{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-} {-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} import Data.Primitive import Data.Primitive.UnliftedArray (PrimUnlifted) import Data.Word import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..)) import Data.Int import Test.Tasty (defaultMain,testGroup,TestTree) import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary,Gen,(===),(==>)) import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty((:|))) import Control.Monad (forM) import qualified Test.Tasty.QuickCheck as TQC import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QC import qualified Test.QuickCheck.Classes as QCC import qualified Data.Semigroup as SG import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Data.Foldable as F import qualified GHC.Exts as E import qualified Test.QuickCheck.Classes.IsList as QCCL import qualified Data.Set.Unboxed as SU import qualified Data.Set.Lifted as SL import qualified Data.Set.Unlifted as SUL import qualified Data.Map.Unboxed.Unboxed as MUU import qualified Data.Diet.Map.Unboxed.Lifted as DMUL import qualified Data.Diet.Map.Lifted.Lifted as DMLL import qualified Data.Diet.Set.Lifted as DSL import qualified Data.Diet.Unbounded.Set.Lifted as DUSL import qualified Data.Map.Subset.Lifted as MSL main :: IO () main = defaultMain $ testGroup "Data" [ testGroup "Set" [ testGroup "Unboxed" [ lawsToTest (QCC.eqLaws (Proxy :: Proxy (SU.Set Int16))) , lawsToTest (QCC.ordLaws (Proxy :: Proxy (SU.Set Int16))) , lawsToTest (QCC.commutativeMonoidLaws (Proxy :: Proxy (SU.Set Int16))) , lawsToTest (QCC.isListLaws (Proxy :: Proxy (SU.Set Int16))) , TQC.testProperty "member" (memberProp @Int16 E.fromList SU.member) ] , testGroup "Lifted" [ lawsToTest (QCC.eqLaws (Proxy :: Proxy (SL.Set Integer))) , lawsToTest (QCC.ordLaws (Proxy :: Proxy (SL.Set Integer))) , lawsToTest (QCC.commutativeMonoidLaws (Proxy :: Proxy (SL.Set Integer))) , lawsToTest (QCC.isListLaws (Proxy :: Proxy (SL.Set Integer))) , TQC.testProperty "member" (memberProp @Integer E.fromList SL.member) , TQC.testProperty "foldr" (QCCL.foldrProp int32 SL.foldr) , TQC.testProperty "foldl'" (QCCL.foldlProp int16 SL.foldl') , TQC.testProperty "foldr'" (QCCL.foldrProp int32 SL.foldr') , TQC.testProperty "difference" differenceProp ] , testGroup "Unlifted" [ lawsToTest (QCC.eqLaws (Proxy :: Proxy (SUL.Set (PrimArray Int16)))) , lawsToTest (QCC.ordLaws (Proxy :: Proxy (SUL.Set (PrimArray Int16)))) , lawsToTest (QCC.commutativeMonoidLaws (Proxy :: Proxy (SUL.Set (PrimArray Int16)))) , lawsToTest (QCC.isListLaws (Proxy :: Proxy (SUL.Set (PrimArray Int16)))) , TQC.testProperty "member" (memberProp @(PrimArray Int16) E.fromList SUL.member) ] ] , testGroup "Map" [ testGroup "Unboxed" [ testGroup "Unboxed" [ lawsToTest (QCC.eqLaws (Proxy :: Proxy (MUU.Map Word32 Int))) , lawsToTest (QCC.ordLaws (Proxy :: Proxy (MUU.Map Word32 Int))) , lawsToTest (QCC.semigroupLaws (Proxy :: Proxy (MUU.Map Word32 Word))) , lawsToTest (QCC.commutativeMonoidLaws (Proxy :: Proxy (MUU.Map Word32 Int))) , lawsToTest (QCC.isListLaws (Proxy :: Proxy (MUU.Map Word32 Int))) , TQC.testProperty "lookup" (lookupProp @Word32 @Int E.fromList MUU.lookup) , TQC.testProperty "foldlWithKey'" (mapFoldAgreement MUU.foldlWithKey' M.foldlWithKey) , TQC.testProperty "foldrWithKey'" (mapFoldAgreement MUU.foldrWithKey' M.foldrWithKey) , TQC.testProperty "foldMapWithKey'" (mapFoldMonoidAgreement MUU.foldMapWithKey' M.foldMapWithKey) ] ] ] , testGroup "Diet" [ testGroup "Unbounded" [ testGroup "Set" [ testGroup "Lifted" [ lawsToTest (QCC.eqLaws (Proxy :: Proxy (DUSL.Set Word8))) , lawsToTest (QCC.commutativeMonoidLaws (Proxy :: Proxy (DUSL.Set Word8))) ] ] ] , testGroup "Set" [ testGroup "Lifted" [ lawsToTest (QCC.eqLaws (Proxy :: Proxy (DSL.Set Word16))) , lawsToTest (QCC.ordLaws (Proxy :: Proxy (DSL.Set Word16))) , lawsToTest (QCC.commutativeMonoidLaws (Proxy :: Proxy (DSL.Set Word16))) , lawsToTest (QCC.isListLaws (Proxy :: Proxy (DSL.Set Word16))) , TQC.testProperty "member" (dietMemberProp @Word8 E.fromList DSL.member) , TQC.testProperty "difference" dietSetDifferenceProp , TQC.testProperty "aboveInclusive" dietSetAboveProp , testGroup "belowInclusive" [ TQC.testProperty "basic" dietSetBelowProp , TQC.testProperty "lowest" dietSetBelowLowestProp , TQC.testProperty "highest" dietSetBelowHighestProp ] , testGroup "betweenInclusive" [ TQC.testProperty "basic" dietSetBetweenProp , TQC.testProperty "border" dietSetBetweenBorderProp , TQC.testProperty "inside" dietSetBetweenBorderNearProp ] ] ] , testGroup "Map" [ testGroup "Subset" [ testGroup "Lifted" [ lawsToTest (QCC.eqLaws (Proxy :: Proxy (MSL.Map Integer (SG.Sum Integer)))) , lawsToTest (QCC.semigroupLaws (Proxy :: Proxy (MSL.Map Integer (SG.First Integer)))) , lawsToTest (QCC.commutativeMonoidLaws (Proxy :: Proxy (MSL.Map Integer (SG.Sum Integer)))) , TQC.testProperty "lookup" subsetMapLookupProp ] ] , testGroup "Lifted" [ testGroup "Lifted" [ lawsToTest (QCC.eqLaws (Proxy :: Proxy (DMLL.Map Word8 Integer))) , lawsToTest (QCC.semigroupLaws (Proxy :: Proxy (DMLL.Map Word8 Word))) , lawsToTest (QCC.commutativeMonoidLaws (Proxy :: Proxy (DMLL.Map Word8 Int))) , lawsToTest (QCC.isListLaws (Proxy :: Proxy (DMLL.Map Word8 Integer))) , TQC.testProperty "lookup" (dietLookupPropA @Word8 @Int E.fromList DMLL.lookup) , TQC.testProperty "doubleton" dietDoubletonProp , TQC.testProperty "valid" dietValidProp ] ] , testGroup "Unboxed" [ testGroup "Lifted" [ lawsToTest (QCC.eqLaws (Proxy :: Proxy (DMUL.Map Word8 Integer))) , lawsToTest (QCC.semigroupLaws (Proxy :: Proxy (DMUL.Map Word8 Word))) , lawsToTest (QCC.commutativeMonoidLaws (Proxy :: Proxy (DMUL.Map Word8 Int))) , lawsToTest (QCC.isListLaws (Proxy :: Proxy (DMUL.Map Word8 Integer))) , TQC.testProperty "lookup" (dietLookupPropA @Word32 @Int E.fromList DMUL.lookup) ] ] ] ] ] int16 :: Proxy Int16 int16 = Proxy int32 :: Proxy Int32 int32 = Proxy subsetMapLookupProp :: QC.Property subsetMapLookupProp = QC.property $ \(xs :: MSL.Map Integer Integer) -> let xs' = MSL.toList xs in all (\(k,v) -> MSL.lookup k xs == Just v) xs' === True dietSetDifferenceProp :: QC.Property dietSetDifferenceProp = QC.property $ \(xs :: DSL.Set Word8) (ys :: DSL.Set Word8) -> let xs' = dietSetToSet xs ys' = dietSetToSet ys in DSL.difference xs ys === DSL.fromList (map (\x -> (x,x)) (S.toList (S.difference xs' ys'))) dietSetAboveProp :: QC.Property dietSetAboveProp = QC.property $ \(y :: Word8) (ys :: DSL.Set Word8) -> let ys' = dietSetToSet ys (_,isMember,c) = S.splitMember y ys' r = if isMember then S.insert y c else c in DSL.aboveInclusive y ys === DSL.fromList (map (\x -> (x,x)) (S.toList r)) dietSetBelowProp :: QC.Property dietSetBelowProp = QC.property $ \(y :: Word8) (ys :: DSL.Set Word8) -> let ys' = dietSetToSet ys (c,isMember,_) = S.splitMember y ys' r = if isMember then S.insert y c else c in DSL.belowInclusive y ys === DSL.fromList (map (\x -> (x,x)) (S.toList r)) dietSetBelowLowestProp :: QC.Property dietSetBelowLowestProp = QC.property $ \(ys :: DSL.Set Word8) -> let ys' = dietSetToSet ys in case S.lookupMin ys' of Nothing -> QC.property QC.Discard Just y -> let (c,isMember,_) = S.splitMember y ys' r = if isMember then S.insert y c else c in QC.property (DSL.belowInclusive y ys === DSL.fromList (map (\x -> (x,x)) (S.toList r))) dietSetBelowHighestProp :: QC.Property dietSetBelowHighestProp = QC.property $ \(ys :: DSL.Set Word8) -> let ys' = dietSetToSet ys in case S.lookupMax ys' of Nothing -> QC.property QC.Discard Just y -> let (c,isMember,_) = S.splitMember y ys' r = if isMember then S.insert y c else c in QC.property (DSL.belowInclusive y ys === DSL.fromList (map (\x -> (x,x)) (S.toList r))) dietSetBetweenProp :: QC.Property dietSetBetweenProp = QC.property $ \(x :: Word8) (y :: Word8) (ys :: DSL.Set Word8) -> (x <= y) ==> ( let ys' = dietSetToSet ys r = S.filter (\e -> e >= x && e <= y) ys' in DSL.betweenInclusive x y ys === DSL.fromList (map (\z -> (z,z)) (S.toList r)) ) dietSetBetweenBorderProp :: QC.Property dietSetBetweenBorderProp = QC.property $ \(ys :: DSL.Set Word8) -> let ys' = dietSetToSet ys in case S.lookupMax ys' of Nothing -> QC.property QC.Discard Just hi -> case S.lookupMin ys' of Nothing -> QC.property QC.Discard Just lo -> let r = S.filter (\e -> e >= lo && e <= hi) ys' in DSL.betweenInclusive lo hi ys === DSL.fromList (map (\z -> (z,z)) (S.toList r)) dietSetBetweenBorderNearProp :: QC.Property dietSetBetweenBorderNearProp = QC.property $ \(ys :: DSL.Set Word8) -> let ys' = dietSetToSet ys in ( S.size ys' > 1 ==> ( let hi = pred (S.findMax ys') lo = succ (S.findMin ys') r = S.filter (\e -> e >= lo && e <= hi) ys' in DSL.betweenInclusive lo hi ys === DSL.fromList (map (\z -> (z,z)) (S.toList r)) ) ) -- This enumerates all of the element contained by all ranges -- in the diet set. dietSetToSet :: (Enum a, Ord a) => DSL.Set a -> S.Set a dietSetToSet = DSL.foldr (\lo hi s -> S.fromList (enumFromTo lo hi) <> s) mempty differenceProp :: QC.Property differenceProp = QC.property $ \(xs :: S.Set Word8) (ys :: S.Set Word8) -> let xs' = SL.fromList (S.toList xs) ys' = SL.fromList (S.toList ys) in SL.toList (SL.difference xs' ys') === S.toList (S.difference xs ys) mapFoldMonoidAgreement :: ((Int -> Int -> [Int]) -> MUU.Map Int Int -> [Int]) -> ((Int -> Int -> [Int]) -> M.Map Int Int -> [Int]) -> QC.Property mapFoldMonoidAgreement foldPrim foldContainer = QC.property $ \(xs :: [(Int,Int)]) -> let p = E.fromList xs c = E.fromList xs func x y = [x + y] in foldPrim func p === foldContainer func c mapFoldAgreement :: ((Int -> Int -> Int -> Int) -> Int -> MUU.Map Int Int -> Int) -> ((Int -> Int -> Int -> Int) -> Int -> M.Map Int Int -> Int) -> QC.Property mapFoldAgreement foldPrim foldContainer = QC.property $ \(xs :: [(Int,Int)]) -> let p = E.fromList xs c = E.fromList xs -- we just need the function to be non-commutative func x y z = y - (2 * x) - (3 * z) in foldPrim func 42 p === foldContainer func 42 c memberProp :: forall a t. (Arbitrary a, Show a) => ([a] -> t a) -> (a -> t a -> Bool) -> QC.Property memberProp containerFromList containerMember = QC.property $ \(xs :: [a]) -> let c = containerFromList xs in all (\x -> containerMember x c) xs === True lookupProp :: forall k v t. (Arbitrary k, Show k, Ord k, Arbitrary v, Show v, Eq v) => ([(k,v)] -> t k v) -> (k -> t k v -> Maybe v) -> QC.Property lookupProp containerFromList containerLookup = QC.property $ \(xs :: [(k,v)]) -> let ys = M.fromList xs c = containerFromList xs in all (\(x,_) -> containerLookup x c == M.lookup x ys) xs === True dietMemberProp :: forall a t. (Arbitrary a, Show a, Ord a, Arbitrary a, Show (t a)) => ([(a,a)] -> t a) -> (a -> t a -> Bool) -> QC.Property dietMemberProp containerFromList containerLookup = QC.property $ \(xs :: [a]) -> let c = containerFromList (map (\a -> (a,a)) xs) in QC.counterexample ("original list: " ++ show xs ++ "; diet set: " ++ show c) (all (\x -> containerLookup x c == True) xs === True) dietLookupPropA :: forall k v t. (Arbitrary k, Show k, Ord k, Arbitrary v, Show v, Eq v, Show (t k v)) => ([(k,k,v)] -> t k v) -> (k -> t k v -> Maybe v) -> QC.Property dietLookupPropA containerFromList containerLookup = QC.property $ \(xs :: [(k,v)]) -> let ys = M.fromList xs c = containerFromList (map (\(k,v) -> (k,k,v)) xs) in QC.counterexample ("original list: " ++ show xs ++ "; diet map: " ++ show c) (all (\(x,_) -> containerLookup x c == M.lookup x ys) xs === True) dietDoubletonProp :: QC.Property dietDoubletonProp = QC.property $ \(loA :: Word8) (hiA :: Word8) (valA :: Int) (loB :: Word8) (hiB :: Word8) (valB :: Int) -> (hiA >= loA && hiB >= loB) ==> (simpleDoubletonToList loA hiA valA loB hiB valB === E.toList (DMLL.singleton loA hiA valA <> DMLL.singleton loB hiB valB)) dietValidProp :: QC.Property dietValidProp = QC.property $ \(xs :: DMLL.Map Word8 Int) -> True === validDietTriples (E.toList xs) simpleDoubletonToList :: (Ord k, Enum k, Semigroup v, Eq v) => k -> k -> v -> k -> k -> v -> [(k,k,v)] simpleDoubletonToList key1A key2A valA key1B key2B valB = let loA = min key1A key2A hiA = max key1A key2A loB = min key1B key2B hiB = max key1B key2B in deduplicate $ case compare loA loB of LT -> case compare hiA loB of LT -> [(loA,hiA,valA),(loB,hiB,valB)] EQ -> case compare hiA hiB of LT -> [(loA,pred loB,valA),(loB,hiA,valA SG.<> valB),(succ hiA,hiB,valB)] EQ -> [(loA,pred loB,valA),(loB,hiA,valA SG.<> valB)] GT -> error "simpleDoubletonToList: invariant violated" GT -> case compare hiA hiB of LT -> [(loA,pred loB,valA),(loB,hiA,valA SG.<> valB),(succ hiA,hiB,valB)] EQ -> [(loA,pred loB,valA),(loB,hiA,valA SG.<> valB)] GT -> [(loA,pred loB,valA),(loB,hiB,valA SG.<> valB),(succ hiB,hiA,valA)] EQ -> case compare hiA hiB of LT -> [(loA,hiA,valA SG.<> valB),(succ hiA, hiB, valB)] GT -> [(loB,hiB,valA SG.<> valB),(succ hiB, hiA, valA)] EQ -> [(loA,hiA,valA SG.<> valB)] GT -> case compare hiB loA of LT -> [(loB,hiB,valB),(loA,hiA,valA)] EQ -> case compare hiB hiA of LT -> [(loB,pred loA,valB),(loA,hiB,valA SG.<> valB),(succ hiB,hiA,valA)] EQ -> [(loB,pred loA,valB),(loA,hiB,valA SG.<> valB)] GT -> error "simpleDoubletonToList: invariant violated" GT -> case compare hiB hiA of LT -> [(loB,pred loA,valB),(loA,hiB,valA SG.<> valB),(succ hiB,hiA,valA)] EQ -> [(loB,pred loA,valB),(loA,hiB,valA SG.<> valB)] GT -> [(loB,pred loA,valB),(loA,hiA,valA SG.<> valB),(succ hiA,hiB,valB)] validDietTriples :: (Enum k,Eq k,Eq v) => [(k,k,v)] -> Bool validDietTriples xs = deduplicate xs == xs deduplicate :: (Enum k,Eq k, Eq v) => [(k,k,v)] -> [(k,k,v)] deduplicate [] = [] deduplicate (x : xs) = F.toList (deduplicateNonEmpty (x :| xs)) deduplicateNonEmpty :: (Enum k, Eq k, Eq v) => NonEmpty (k,k,v) -> NonEmpty (k,k,v) deduplicateNonEmpty ((lo,hi,v) :| xs) = case xs of y : ys -> case deduplicateNonEmpty (y :| ys) of (lo',hi',v') :| xs' -> if v == v' && pred lo' == hi then (lo,hi',v) :| xs' else (lo,hi,v) :| ((lo',hi',v') : xs') [] -> (lo,hi,v) :| [] lawsToTest :: QCC.Laws -> TestTree lawsToTest (QCC.Laws name pairs) = testGroup name (map (uncurry TQC.testProperty) pairs) instance (Arbitrary a, Prim a) => Arbitrary (PrimArray a) where arbitrary = fmap E.fromList QC.arbitrary instance (Arbitrary a, Prim a, Ord a) => Arbitrary (SU.Set a) where arbitrary = fmap E.fromList QC.arbitrary instance (Arbitrary a, PrimUnlifted a, Ord a) => Arbitrary (SUL.Set a) where arbitrary = fmap E.fromList QC.arbitrary instance (Arbitrary a, Ord a) => Arbitrary (SL.Set a) where arbitrary = fmap E.fromList QC.arbitrary instance (Arbitrary k, Prim k, Ord k, Arbitrary v, Prim v) => Arbitrary (MUU.Map k v) where arbitrary = fmap E.fromList QC.arbitrary instance (Arbitrary k, Ord k, Enum k, Bounded k, Arbitrary v, Semigroup v, Eq v) => Arbitrary (DMLL.Map k v) where arbitrary = DMLL.fromListAppend <$> QC.vectorOf 10 arbitraryOrderedPairValue shrink x = map E.fromList (QC.shrink (E.toList x)) instance (Arbitrary k, Ord k, Arbitrary v, Eq v, Semigroup v) => Arbitrary (MSL.Map k v) where arbitrary = do len <- QC.choose (0,4) xs <- QC.vectorOf len $ do n <- QC.choose (0,3) ys <- QC.vector n v <- QC.arbitrary return (SL.fromList ys, v) return (MSL.fromList xs) shrink x = [ MSL.fromList (drop 1 y) ] where y = MSL.toList x instance (Arbitrary k, Prim k, Ord k, Enum k, Bounded k, Arbitrary v, Semigroup v, Eq v) => Arbitrary (DMUL.Map k v) where arbitrary = do sz <- QC.choose (0,10) k <- QC.arbitrary xs <- increasingOrderedPairsHelper sz k ys <- forM xs $ \(lo,hi) -> do v <- QC.arbitrary return (lo,hi,v) return (DMUL.fromListAppend ys) shrink x = map E.fromList (QC.shrink (E.toList x)) instance (Arbitrary a, Ord a, Enum a, Bounded a) => Arbitrary (DSL.Set a) where arbitrary = DSL.fromList <$> QC.vectorOf 7 arbitraryOrderedPair shrink x = map E.fromList (QC.shrink (E.toList x)) instance (Arbitrary a, Ord a, Enum a, Bounded a) => Arbitrary (DUSL.Set a) where arbitrary = do sz <- QC.choose (0,7) k <- QC.arbitrary foldMap (\(lo,hi) -> DUSL.singleton (Just lo) (Just hi)) <$> increasingOrderedPairsHelper sz k increasingOrderedPairsHelper :: (Ord k, Enum k, Bounded k) => Int -> k -> Gen [(k,k)] increasingOrderedPairsHelper n k = if n > 0 then case atLeastTwoGreaterThan k of Nothing -> return [] Just vals -> do lo <- QC.elements vals hi <- QC.elements (equalToOrGreaterThan lo) xs <- increasingOrderedPairsHelper (n - 1) hi return ((lo,hi) : xs) else return [] equalToOrGreaterThan :: (Ord a, Bounded a, Enum a) => a -> [a] equalToOrGreaterThan a0 = let a1 = if a0 < maxBound then succ a0 else a0 a2 = if a1 < maxBound then succ a1 else a1 a3 = if a2 < maxBound then succ a2 else a2 in [a0,a1,a2,a3] atLeastTwoGreaterThan :: (Enum a, Bounded a, Ord a) => a -> Maybe [a] atLeastTwoGreaterThan a0 = do if a0 < maxBound then let a1 = succ a0 in if a1 < maxBound then let a2 = succ a1 a3 = if a2 < maxBound then succ a2 else a2 a4 = if a3 < maxBound then succ a3 else a3 in Just [a2,a3,a4] else Nothing else Nothing arbitraryOrderedPair :: (Ord k, Enum k, Bounded k, Arbitrary k) => Gen (k,k) arbitraryOrderedPair = do a0 <- QC.arbitrary let a1 = if a0 < maxBound then succ a0 else a0 a2 = if a1 < maxBound then succ a1 else a1 a3 = if a2 < maxBound then succ a2 else a2 a' <- QC.elements [a0,a1,a2,a3] return (a0,a') arbitraryOrderedPairValue :: (Ord k, Enum k, Bounded k, Arbitrary k, Arbitrary v) => Gen (k,k,v) arbitraryOrderedPairValue = do (lo,hi) <- arbitraryOrderedPair v <- QC.arbitrary return (lo,hi,v) instance SG.Semigroup Word where w <> _ = w instance SG.Semigroup Int where (<>) = (+) instance Monoid Int where mempty = 0 mappend = (SG.<>) instance SG.Semigroup Integer where (<>) = (+) instance Monoid Integer where mempty = 0 mappend = (SG.<>) deriving instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (SG.First a)