [show01 opts msg0 d tta] [] -- | function application for expressions: similar to 'GHC.Base.$' -- -- pz @(Fst Id $$ Snd Id) ((*16),4) -- Present 64 -- PresentT 64 -- -- pz @(Id $$ "def") ("abc"<>) -- Present "abcdef" -- PresentT "abcdef" -- data p $$ q infixl 0 $$ instance (P p x , P q x , PP p x ~ (a -> b) , FnT (PP p x) ~ b , PP q x ~ a , Show a , Show b ) => P (p $$ q) x where type PP (p $$ q) x = FnT (PP p x) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "($$)" lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts x [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let d = p q in mkNode opts (PresentT d) [msg0 <> " " <> show q <> " = " <> show d] [hh pp, hh qq] -- reify this so we can combine (type synonyms dont work as well) -- | flipped function application for expressions: similar to 'Control.Lens.&' -- -- pz @(Snd Id $& Fst Id) ((*16),4) -- Present 64 -- PresentT 64 -- -- pz @("def" $& Id) ("abc"<>) -- Present "abcdef" -- PresentT "abcdef" -- data q $& p -- flips the args eg a & b & (,) = (b,a) infixr 1 $& instance (P p x , P q x , PP p x ~ (a -> b) , FnT (PP p x) ~ b , PP q x ~ a , Show a , Show b ) => P (q $& p) x where type PP (q $& p) x = FnT (PP p x) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "($&)" lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts x [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let d = p q in mkNode opts (PresentT d) [msg0 <> " " <> show q <> " = " <> show d] [hh pp, hh qq] type family FnT ab :: Type where FnT (a -> b) = b FnT ab = GL.TypeError ( 'GL.Text "FnT: expected Type -> Type but found a simple Type?" ':$$: 'GL.Text "ab = " ':<>: 'GL.ShowType ab) -- | similar to 'T.strip' 'T.stripStart' 'T.stripEnd' -- -- >>> pz @(TrimBoth (Snd Id)) (20," abc " :: String) -- Present "abc" -- PresentT "abc" -- -- >>> pz @(TrimBoth (Snd Id)) (20,T.pack " abc ") -- Present "abc" -- PresentT "abc" -- -- >>> pz @(TrimL (Snd Id)) (20," abc ") -- Present "abc " -- PresentT "abc " -- -- >>> pz @(TrimR (Snd Id)) (20," abc ") -- Present " abc" -- PresentT " abc" -- -- >>> pz @(TrimR " abc ") () -- Present " abc" -- PresentT " abc" -- -- >>> pz @(TrimR "") () -- Present "" -- PresentT "" -- -- >>> pz @(TrimBoth " ") () -- Present "" -- PresentT "" -- -- >>> pz @(TrimBoth "") () -- Present "" -- PresentT "" -- data TrimImpl (left :: Bool) (right :: Bool) p instance (FailUnlessT (OrT l r) ('GL.Text "TrimImpl: left and right cannot both be False") , GetBool l , GetBool r , TL.IsText (PP p x) , P p x ) => P (TrimImpl l r p) x where type PP (TrimImpl l r p) x = PP p x eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Trim" ++ (if l && r then "Both" else if l then "L" else "R") l = getBool @l r = getBool @r pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right (view TL.unpacked -> p) -> let fl = if l then dropWhile isSpace else id fr = if r then dropWhileEnd isSpace else id b = (fl . fr) p in mkNode opts (PresentT (b ^. TL.packed)) [msg0 <> showLit0 opts "" b <> showLit1 opts " | " p] [hh pp] data TrimL p type TrimLT p = TrimImpl 'True 'False p instance P (TrimLT p) x => P (TrimL p) x where type PP (TrimL p) x = PP (TrimLT p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(TrimLT p)) data TrimR p type TrimRT p = TrimImpl 'False 'True p instance P (TrimRT p) x => P (TrimR p) x where type PP (TrimR p) x = PP (TrimRT p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(TrimRT p)) data TrimBoth p type TrimBothT p = TrimImpl 'True 'True p instance P (TrimBothT p) x => P (TrimBoth p) x where type PP (TrimBoth p) x = PP (TrimBothT p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(TrimBothT p)) -- | similar to 'T.stripLeft' 'T.stripRight' -- -- >>> pz @(StripL "xyz" Id) ("xyzHello" :: String) -- Present Just "Hello" -- PresentT (Just "Hello") -- -- >>> pz @(StripL "xyz" Id) (T.pack "xyzHello") -- Present Just "Hello" -- PresentT (Just "Hello") -- -- >>> pz @(StripL "xyz" Id) "xywHello" -- Present Nothing -- PresentT Nothing -- -- >>> pz @(StripR "xyz" Id) "Hello xyz" -- Present Just "Hello " -- PresentT (Just "Hello ") -- -- >>> pz @(StripR "xyz" Id) "xyzHelloxyw" -- Present Nothing -- PresentT Nothing -- -- >>> pz @(StripR "xyz" Id) "" -- Present Nothing -- PresentT Nothing -- -- >>> pz @(StripR "xyz" "xyz") () -- Present Just "" -- PresentT (Just "") -- data StripImpl(left :: Bool) p q instance (GetBool l , PP p x ~ String , P p x , TL.IsText (PP q x) , P q x ) => P (StripImpl l p q) x where type PP (StripImpl l p q) x = Maybe (PP q x) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Strip" ++ if l then "L" else "R" l = getBool @l lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts x [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,view TL.unpacked -> q,pp,qq) -> let b = if l then let (before,after) = splitAt (length p) q in if before == p then Just after else Nothing else let (before,after) = splitAt (length q - length p) q in if after == p then Just before else Nothing in mkNode opts (PresentT (fmap (view TL.packed) b)) [msg0 <> show0 opts "" b <> showLit1 opts " | p=" p <> showLit1 opts " | q=" q] [hh pp, hh qq] data StripL p q type StripLT p q = StripImpl 'True p q instance P (StripLT p q) x => P (StripL p q) x where type PP (StripL p q) x = PP (StripLT p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(StripLT p q)) data StripR p q type StripRT p q = StripImpl 'False p q instance P (StripRT p q) x => P (StripR p q) x where type PP (StripR p q) x = PP (StripRT p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(StripRT p q)) -- | creates a promoted list of predicates and then evaluates them into a list. see PP instance for '[k] -- -- >>> pz @(Repeat 4 (Succ Id)) 'c' -- Present "dddd" -- PresentT "dddd" -- -- >>> pz @(Repeat 4 "abc") () -- Present ["abc","abc","abc","abc"] -- PresentT ["abc","abc","abc","abc"] -- data Repeat (n :: Nat) p instance P (RepeatT n p) a => P (Repeat n p) a where type PP (Repeat n p) a = PP (RepeatT n p) a eval _ = eval (Proxy @(RepeatT n p)) -- | leverages 'Do' for repeating predicates (passthrough method) -- same as @DoN n p == FoldN n p Id@ but more efficient -- -- >>> pz @(DoN 4 (Succ Id)) 'c' -- Present 'g' -- PresentT 'g' -- -- >>> pz @(DoN 4 (Id <> " | ")) "abc" -- Present "abc | | | | " -- PresentT "abc | | | | " -- -- >>> pz @(DoN 4 (Id <> "|" <> Id)) "abc" -- Present "abc|abc|abc|abc|abc|abc|abc|abc|abc|abc|abc|abc|abc|abc|abc|abc" -- PresentT "abc|abc|abc|abc|abc|abc|abc|abc|abc|abc|abc|abc|abc|abc|abc|abc" -- data DoN (n :: Nat) p type DoNT (n :: Nat) p = Do (RepeatT n p) instance P (DoNT n p) a => P (DoN n p) a where type PP (DoN n p) a = PP (DoNT n p) a eval _ = eval (Proxy @(DoNT n p)) -- | extract the value from a 'Maybe' otherwise use the default value -- -- >>> pz @(JustDef (1 % 4) Id) (Just 20.4) -- Present 102 % 5 -- PresentT (102 % 5) -- -- >>> pz @(JustDef (1 % 4) Id) Nothing -- Present 1 % 4 -- PresentT (1 % 4) -- -- >>> pz @(JustDef (MEmptyT _) Id) (Just "xy") -- Present "xy" -- PresentT "xy" -- -- >>> pz @(JustDef (MEmptyT _) Id) Nothing -- Present () -- PresentT () -- -- >>> pz @(JustDef (MEmptyT (SG.Sum _)) Id) Nothing -- Present Sum {getSum = 0} -- PresentT (Sum {getSum = 0}) -- data JustDef p q instance ( PP p x ~ a , PP q x ~ Maybe a , P p x , P q x) => P (JustDef p q) x where type PP (JustDef p q) x = MaybeT (PP q x) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "JustDef" qq <- eval (Proxy @q) opts x case getValueLR opts msg0 qq [] of Left e -> pure e Right q -> case q of Just b -> pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT b) [msg0 <> " Just"] [hh qq] Nothing -> do pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [hh qq] of Left e -> e Right b -> mkNode opts (PresentT b) [msg0 <> " Nothing"] [hh qq, hh pp] type family MaybeT mb where MaybeT (Maybe a) = a MaybeT o = GL.TypeError ( 'GL.Text "MaybeT: expected 'Maybe a' " ':$$: 'GL.Text "o = " ':<>: 'GL.ShowType o) -- | extract the value from a 'Maybe' or fail -- -- >>> pz @(JustFail "nope" Id) (Just 99) -- Present 99 -- PresentT 99 -- -- >>> pz @(JustFail "nope" Id) Nothing -- Error nope -- FailT "nope" -- -- >>> pz @(JustFail (PrintF "oops=%d" (Snd Id)) (Fst Id)) (Nothing, 123) -- Error oops=123 -- FailT "oops=123" -- -- >>> pz @(JustFail (PrintF "oops=%d" (Snd Id)) (Fst Id)) (Just 'x', 123) -- Present 'x' -- PresentT 'x' -- data JustFail p q instance ( PP p x ~ String , PP q x ~ Maybe a , P p x , P q x) => P (JustFail p q) x where type PP (JustFail p q) x = MaybeT (PP q x) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "JustFail" qq <- eval (Proxy @q) opts x case getValueLR opts msg0 qq [] of Left e -> pure e Right q -> case q of Just b -> pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT b) [msg0 <> " Just"] [hh qq] Nothing -> do pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [hh qq] of Left e -> e Right p -> mkNode opts (FailT p) [msg0 <> " Nothing"] [hh qq, hh pp] -- | extract the Left value from an 'Either' otherwise use the default value -- -- if there is no Left value then \p\ is passed the Right value and the whole context -- -- >>> pz @(LeftDef (1 % 4) Id) (Left 20.4) -- Present 102 % 5 -- PresentT (102 % 5) -- -- >>> pz @(LeftDef (1 % 4) Id) (Right "aa") -- Present 1 % 4 -- PresentT (1 % 4) -- -- >>> pz @(LeftDef (PrintT "found right=%s fst=%d" '(Fst Id,Fst (Snd Id))) (Snd Id)) (123,Right "xy") -- Present "found right=xy fst=123" -- PresentT "found right=xy fst=123" -- -- >>> pz @(LeftDef (MEmptyT _) Id) (Right 222) -- Present () -- PresentT () -- -- >>> pz @(LeftDef (MEmptyT (SG.Sum _)) Id) (Right 222) -- Present Sum {getSum = 0} -- PresentT (Sum {getSum = 0}) -- data LeftDef p q instance ( PP q x ~ Either a b , PP p (b,x) ~ a , P q x , P p (b,x) ) => P (LeftDef p q) x where type PP (LeftDef p q) x = LeftT (PP q x) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "LeftDef" qq <- eval (Proxy @q) opts x case getValueLR opts msg0 qq [] of Left e -> pure e Right q -> case q of Left a -> pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT a) [msg0 <> " Left"] [hh qq] Right b -> do pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts (b,x) pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [hh qq] of Left e -> e Right p -> mkNode opts (PresentT p) [msg0 <> " Right"] [hh qq, hh pp] type family LeftT lr where LeftT (Either a b) = a LeftT o = GL.TypeError ( 'GL.Text "LeftT: expected 'Either a b' " ':$$: 'GL.Text "o = " ':<>: 'GL.ShowType o) type family RightT lr where RightT (Either a b) = b RightT o = GL.TypeError ( 'GL.Text "RightT: expected 'Either a b' " ':$$: 'GL.Text "o = " ':<>: 'GL.ShowType o) -- | extract the Right value from an 'Either' -- -- if there is no Right value then \p\ is passed the Left value and the whole context -- -- >>> pz @(RightDef (1 % 4) Id) (Right 20.4) -- Present 102 % 5 -- PresentT (102 % 5) -- -- >>> pz @(RightDef (1 % 4) Id) (Left "aa") -- Present 1 % 4 -- PresentT (1 % 4) -- -- >>> pz @(RightDef (PrintT "found left=%s fst=%d" '(Fst Id,Fst (Snd Id))) (Snd Id)) (123,Left "xy") -- Present "found left=xy fst=123" -- PresentT "found left=xy fst=123" -- -- >>> pz @(RightDef (MEmptyT _) Id) (Left 222) -- Present () -- PresentT () -- -- >>> pz @(RightDef (MEmptyT (SG.Sum _)) Id) (Left 222) -- Present Sum {getSum = 0} -- PresentT (Sum {getSum = 0}) -- data RightDef p q instance ( PP q x ~ Either a b , PP p (a,x) ~ b , P q x , P p (a,x) ) => P (RightDef p q) x where type PP (RightDef p q) x = RightT (PP q x) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "RightDef" qq <- eval (Proxy @q) opts x case getValueLR opts msg0 qq [] of Left e -> pure e Right q -> case q of Right b -> pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT b) [msg0 <> " Right"] [hh qq] Left a -> do pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts (a,x) pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [hh qq] of Left e -> e Right p -> mkNode opts (PresentT p) [msg0 <> " Left"] [hh qq, hh pp] -- | extract the Left value from an 'Either' otherwise fail with a message -- -- if there is no Left value then \p\ is passed the Right value and the whole context -- -- >>> pz @(LeftFail "oops" Id) (Left 20.4) -- Present 20.4 -- PresentT 20.4 -- -- >>> pz @(LeftFail "oops" Id) (Right "aa") -- Error oops -- FailT "oops" -- -- >>> pz @(LeftFail (PrintT "found right=%s fst=%d" '(Fst Id,Fst (Snd Id))) (Snd Id)) (123,Right "xy") -- Error found right=xy fst=123 -- FailT "found right=xy fst=123" -- -- >>> pz @(LeftFail (MEmptyT _) Id) (Right 222) -- Error -- FailT "" -- data LeftFail p q instance ( PP p (b,x) ~ String , PP q x ~ Either a b , P p (b,x) , P q x) => P (LeftFail p q) x where type PP (LeftFail p q) x = LeftT (PP q x) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "LeftFail" qq <- eval (Proxy @q) opts x case getValueLR opts msg0 qq [] of Left e -> pure e Right q -> case q of Left a -> pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT a) [msg0 <> " Left"] [hh qq] Right b -> do pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts (b,x) pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [hh qq] of Left e -> e Right p -> mkNode opts (FailT p) [msg0 <> " Right"] [hh qq, hh pp] -- | extract the Right value from an 'Either' otherwise fail with a message -- -- if there is no Right value then \p\ is passed the Left value and the whole context -- -- >>> pz @(RightFail "oops" Id) (Right 20.4) -- Present 20.4 -- PresentT 20.4 -- -- >>> pz @(RightFail "oops" Id) (Left "aa") -- Error oops -- FailT "oops" -- -- >>> pz @(RightFail (PrintT "found left=%s fst=%d" '(Fst Id,Fst (Snd Id))) (Snd Id)) (123,Left "xy") -- Error found left=xy fst=123 -- FailT "found left=xy fst=123" -- -- >>> pz @(RightFail (MEmptyT _) Id) (Left 222) -- Error -- FailT "" -- data RightFail p q instance ( PP p (a,x) ~ String , PP q x ~ Either a b , P p (a,x) , P q x) => P (RightFail p q) x where type PP (RightFail p q) x = RightT (PP q x) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "RightFail" qq <- eval (Proxy @q) opts x case getValueLR opts msg0 qq [] of Left e -> pure e Right q -> case q of Right b -> pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT b) [msg0 <> " Right"] [hh qq] Left a -> do pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts (a,x) pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [hh qq] of Left e -> e Right p -> mkNode opts (FailT p) [msg0 <> " Left"] [hh qq, hh pp] -- | extract the This value from an 'These' otherwise use the default value -- -- if there is no This value then \p\ is passed the whole context only -- -- >>> pz @(ThisDef (1 % 4) Id) (This 20.4) -- Present 102 % 5 -- PresentT (102 % 5) -- -- >>> pz @(ThisDef (1 % 4) Id) (That "aa") -- Present 1 % 4 -- PresentT (1 % 4) -- -- >>> pz @(ThisDef (1 % 4) Id) (These 2.3 "aa") -- Present 1 % 4 -- PresentT (1 % 4) -- -- >>> pz @(ThisDef (PrintT "found %s fst=%d" '(ShowP (Snd Id), Fst Id)) (Snd Id)) (123,That "xy") -- Present "found That \"xy\" fst=123" -- PresentT "found That \"xy\" fst=123" -- -- >>> pz @(ThisDef (MEmptyT _) Id) (That 222) -- Present () -- PresentT () -- -- >>> pz @(ThisDef (MEmptyT (SG.Sum _)) Id) (These 222 'x') -- Present Sum {getSum = 0} -- PresentT (Sum {getSum = 0}) -- data ThisDef p q instance ( PP q x ~ These a b , PP p x ~ a , P q x , P p x ) => P (ThisDef p q) x where type PP (ThisDef p q) x = ThisT (PP q x) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "ThisDef" qq <- eval (Proxy @q) opts x case getValueLR opts msg0 qq [] of Left e -> pure e Right q -> case q of This a -> pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT a) [msg0 <> " This"] [hh qq] _ -> do pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [hh qq] of Left e -> e Right p -> mkNode opts (PresentT p) [msg0 <> " " <> showThese q] [hh qq, hh pp] type family ThisT lr where ThisT (These a b) = a ThisT o = GL.TypeError ( 'GL.Text "ThisT: expected 'These a b' " ':$$: 'GL.Text "o = " ':<>: 'GL.ShowType o) type family ThatT lr where ThatT (These a b) = b ThatT o = GL.TypeError ( 'GL.Text "ThatT: expected 'These a b' " ':$$: 'GL.Text "o = " ':<>: 'GL.ShowType o) type family TheseT lr where TheseT (These a b) = (a,b) TheseT o = GL.TypeError ( 'GL.Text "TheseT: expected 'These a b' " ':$$: 'GL.Text "o = " ':<>: 'GL.ShowType o) -- | extract the That value from an 'These' otherwise use the default value -- -- if there is no That value then \p\ is passed the whole context only -- -- >>> pz @(ThatDef (1 % 4) Id) (That 20.4) -- Present 102 % 5 -- PresentT (102 % 5) -- -- >>> pz @(ThatDef (1 % 4) Id) (This "aa") -- Present 1 % 4 -- PresentT (1 % 4) -- -- >>> pz @(ThatDef (1 % 4) Id) (These "aa" 2.3) -- Present 1 % 4 -- PresentT (1 % 4) -- -- >>> pz @(ThatDef (PrintT "found %s fst=%d" '(ShowP (Snd Id), Fst Id)) (Snd Id)) (123,This "xy") -- Present "found This \"xy\" fst=123" -- PresentT "found This \"xy\" fst=123" -- -- >>> pz @(ThatDef (MEmptyT _) Id) (This 222) -- Present () -- PresentT () -- -- >>> pz @(ThatDef (MEmptyT (SG.Sum _)) Id) (These 'x' 1120) -- Present Sum {getSum = 0} -- PresentT (Sum {getSum = 0}) -- data ThatDef p q instance ( PP q x ~ These a b , PP p x ~ b , P q x , P p x ) => P (ThatDef p q) x where type PP (ThatDef p q) x = ThatT (PP q x) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "ThatDef" qq <- eval (Proxy @q) opts x case getValueLR opts msg0 qq [] of Left e -> pure e Right q -> case q of That a -> pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT a) [msg0 <> " That"] [hh qq] _ -> do pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [hh qq] of Left e -> e Right p -> mkNode opts (PresentT p) [msg0 <> " " <> showThese q] [hh qq, hh pp] -- | extract the These value from an 'These' otherwise use the default value -- -- if there is no These value then \p\ is passed the whole context only -- -- >>> pz @(TheseDef '(1 % 4,"zz") Id) (These 20.4 "x") -- Present (102 % 5,"x") -- PresentT (102 % 5,"x") -- -- >>> pz @(TheseDef '(1 % 4,"zz") Id) (This 20.4) -- Present (1 % 4,"zz") -- PresentT (1 % 4,"zz") -- -- >>> pz @(TheseDef '(1 % 4,"zz") Id) (That "x") -- Present (1 % 4,"zz") -- PresentT (1 % 4,"zz") -- -- >>> pz @(TheseDef '(PrintT "found %s fst=%d" '(ShowP (Snd Id), Fst Id),999) (Snd Id)) (123,This "xy") -- Present ("found This \"xy\" fst=123",999) -- PresentT ("found This \"xy\" fst=123",999) -- -- >>> pz @(TheseDef (MEmptyT (SG.Sum _, String)) Id) (This 222) -- Present (Sum {getSum = 0},"") -- PresentT (Sum {getSum = 0},"") -- -- >>> pz @(TheseDef (MEmptyT _) Id) (These (222 :: SG.Sum Int) "aa") -- Present (Sum {getSum = 222},"aa") -- PresentT (Sum {getSum = 222},"aa") -- data TheseDef p q instance ( PP q x ~ These a b , PP p x ~ (a,b) , P q x , P p x ) => P (TheseDef p q) x where type PP (TheseDef p q) x = TheseT (PP q x) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "TheseDef" qq <- eval (Proxy @q) opts x case getValueLR opts msg0 qq [] of Left e -> pure e Right q -> case q of These a b -> pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT (a,b)) [msg0 <> " These"] [hh qq] _ -> do pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [hh qq] of Left e -> e Right p -> mkNode opts (PresentT p) [msg0 <> " " <> showThese q] [hh qq, hh pp] -- | extract the This value from a 'These' otherwise fail with a message -- -- if there is no This value then \p\ is passed the whole context only -- -- >>> pz @(ThisFail "oops" Id) (This 20.4) -- Present 20.4 -- PresentT 20.4 -- -- >>> pz @(ThisFail "oops" Id) (That "aa") -- Error oops -- FailT "oops" -- -- >>> pz @(ThisFail (PrintT "found %s fst=%d" '(ShowP (Snd Id),Fst Id)) (Snd Id)) (123,That "xy") -- Error found That "xy" fst=123 -- FailT "found That \"xy\" fst=123" -- -- >>> pz @(ThisFail (MEmptyT _) Id) (That 222) -- Error -- FailT "" -- data ThisFail p q instance ( PP p x ~ String , PP q x ~ These a b , P p x , P q x) => P (ThisFail p q) x where type PP (ThisFail p q) x = ThisT (PP q x) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "ThisFail" qq <- eval (Proxy @q) opts x case getValueLR opts msg0 qq [] of Left e -> pure e Right q -> case q of This a -> pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT a) [msg0 <> " This"] [hh qq] _ -> do pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [hh qq] of Left e -> e Right p -> mkNode opts (FailT p) [msg0 <> " " <> showThese q] [hh qq, hh pp] -- | extract the That value from a 'These' otherwise fail with a message -- -- if there is no That value then \p\ is passed the whole context only -- -- >>> pz @(ThatFail "oops" Id) (That 20.4) -- Present 20.4 -- PresentT 20.4 -- -- >>> pz @(ThatFail "oops" Id) (This "aa") -- Error oops -- FailT "oops" -- -- >>> pz @(ThatFail (PrintT "found %s fst=%d" '(ShowP (Snd Id),Fst Id)) (Snd Id)) (123,This "xy") -- Error found This "xy" fst=123 -- FailT "found This \"xy\" fst=123" -- -- >>> pz @(ThatFail (MEmptyT _) Id) (This 222) -- Error -- FailT "" -- data ThatFail p q instance ( PP p x ~ String , PP q x ~ These a b , P p x , P q x) => P (ThatFail p q) x where type PP (ThatFail p q) x = ThatT (PP q x) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "ThatFail" qq <- eval (Proxy @q) opts x case getValueLR opts msg0 qq [] of Left e -> pure e Right q -> case q of That a -> pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT a) [msg0 <> " That"] [hh qq] _ -> do pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [hh qq] of Left e -> e Right p -> mkNode opts (FailT p) [msg0 <> " " <> showThese q] [hh qq, hh pp] -- | extract the These value from a 'These' otherwise fail with a message -- -- if there is no These value then \p\ is passed the whole context only -- -- >>> pz @(TheseFail "oops" Id) (These "abc" 20.4) -- Present ("abc",20.4) -- PresentT ("abc",20.4) -- -- >>> pz @(TheseFail "oops" Id) (That "aa") -- Error oops -- FailT "oops" -- -- >>> pz @(TheseFail (PrintT "found %s fst=%d" '(ShowP (Snd Id),Fst Id)) (Snd Id)) (123,That "xy") -- Error found That "xy" fst=123 -- FailT "found That \"xy\" fst=123" -- -- >>> pz @(TheseFail (MEmptyT _) Id) (That 222) -- Error -- FailT "" -- data TheseFail p q instance ( PP p x ~ String , PP q x ~ These a b , P p x , P q x) => P (TheseFail p q) x where type PP (TheseFail p q) x = TheseT (PP q x) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "TheseFail" qq <- eval (Proxy @q) opts x case getValueLR opts msg0 qq [] of Left e -> pure e Right q -> case q of These a b -> pure $ mkNode opts (PresentT (a,b)) [msg0 <> " These"] [hh qq] _ -> do pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [hh qq] of Left e -> e Right p -> mkNode opts (FailT p) [msg0 <> " " <> showThese q] [hh qq, hh pp] -- | takes the head of a list like container -- -- >>> pz @(Head Id) "abcd" -- Present 'a' -- PresentT 'a' -- -- >>> pz @(Head Id) [] -- Error Head(empty) -- FailT "Head(empty)" -- data Head p instance (Show (ConsT s) , Show s , Cons s s (ConsT s) (ConsT s) , PP p x ~ s , P p x ) => P (Head p) x where type PP (Head p) x = ConsT (PP p x) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Head" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> case p ^? _Cons of Nothing -> mkNode opts (FailT (msg0 <> "(empty)")) [msg0 <> " no data"] [hh pp] Just (a,_) -> mkNode opts (PresentT a) [show01 opts msg0 a p] [hh pp] -- | takes the tail of a list like container -- -- >>> pz @(Tail Id) "abcd" -- Present "bcd" -- PresentT "bcd" -- -- >>> pz @(Tail Id) [] -- Error Tail(empty) -- FailT "Tail(empty)" -- data Tail p instance (Show s , Cons s s (ConsT s) (ConsT s) , PP p x ~ s , P p x ) => P (Tail p) x where type PP (Tail p) x = PP p x eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Tail" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> case p ^? _Cons of Nothing -> mkNode opts (FailT (msg0 <> "(empty)")) [msg0 <> " no data"] [hh pp] Just (_,as) -> mkNode opts (PresentT as) [show01 opts msg0 as p] [hh pp] -- | takes the last of a list like container -- -- >>> pz @(Last Id) "abcd" -- Present 'd' -- PresentT 'd' -- -- >>> pz @(Last Id) [] -- Error Last(empty) -- FailT "Last(empty)" -- data Last p instance (Show (ConsT s) , Show s , Snoc s s (ConsT s) (ConsT s) , PP p x ~ s , P p x ) => P (Last p) x where type PP (Last p) x = ConsT (PP p x) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Last" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> case p ^? _Snoc of Nothing -> mkNode opts (FailT (msg0 <> "(empty)")) [msg0 <> " no data"] [hh pp] Just (_,a) -> mkNode opts (PresentT a) [show01 opts msg0 a p] [hh pp] -- | takes the init of a list like container -- -- >>> pz @(Init Id) "abcd" -- Present "abc" -- PresentT "abc" -- -- >>> pz @(Init Id) (T.pack "abcd") -- Present "abc" -- PresentT "abc" -- -- >>> pz @(Init Id) [] -- Error Init(empty) -- FailT "Init(empty)" -- data Init p instance (Show s , Snoc s s (ConsT s) (ConsT s) , PP p x ~ s , P p x ) => P (Init p) x where type PP (Init p) x = PP p x eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Init" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> case p ^? _Snoc of Nothing -> mkNode opts (FailT (msg0 <> "(empty)")) [msg0 <> " no data"] [hh pp] Just (as,_) -> mkNode opts (PresentT as) [show01 opts msg0 as p] [hh pp] -- | tries to extract @a@ from @Maybe a@ otherwise it fails -- -- >>> pz @(Just Id) (Just "abc") -- Present "abc" -- PresentT "abc" -- -- >>> pz @(Just Id) Nothing -- Error Just(empty) -- FailT "Just(empty)" -- data Just p instance (Show a , PP p x ~ Maybe a , P p x ) => P (Just p) x where type PP (Just p) x = MaybeT (PP p x) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Just" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> case p of Nothing -> mkNode opts (FailT (msg0 <> "(empty)")) [msg0 <> " found Nothing"] [hh pp] Just d -> mkNode opts (PresentT d) [show01 opts msg0 d p] [hh pp] -- | compose simple functions -- -- >>> pl @(Dot '[Thd,Snd,Fst] Id) ((1,(2,9,10)),(3,4)) -- Present 10 (Thd 10 | (2,9,10)) -- PresentT 10 -- data Dot (ps :: [Type -> Type]) (q :: Type) instance (P (DotExpandT ps q) a) => P (Dot ps q) a where type PP (Dot ps q) a = PP (DotExpandT ps q) a eval _ = eval (Proxy @(DotExpandT ps q)) type family DotExpandT (ps :: [Type -> Type]) (q :: Type) :: Type where DotExpandT '[] _ = GL.TypeError ('GL.Text "'[] invalid: requires at least one predicate in the list") DotExpandT '[p] q = p $ q DotExpandT (p ': p1 ': ps) q = p $ DotExpandT (p1 ': ps) q -- | reversed dot -- -- >>> pl @(RDot '[Fst,Snd,Thd] Id) ((1,(2,9,10)),(3,4)) -- Present 10 (Thd 10 | (2,9,10)) -- PresentT 10 -- -- >>> pl @(RDot '[Fst,Snd] Id) (('a',2),(True,"zy")) -- Present 2 (Snd 2 | ('a',2)) -- PresentT 2 -- data RDot (ps :: [Type -> Type]) (q :: Type) instance P (RDotExpandT ps q) a => P (RDot ps q) a where type PP (RDot ps q) a = PP (RDotExpandT ps q) a eval _ = eval (Proxy @(RDotExpandT ps q)) type family RDotExpandT (ps :: [Type -> Type]) (q :: Type) :: Type where RDotExpandT '[] _ = GL.TypeError ('GL.Text "'[] invalid: requires at least one predicate in the list") RDotExpandT '[p] q = p $ q RDotExpandT (p ': p1 ': ps) q = RDotExpandT (p1 ': ps) (p $ q) -- | like 'GHC.Base.$' for expressions -- -- >>> pl @(Fst $ Snd $ Id) ((1,2),(3,4)) -- Present 3 (Fst 3 | (3,4)) -- PresentT 3 -- -- >>> pl @((<=) 4 $ Fst $ Snd $ Id) ((1,2),(3,4)) -- False (4 <= 3) -- FalseT -- data (p :: k -> k1) $ (q :: k) infixr 0 $ instance P (p q) a => P (p $ q) a where type PP (p $ q) a = PP (p q) a eval _ = eval (Proxy @(p q)) -- | similar to 'Control.Lens.&' -- -- >>> pl @(Id & Fst & Singleton & Length) (13,"xyzw") -- Present 1 (Length 1 | [13]) -- PresentT 1 -- -- >>> pl @(2 & (&&&) "abc") () -- Present ("abc",2) (W'(,)) -- PresentT ("abc",2) -- -- >>> pl @(2 & '(,) "abc") () -- Present ("abc",2) ('(,)) -- PresentT ("abc",2) -- -- >>> pl @('(,) 4 $ '(,) 7 $ "aa") () -- Present (4,(7,"aa")) ('(,)) -- PresentT (4,(7,"aa")) -- -- >>> pl @(Thd $ Snd $ Fst Id) ((1,("W",9,'a')),(3,4)) -- Present 'a' (Thd 'a' | ("W",9,'a')) -- PresentT 'a' -- data (q :: k) & (p :: k -> k1) infixl 1 & instance P (p q) a => P (q & p) a where type PP (q & p) a = PP (p q) a eval _ = eval (Proxy @(p q)) -- | creates a constant expression ignoring the second argument -- -- >>> pl @(RDot '[Fst,Snd,Thd,K "xxx"] Id) ((1,(2,9,10)),(3,4)) -- Present "xxx" (K'xxx) -- PresentT "xxx" -- -- >>> pl @(RDot '[Fst,Snd,Thd,K '("abc",Id)] Id) ((1,(2,9,10)),(3,4)) -- Present ("abc",((1,(2,9,10)),(3,4))) (K'(,)) -- PresentT ("abc",((1,(2,9,10)),(3,4))) -- -- >>> pl @(Thd $ Snd $ Fst $ K Id "dud") ((1,("W",9,'a')),(3,4)) -- Present 'a' (Thd 'a' | ("W",9,'a')) -- PresentT 'a' -- -- >>> pl @((Thd $ Snd $ Fst $ K Id "dud") >> Pred Id) ((1,("W",9,'a')),(3,4)) -- Present '`' ((>>) '`' | {Pred '`' | 'a'}) -- PresentT '`' -- data K (p :: k) (q :: k1) instance P p a => P (K p q) a where type PP (K p q) a = PP p a eval _ = eval (Proxy @(Msg "K" p)) -- | applies \'p\' to the first and second slot of an n-tuple -- -- >>> pl @(Both Len (Fst Id)) (("abc",[10..17],1,2,3),True) -- Present (3,8) (Both) -- PresentT (3,8) -- -- >>> pl @(Both (Pred Id) $ Fst Id) ((12,'z',[10..17]),True) -- Present (11,'y') (Both) -- PresentT (11,'y') -- -- >>> pl @(Both (Succ Id) Id) (4,'a') -- Present (5,'b') (Both) -- PresentT (5,'b') -- -- >>> pl @(Both Len (Fst Id)) (("abc",[10..17]),True) -- Present (3,8) (Both) -- PresentT (3,8) -- -- >>> pl @(Both (ReadP Day Id) Id) ("1999-01-01","2001-02-12") -- Present (1999-01-01,2001-02-12) (Both) -- PresentT (1999-01-01,2001-02-12) -- -- todo: add topMessage somehow? data Both p q instance ( ExtractL1C (PP q x) , ExtractL2C (PP q x) , P p (ExtractL1T (PP q x)) , P p (ExtractL2T (PP q x)) , P q x ) => P (Both p q) x where type PP (Both p q) x = (PP p (ExtractL1T (PP q x)), PP p (ExtractL2T (PP q x))) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Both" qq <- eval (Proxy @q) opts x case getValueLR opts msg0 qq [] of Left e -> pure e Right q -> do let (a,a') = (extractL1C q, extractL2C q) pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts a case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [hh qq] of Left e -> pure e Right b -> do pp' <- eval (Proxy @p) opts a' pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp' [hh qq, hh pp] of Left e -> e Right b' -> mkNode opts (PresentT (b,b')) [msg0] [hh qq, hh pp, hh pp'] -- | gets the singleton value from a foldable -- -- >>> pl @(OneP Id) [10..15] -- Error OneP 6 elements -- FailT "OneP 6 elements" -- -- >>> pl @(OneP Id) [10] -- Present 10 (OneP) -- PresentT 10 -- -- >>> pl @(OneP Id) [] -- Error OneP empty -- FailT "OneP empty" -- -- >>> pl @(OneP Id) (Just 10) -- Present 10 (OneP) -- PresentT 10 -- -- >>> pl @(OneP Id) Nothing -- Error OneP empty -- FailT "OneP empty" -- data OneP p instance (Foldable t , PP p x ~ t a , P p x ) => P (OneP p) x where type PP (OneP p) x = ExtractAFromTA (PP p x) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "OneP" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> case toList p of [] -> mkNode opts (FailT (msg0 <> " empty")) [msg0 <> " expected one element"] [hh pp] [a] -> mkNode opts (PresentT a) [msg0] [hh pp] as -> let n = length as in mkNode opts (FailT (msg0 <> " " <> show n <> " elements")) [msg0 <> " expected one element"] [hh pp] -- | parse json data -- -- >>> pl @(ParseJson (Int,String) Id) "[10,\"abc\"]" -- Present (10,"abc") (ParseJson (Int,[Char]) (10,"abc")) -- PresentT (10,"abc") -- -- >>> pl @(ParseJson (Int,String) Id) "[10,\"abc\",99]" -- Error ParseJson (Int,[Char])([10,"abc",...) Error in $ -- FailT "ParseJson (Int,[Char])([10,\"abc\",...) Error in $" -- -- >>> pl @(ParseJson (Int,Bool) (FromString _ Id)) ("[1,true]" :: String) -- Present (1,True) (ParseJson (Int,Bool) (1,True)) -- PresentT (1,True) -- -- >>> pl @(ParseJson (Int,Bool) Id) (A.encode (1,True)) -- Present (1,True) (ParseJson (Int,Bool) (1,True)) -- PresentT (1,True) -- -- >>> pl @(ParseJson () Id) "[1,true]" -- Error ParseJson ()([1,true]) Error in $ -- FailT "ParseJson ()([1,true]) Error in $" -- data ParseJson' t p instance (P p x , PP p x ~ BL8.ByteString , Typeable (PP t x) , Show (PP t x) , A.FromJSON (PP t x) ) => P (ParseJson' t p) x where type PP (ParseJson' t p) x = PP t x eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "ParseJson " <> t t = showT @(PP t x) pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right s -> let hhs = [hh pp] msg1 = msg0 <> "(" ++ litBL 10 s ++ ")" in case A.eitherDecode' s of Right b -> mkNode opts (PresentT b) [msg0 <> " " ++ showL 30 b] hhs Left e -> mkNode opts (FailT (msg1 <> " " <> takeWhile (/=':') e) ) [msg0 <> " failed " <> e <> " | " <> litBL 100 s] hhs data ParseJson (t :: Type) p type ParseJsonT (t :: Type) p = ParseJson' (Hole t) p instance P (ParseJsonT t p) x => P (ParseJson t p) x where type PP (ParseJson t p) x = PP (ParseJsonT t p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(ParseJsonT t p)) -- | parse a json file data ParseJsonFile' t p instance (P p x , PP p x ~ String , Typeable (PP t x) , Show (PP t x) , A.FromJSON (PP t x) ) => P (ParseJsonFile' t p) x where type PP (ParseJsonFile' t p) x = PP t x eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "ParseJsonFile " <> t t = showT @(PP t x) pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> pure e Right p -> do let hhs = [hh pp] msg1 = msg0 <> "(" <> p <> ")" mb <- runIO $ do b <- doesFileExist p if b then Just <$> BS8.readFile p else pure Nothing pure $ case mb of Nothing -> mkNode opts (FailT (msg1 <> " must run in IO")) [msg1 <> " must run in IO"] hhs Just Nothing -> mkNode opts (FailT (msg1 <> " file doesn't exist")) [msg1 <> " does not exist"] hhs Just (Just s) -> case A.eitherDecodeStrict' s of Right b -> mkNode opts (PresentT b) [msg1 <> " " ++ showL 30 b] hhs -- Left e -> mkNode opts (FailT (msg1 <> " " <> takeWhile (/=':') e)) [msg1 <> " failed " <> litL 100 e] hhs Left e -> mkNode opts (FailT (msg1 <> " " <> takeWhile (/=':') e)) [msg0 <> " failed " <> e <> " | " <> litBS 100 s] hhs data ParseJsonFile (t :: Type) p type ParseJsonFileT (t :: Type) p = ParseJsonFile' (Hole t) p instance P (ParseJsonFileT t p) x => P (ParseJsonFile t p) x where type PP (ParseJsonFile t p) x = PP (ParseJsonFileT t p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(ParseJsonFileT t p)) -- | encode json -- -- >>> pl @(EncodeJson Id) (10,"def") -- Present "[10,\"def\"]" (EncodeJson [10,"def"]) -- PresentT "[10,\"def\"]" -- -- >>> pl @(EncodeJson Id >> ParseJson (Int,Bool) Id) (1,True) -- Present (1,True) ((>>) (1,True) | {ParseJson (Int,Bool) (1,True)}) -- PresentT (1,True) -- -- >>> pl @(ParseJson ([String], These Int ()) (EncodeJson Id)) (["abc","def"],This 110) -- Present (["abc","def"],This 110) (ParseJson ([[Char]],(These Int ())) (["abc","def"],This 110)) -- PresentT (["abc","def"],This 110) -- data EncodeJson p instance (A.ToJSON (PP p x), P p x) => P (EncodeJson p) x where type PP (EncodeJson p) x = BL8.ByteString eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "EncodeJson" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let d = A.encode p in mkNode opts (PresentT d) [msg0 <> showLit0 opts " " (litBL 50 d)] [hh pp] -- | encode a json file data EncodeJsonFile p q instance (PP p x ~ String , P p x , A.ToJSON (PP q x) , P q x ) => P (EncodeJsonFile p q) x where type PP (EncodeJsonFile p q) x = () eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "EncodeJsonFile" lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts x [] case lr of Left e -> pure e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> do let d = A.encode q hhs = [hh pp, hh qq] mb <- runIO $ BL8.writeFile p d pure $ case mb of Nothing -> mkNode opts (FailT (msg0 <> " must run in IO")) [msg0 <> " must run in IO"] hhs Just () -> mkNode opts (PresentT ()) [msg0 <> showLit0 opts " " (litBL 50 d)] hhs -- | uncurry experiment -- -- >>> pl @(Uncurry Between (ReadP (Day,Day) "(2017-04-11,2018-12-30)") (ReadP Day Id)) "2019-10-12" -- False (Uncurry (2019-10-12 <= 2018-12-30)) -- FalseT -- -- >>> pl @(Uncurry Between (ReadP (Day,Day) "(2017-04-11,2018-12-30)") (ReadP Day Id)) "2017-10-12" -- True (Uncurry (2017-04-11 <= 2017-10-12 <= 2018-12-30)) -- TrueT -- -- >>> pl @(Uncurry Between (ReadP (Day,Day) "(2017-04-11,2018-12-30)") (ReadP Day Id)) "2016-10-12" -- False (Uncurry (2017-04-11 <= 2016-10-12)) -- FalseT -- data Uncurry (p :: Type -> Type -> Type -> Type) q r instance (PP q x ~ (a,b) , PP (p a b (PP r x)) x ~ PP (p (Fst Id) (Snd Id) (Thd Id)) (a, b, PP r x) , P q x , P r x , P (p (Fst Id) (Snd Id) (Thd Id)) (a,b,PP r x) ) => P (Uncurry p q r) x where type PP (Uncurry p q r) x = PP (p (ExtractL1T (PP q x)) (ExtractL2T (PP q x)) (PP r x)) x eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Uncurry" lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @q) (Proxy @r) opts x [] case lr of Left e -> pure e Right ((q1,q2),r,qq,rr) -> do let hhs0 = [hh qq, hh rr] pp <- eval (Proxy @(p (Fst Id) (Snd Id) (Thd Id))) opts (q1,q2,r) pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp hhs0 of Left e -> e Right _ -> let hhs = hhs0 ++ [hh pp] in mkNode opts (_tBool pp) [msg0 <> " " <> topMessage pp] hhs -- | like 'Predicate.Prelude.&&' but for a tuple -- -- >>> pl @(SplitAt 4 "abcdefg" >> Len > 4 &* Len < 5) () -- False ((>>) False | {False (&*) True | (4 > 4)}) -- FalseT -- data AndA p q r instance (PP r x ~ (a,b) , PP p a ~ Bool , PP q b ~ Bool , P p a , P q b , P r x ) => P (AndA p q r) x where type PP (AndA p q r) x = Bool eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "(&*)" rr <- eval (Proxy @r) opts x case getValueLR opts msg0 rr [] of Left e -> pure e Right (r1,r2) -> do pp <- evalBool (Proxy @p) opts r1 case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [hh rr] of Left e -> pure e Right p -> do qq <- evalBool (Proxy @q) opts r2 pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 qq [hh rr, hh pp] of Left e -> e Right q -> let zz = case (p,q) of (True, True) -> "" (False, True) -> topMessage pp (True, False) -> topMessage qq (False, False) -> topMessage pp <> " " <> msg0 <> " " <> topMessage qq in mkNodeB opts (p&&q) [show p <> " " <> msg0 <> " " <> show q <> (if null zz then zz else " | " <> zz)] [hh rr, hh pp, hh qq] data p &* q type AndAT p q = AndA p q Id infixr 3 &* instance P (AndAT p q) x => P (p &* q) x where type PP (p &* q) x = PP (AndAT p q) x eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @(AndAT p q)) {- data p &&! q type AndAT' p q = (Fst Id >> p) && (Snd Id >> q) infixr 3 &&! instance (P (AndAT' p q) x ) => P (p &&! q) x where type PP (p &&! q) x = PP (AndAT' p q) x eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @(AndAT' p q)) -} -- | like 'Predicate.Prelude.||' but for a tuple -- -- >>> pl @(Sum > 44 |+ Id < 2) ([5,6,7,8,14,44],9) -- True (True (|+) False) -- TrueT -- -- >>> pl @(Sum > 44 |+ Id < 2) ([5,6,7,14],9) -- False (False (|+) False | (32 > 44) (|+) (9 < 2)) -- FalseT -- -- >>> pl @(Sum > 44 |+ Id < 2) ([5,6,7,14],1) -- True (False (|+) True) -- TrueT -- data OrA p q r instance (PP r x ~ (a,b) , PP p a ~ Bool , PP q b ~ Bool , P p a , P q b , P r x ) => P (OrA p q r) x where type PP (OrA p q r) x = Bool eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "(|+)" rr <- eval (Proxy @r) opts x case getValueLR opts msg0 rr [] of Left e -> pure e Right (r1,r2) -> do pp <- evalBool (Proxy @p) opts r1 case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [hh rr] of Left e -> pure e Right p -> do qq <- evalBool (Proxy @q) opts r2 pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 qq [hh rr, hh pp] of Left e -> e Right q -> let zz = case (p,q) of (False,False) -> topMessage pp <> " " <> msg0 <> " " <> topMessage qq _ -> "" in mkNodeB opts (p||q) [show p <> " " <> msg0 <> " " <> show q <> (if null zz then zz else " | " <> zz)] [hh rr, hh pp, hh qq] data p |+ q type OrAT p q = OrA p q Id infixr 3 |+ instance P (OrAT p q) x => P (p |+ q) x where type PP (p |+ q) x = PP (OrAT p q) x eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @(OrAT p q)) -- | very simple conversion to a string data ToString p instance (ToStringC (PP p x), P p x) => P (ToString p) x where type PP (ToString p) x = String eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "ToString" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let d = toStringC p in mkNode opts (PresentT d) [msg0] [hh pp] class ToStringC a where toStringC :: a -> String instance ToStringC String where toStringC = id instance ToStringC T.Text where toStringC = T.unpack instance ToStringC TL.Text where toStringC = TL.unpack instance ToStringC BL8.ByteString where toStringC = BL8.unpack instance ToStringC BS8.ByteString where toStringC = BS8.unpack -- | splits a list pointed to by \'p\' into lists of size \'n\' -- -- >>> pz @(ChunksOf 2 Id) "abcdef" -- Present ["ab","cd","ef"] -- PresentT ["ab","cd","ef"] -- -- >>> pz @(ChunksOf 2 Id) "abcdefg" -- Present ["ab","cd","ef","g"] -- PresentT ["ab","cd","ef","g"] -- -- >>> pz @(ChunksOf 2 Id) "" -- Present [] -- PresentT [] -- -- >>> pz @(ChunksOf 2 Id) "a" -- Present ["a"] -- PresentT ["a"] -- data ChunksOf n p instance (PP p a ~ [b] , P n a , P p a , Show b , Integral (PP n a) ) => P (ChunksOf n p) a where type PP (ChunksOf n p) a = [PP p a] eval _ opts a = do let msg0 = "ChunksOf" lr <- runPQ msg0 (Proxy @n) (Proxy @p) opts a [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (fromIntegral -> n,p,pp,qq) -> let hhs = [hh pp, hh qq] msg1 = msg0 <> show0 opts " " n <> show0 opts " " p in if n <= 0 then mkNode opts (FailT (msg0 <> " n<1")) [msg1] hhs else let ret = unfoldr (\s -> if null s then Nothing else Just $ splitAt n s) p in mkNode opts (PresentT ret) [show01' opts msg1 ret "n=" n <> show1 opts " | " p] hhs data Rotate n p type RotateT n p = SplitAt n p >> Swap >> First Reverse >> SapA instance P (RotateT n p) x => P (Rotate n p) x where type PP (Rotate n p) x = PP (RotateT n p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(RotateT n p))