# [1.1.3] - [Deprecate the `Data.Text.Prettyprint.*` modules](https://github.com/quchen/prettyprinter/pull/203) * Users should migrate to the new `Prettyprinter` module hierarchy. * The old modules will be removed no sooner than September 2022. [1.1.3]: https://github.com/quchen/prettyprinter/compare/ansi-terminal-v1.1.2...ansi-terminal-v1.1.3 # [1.1.2] - [Add shallower `Prettyprinter` module hierarchy exposing the same API.](https://github.com/quchen/prettyprinter/pull/174) * The current plan for the existing `Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc*` modules is: * Start deprecation in early 2021. * Remove the modules after a deprecation period of at least one year. - [Make `renderLazy` lazy, and speed it up.](https://github.com/quchen/prettyprinter/pull/176) - [Add export list for Prettyprinter.Render.Terminal.Internal.](https://github.com/quchen/prettyprinter/pull/148) - [Optimize generating spaces for indentation.](https://github.com/quchen/prettyprinter/pull/132) - [Enable `-O2`.](https://github.com/quchen/prettyprinter/pull/144) - [Extend GHC support to 7.6 and 7.4.](https://github.com/quchen/prettyprinter/pull/74) [1.1.2]: https://github.com/quchen/prettyprinter/compare/ansi-terminal-v1.1.1.2...ansi-terminal-v1.1.2 # - Fix documentation claiming there would be a trailing newline in `renderIO` when there is none # - `renderIO` now renders directly to STDOUT, instead of first building a textual rendering and then printing that to STDOUT. # 1.1.1 - Expose `AnsiStyle`’s constructors for adaptability # 1.1 - Overhauled the API significantly – Styles are now combined using the `Semigroup` instance from a number of readable primitives. # 1.0.1 Fix version shenanigans, since the prerelease was released to Hackage as version 1 already, so uploading the »new« version 1 did not work # 1 Initial release