{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ForeignFunctionInterface #-} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE InterruptibleFFI #-} module System.Process.Windows ( mkProcessHandle , translateInternal , createProcess_Internal , withCEnvironment , closePHANDLE , startDelegateControlC , endDelegateControlC , stopDelegateControlC , isDefaultSignal , createPipeInternal , createPipeInternalFd , interruptProcessGroupOfInternal , terminateJob , terminateJobUnsafe , waitForJobCompletion , timeout_Infinite , HANDLE , mkNamedPipe ) where import System.Process.Common import Control.Concurrent import Control.Exception import Control.Monad import Data.Bits import Data.Char (toLower) import Foreign.C import Foreign.Marshal import Foreign.Ptr import Foreign.Storable import System.IO.Unsafe import System.Posix.Internals import GHC.IO.Exception ##if defined(__IO_MANAGER_WINIO__) import GHC.IO.SubSystem import qualified GHC.Event.Windows as Mgr import Graphics.Win32.Misc ##endif import GHC.IO.Handle.FD import GHC.IO.Handle.Types hiding (ClosedHandle) import System.IO.Error import System.IO (IOMode(..)) import System.Directory ( doesFileExist ) import System.Environment ( getEnv ) import System.FilePath import System.Win32.Console (generateConsoleCtrlEvent, cTRL_BREAK_EVENT) import System.Win32.Process (getProcessId) -- The double hash is used so that hsc does not process this include file ##include "processFlags.h" #include /* for _O_BINARY */ ##if defined(i386_HOST_ARCH) ## define WINDOWS_CCONV stdcall ##elif defined(x86_64_HOST_ARCH) ## define WINDOWS_CCONV ccall ##else ## error Unknown mingw32 arch ##endif throwErrnoIfBadPHandle :: String -> IO PHANDLE -> IO PHANDLE throwErrnoIfBadPHandle = throwErrnoIfNull -- On Windows, we have to close this HANDLE when it is no longer required, -- hence we add a finalizer to it mkProcessHandle :: PHANDLE -> Bool -> PHANDLE -> IO ProcessHandle mkProcessHandle h ignore_signals job = do m <- if job == nullPtr then newMVar (OpenHandle h) else newMVar (OpenExtHandle h job) _ <- mkWeakMVar m (processHandleFinaliser m) l <- newMVar () return (ProcessHandle m ignore_signals l) processHandleFinaliser :: MVar ProcessHandle__ -> IO () processHandleFinaliser m = modifyMVar_ m $ \p_ -> do case p_ of OpenHandle ph -> closePHANDLE ph OpenExtHandle ph job -> closePHANDLE ph >> closePHANDLE job _ -> return () return (error "closed process handle") closePHANDLE :: PHANDLE -> IO () closePHANDLE ph = c_CloseHandle ph foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV unsafe "CloseHandle" c_CloseHandle :: PHANDLE -> IO () createProcess_Internal :: String -- ^ function name (for error messages) -> CreateProcess -> IO ProcRetHandles ##if defined(__IO_MANAGER_WINIO__) createProcess_Internal = createProcess_Internal_mio createProcess_Internal_winio ##else createProcess_Internal = createProcess_Internal_mio ##endif createProcess_Internal_mio :: String -- ^ function name (for error messages) -> CreateProcess -> IO ProcRetHandles createProcess_Internal_mio fun def@CreateProcess{ std_in = mb_stdin, std_out = mb_stdout, std_err = mb_stderr, close_fds = mb_close_fds, create_group = mb_create_group, detach_console = mb_detach_console, create_new_console = mb_create_new_console, new_session = mb_new_session, use_process_jobs = use_job } = createProcess_Internal_wrapper fun def $ \pfdStdInput pfdStdOutput pfdStdError hJob pEnv pWorkDir pcmdline -> do fdin <- mbFd fun fd_stdin mb_stdin fdout <- mbFd fun fd_stdout mb_stdout fderr <- mbFd fun fd_stderr mb_stderr -- #2650: we must ensure mutual exclusion of c_runInteractiveProcess, -- because otherwise there is a race condition whereby one thread -- has created some pipes, and another thread spawns a process which -- accidentally inherits some of the pipe handles that the first -- thread has created. -- -- An MVar in Haskell is the best way to do this, because there -- is no way to do one-time thread-safe initialisation of a mutex -- the C code. Also the MVar will be cheaper when not running -- the threaded RTS. proc_handle <- withMVar runInteractiveProcess_lock $ \_ -> throwErrnoIfBadPHandle fun $ c_runInteractiveProcess pcmdline pWorkDir pEnv fdin fdout fderr pfdStdInput pfdStdOutput pfdStdError ((if mb_close_fds then RUN_PROCESS_IN_CLOSE_FDS else 0) .|.(if mb_create_group then RUN_PROCESS_IN_NEW_GROUP else 0) .|.(if mb_detach_console then RUN_PROCESS_DETACHED else 0) .|.(if mb_create_new_console then RUN_PROCESS_NEW_CONSOLE else 0) .|.(if mb_new_session then RUN_PROCESS_NEW_SESSION else 0)) use_job hJob hndStdInput <- mbPipe mb_stdin pfdStdInput WriteMode hndStdOutput <- mbPipe mb_stdout pfdStdOutput ReadMode hndStdError <- mbPipe mb_stderr pfdStdError ReadMode return (proc_handle, hndStdInput, hndStdOutput, hndStdError) createProcess_Internal_wrapper :: Storable a => String -- ^ function name (for error messages) -> CreateProcess -> (Ptr a -> Ptr a -> Ptr a -> Ptr PHANDLE -> Ptr CWString -> CWString -> CWString -> IO (PHANDLE, Maybe Handle, Maybe Handle, Maybe Handle)) -> IO ProcRetHandles createProcess_Internal_wrapper _fun CreateProcess{ cmdspec = cmdsp, cwd = mb_cwd, env = mb_env, delegate_ctlc = ignore_signals } action = do let lenPtr = sizeOf (undefined :: WordPtr) (cmd, cmdline) <- commandToProcess cmdsp withFilePathException cmd $ alloca $ \ pfdStdInput -> alloca $ \ pfdStdOutput -> alloca $ \ pfdStdError -> allocaBytes lenPtr $ \ hJob -> maybeWith withCEnvironment mb_env $ \pEnv -> maybeWith withCWString mb_cwd $ \pWorkDir -> do withCWString cmdline $ \pcmdline -> do (proc_handle, hndStdInput, hndStdOutput, hndStdError) <- action pfdStdInput pfdStdOutput pfdStdError hJob pEnv pWorkDir pcmdline -- If we have successfully created the process then check if we have to -- detach from the console. I'm not sure why the posix version changes -- the state right before creating the child process, but doing so here -- means the first child also inherits this when ignore_signals $ startDelegateControlC phJob <- peek hJob ph <- mkProcessHandle proc_handle ignore_signals phJob return ProcRetHandles { hStdInput = hndStdInput , hStdOutput = hndStdOutput , hStdError = hndStdError , procHandle = ph } ##if defined(__IO_MANAGER_WINIO__) createProcess_Internal_winio :: String -- ^ function name (for error messages) -> CreateProcess -> IO ProcRetHandles createProcess_Internal_winio fun def@CreateProcess{ std_in = mb_stdin, std_out = mb_stdout, std_err = mb_stderr, close_fds = mb_close_fds, create_group = mb_create_group, detach_console = mb_detach_console, create_new_console = mb_create_new_console, new_session = mb_new_session, use_process_jobs = use_job } = createProcess_Internal_wrapper fun def $ \pfdStdInput pfdStdOutput pfdStdError hJob pEnv pWorkDir pcmdline -> do _stdin <- getStdHandle sTD_INPUT_HANDLE _stdout <- getStdHandle sTD_OUTPUT_HANDLE _stderr <- getStdHandle sTD_ERROR_HANDLE hwnd_in <- mbHANDLE _stdin mb_stdin hwnd_out <- mbHANDLE _stdout mb_stdout hwnd_err <- mbHANDLE _stderr mb_stderr -- #2650: we must ensure mutual exclusion of c_runInteractiveProcess, -- because otherwise there is a race condition whereby one thread -- has created some pipes, and another thread spawns a process which -- accidentally inherits some of the pipe handles that the first -- thread has created. -- -- An MVar in Haskell is the best way to do this, because there -- is no way to do one-time thread-safe initialisation of a mutex -- the C code. Also the MVar will be cheaper when not running -- the threaded RTS. proc_handle <- withMVar runInteractiveProcess_lock $ \_ -> throwErrnoIfBadPHandle fun $ c_runInteractiveProcessHANDLE pcmdline pWorkDir pEnv hwnd_in hwnd_out hwnd_err pfdStdInput pfdStdOutput pfdStdError ((if mb_close_fds then RUN_PROCESS_IN_CLOSE_FDS else 0) .|.(if mb_create_group then RUN_PROCESS_IN_NEW_GROUP else 0) .|.(if mb_detach_console then RUN_PROCESS_DETACHED else 0) .|.(if mb_create_new_console then RUN_PROCESS_NEW_CONSOLE else 0) .|.(if mb_new_session then RUN_PROCESS_NEW_SESSION else 0)) use_job hJob -- Attach the handle to the I/O manager's CompletionPort. This allows the -- I/O manager to service requests for this Handle. Mgr.associateHandle' =<< peek pfdStdInput Mgr.associateHandle' =<< peek pfdStdOutput Mgr.associateHandle' =<< peek pfdStdError -- Create the haskell mode handles as files. hndStdInput <- mbPipeHANDLE mb_stdin pfdStdInput WriteMode hndStdOutput <- mbPipeHANDLE mb_stdout pfdStdOutput ReadMode hndStdError <- mbPipeHANDLE mb_stderr pfdStdError ReadMode return (proc_handle, hndStdInput, hndStdOutput, hndStdError) ##endif {-# NOINLINE runInteractiveProcess_lock #-} runInteractiveProcess_lock :: MVar () runInteractiveProcess_lock = unsafePerformIO $ newMVar () -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Delegated control-C handling on Windows -- See https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/console/setconsolectrlhandler -- -- While running an interactive console process like ghci or a shell, we want -- to let that process handle Ctl-C keyboard interrupts how it sees fit. -- So that means we need to ignore the CTRL_C_EVENT/CTRL_BREAK_EVENT Windows -- events while we're running such programs. -- -- If we run multiple programs like this concurrently then we have to be -- careful to avoid messing up the signal handlers. We keep a count and only -- restore when the last one has finished. -- -- To do this we have to use SetConsoleCtrlHandler which masks the events for -- the current process and any child it creates from that point. -- -- In this case we can't use FreeConsole/AttachConsole since those destroy -- the signal handler stack for the application when called. This means we'd -- have to recreate them and process doesn't know what's there. {-# NOINLINE runInteractiveProcess_delegate_ctlc #-} runInteractiveProcess_delegate_ctlc :: MVar (Maybe (Int)) runInteractiveProcess_delegate_ctlc = unsafePerformIO $ newMVar Nothing startDelegateControlC :: IO () startDelegateControlC = modifyMVar_ runInteractiveProcess_delegate_ctlc $ \delegating -> do case delegating of Nothing -> do -- We're going to ignore ^C in the parent while there are any -- processes using ^C delegation. -- -- If another thread runs another process without using -- delegation while we're doing this then it will inherit the -- ignore ^C status. _ <- c_setConsoleCtrlHandler nullPtr True return (Just 1) Just count -> do -- If we're already doing it, just increment the count let !count' = count + 1 return (Just count') stopDelegateControlC :: IO () stopDelegateControlC = modifyMVar_ runInteractiveProcess_delegate_ctlc $ \delegating -> do case delegating of Just 1 -> do -- Last process, so restore the old signal handlers _ <- c_setConsoleCtrlHandler nullPtr False return Nothing Just count -> do -- Not the last, just decrement the count let !count' = count - 1 return (Just count') Nothing -> return Nothing -- should be impossible endDelegateControlC :: ExitCode -> IO () -- I don't think there's a standard exit code for program interruptions -- on Windows, so I'll just ignore it for now. endDelegateControlC _ = stopDelegateControlC -- End no-op functions -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Interface to C I/O CP bits -- | Variant of terminateJob that is not thread-safe terminateJobUnsafe :: ProcessHandle__ -> CUInt -> IO Bool terminateJobUnsafe p_ ecode = do case p_ of ClosedHandle _ -> return False OpenHandle _ -> return False OpenExtHandle _ job -> c_terminateJobObject job ecode terminateJob :: ProcessHandle -> CUInt -> IO Bool terminateJob jh ecode = withProcessHandle jh $ \p_ -> terminateJobUnsafe p_ ecode timeout_Infinite :: CUInt timeout_Infinite = 0xFFFFFFFF waitForJobCompletion :: PHANDLE -- ^ job handle -> IO () waitForJobCompletion job = throwErrnoIf_ not "waitForJobCompletion" $ c_waitForJobCompletion job -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Interface to C bits foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV unsafe "TerminateJobObject" c_terminateJobObject :: PHANDLE -> CUInt -> IO Bool foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV unsafe "SetConsoleCtrlHandler" c_setConsoleCtrlHandler :: Ptr () -> Bool -> IO Bool foreign import ccall interruptible "waitForJobCompletion" -- NB. safe - can block c_waitForJobCompletion :: PHANDLE -> IO Bool foreign import ccall unsafe "runInteractiveProcess" c_runInteractiveProcess :: CWString -> CWString -> Ptr CWString -> FD -> FD -> FD -> Ptr FD -> Ptr FD -> Ptr FD -> CInt -- flags -> Bool -- useJobObject -> Ptr PHANDLE -- Handle to Job -> IO PHANDLE ##if defined(__IO_MANAGER_WINIO__) foreign import ccall unsafe "runInteractiveProcessHANDLE" c_runInteractiveProcessHANDLE :: CWString -> CWString -> Ptr CWString -> HANDLE -> HANDLE -> HANDLE -> Ptr HANDLE -> Ptr HANDLE -> Ptr HANDLE -> CInt -- flags -> Bool -- useJobObject -> Ptr PHANDLE -- Handle to Job -> IO PHANDLE ##endif commandToProcess :: CmdSpec -> IO (FilePath, String) commandToProcess (ShellCommand string) = do cmd <- findCommandInterpreter return (cmd, translateInternal cmd ++ " /c " ++ string) -- We don't want to put the cmd into a single -- argument, because cmd.exe will not try to split it up. Instead, -- we just tack the command on the end of the cmd.exe command line, -- which partly works. There seem to be some quoting issues, but -- I don't have the energy to find+fix them right now (ToDo). --SDM -- (later) Now I don't know what the above comment means. sigh. commandToProcess (RawCommand cmd args) | map toLower (takeExtension cmd) `elem` [".bat", ".cmd"] = return (cmd, translateInternal cmd ++ concatMap ((' ':) . translateCmdExeArg) args) | otherwise = return (cmd, translateInternal cmd ++ concatMap ((' ':) . translateInternal) args) -- Find CMD.EXE (or COMMAND.COM on Win98). We use the same algorithm as -- system() in the VC++ CRT (Vc7/crt/src/system.c in a VC++ installation). findCommandInterpreter :: IO FilePath findCommandInterpreter = do -- try COMSPEC first catchJust (\e -> if isDoesNotExistError e then Just e else Nothing) (getEnv "COMSPEC") $ \_ -> do -- try to find CMD.EXE or COMMAND.COM {- XXX We used to look at _osver (using cbits) and pick which shell to use with let filename | osver .&. 0x8000 /= 0 = "command.com" | otherwise = "cmd.exe" We ought to use GetVersionEx instead, but for now we just look for either filename -} path <- getEnv "PATH" let -- use our own version of System.Directory.findExecutable, because -- that assumes the .exe suffix. search :: [FilePath] -> IO (Maybe FilePath) search [] = return Nothing search (d:ds) = do let path1 = d "cmd.exe" path2 = d "command.com" b1 <- doesFileExist path1 b2 <- doesFileExist path2 if b1 then return (Just path1) else if b2 then return (Just path2) else search ds -- mb_path <- search (splitSearchPath path) case mb_path of Nothing -> ioError (mkIOError doesNotExistErrorType "findCommandInterpreter" Nothing Nothing) Just cmd -> return cmd -- | Alternative regime used to escape arguments destined for scripts -- interpreted by @cmd.exe@, (e.g. @.bat@ and @.cmd@ files). -- -- This respects the Windows command interpreter's quoting rules: -- -- * the entire argument should be surrounded in quotes -- * the backslash symbol is used to escape quotes and backslashes -- * the carat symbol is used to escape other special characters with -- significance to the interpreter -- -- It is particularly important that we perform this quoting as -- unvalidated unquoted command-line arguments can be used to achieve -- arbitrary user code execution in when passed to a vulnerable batch -- script. -- translateCmdExeArg :: String -> String translateCmdExeArg xs = "^\"" ++ snd (foldr escape (True,"^\"") xs) where escape '"' (_, str) = (True, '\\' : '"' : str) escape '\\' (True, str) = (True, '\\' : '\\' : str) escape '\\' (False, str) = (False, '\\' : str) escape c (_, str) | c `elem` "^<>|&()" = (False, '^' : c : str) | otherwise = (False, c : str) translateInternal :: String -> String translateInternal xs = '"' : snd (foldr escape (True,"\"") xs) where escape '"' (_, str) = (True, '\\' : '"' : str) escape '\\' (True, str) = (True, '\\' : '\\' : str) escape '\\' (False, str) = (False, '\\' : str) escape c (_, str) = (False, c : str) -- See long comment above for what this function is trying to do. -- -- The Bool passed back along the string is True iff the -- rest of the string is a sequence of backslashes followed by -- a double quote. withCEnvironment :: [(String,String)] -> (Ptr CWString -> IO a) -> IO a withCEnvironment envir act = let env' = foldr (\(name, val) env0 -> name ++ ('=':val)++'\0':env0) "\0" envir in withCWString env' (act . castPtr) isDefaultSignal :: CLong -> Bool isDefaultSignal = const False createPipeInternal :: IO (Handle, Handle) ##if defined(__IO_MANAGER_WINIO__) createPipeInternal = createPipeInternalPosix createPipeInternalHANDLE ##else createPipeInternal = createPipeInternalPosix ##endif createPipeInternalPosix :: IO (Handle, Handle) createPipeInternalPosix = do (readfd, writefd) <- createPipeInternalFd (do readh <- fdToHandle readfd writeh <- fdToHandle writefd return (readh, writeh)) `onException` (close' readfd >> close' writefd) createPipeInternalFd :: IO (FD, FD) createPipeInternalFd = do allocaArray 2 $ \ pfds -> do throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "_pipe" $ c__pipe pfds 8192 (#const _O_BINARY) readfd <- peek pfds writefd <- peekElemOff pfds 1 return (readfd, writefd) ##if defined(__IO_MANAGER_WINIO__) createPipeInternalHANDLE :: IO (Handle, Handle) createPipeInternalHANDLE = alloca $ \ pfdStdInput -> alloca $ \ pfdStdOutput -> do throwErrnoIf_ (==False) "mkNamedPipe" $ mkNamedPipe pfdStdInput True False pfdStdOutput True False Just hndStdInput <- mbPipeHANDLE CreatePipe pfdStdInput ReadMode Just hndStdOutput <- mbPipeHANDLE CreatePipe pfdStdOutput WriteMode return (hndStdInput, hndStdOutput) ##endif foreign import ccall "mkNamedPipe" mkNamedPipe :: Ptr HANDLE -> Bool -> Bool -> Ptr HANDLE -> Bool -> Bool -> IO Bool close' :: CInt -> IO () close' = throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "_close" . c__close foreign import ccall "io.h _pipe" c__pipe :: Ptr CInt -> CUInt -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "io.h _close" c__close :: CInt -> IO CInt interruptProcessGroupOfInternal :: ProcessHandle -- ^ A process in the process group -> IO () interruptProcessGroupOfInternal ph = do withProcessHandle ph $ \p_ -> do case p_ of ClosedHandle _ -> return () _ -> do let h = phdlProcessHandle p_ #if mingw32_HOST_OS pid <- getProcessId h generateConsoleCtrlEvent cTRL_BREAK_EVENT pid -- We can't use an #elif here, because MIN_VERSION_unix isn't defined -- on Windows, so on Windows cpp fails: -- error: missing binary operator before token "(" #else pgid <- getProcessGroupIDOf h signalProcessGroup sigINT pgid #endif return ()