Welcome! ===== Prizm is a haskell library for dealing with colors. Please contribute! My inspiration for writing this was Sass and Bourbon, both implement interesting color handling functions for use in stylesheets and I wanted the same thing for use in [Clay](http://fvisser.nl/clay/) (also for [Bentonite](https://github.com/ixmatus/bentonite)). ## Colour Module There is some overlap with the Haskell Colour Module that already exists; however, this library is filling a couple of needs the other doesn't satisfy. ## TODO This module is getting kind of messy, I want to refactor how everything is organized. I also need to fix the types. ## Supported Algorithms - sRGB <-> CIE XYZ - CIE XYZ <-> CIE L\*a\*b\* - CIE L\*\a\*b <-> CIE L\*C\*h ## Roadmap ### I really want to clean up the API - right now stuff is just "everywhere" and the different color spaces should have their own modules with their own convenience conversions to/from RGB to minimize the amount of function chaining required. I also want to figure out a way of testing the lighten/darken, interpolation, and hue transformation functions. ### Blending is now switched over to using CIE L*Ch color space for more accurate blending. ### Functions for - color blending - tint / shade - darken / lighten ### Conversion functions for sRGB to HEX. ### All color types should have instances for Functor so fmap can work over their values. All color types should have instances for Applicative to make computations cleaner. ### Make sure all of the conversion formulas convert losslessly at an acceptable level of precision. [General Color Formulas, Data, and Algorithms](http://www.brucelindbloom.com/index.html?Info.html) [CIE Conversion Mathematics](http://rip94550.wordpress.com/2011/07/04/color-cielab-and-tristimulus-xyz/) [Conversion Algorithm Sources](http://www.easyrgb.com/index.php?X=MATH&H=01) [Good list of useful color manipulation](https://github.com/mikeemoo/ColorJizz-PHP/blob/master/src/MischiefCollective/ColorJizz/ColorJizz.php)