{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Main ( main, ) where import Control.Exception (catch, throw) import Data.Default (def) import Data.Function ((&)) import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text.IO import qualified Pretty.Diff as Diff import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import qualified Test.Tasty.Runners.Reporter as Reporter main = defaultMainWithIngredients [Reporter.ingredient] tests tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Pretty.Diff" [ testGroup "pretty" [ testCase "Comparing two equal strings" $ expectDiffToEqual ( Diff.pretty def "Hello" "Hello" ) [ "Hello", "╷", "│", "╵", "Hello" ], testCase "Removed characters" $ expectDiffToEqual ( Diff.pretty def "Hello" "Hel" ) [ " ▼▼", "Hello", "╷", "│", "╵", "Hel" ], testCase "Added characters" $ expectDiffToEqual ( Diff.pretty def "Hel" "Hello" ) [ "Hel", "╷", "│", "╵", "Hello", " ▲▲" ], testCase "Changed characters" $ expectDiffToEqual ( Diff.pretty def "Axxx" "Bxxx" ) [ "▼", "Axxx", "╷", "│", "╵", "Bxxx", "▲" ], testCase "Mixed changes" $ expectDiffToEqual ( Diff.pretty def "12345" "1004" ) [ " ▼▼ ▼", "12345", "╷", "│", "╵", "1004", " ▲▲" ], testCase "Multiline changes (on first and last line)" $ expectDiffToEqual ( Diff.pretty def {Diff.wrapping = Diff.Wrap 5} "0900000000" "9000000000" ) [ "▼", "09000", "00000", "╷", "│", "╵", "90000", "00000", " ▲" ], testCase "Multiline changes (inbetween)" $ expectDiffToEqual ( Diff.pretty def { Diff.wrapping = Diff.Wrap 5 } "0000090000" "0090000000" ) [ "00000", "▼", "90000", "╷", "│", "╵", "00900", " ▲", "00000" ], testCase "With separator text" $ expectDiffToEqual ( Diff.pretty def { Diff.separatorText = Just "equals", Diff.wrapping = Diff.Wrap 5 } "0000090000" "0090000000" ) [ "00000", "▼", "90000", "╷", "│ equals", "╵", "00900", " ▲", "00000" ] ], testGroup "pretty (multiline)" [ testCase "Multiline content with full multiline context" $ expectDiffToEqual ( Diff.pretty def {Diff.multilineContext = Diff.FullContext} "a\nb\nc\nd\ne\nf" "a\nb\nc\nD\ne\nf" ) [ "a", "b", "c", "▼", "d", "e", "f", "╷", "│", "╵", "a", "b", "c", "D", "▲", "e", "f" ] ], testCase "Multiline content with default multiline config" $ expectDiffToEqual ( Diff.pretty def "a\nb\nc\nd\ne\nf" "a\nb\nc\nD\ne\nf" ) [ "...", "b", "c", "▼", "d", "e", "f", "╷", "│", "╵", "...", "b", "c", "D", "▲", "e", "f" ], testCase "Multiline content with narrow multiline context" $ expectDiffToEqual ( Diff.pretty def {Diff.multilineContext = Diff.Surrounding 1 "..."} "a\nb\nc\nd\ne\nf" "a\nb\nc\nD\ne\nf" ) [ "...", "c", "▼", "d", "e", "...", "╷", "│", "╵", "...", "c", "D", "▲", "e", "..." ], testCase "Multiline content with narrow context and multiple diffs" $ expectDiffToEqual ( Diff.pretty def {Diff.wrapping = Diff.Wrap 3, Diff.multilineContext = Diff.Surrounding 1 "..."} "a\nb\nc\nd\ne\nf\ng\nh\ni\nj" "A\nb\nc\nD\ne\nf\ng\nh\ni\nJJJJJJ" ) [ "▼", "a", "b", "c", "▼", "d", "e", "...", "i", "▼", "j", "╷", "│", "╵", "A", "▲", "b", "c", "D", "▲", "e", "...", "i", "JJJ", "▲▲▲", "JJJ", "▲▲▲" ], testCase "addition in actual" $ expectDiffToEqual ( Diff.pretty def {Diff.wrapping = Diff.Wrap 3, Diff.multilineContext = Diff.Surrounding 1 "..."} "a\nb\nc\nxd\ne\n" "a\nb\nc\nd\ne\n" ) [ "...", "c", "▼", "xd", "e", "╷", "│", "╵", "...", "c", "d", "e" ], testCase "wrapping w/ surrounding multilineContext" $ expectDiffToEqual ( Diff.pretty def {Diff.wrapping = Diff.Wrap 3, Diff.multilineContext = Diff.Surrounding 1 "..."} "a\nb\nc\nxdddddddd\ne\n" "a\nb\nc\nddddddddd\ne\n" ) [ "...", "c", "▼", "xdd", "ddd", "ddd", "e", "╷", "│", "╵", "...", "c", "ddd", "ddd", "ddd", " ▲", "e" ], testGroup "pretty (newlines)" [ testCase "few lines (no diff)" $ expectDiffToEqual ( Diff.pretty def {Diff.wrapping = Diff.NoWrap, Diff.multilineContext = Diff.Surrounding 1 "..."} "a\n" "a\n" ) [ "a", "╷", "│", "╵", "a" ], testCase "first is longer" $ expectDiffToEqual ( Diff.pretty def "a\nB" "a\n" ) [ "a", "▼", "B", "╷", "│", "╵", "a" ], testCase "second is longer" $ expectDiffToEqual ( Diff.pretty def "a\n" "a\nB" ) [ "a", "╷", "│", "╵", "a", "B", "▲" ], testCase "extra newline" $ expectDiffToEqual ( Diff.pretty def "a\nb" "a\n\nb" ) [ "a", "▼", "b", "╷", "│", "╵", "a", "", "b", "▲" ], testCase "extra newline at the end" $ expectDiffToEqual ( Diff.pretty def "a\nb\n\n" "a\nb" ) [ "a", "b", "▼", "╷", "│", "╵", "a", "b" ] ] ] expectDiffToEqual actual expected_ = do let expected = Text.stripEnd (Text.unlines expected_) (actual @?= expected) `catch` ( \(e :: HUnitFailure) -> do Text.IO.putStrLn "Actual was:" Text.IO.putStrLn actual Text.IO.putStrLn "Expected was:" Text.IO.putStrLn expected throw e )