{-| Module : Preliminaries Copyright : © Yghor Kerscher, 2016 Licence : BSD-3 Maintainer : kerscher@acm.org Stability : experimental The Haskell Report specifies the with a minimal amount of definitions that are always available in scope for application writers. Due to its simplicity and frugality, multiple alternatives and support libraries were devised to improve upon it, including: * * * * * @Preliminaries@ is one of such alternatives and builds upon , with the following functionality out-of-the-box: * Data manipulation — i.e. * Streaming * Concurrency * Parallelism * Read-only, write-only and read-write environments — i.e. To use it, put the following on your @.cabal@ file, ignoring the “…” for ommited parts: @ … default-extensions: NoImplicitPrelude build-depends: preliminaries >= 0.1.2 < 2 @ And on each file, add @import Preliminaries@. You might also want to look at this project’s Cabal file to check on useful GHC extensions to enable alongside this change. In case something does not build or you find other unpleasant aspects of the library, please contact the maintainer. -} module Preliminaries ( -- * Data manipulation module Lens.Micro.Platform , module Lens.Micro.Contra -- * Concurrency , module Data.Conduit.Async , module Data.Conduit.TQueue -- * Parallelism , module Control.Monad.Par , parFork , parNew , parNewFull , parGet , parPut , parSpawn , parParMap , module Control.Monad.Parallel , module Control.Parallel , module Control.Parallel.Strategies , thru -- * Environments , module Control.Monad.Reader , module Control.Monad.State.Lazy , module Control.Monad.Writer.Lazy -- * Re-exports , module ClassyPrelude.Conduit , module Data.Biapplicative , module Data.Bifoldable , module Data.Bitraversable , module Data.MonoTraversable.Instances , module Data.Default -- * Utilities , type ($) ) where import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader, ask, asks, ReaderT (..), Reader, runReaderT, runReader) import Control.Monad.State.Lazy (MonadState, get, put, modify, StateT(..), State, runStateT, runState) import Control.Monad.Writer.Lazy (MonadWriter, tell, listen, listens, WriterT(..), Writer, runWriterT, runWriter) import Control.Monad.Par as Par import Control.Monad.Par.Class (ParFuture) import Control.Monad.Par (Par, runPar, runParIO, IVar, parMapM, parMapReduceRange, InclusiveRange(..), parFor) import Control.Monad.Parallel (MonadFork, forkExec) import Control.Parallel import Control.Parallel.Strategies as Strategies import Control.Parallel.Strategies ( Strategy, withStrategy , rseq, rdeepseq , rpar, rparWith , evalTraversable, parTraversable, parMap , ($|), ($||), (.|), (.||), (-|), (-||) , Eval, runEval ) import ClassyPrelude.Conduit import Data.Biapplicative (Biapplicative, bipure, (<<*>>)) import Data.Bifoldable (Bifoldable, bifoldr, bifold, bifoldMap, bitraverse_, bisequenceA_, bifor_) import Data.Bitraversable (Bitraversable, bitraverse, bisequenceA, bifor) import Data.Conduit.Async import Data.Conduit.TQueue import Data.Default import Data.MonoTraversable.Instances () import Lens.Micro.Platform import Lens.Micro.Contra parFork :: Par () -> Par () parFork = Par.fork parNew :: Par (IVar a) parNew = Par.new parNewFull :: NFData a => a -> Par (IVar a) parNewFull = Par.newFull parGet :: IVar a -> Par a parGet = Par.get parPut :: NFData a => IVar a -> a -> Par () parPut = Par.put parSpawn :: NFData a => Par a -> Par (IVar a) parSpawn = Par.spawn parParMap :: (Traversable t, NFData b, ParFuture iv p) => (a -> b) -> t a -> p (t b) parParMap = Par.parMap thru :: a -> Strategy a -> a x `thru` strat = x `Strategies.using` strat type f $ x = f x