{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- | Trees of predicates.
-- Exports names which conflict with Prelude names, so you probably
-- want to import this module qualified.

module Data.Prednote.Pdct

  ( -- * The Pdct tree
  , Hide
  , Pdct(..)
  , Node(..)

  -- * Creating Pdct.
  -- | All functions create Pdct that are shown by default.
  , operand
  , and
  , or
  , not
  , (&&&)
  , (|||)
  , always
  , never
  , boxPdct
  , boxNode

  -- * Controlling whether Pdct are shown in the results
  , hide
  , show
  , hideTrue
  , hideFalse

  -- * Renaming Pdct
  , rename

  -- * Result
  , Result(..)
  , RNode(..)

  -- * Showing and evaluating Pdct
  , evaluate
  , evaluateNode
  , IndentAmt
  , Level
  , ShowAll
  , showResult
  , showTopResult
  , showPdct
  , filter
  , verboseFilter

  -- * Helpers for building common Pdct
  -- ** Non-overloaded
  , compareBy
  , compareByMaybe
  , greaterBy
  , lessBy
  , equalBy
  , greaterEqBy
  , lessEqBy
  , notEqBy

  -- ** Overloaded
  , compare
  , greater
  , less
  , equal
  , greaterEq
  , lessEq
  , notEq
  , parseComparer

  ) where

-- # Imports

import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as X
import Data.Monoid ((<>), mconcat, mempty)
import Data.String (fromString)
import qualified System.Console.Rainbow as R
import Prelude hiding (not, and, or, compare, filter, show)
import qualified Prelude

-- # Pdct type

type Label = Text

-- | Determines whether a result is shown by default.
type Hide = Bool

-- | A predicate. Each Pdct contains a tree of Node.
data Pdct a = Pdct
  { pLabel :: Label
  -- ^ Label used when showing the results

  , pHide :: (Bool -> Hide)
  -- ^ As results are computed, this function is applied to the
  -- result. If this function returns False, then this Pdct will not
  -- be shown by default in the results.

  , pNode :: Node a


data Node a
  = And [Pdct a]
  -- ^ Conjunction. If any Pdct in the list is False, the result is
  -- False. If the list is empty, the result is True.

  | Or [Pdct a]
  -- ^ Disjunction. If at least one Pdct in the list is True, the
  -- result it True. If the list is empty, the result is False.

  | Not (Pdct a)
  -- ^ Negation

  | Operand (a -> Bool)
  -- ^ Most basic building block.

-- | Renames the top level of the Pdct. The function you pass will be
-- applied to the old name.
rename :: (Text -> Text) -> Pdct a -> Pdct a
rename f p = p { pLabel = f (pLabel p) }

-- | Always True
always :: Pdct a
always = Pdct "always True" (const False) (Operand (const True))

-- | Always False
never :: Pdct a
never = Pdct "always False" (const False) (Operand (const False))

-- | Creates and labels operands.
operand :: Label -> (a -> Bool) -> Pdct a
operand l = Pdct l (const False) . Operand

-- | Creates And Pdct using a generic name
and :: [Pdct a] -> Pdct a
and = Pdct "and" (const False) . And

-- | Creates Or Pdct using a generic name
or :: [Pdct a] -> Pdct a
or = Pdct "or" (const False) . Or

-- | Creates Not Pdct using a generic name
not :: Pdct a -> Pdct a
not = Pdct "not" (const False) . Not

-- | Changes a Pdct so it is always hidden by default.
hide :: Pdct a -> Pdct a
hide p = p { pHide = const True }

-- | Changes a Pdct so it is always shown by default.
show :: Pdct a -> Pdct a
show p = p { pHide = const False }

-- | Changes a Pdct so that it is hidden if its result is True.
hideTrue :: Pdct a -> Pdct a
hideTrue p = p { pHide = id }

-- | Changes a Pdct so that it is hidden if its result is False.
hideFalse :: Pdct a -> Pdct a
hideFalse p = p { pHide = Prelude.not }

-- | Forms a Pdct using 'and'; assigns a generic label.
(&&&) :: Pdct a -> Pdct a -> Pdct a
(&&&) x y = Pdct "and" (const False) (And [x, y])
infixr 3 &&&

-- | Forms a Pdct using 'or'; assigns a generic label.
(|||) :: Pdct a -> Pdct a -> Pdct a
(|||) x y = Pdct "or" (const False) (Or [x, y])
infixr 2 |||

-- | Given a function that un-boxes values of type b, changes a Pdct
-- from type a to type b.
  :: (b -> a)
  -> Pdct a
  -> Pdct b
boxPdct f (Pdct l d n) = Pdct l d $ boxNode f n

-- | Given a function that un-boxes values of type b, changes a Node
-- from type a to type b.
  :: (b -> a)
  -> Node a
  -> Node b
boxNode f n = case n of
  And ls -> And $ map (boxPdct f) ls
  Or ls -> Or $ map (boxPdct f) ls
  Not o -> Not $ boxPdct f o
  Operand g -> Operand $ \b -> g (f b)

-- # Result

-- | The result from evaluating a Pdct.
data Result = Result
  { rLabel :: Label
  -- ^ The label from the original Pdct

  , rBool :: Bool
  -- ^ The boolean result from evaluating the node. If the node is an
  -- operand, this is the result of applying the operand function to
  -- the subject. Otherwise, this is the result of application of the
  -- appropriate boolean operation to the child nodes.

  , rHide :: Hide
  -- ^ Is this result hidden in the result by default? Hiding only
  -- affects presentation; it does not affect how this Pdct affects
  -- any parent Pdct.
  , rNode :: RNode
  } deriving (Eq, Show)

data RNode
  = RAnd [Result]
  | ROr [Result]
  | RNot Result
  | ROperand Bool
  deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Applies a Pdct to a particular value, known as the subject.
evaluate :: a -> Pdct a -> Result
evaluate a (Pdct l d n) = Result l r d' rn
    rn = evaluateNode a n
    r = case rn of
      RAnd ls -> all rBool ls
      ROr ls -> any rBool ls
      RNot x -> Prelude.not . rBool $ x
      ROperand b -> b
    d' = d r

evaluateNode :: a -> Node a -> RNode
evaluateNode a n = case n of
  And ls -> RAnd (map (evaluate a) ls)
  Or ls -> ROr (map (evaluate a) ls)
  Not l -> RNot (evaluate a l)
  Operand f -> ROperand (f a)

-- # Types and functions for showing

-- | The number of spaces to use for each level of indentation.
type IndentAmt = Int

-- | How many levels of indentation to use. Typically you will start
-- this at zero. It is incremented by one for each level as functions
-- descend through the tree.
type Level = Int

-- | Indents text, and adds a newline to the end.
indent :: IndentAmt -> Level -> [R.Chunk] -> [R.Chunk]
indent amt lvl cs = idt : (cs ++ [nl])
    idt = fromString (replicate (lvl * amt) ' ')
    nl = fromString "\n"

-- # Showing Pdct

-- | Creates a plain Chunk from a Text.
plain :: Text -> R.Chunk
plain = R.Chunk mempty

-- | Shows a Pdct tree without evaluating it.
showPdct :: IndentAmt -> Level -> Pdct a -> [R.Chunk]
showPdct amt lvl (Pdct l _ pd) = case pd of
  And ls -> indent amt lvl [plain ("and - " <> l)]
            <> mconcat (map (showPdct amt (lvl + 1)) ls)
  Or ls -> indent amt lvl [plain ("or - " <> l)]
           <> mconcat (map (showPdct amt (lvl + 1)) ls)
  Not t -> indent amt lvl [plain ("not - " <> l)]
           <> showPdct amt (lvl + 1) t
  Operand _ -> indent amt lvl [plain ("operand - " <> l)]

instance Show (Pdct a) where
  show = X.unpack
       . X.concat
       . map R.text
       . showPdct 2 0

filter :: Pdct a -> [a] -> [a]
filter pd as
  = map fst
  . Prelude.filter (rBool . snd)
  . zip as
  . map (flip evaluate pd)
  $ as

-- # Showing Result

labelBool :: Text -> Bool -> [R.Chunk]
labelBool t b = [open, trueFalse, close, blank, txt]
    trueFalse = 
      if b then "TRUE" <> R.f_green else "FALSE" <> R.f_red
    open = "["
    close = "]"
    blank = plain (X.replicate blankLen " ")
    blankLen = X.length "discard"
               - X.length (R.text trueFalse) + 1
    txt = plain t

type ShowAll = Bool

-- | Shows a Result in a pretty way with colors and indentation.
  :: IndentAmt
  -- ^ Indent each level by this many spaces

  -> ShowAll
  -- ^ If True, shows all Pdct, even ones where 'rHide' is
  -- True. Otherwise, respects 'rHide' and does not show hidden Pdct.

  -> Level
  -- ^ How deep in the tree we are; this increments by one for each
  -- level of descent.

  -> Result
  -- ^ The result to show

  -> [R.Chunk]
showResult amt sa lvl (Result lbl rslt hd nd)
  | hd && Prelude.not sa = []
  | otherwise = firstLine ++ restLines
    firstLine = indent amt lvl $ labelBool lbl rslt
    restLines = case nd of
      RAnd ls -> f False ls
      ROr ls -> f True ls
      RNot r -> showResult amt sa (lvl + 1) r
      ROperand _ -> []
    f stopOn ls = concatMap sr ls' ++ end
        ls' = takeThrough ((== stopOn) . rBool) ls
        sr = showResult amt sa (lvl + 1)
        end = if ls' `shorter` ls
              then indent amt (lvl + 1) ["(short circuit)"]
              else []

-- | @shorter x y@ is True if list x is shorter than list y. Lazier
-- than taking the length of each list and comparing the results.
shorter :: [a] -> [a] -> Bool
shorter [] [] = False
shorter (_:_) [] = False
shorter [] (_:_) = True
shorter (_:xs) (_:ys) = shorter xs ys

-- | For instance,
-- > takeThrough odd [2,4,6,7,8] == [2,4,6,7]
takeThrough :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
takeThrough _ [] = []
takeThrough f (x:xs) = x : if f x then [] else takeThrough f xs

-- | Shows the top of a Result tree and all the child Results. Adds a
-- short label at the top of the tree.
  :: X.Text
  -- ^ Label to add to the top of the tree.
  -> IndentAmt
  -- ^ Indent each level by this many spaces
  -> Level
  -- ^ Indent the top by this many levels
  -> ShowAll
  -- ^ If True, shows all Pdct, even ones where 'rHide' is
  -- True. Otherwise, respects 'rHide' and does not show hidden Pdct.

  -> Result
  -- ^ The result to show
  -> [R.Chunk]
showTopResult txt i lvl sd r = showResult i sd lvl r'
    r' = r { rLabel = rLabel r <> " - " <> txt }

-- | Filters a list. Also returns chunks describing the process.
  :: (a -> X.Text)
  -- ^ How to describe each subject

  -> IndentAmt
  -- ^ Indent each level by this many spaces

  -> ShowAll
  -- ^ If True, shows all Pdct, even ones where 'rHide' is
  -- True. Otherwise, respects 'rHide' and does not show hidden Pdct.

  -> Pdct a
  -- ^ Used to perform the filtering

  -> [a]
  -> ([R.Chunk], [a])

verboseFilter desc amt sa pd as = (chks, as')
    rs = map (flip evaluate pd) as
    subjAndRslts = zip as rs
    mkChks (subj, rslt) = showTopResult (desc subj) amt 0 sa rslt
    chks = concatMap mkChks subjAndRslts
    as' = map fst . Prelude.filter (rBool . snd) $ subjAndRslts

-- # Comparisons

-- | Build a Pdct that compares items.
  :: Text
  -- ^ How to show the item being compared; used to describe the Pdct

  -> Text
  -- ^ Description of the type of thing that is being matched

  -> (a -> Ordering)
  -- ^ How to compare an item against the right hand side. Return LT
  -- if the item is less than the right hand side; GT if greater; EQ
  -- if equal to the right hand side.

  -> Ordering
  -- ^ When subjects are compared, this ordering must be the result in
  -- order for the Pdct to be True; otherwise it is False. The subject
  -- will be on the left hand side.

  -> Pdct a

compareBy itemDesc typeDesc cmp ord = Pdct l (const False) (Operand f)
    l = typeDesc <> " is " <> cmpDesc <> " " <> itemDesc
    cmpDesc = case ord of
      LT -> "less than"
      GT -> "greater than"
      EQ -> "equal to"
    f subj = cmp subj == ord

-- | Overloaded version of 'compareBy'.
  :: (Show a, Ord a)
  => Text
  -- ^ Description of the type of thing being matched

  -> a
  -- ^ The right hand side of the comparison.

  -> Ordering
  -- ^ When subjects are compared, this ordering must be the result in
  -- order for the Pdct to be True; otherwise it is False. The subject
  -- will be on the left hand side.

  -> Pdct a
compare typeDesc a ord = compareBy itemDesc typeDesc cmp ord
    itemDesc = X.pack . Prelude.show $ a
    cmp item = Prelude.compare item a

-- | Builds a Pdct for items that might fail to return a comparison.
  :: Text
  -- ^ How to show the item being compared

  -> Text
  -- ^ Description of type of thing being matched

  -> (a -> Maybe Ordering)
  -- ^ How to compare against right hand side. If Nothing, a Pdct that
  -- always returns False is returned.

  -> Ordering
  -- ^ Ordering that must result for the Pdct to be True

  -> Pdct a

compareByMaybe itemDesc typeDesc cmp ord =
  Pdct l (const False) (Operand f)
    l = typeDesc <> " is " <> cmpDesc <> " " <> itemDesc
    cmpDesc = case ord of
      LT -> "less than"
      GT -> "greater than"
      EQ -> "equal to"
    f subj = case cmp subj of
      Nothing -> False
      Just ord' -> ord == ord'

  :: (Show a, Ord a)
  => Text
  -- ^ How to show the item being compared; used to describe the Pdct

  -> a
  -- ^ The right hand side of the comparison.

  -> Pdct a
greater d a = compare d a GT

  :: (Show a, Ord a)
  => Text
  -- ^ How to show the item being compared; used to describe the Pdct

  -> a
  -- ^ The right hand side of the comparison.

  -> Pdct a
less d a = compare d a LT

  :: (Show a, Ord a)
  => Text
  -- ^ How to show the item being compared; used to describe the Pdct

  -> a
  -- ^ The right hand side of the comparison.

  -> Pdct a
equal d a = compare d a EQ

  :: (Show a, Ord a)
  => Text
  -- ^ How to show the item being compared; used to describe the Pdct

  -> a
  -- ^ The right hand side of the comparison.

  -> Pdct a
greaterEq d a = greater d a ||| equal d a

  :: (Show a, Ord a)
  => Text
  -- ^ How to show the item being compared; used to describe the Pdct

  -> a
  -- ^ The right hand side of the comparison.

  -> Pdct a
lessEq d a = less d a ||| equal d a

  :: (Show a, Ord a)
  => Text
  -- ^ How to show the item being compared; used to describe the Pdct

  -> a
  -- ^ The right hand side of the comparison.

  -> Pdct a
notEq d a = not $ equal d a

  :: Text
  -- ^ How to show the item being compared; used to describe the Pdct

  -> Text
  -- ^ Description of the type of thing that is being matched

  -> (a -> Ordering)
  -- ^ How to compare two items

  -> Pdct a
greaterBy iD tD cmp = compareBy iD tD cmp GT

  :: Text
  -- ^ How to show the item being compared; used to describe the Pdct

  -> Text
  -- ^ Description of the type of thing that is being matched

  -> (a -> Ordering)
  -- ^ How to compare two items

  -> Pdct a
lessBy iD tD cmp = compareBy iD tD cmp LT

  :: Text
  -- ^ How to show the item being compared; used to describe the Pdct

  -> Text
  -- ^ Description of the type of thing that is being matched

  -> (a -> Ordering)
  -- ^ How to compare two items

  -> Pdct a
equalBy iD tD cmp = compareBy iD tD cmp EQ

  :: Text
  -- ^ How to show the item being compared; used to describe the Pdct

  -> Text
  -- ^ Description of the type of thing that is being matched

  -> (a -> Ordering)
  -- ^ How to compare two items

  -> Pdct a
greaterEqBy iD tD cmp =
  greaterBy iD tD cmp ||| equalBy iD tD cmp

  :: Text
  -- ^ How to show the item being compared; used to describe the Pdct

  -> Text
  -- ^ Description of the type of thing that is being matched

  -> (a -> Ordering)
  -- ^ How to compare two items

  -> Pdct a
lessEqBy iD tD cmp =
  lessBy iD tD cmp ||| equalBy iD tD cmp

  :: Text
  -- ^ How to show the item being compared; used to describe the Pdct

  -> Text
  -- ^ Description of the type of thing that is being matched

  -> (a -> Ordering)
  -- ^ How to compare two items

  -> Pdct a
notEqBy iD tD cmp =
  not $ equalBy iD tD cmp

-- | Parses a string to find the correct comparer; returns the correct
-- function to build a Pdct.

  :: Text
  -- ^ The string with the comparer to be parsed
  -> (Ordering -> Pdct a)
  -- ^ A function that, when given an ordering, returns a Pdct
  -> Maybe (Pdct a)
  -- ^ If an invalid comparer string is given, Nothing; otherwise, the
  -- Pdct.
parseComparer t f
  | t == ">" = Just (f GT)
  | t == "<" = Just (f LT)
  | t == "=" = Just (f EQ)
  | t == "==" = Just (f EQ)
  | t == ">=" = Just (f GT ||| f EQ)
  | t == "<=" = Just (f LT ||| f EQ)
  | t == "/=" = Just (not $ f EQ)
  | t == "!=" = Just (not $ f EQ)
  | otherwise = Nothing