{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module System.Process.Posix ( mkProcessHandle , translateInternal , createProcess_Internal , withCEnvironment , closePHANDLE , startDelegateControlC , endDelegateControlC , stopDelegateControlC , isDefaultSignal , ignoreSignal , defaultSignal , c_execvpe , pPrPr_disableITimers , createPipeInternal , createPipeInternalFd , interruptProcessGroupOfInternal , runInteractiveProcess_lock ) where import Control.Concurrent import Control.Exception import Data.Bits import Foreign.C import Foreign.Marshal import Foreign.Ptr import Foreign.Storable import System.IO.Unsafe import Control.Monad import Data.Char import System.IO import System.Posix.Process.Internals ( pPrPr_disableITimers, c_execvpe ) import System.Posix.Types import System.Posix.Internals import GHC.IO.Exception import System.Posix.Signals as Sig import qualified System.Posix.IO as Posix import System.Posix.Process (getProcessGroupIDOf) import System.Process.Common hiding (mb_delegate_ctlc) #include "HsProcessConfig.h" #include "processFlags.h" mkProcessHandle :: PHANDLE -> Bool -> IO ProcessHandle mkProcessHandle p mb_delegate_ctlc = do m <- newMVar (OpenHandle p) l <- newMVar () return (ProcessHandle m mb_delegate_ctlc l) closePHANDLE :: PHANDLE -> IO () closePHANDLE _ = return () -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- commandToProcess {- | Turns a shell command into a raw command. Usually this involves wrapping it in an invocation of the shell. There's a difference in the signature of commandToProcess between the Windows and Unix versions. On Unix, exec takes a list of strings, and we want to pass our command to /bin/sh as a single argument. On Windows, CreateProcess takes a single string for the command, which is later decomposed by cmd.exe. In this case, we just want to prepend @\"c:\WINDOWS\CMD.EXE \/c\"@ to our command line. The command-line translation that we normally do for arguments on Windows isn't required (or desirable) here. -} commandToProcess :: CmdSpec -> (FilePath, [String]) commandToProcess (ShellCommand string) = ("/bin/sh", ["-c", string]) commandToProcess (RawCommand cmd args) = (cmd, args) translateInternal :: String -> String translateInternal "" = "''" translateInternal str -- goodChar is a pessimistic predicate, such that if an argument is -- non-empty and only contains goodChars, then there is no need to -- do any quoting or escaping | all goodChar str = str | otherwise = '\'' : foldr escape "'" str where escape '\'' = showString "'\\''" escape c = showChar c goodChar c = isAlphaNum c || c `elem` "-_.,/" -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Utils withCEnvironment :: [(String,String)] -> (Ptr CString -> IO a) -> IO a withCEnvironment envir act = let env' = map (\(name, val) -> name ++ ('=':val)) envir in withMany withFilePath env' (\pEnv -> withArray0 nullPtr pEnv act) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- POSIX runProcess with signal handling in the child createProcess_Internal :: String -> CreateProcess -> IO ProcRetHandles createProcess_Internal fun CreateProcess{ cmdspec = cmdsp, cwd = mb_cwd, env = mb_env, std_in = mb_stdin, std_out = mb_stdout, std_err = mb_stderr, close_fds = mb_close_fds, create_group = mb_create_group, delegate_ctlc = mb_delegate_ctlc, detach_console = mb_detach_console, create_new_console = mb_create_new_console, new_session = mb_new_session, child_group = mb_child_group, child_user = mb_child_user } = do let (cmd,args) = commandToProcess cmdsp withFilePathException cmd $ alloca $ \ pfdStdInput -> alloca $ \ pfdStdOutput -> alloca $ \ pfdStdError -> alloca $ \ pFailedDoing -> maybeWith withCEnvironment mb_env $ \pEnv -> maybeWith withFilePath mb_cwd $ \pWorkDir -> maybeWith with mb_child_group $ \pChildGroup -> maybeWith with mb_child_user $ \pChildUser -> withMany withFilePath (cmd:args) $ \cstrs -> withArray0 nullPtr cstrs $ \pargs -> do fdin <- mbFd fun fd_stdin mb_stdin fdout <- mbFd fun fd_stdout mb_stdout fderr <- mbFd fun fd_stderr mb_stderr when mb_delegate_ctlc startDelegateControlC -- See the comment on runInteractiveProcess_lock proc_handle <- withMVar runInteractiveProcess_lock $ \_ -> c_runInteractiveProcess pargs pWorkDir pEnv fdin fdout fderr pfdStdInput pfdStdOutput pfdStdError pChildGroup pChildUser (if mb_delegate_ctlc then 1 else 0) ((if mb_close_fds then RUN_PROCESS_IN_CLOSE_FDS else 0) .|.(if mb_create_group then RUN_PROCESS_IN_NEW_GROUP else 0) .|.(if mb_detach_console then RUN_PROCESS_DETACHED else 0) .|.(if mb_create_new_console then RUN_PROCESS_NEW_CONSOLE else 0) .|.(if mb_new_session then RUN_PROCESS_NEW_SESSION else 0)) pFailedDoing when (proc_handle == -1) $ do cFailedDoing <- peek pFailedDoing failedDoing <- peekCString cFailedDoing when mb_delegate_ctlc stopDelegateControlC throwErrno (fun ++ ": " ++ failedDoing) hndStdInput <- mbPipe mb_stdin pfdStdInput WriteMode hndStdOutput <- mbPipe mb_stdout pfdStdOutput ReadMode hndStdError <- mbPipe mb_stderr pfdStdError ReadMode ph <- mkProcessHandle proc_handle mb_delegate_ctlc return ProcRetHandles { hStdInput = hndStdInput , hStdOutput = hndStdOutput , hStdError = hndStdError , procHandle = ph } {-# NOINLINE runInteractiveProcess_lock #-} -- | 'runInteractiveProcess' blocks signals around the fork(). -- Since blocking/unblocking of signals is a global state operation, we need to -- ensure mutual exclusion of calls to 'runInteractiveProcess'. -- This lock is exported so that other libraries which also need to fork() -- (and also need to make the same global state changes) can protect their changes -- with the same lock. -- See https://github.com/haskell/process/pull/154. -- -- @since runInteractiveProcess_lock :: MVar () runInteractiveProcess_lock = unsafePerformIO $ newMVar () -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Delegated control-C handling on Unix -- See ticket https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/2301 -- and http://www.cons.org/cracauer/sigint.html -- -- While running an interactive console process like ghci or a shell, we want -- to let that process handle Ctl-C keyboard interrupts how it sees fit. -- So that means we need to ignore the SIGINT/SIGQUIT Unix signals while we're -- running such programs. And then if/when they do terminate, we need to check -- if they terminated due to SIGINT/SIGQUIT and if so then we behave as if we -- got the Ctl-C then, by throwing the UserInterrupt exception. -- -- If we run multiple programs like this concurrently then we have to be -- careful to avoid messing up the signal handlers. We keep a count and only -- restore when the last one has finished. {-# NOINLINE runInteractiveProcess_delegate_ctlc #-} runInteractiveProcess_delegate_ctlc :: MVar (Maybe (Int, Sig.Handler, Sig.Handler)) runInteractiveProcess_delegate_ctlc = unsafePerformIO $ newMVar Nothing startDelegateControlC :: IO () startDelegateControlC = modifyMVar_ runInteractiveProcess_delegate_ctlc $ \delegating -> do case delegating of Nothing -> do -- We're going to ignore ^C in the parent while there are any -- processes using ^C delegation. -- -- If another thread runs another process without using -- delegation while we're doing this then it will inherit the -- ignore ^C status. old_int <- installHandler sigINT Ignore Nothing old_quit <- installHandler sigQUIT Ignore Nothing return (Just (1, old_int, old_quit)) Just (count, old_int, old_quit) -> do -- If we're already doing it, just increment the count let !count' = count + 1 return (Just (count', old_int, old_quit)) stopDelegateControlC :: IO () stopDelegateControlC = modifyMVar_ runInteractiveProcess_delegate_ctlc $ \delegating -> do case delegating of Just (1, old_int, old_quit) -> do -- Last process, so restore the old signal handlers _ <- installHandler sigINT old_int Nothing _ <- installHandler sigQUIT old_quit Nothing return Nothing Just (count, old_int, old_quit) -> do -- Not the last, just decrement the count let !count' = count - 1 return (Just (count', old_int, old_quit)) Nothing -> return Nothing -- should be impossible endDelegateControlC :: ExitCode -> IO () endDelegateControlC exitCode = do stopDelegateControlC -- And if the process did die due to SIGINT or SIGQUIT then -- we throw our equivalent exception here (synchronously). -- -- An alternative design would be to throw to the main thread, as the -- normal signal handler does. But since we can be sync here, we do so. -- It allows the code locally to catch it and do something. case exitCode of ExitFailure n | isSigIntQuit n -> throwIO UserInterrupt _ -> return () where isSigIntQuit n = sig == sigINT || sig == sigQUIT where sig = fromIntegral (-n) foreign import ccall unsafe "runInteractiveProcess" c_runInteractiveProcess :: Ptr CString -> CString -> Ptr CString -> FD -> FD -> FD -> Ptr FD -> Ptr FD -> Ptr FD -> Ptr CGid -> Ptr CUid -> CInt -- reset child's SIGINT & SIGQUIT handlers -> CInt -- flags -> Ptr CString -> IO PHANDLE ignoreSignal, defaultSignal :: CLong ignoreSignal = CONST_SIG_IGN defaultSignal = CONST_SIG_DFL isDefaultSignal :: CLong -> Bool isDefaultSignal = (== defaultSignal) createPipeInternal :: IO (Handle, Handle) createPipeInternal = do (readfd, writefd) <- Posix.createPipe readh <- Posix.fdToHandle readfd writeh <- Posix.fdToHandle writefd return (readh, writeh) createPipeInternalFd :: IO (FD, FD) createPipeInternalFd = do (Fd readfd, Fd writefd) <- Posix.createPipe return (readfd, writefd) interruptProcessGroupOfInternal :: ProcessHandle -- ^ A process in the process group -> IO () interruptProcessGroupOfInternal ph = do withProcessHandle ph $ \p_ -> do case p_ of OpenExtHandle{} -> return () ClosedHandle _ -> return () OpenHandle h -> do pgid <- getProcessGroupIDOf h signalProcessGroup sigINT pgid