{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-} -- | -- Module : Data.Prim.Memory.Bytes -- Copyright : (c) Alexey Kuleshevich 2020 -- License : BSD3 -- Maintainer : Alexey Kuleshevich -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : non-portable -- module Data.Prim.Memory.Bytes ( -- * Mutable Bytes , toByteArray# , fromByteArray# , cloneBytes , emptyBytes , eqBytes , singletonBytes , isEmptyBytes , createBytes , createBytes_ , createBytesST , createBytesST_ -- * Pinness , Pinned(..) , isPinnedBytes , isPinnedMBytes , toPinnedBytes , toPinnedMBytes , toInconclusiveBytes , toInconclusiveMBytes , relaxPinnedBytes , relaxPinnedMBytes , ensurePinnedBytes , ensurePinnedMBytes -- * Mutable , MBytes , toMutableByteArray# , fromMutableByteArray# , isSameBytes , isSamePinnedBytes , isSameMBytes , indexOffBytes , indexByteOffBytes , byteCountBytes , countBytes , countRemBytes , compareBytes , compareByteOffBytes -- * Mutable -- ** To/From immutable , thawBytes , freezeMBytes -- ** Construction , allocMBytes , singletonMBytes , allocPinnedMBytes , allocAlignedMBytes , allocUnpinnedMBytes , callocMBytes , callocAlignedMBytes , shrinkMBytes , resizeMBytes , reallocMBytes , coerceStateMBytes -- ** Modifying data , cloneMBytes , withCloneMBytes , withCloneMBytes_ , withCloneMBytesST , withCloneMBytesST_ , loadListMBytes , loadListMBytes_ , copyBytesToMBytes , moveMBytesToMBytes -- ** Moving data -- * Size , getByteCountMBytes , getCountMBytes , getCountRemOfMBytes -- * Access , readOffMBytes , readByteOffMBytes , writeOffMBytes , writeByteOffMBytes , setMBytes , zeroMBytes -- ** Ptr , withPtrBytes , withNoHaltPtrBytes , withPtrMBytes , withNoHaltPtrMBytes , toPtrBytes , toPtrMBytes , toForeignPtrBytes , toForeignPtrMBytes -- * Conversion , fromListBytes , fromListBytesN , fromListBytesN_ , appendBytes , concatBytes , toListBytes , toListSlackBytes -- * Atomic , casMBytes , casBoolMBytes , casBoolFetchMBytes , atomicReadMBytes , atomicWriteMBytes , atomicModifyMBytes , atomicModifyMBytes_ , atomicBoolModifyFetchOldMBytes , atomicModifyFetchOldMBytes , atomicModifyFetchNewMBytes -- ** Numberic , atomicAddFetchOldMBytes , atomicAddFetchNewMBytes , atomicSubFetchOldMBytes , atomicSubFetchNewMBytes -- ** Binary , atomicAndFetchOldMBytes , atomicAndFetchNewMBytes , atomicNandFetchOldMBytes , atomicNandFetchNewMBytes , atomicOrFetchOldMBytes , atomicOrFetchNewMBytes , atomicXorFetchOldMBytes , atomicXorFetchNewMBytes , atomicNotFetchOldMBytes , atomicNotFetchNewMBytes -- * Prefetch , prefetchBytes0 , prefetchMBytes0 , prefetchBytes1 , prefetchMBytes1 , prefetchBytes2 , prefetchMBytes2 , prefetchBytes3 , prefetchMBytes3 , module Data.Prim -- * Helpers ) where import Control.Monad.ST import Control.Prim.Monad import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Prim import Data.Prim.Atomic import Data.Prim.Memory.Internal import Foreign.Prim -- | Wrap `ByteArray#` into `Bytes` toByteArray# :: Bytes p -> ByteArray# toByteArray# (Bytes b#) = b# -- | Unwrap `Bytes` to get the underlying `ByteArray#`. fromByteArray# :: ByteArray# -> Bytes 'Inc fromByteArray# = Bytes -- | Wrap `MutableByteArray#` into `MBytes` toMutableByteArray# :: MBytes p s -> MutableByteArray# s toMutableByteArray# (MBytes mb#) = mb# -- | Unwrap `MBytes` to get the underlying `MutableByteArray#`. fromMutableByteArray# :: MutableByteArray# s -> MBytes 'Inc s fromMutableByteArray# = MBytes -- | Check if two mutable bytes pointers refer to the same memory isSameMBytes :: MBytes p1 s -> MBytes p2 s -> Bool isSameMBytes (MBytes mb1#) (MBytes mb2#) = isTrue# (sameMutableByteArray# mb1# mb2#) {-# INLINE isSameMBytes #-} eqBytes :: Bytes p1 -> Bytes p2 -> Bool eqBytes b1 b2 = isSameBytes b1 b2 || eqMem b1 b2 {-# INLINE eqBytes #-} ---- Pure compareBytes :: Prim e => Bytes p1 -> Off e -> Bytes p2 -> Off e -> Count e -> Ordering compareBytes (Bytes b1#) off1 (Bytes b2#) off2 c = toOrdering# (compareByteArrays# b1# (unOffBytes# off1) b2# (unOffBytes# off2) (unCountBytes# c)) {-# INLINE compareBytes #-} -- | This function allows the change of state token. Use with care, because it can allow -- mutation to escape the `ST` monad. coerceStateMBytes :: MBytes p s' -> MBytes p s coerceStateMBytes = unsafeCoerce# emptyBytes :: Bytes p emptyBytes = castPinnedBytes $ runST $ allocPinnedMBytes (0 :: Count Word8) >>= freezeMBytes {-# INLINE emptyBytes #-} isEmptyBytes :: Bytes p -> Bool isEmptyBytes b = byteCountBytes b == 0 {-# INLINE isEmptyBytes #-} singletonBytes :: forall e p. (Prim e, Typeable p) => e -> Bytes p singletonBytes a = runST $ singletonMBytes a >>= freezeMBytes {-# INLINE singletonBytes #-} ---- Mutable singletonMBytes :: forall e p m s. (Prim e, Typeable p, MonadPrim s m) => e -> m (MBytes p s) singletonMBytes a = do mb <- allocMBytes (1 :: Count e) mb <$ writeOffMBytes mb 0 a {-# INLINE singletonMBytes #-} cloneBytes :: Typeable p => Bytes p -> Bytes p cloneBytes b = runST $ thawBytes b >>= cloneMBytes >>= freezeMBytes {-# INLINE cloneBytes #-} cloneMBytes :: (MonadPrim s m, Typeable p) => MBytes p s -> m (MBytes p s) cloneMBytes mb = do n <- getCountMBytes mb mb' <- allocMBytes (n :: Count Word8) mb' <$ moveMBytesToMBytes mb 0 mb' 0 n {-# INLINE cloneMBytes #-} copyBytesToMBytes :: (MonadPrim s m, Prim e) => Bytes ps -> Off e -> MBytes pd s -> Off e -> Count e -> m () copyBytesToMBytes (Bytes src#) srcOff (MBytes dst#) dstOff c = prim_ $ copyByteArray# src# (unOffBytes# srcOff) dst# (unOffBytes# dstOff) (unCountBytes# c) {-# INLINE copyBytesToMBytes #-} moveMBytesToMBytes :: (MonadPrim s m, Prim e) => MBytes ps s-> Off e -> MBytes pd s -> Off e -> Count e -> m () moveMBytesToMBytes (MBytes src#) srcOff (MBytes dst#) dstOff c = prim_ (copyMutableByteArray# src# (unOffBytes# srcOff) dst# (unOffBytes# dstOff) (unCountBytes# c)) {-# INLINE moveMBytesToMBytes #-} -- | Allocated memory is not cleared, so make sure to fill it in properly, otherwise you -- might find some garbage there. createBytes :: forall p e b s m. (Prim e, Typeable p, MonadPrim s m) => Count e -> (MBytes p s -> m b) -> m (b, Bytes p) createBytes n f = do mb <- allocMBytes n !res <- f mb (,) res <$> freezeMBytes mb {-# INLINE createBytes #-} createBytes_ :: forall p e b s m. (Prim e, Typeable p, MonadPrim s m) => Count e -> (MBytes p s -> m b) -> m (Bytes p) createBytes_ n f = allocMBytes n >>= \mb -> f mb >> freezeMBytes mb {-# INLINE createBytes_ #-} createBytesST :: forall p e b. (Prim e, Typeable p) => Count e -> (forall s . MBytes p s -> ST s b) -> (b, Bytes p) createBytesST n f = runST $ createBytes n f {-# INLINE createBytesST #-} createBytesST_ :: forall p e b. (Prim e, Typeable p) => Count e -> (forall s. MBytes p s -> ST s b) -> Bytes p createBytesST_ n f = runST $ createBytes_ n f {-# INLINE createBytesST_ #-} callocMBytes :: (MonadPrim s m, Prim e, Typeable p) => Count e -> m (MBytes p s) callocMBytes n = allocMBytes n >>= \mb -> mb <$ setMBytes mb 0 (toByteCount n) 0 {-# INLINE callocMBytes #-} -- | Fill the mutable array with zeros efficiently. zeroMBytes :: MonadPrim s m => MBytes p s -> m () zeroMBytes mba@(MBytes mba#) = do Count (I# n#) <- getByteCountMBytes mba prim_ (setByteArray# mba# 0# n# 0#) {-# INLINE zeroMBytes #-} withCloneMBytes :: (MonadPrim s m, Typeable p) => Bytes p -> (MBytes p s -> m a) -> m (a, Bytes p) withCloneMBytes b f = do mb <- cloneMBytes =<< thawBytes b !res <- f mb b' <- freezeMBytes mb pure (res, b') {-# INLINE withCloneMBytes #-} withCloneMBytes_ :: (MonadPrim s m, Typeable p) => Bytes p -> (MBytes p s -> m a) -> m (Bytes p) withCloneMBytes_ b f = thawBytes b >>= cloneMBytes >>= \mb -> f mb >> freezeMBytes mb {-# INLINE withCloneMBytes_ #-} withCloneMBytesST :: Typeable p => Bytes p -> (forall s. MBytes p s -> ST s a) -> (a, Bytes p) withCloneMBytesST b f = runST $ withCloneMBytes b f {-# INLINE withCloneMBytesST #-} withCloneMBytesST_ :: Typeable p => Bytes p -> (forall s. MBytes p s -> ST s a) -> Bytes p withCloneMBytesST_ b f = runST $ withCloneMBytes_ b f {-# INLINE withCloneMBytesST_ #-} -- | Get the count of elements of type @a@ that can fit into bytes as well as the slack -- number of bytes that would be leftover in case when total number of bytes available is -- not exactly divisable by the size of the element that will be stored in the memory -- chunk. countRemBytes :: forall e p. Prim e => Bytes p -> (Count e, Count Word8) countRemBytes = fromByteCountRem . byteCountBytes {-# INLINE countRemBytes #-} -- | Get the number of elements of type @a@ that can fit into bytes as well as the slack -- number of bytes that would be leftover in case when total number of bytes available is -- not exactly divisable by the size of the element that will be stored in the memory -- chunk. getCountRemOfMBytes :: forall e p s m. (MonadPrim s m, Prim e) => MBytes p s -> m (Count e, Count Word8) getCountRemOfMBytes b = fromByteCountRem <$> getByteCountMBytes b {-# INLINE getCountRemOfMBytes #-} -- | It is only guaranteed to convert the whole memory to a list whenever the size of -- allocated memory is exactly divisible by the size of the element, otherwise there will -- be some slack left unaccounted for. toListBytes :: Prim e => Bytes p -> [e] toListBytes = toListMem {-# INLINE toListBytes #-} toListSlackBytes :: Prim e => Bytes p -> ([e], [Word8]) toListSlackBytes = toListSlackMem {-# INLINE toListSlackBytes #-} -- | Same as `loadListMem` loadListMBytes :: (Prim e, Typeable p, MonadPrim s m) => [e] -> MBytes p s -> m ([e], Count e) loadListMBytes = loadListMem {-# INLINE loadListMBytes #-} -- | Same as `loadListMem_` loadListMBytes_ :: (Prim e, Typeable p, MonadPrim s m) => [e] -> MBytes p s -> m () loadListMBytes_ = loadListMem_ {-# INLINE loadListMBytes_ #-} -- | Same as `fromListZeroMemN_` fromListBytesN_ :: (Prim e, Typeable p) => Count e -> [e] -> Bytes p fromListBytesN_ = fromListZeroMemN_ {-# INLINE fromListBytesN_ #-} -- | Exactly like `fromListMemN`, but restricted to `Bytes`. fromListBytesN :: (Prim e, Typeable p) => Count e -> [e] -> (Either [e] (Count e), Bytes p) fromListBytesN = fromListMemN {-# INLINE fromListBytesN #-} fromListBytes :: forall e p. (Prim e, Typeable p) => [e] -> Bytes p fromListBytes = fromListMem {-# INLINE fromListBytes #-} -- | Allocate new memory region and append second bytes region after the first one appendBytes :: Typeable p => Bytes p1 -- ^ First memory region -> Bytes p2 -- ^ Second memory region -> Bytes p appendBytes = appendMem {-# INLINE appendBytes #-} concatBytes :: Typeable p => [Bytes p'] -> Bytes p concatBytes = concatMem {-# INLINE concatBytes #-} ensurePinnedBytes :: Bytes p -> Bytes 'Pin ensurePinnedBytes b = fromMaybe (convertMem b) (toPinnedBytes b) {-# INLINE ensurePinnedBytes #-} ensurePinnedMBytes :: MonadPrim s m => MBytes p s -> m (MBytes 'Pin s) ensurePinnedMBytes mb = case toPinnedMBytes mb of Just pmb -> pure pmb Nothing -> do n8 :: Count Word8 <- getCountMBytes mb pmb <- allocPinnedMBytes n8 pmb <$ moveMBytesToMBytes mb 0 pmb 0 n8 {-# INLINE ensurePinnedMBytes #-} toPinnedBytes :: Bytes p -> Maybe (Bytes 'Pin) toPinnedBytes (Bytes b#) | isTrue# (isByteArrayPinned# b#) = Just (Bytes b#) | otherwise = Nothing {-# INLINE toPinnedBytes #-} toPinnedMBytes :: MBytes p s -> Maybe (MBytes 'Pin s) toPinnedMBytes (MBytes mb#) | isTrue# (isMutableByteArrayPinned# mb#) = Just (MBytes mb#) | otherwise = Nothing {-# INLINE toPinnedMBytes #-} -- | Perform atomic modification of an element in the `MBytes` at the supplied -- index. Returns the actual value. Offset is in number of elements, -- rather than bytes. Implies a full memory barrier. -- -- /Note/ - Bounds are not checked, therefore this function is unsafe. -- -- @since 0.1.0 casMBytes :: (MonadPrim s m, Atomic e) => MBytes p s -- ^ Array to be mutated -> Off e -- ^ Index is in elements of @__a__@, rather than bytes. -> e -- ^ Expected old value -> e -- ^ New value -> m e casMBytes (MBytes mba#) (Off (I# i#)) expected new = prim $ casMutableByteArray# mba# i# expected new {-# INLINE casMBytes #-} -- | Perform atomic modification of an element in the `MBytes` at the supplied -- index. Returns `True` if swap was successfull and false otherwise. Offset is in number -- of elements, rather than bytes. Implies a full memory barrier. -- -- /Note/ - Bounds are not checked, therefore this function is unsafe. -- -- @since 0.1.0 casBoolMBytes :: (MonadPrim s m, Atomic e) => MBytes p s -- ^ Array to be mutated -> Off e -- ^ Index is in elements of @__a__@, rather than bytes. -> e -- ^ Expected old value -> e -- ^ New value -> m Bool casBoolMBytes (MBytes mba#) (Off (I# i#)) expected new = prim $ casBoolMutableByteArray# mba# i# expected new {-# INLINE casBoolMBytes #-} -- | Just like `casBoolMBytes`, but also returns the actual value, which will match the -- supplied expected value if the returned flag is `True` -- -- /Note/ - Bounds are not checked, therefore this function is unsafe. -- -- @since 0.1.0 casBoolFetchMBytes :: (MonadPrim s m, Atomic e) => MBytes p s -- ^ Array to be mutated -> Off e -- ^ Index is in elements of @__a__@, rather than bytes. -> e -- ^ Expected old value -> e -- ^ New value -> m (Bool, e) casBoolFetchMBytes mb off expected new = do isCasSucc <- casBoolMBytes mb off expected new actual <- if isCasSucc then pure new else readOffMBytes mb off pure (isCasSucc, actual) {-# INLINE casBoolFetchMBytes #-} -- | Perform atomic read of `MBytes` at the supplied index. Offset is in number of -- elements, rather than bytes. Implies a full memory barrier. -- -- /Note/ - Bounds are not checked, therefore this function is unsafe. -- -- @since 0.1.0 atomicReadMBytes :: (MonadPrim s m, Atomic e) => MBytes p s -- ^ Array to be mutated -> Off e -- ^ Index is in elements of @__a__@, rather than bytes. -> m e atomicReadMBytes (MBytes mba#) (Off (I# i#)) = prim $ atomicReadMutableByteArray# mba# i# {-# INLINE atomicReadMBytes #-} -- | Perform a write into `MBytes` at the supplied index atomically. Offset is in number -- of elements, rather than bytes. Implies a full memory barrier. -- -- /Note/ - Bounds are not checked, therefore this function is unsafe. -- -- @since 0.1.0 atomicWriteMBytes :: (MonadPrim s m, Atomic e) => MBytes p s -- ^ Array to be mutated -> Off e -- ^ Index is in elements of @__a__@, rather than bytes. -> e -> m () atomicWriteMBytes (MBytes mba#) (Off (I# i#)) e = prim_ $ atomicWriteMutableByteArray# mba# i# e {-# INLINE atomicWriteMBytes #-} -- | Perform atomic modification of an element in the `MBytes` at the supplied -- index. Returns the artifact of computation @__b__@. Offset is in number of elements, -- rather than bytes. Implies a full memory barrier. -- -- /Note/ - Bounds are not checked, therefore this function is unsafe. -- -- @since 0.1.0 atomicModifyMBytes :: (MonadPrim s m, Atomic e) => MBytes p s -- ^ Array to be mutated -> Off e -- ^ Index is in elements of @__a__@, rather than bytes. -> (e -> (e, b)) -- ^ Function that is applied to the old value and returns new value -- and some artifact of computation @__b__@ -> m b atomicModifyMBytes (MBytes mba#) (Off (I# i#)) f = prim $ atomicModifyMutableByteArray# mba# i# $ \a -> case f a of (a', b) -> (# a', b #) {-# INLINE atomicModifyMBytes #-} -- | Perform atomic modification of an element in the `MBytes` at the supplied -- index. Offset is in number of elements, rather than bytes. Implies a full memory -- barrier. -- -- /Note/ - Bounds are not checked, therefore this function is unsafe. -- -- @since 0.1.0 atomicModifyMBytes_ :: (MonadPrim s m, Atomic e) => MBytes p s -- ^ Array to be mutated -> Off e -- ^ Index is in elements of @__a__@, rather than bytes. -> (e -> e) -- ^ Function that is applied to the old value and returns new value. -> m () atomicModifyMBytes_ (MBytes mba#) (Off (I# i#)) f = prim_ $ atomicModifyMutableByteArray_# mba# i# f {-# INLINE atomicModifyMBytes_ #-} -- | Perform atomic modification of an element in the `MBytes` at the supplied -- index. Returns the previous value. Offset is in number of elements, rather than -- bytes. Implies a full memory barrier. -- -- /Note/ - Bounds are not checked, therefore this function is unsafe. -- -- @since 0.1.0 atomicModifyFetchOldMBytes :: (MonadPrim s m, Atomic e) => MBytes p s -- ^ Array to be mutated -> Off e -- ^ Index is in elements of @__a__@, rather than bytes. -> (e -> e) -- ^ Function that is applied to the old value and returns the new value -> m e atomicModifyFetchOldMBytes (MBytes mba#) (Off (I# i#)) f = prim $ atomicModifyFetchOldMutableByteArray# mba# i# f {-# INLINE atomicModifyFetchOldMBytes #-} -- | Perform atomic modification of an element in the `MBytes` at the supplied -- index. Returns the previous value. Offset is in number of elements, rather than -- bytes. Implies a full memory barrier. -- -- /Note/ - Bounds are not checked, therefore this function is unsafe. -- -- @since 0.1.0 atomicBoolModifyFetchOldMBytes :: (MonadPrim s m, Atomic e) => MBytes p s -- ^ Array to be mutated -> Off e -- ^ Index is in elements of @__a__@, rather than bytes. -> (e -> e) -- ^ Function that is applied to the old value and returns the new value -> m e atomicBoolModifyFetchOldMBytes (MBytes mba#) (Off (I# i#)) f = prim $ atomicBoolModifyFetchOldMutableByteArray# mba# i# f {-# INLINE atomicBoolModifyFetchOldMBytes #-} -- | Perform atomic modification of an element in the `MBytes` at the supplied -- index. Offset is in number of elements, rather than bytes. Implies a full memory -- barrier. -- -- /Note/ - Bounds are not checked, therefore this function is unsafe. -- -- @since 0.1.0 atomicModifyFetchNewMBytes :: (MonadPrim s m, Atomic e) => MBytes p s -- ^ Array to be mutated -> Off e -- ^ Index is in elements of @__a__@, rather than bytes. -> (e -> e) -- ^ Function that is applied to the old value and returns the new value -> m e atomicModifyFetchNewMBytes (MBytes mba#) (Off (I# i#)) f = prim $ atomicModifyFetchNewMutableByteArray# mba# i# f {-# INLINE atomicModifyFetchNewMBytes #-} -- | Add a numeric value to an element of a `MBytes`, corresponds to @(`+`)@ done -- atomically. Returns the previous value. Offset is in number of elements, rather -- than bytes. Implies a full memory barrier. -- -- /Note/ - Bounds are not checked, therefore this function is unsafe. -- -- @since 0.1.0 atomicAddFetchOldMBytes :: (MonadPrim s m, AtomicCount e) => MBytes p s -> Off e -> e -> m e atomicAddFetchOldMBytes (MBytes mba#) (Off (I# i#)) a = prim (atomicAddFetchOldMutableByteArray# mba# i# a) {-# INLINE atomicAddFetchOldMBytes #-} -- | Add a numeric value to an element of a `MBytes`, corresponds to @(`+`)@ done -- atomically. Returns the new value. Offset is in number of elements, rather -- than bytes. Implies a full memory barrier. -- -- /Note/ - Bounds are not checked, therefore this function is unsafe. -- -- @since 0.1.0 atomicAddFetchNewMBytes :: (MonadPrim s m, AtomicCount e) => MBytes p s -> Off e -> e -> m e atomicAddFetchNewMBytes (MBytes mba#) (Off (I# i#)) a = prim (atomicAddFetchNewMutableByteArray# mba# i# a) {-# INLINE atomicAddFetchNewMBytes #-} -- | Subtract a numeric value from an element of a `MBytes`, corresponds to -- @(`-`)@ done atomically. Returns the previous value. Offset is in number of elements, rather -- than bytes. Implies a full memory barrier. -- -- /Note/ - Bounds are not checked, therefore this function is unsafe. -- -- @since 0.1.0 atomicSubFetchOldMBytes :: (MonadPrim s m, AtomicCount e) => MBytes p s -> Off e -> e -> m e atomicSubFetchOldMBytes (MBytes mba#) (Off (I# i#)) a = prim (atomicSubFetchOldMutableByteArray# mba# i# a) {-# INLINE atomicSubFetchOldMBytes #-} -- | Subtract a numeric value from an element of a `MBytes`, corresponds to -- @(`-`)@ done atomically. Returns the new value. Offset is in number of elements, rather -- than bytes. Implies a full memory barrier. -- -- /Note/ - Bounds are not checked, therefore this function is unsafe. -- -- @since 0.1.0 atomicSubFetchNewMBytes :: (MonadPrim s m, AtomicCount e) => MBytes p s -> Off e -> e -> m e atomicSubFetchNewMBytes (MBytes mba#) (Off (I# i#)) a = prim (atomicSubFetchNewMutableByteArray# mba# i# a) {-# INLINE atomicSubFetchNewMBytes #-} -- | Binary conjunction (AND) of an element of a `MBytes` with the supplied value, -- corresponds to @(`Data.Bits..&.`)@ done atomically. Returns the previous value. Offset -- is in number of elements, rather than bytes. Implies a full memory barrier. -- -- /Note/ - Bounds are not checked, therefore this function is unsafe. -- -- @since 0.1.0 atomicAndFetchOldMBytes :: (MonadPrim s m, AtomicBits e) => MBytes p s -> Off e -> e -> m e atomicAndFetchOldMBytes (MBytes mba#) (Off (I# i#)) a = prim (atomicAndFetchOldMutableByteArray# mba# i# a) {-# INLINE atomicAndFetchOldMBytes #-} -- | Binary conjunction (AND) of an element of a `MBytes` with the supplied value, -- corresponds to @(`Data.Bits..&.`)@ done atomically. Returns the new value. Offset is -- in number of elements, rather than bytes. Implies a full memory barrier. -- -- /Note/ - Bounds are not checked, therefore this function is unsafe. -- -- @since 0.1.0 atomicAndFetchNewMBytes :: (MonadPrim s m, AtomicBits e) => MBytes p s -> Off e -> e -> m e atomicAndFetchNewMBytes (MBytes mba#) (Off (I# i#)) a = prim (atomicAndFetchNewMutableByteArray# mba# i# a) {-# INLINE atomicAndFetchNewMBytes #-} -- | Negation of binary conjunction (NAND) of an element of a `MBytes` with the -- supplied value, corresponds to @\\x y -> `Data.Bits.complement` (x `Data.Bits..&.` y)@ -- done atomically. Returns the previous value. Offset is in number of elements, rather -- than bytes. Implies a full memory barrier. -- -- /Note/ - Bounds are not checked, therefore this function is unsafe. -- -- @since 0.1.0 atomicNandFetchOldMBytes :: (MonadPrim s m, AtomicBits e) => MBytes p s -> Off e -> e -> m e atomicNandFetchOldMBytes (MBytes mba#) (Off (I# i#)) a = prim (atomicNandFetchOldMutableByteArray# mba# i# a) {-# INLINE atomicNandFetchOldMBytes #-} -- | Negation of binary conjunction (NAND) of an element of a `MBytes` with the supplied -- value, corresponds to @\\x y -> `Data.Bits.complement` (x `Data.Bits..&.` y)@ done -- atomically. Returns the new value. Offset is in number of elements, rather than -- bytes. Implies a full memory barrier. -- -- /Note/ - Bounds are not checked, therefore this function is unsafe. -- -- @since 0.1.0 atomicNandFetchNewMBytes :: (MonadPrim s m, AtomicBits e) => MBytes p s -> Off e -> e -> m e atomicNandFetchNewMBytes (MBytes mba#) (Off (I# i#)) a = prim (atomicNandFetchNewMutableByteArray# mba# i# a) {-# INLINE atomicNandFetchNewMBytes #-} -- | Binary disjunction (OR) of an element of a `MBytes` with the supplied value, -- corresponds to @(`Data.Bits..|.`)@ done atomically. Returns the previous value. Offset -- is in number of elements, rather than bytes. Implies a full memory barrier. -- -- /Note/ - Bounds are not checked, therefore this function is unsafe. -- -- @since 0.1.0 atomicOrFetchOldMBytes :: (MonadPrim s m, AtomicBits e) => MBytes p s -> Off e -> e -> m e atomicOrFetchOldMBytes (MBytes mba#) (Off (I# i#)) a = prim (atomicOrFetchOldMutableByteArray# mba# i# a) {-# INLINE atomicOrFetchOldMBytes #-} -- | Binary disjunction (OR) of an element of a `MBytes` with the supplied value, -- corresponds to @(`Data.Bits..|.`)@ done atomically. Returns the new value. Offset is -- in number of elements, rather than bytes. Implies a full memory barrier. -- -- /Note/ - Bounds are not checked, therefore this function is unsafe. -- -- @since 0.1.0 atomicOrFetchNewMBytes :: (MonadPrim s m, AtomicBits e) => MBytes p s -> Off e -> e -> m e atomicOrFetchNewMBytes (MBytes mba#) (Off (I# i#)) a = prim (atomicOrFetchNewMutableByteArray# mba# i# a) {-# INLINE atomicOrFetchNewMBytes #-} -- | Binary exclusive disjunction (XOR) of an element of a `MBytes` with the supplied value, -- corresponds to @`Data.Bits.xor`@ done atomically. Returns the previous value. Offset -- is in number of elements, rather than bytes. Implies a full memory barrier. -- -- /Note/ - Bounds are not checked, therefore this function is unsafe. -- -- @since 0.1.0 atomicXorFetchOldMBytes :: (MonadPrim s m, AtomicBits e) => MBytes p s -> Off e -> e -> m e atomicXorFetchOldMBytes (MBytes mba#) (Off (I# i#)) a = prim (atomicXorFetchOldMutableByteArray# mba# i# a) {-# INLINE atomicXorFetchOldMBytes #-} -- | Binary exclusive disjunction (XOR) of an element of a `MBytes` with the supplied value, -- corresponds to @`Data.Bits.xor`@ done atomically. Returns the new value. Offset is -- in number of elements, rather than bytes. Implies a full memory barrier. -- -- /Note/ - Bounds are not checked, therefore this function is unsafe. -- -- @since 0.1.0 atomicXorFetchNewMBytes :: (MonadPrim s m, AtomicBits e) => MBytes p s -> Off e -> e -> m e atomicXorFetchNewMBytes (MBytes mba#) (Off (I# i#)) a = prim (atomicXorFetchNewMutableByteArray# mba# i# a) {-# INLINE atomicXorFetchNewMBytes #-} -- | Binary negation (NOT) of an element of a `MBytes`, corresponds to -- @(`Data.Bits.complement`)@ done atomically. Returns the previous value. Offset is in -- number of elements, rather than bytes. Implies a full memory barrier. -- -- /Note/ - Bounds are not checked, therefore this function is unsafe. -- -- @since 0.1.0 atomicNotFetchOldMBytes :: (MonadPrim s m, AtomicBits e) => MBytes p s -> Off e -> m e atomicNotFetchOldMBytes (MBytes mba#) (Off (I# i#)) = prim (atomicNotFetchOldMutableByteArray# mba# i#) {-# INLINE atomicNotFetchOldMBytes #-} -- | Binary negation (NOT) of an element of a `MBytes`, corresponds to -- @(`Data.Bits.complement`)@ done atomically. Returns the new value. Offset is in number -- of elements, rather than bytes. Implies a full memory barrier. -- -- /Note/ - Bounds are not checked, therefore this function is unsafe. -- -- @since 0.1.0 atomicNotFetchNewMBytes :: (MonadPrim s m, AtomicBits e) => MBytes p s -> Off e -> m e atomicNotFetchNewMBytes (MBytes mba#) (Off (I# i#)) = prim (atomicNotFetchNewMutableByteArray# mba# i#) {-# INLINE atomicNotFetchNewMBytes #-} prefetchBytes0 :: (MonadPrim s m, Prim e) => Bytes p -> Off e -> m () prefetchBytes0 (Bytes b#) off = prim_ (prefetchByteArray0# b# (unOffBytes# off)) {-# INLINE prefetchBytes0 #-} prefetchMBytes0 :: (MonadPrim s m, Prim e) => MBytes p s -> Off e -> m () prefetchMBytes0 (MBytes mb#) off = prim_ (prefetchMutableByteArray0# mb# (unOffBytes# off)) {-# INLINE prefetchMBytes0 #-} prefetchBytes1 :: (MonadPrim s m, Prim e) => Bytes p -> Off e -> m () prefetchBytes1 (Bytes b#) off = prim_ (prefetchByteArray1# b# (unOffBytes# off)) {-# INLINE prefetchBytes1 #-} prefetchMBytes1 :: (MonadPrim s m, Prim e) => MBytes p s -> Off e -> m () prefetchMBytes1 (MBytes mb#) off = prim_ (prefetchMutableByteArray1# mb# (unOffBytes# off)) {-# INLINE prefetchMBytes1 #-} prefetchBytes2 :: (MonadPrim s m, Prim e) => Bytes p -> Off e -> m () prefetchBytes2 (Bytes b#) off = prim_ (prefetchByteArray2# b# (unOffBytes# off)) {-# INLINE prefetchBytes2 #-} prefetchMBytes2 :: (MonadPrim s m, Prim e) => MBytes p s -> Off e -> m () prefetchMBytes2 (MBytes mb#) off = prim_ (prefetchMutableByteArray2# mb# (unOffBytes# off)) {-# INLINE prefetchMBytes2 #-} prefetchBytes3 :: (MonadPrim s m, Prim e) => Bytes p -> Off e -> m () prefetchBytes3 (Bytes b#) off = prim_ (prefetchByteArray3# b# (unOffBytes# off)) {-# INLINE prefetchBytes3 #-} prefetchMBytes3 :: (MonadPrim s m, Prim e) => MBytes p s -> Off e -> m () prefetchMBytes3 (MBytes mb#) off = prim_ (prefetchMutableByteArray3# mb# (unOffBytes# off)) {-# INLINE prefetchMBytes3 #-}