{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- | Helps you build tests that run against a series of items.
module Data.Prednote.Test
  -- * Test data types
  , Verbosity(..)
  , TrueVerbosity
  , FalseVerbosity
  , TestVisibility(..)
  , TestVerbosity(..)
  , Pass
  , Test(..)
  , TestResult(..)

  -- * Pre-built tests
  , eachSubjectMustBeTrue
  , nSubjectsMustBeTrue

  -- * Running and showing tests
  , evalTest
  , showTestResult

  ) where

import Control.Arrow (first)
import Data.Functor.Contravariant
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid ((<>), mempty)
import qualified Data.Text as X
import Data.Text (Text)

import qualified System.Console.Rainbow as R
import qualified Data.Prednote.Predbox as Pt

-- # Types

-- | How verbose to be when showing the results of running a Predbox on a
-- single subject.
data Verbosity
  = HideAll
  -- ^ Do not show any results from the Predbox

  | ShowDefaults
  -- ^ Show results according to the default settings provided in the
  -- Result itself

  | ShowAll
  -- ^ Show all Result
  deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Use this verbosity for subjects that are True
type TrueVerbosity = Verbosity

-- | Use this verbosity for subjects that are False
type FalseVerbosity = Verbosity

-- | Determines whether to show any of the results from a single test.
data TestVisibility
  = HideTest
  -- ^ Do not show any results from this test

  | ShowFirstLine TrueVerbosity FalseVerbosity
  -- ^ Show the first line, which indicates whether the test passed or
  -- failed and gives the label for the test. Whether to show
  -- individual subjects is determined by the TrueVerbosity and
  -- FalseVerbosity.

  deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Determines which TestVisibility to use for a particular test.
data TestVerbosity = TestVerbosity
  { onPass :: TestVisibility
    -- ^ Use this TestVisibility when the test passes
  , onFail :: TestVisibility
    -- ^ Use this TestVisibility when the test fails
  } deriving (Eq, Show)

type Pass = Bool

-- | The name of a test or of a group.
type Name = Text

-- | A single test.
data Test a = Test
  { testName :: Name
  , testPass :: [Pt.Result] -> Pass
  -- ^ Applied to the results of all applications of testFunc;
  -- determines whether the test passes or fails.

  , testFunc :: a -> Pt.Result
  -- ^ This function is applied to each subject.

  , testVerbosity :: TestVerbosity
  -- ^ Default verbosity for the test.

instance Contravariant Test where
  contramap f t = t { testFunc = testFunc t . f }

data TestResult a = TestResult
  { resultName :: Name
  , resultPass :: Pass
  , resultSubjects :: [(a, Pt.Result)]
  , resultDefaultVerbosity :: TestVerbosity

instance Functor TestResult where
  fmap f t = t { resultSubjects = map (first f) . resultSubjects $ t }

-- # Showing tests

-- | Creates a plain Chunk from a Text.
plain :: X.Text -> R.Chunk
plain = R.Chunk mempty . (:[])

showTestTitle :: Name -> Pass -> [R.Chunk]
showTestTitle n p = [open, passFail, close, blank, txt, nl]
    nl = plain "\n"
    passFail =
      if p
      then "PASS" <> R.f_green
      else "FAIL" <> R.f_red
    open = plain "["
    close = plain "]"
    blank = plain (X.singleton ' ')
    txt = plain n

-- | Evaluates a test for a given list of subjects.
evalTest :: Test a -> [a] -> TestResult a
evalTest (Test n fPass fSubj vy) ls = TestResult n p ss vy
    p = fPass results
    results = map fSubj ls
    ss = zip ls results

-- | Shows a result with indenting.
  :: Pt.IndentAmt
  -- ^ Indent each level by this many spaces

  -> (a -> Text)
  -- ^ Shows each subject. The function should return a single-line
  -- text without a trailing newline.

  -> Maybe TestVerbosity
  -- ^ If Just, use this TestVerbosity when showing the test. If
  -- Nothing, use the default verbosity.

  -> TestResult a
  -- ^ The result to show

  -> [R.Chunk]
showTestResult amt swr mayVb (TestResult n p ss dfltVb) =
  let vb = fromMaybe dfltVb mayVb
      tv = if p then onPass vb else onFail vb
      firstLine = showTestTitle n p
  in case tv of
      HideTest -> []
      ShowFirstLine trueV falseV ->
        ++ concatMap (showSubject p amt swr (trueV, falseV)) ss

  :: Pass
  -> Pt.IndentAmt
  -> (a -> Text)
  -> (TrueVerbosity, FalseVerbosity)
  -> (a, Pt.Result)
  -> [R.Chunk]
showSubject p amt swr (tv, fv) (a, r) =
  let txt = swr a
      vb = if p then tv else fv
  in case vb of
      HideAll -> []
      ShowDefaults -> Pt.showTopResult txt amt 1 False r
      ShowAll -> Pt.showTopResult txt amt 1 True r

-- # Pre-built tests

-- | The test passes if each subject returns True.
eachSubjectMustBeTrue :: Pt.Predbox a -> Name -> Test a
eachSubjectMustBeTrue pd nm = Test nm pass f vy
    vy = TestVerbosity
      { onPass = ShowFirstLine HideAll HideAll
      , onFail = ShowFirstLine HideAll ShowDefaults }
    pass = all Pt.rBool
    f = Pt.evaluate pd

-- | The test passes if at least a given number of subjects are True.
  :: Pt.Predbox a
  -> Name
  -> Int
  -- ^ The number of subjects that must be True. This should be a
  -- positive number.
  -> Test a
nSubjectsMustBeTrue pd nm i = Test nm pass f vy
    pass = atLeast i . filter Pt.rBool
    f = Pt.evaluate pd
    vy = TestVerbosity
      { onPass = ShowFirstLine HideAll HideAll
      , onFail = ShowFirstLine HideAll HideAll }

-- # Basement

-- | Returns True if the list has at least this many elements. Lazier
-- than taking the length of the list.
atLeast :: Int -> [a] -> Bool
atLeast i as
  | i < 0 = error "atLeast: negative length parameter"
  | otherwise = go 0 as
    go _ [] = i == 0
    go soFar (_:xs) =
      let nFound = soFar + 1
      in if nFound == i then True else go nFound xs