{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, TemplateHaskell #-}

-- | Code optimization module.
module Graphics.Web.Processing.Optimize (
   -- * Substitution Optimization
   -- ** Algorithm
   -- ** Properties
 , prop_optimizeBySubstitution_projection
   ) where

import Graphics.Web.Processing.Core.Primal
import Graphics.Web.Processing.Core.TH
import Data.MultiSet (MultiSet, insert, empty
                     , occur, filter)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Data.Monoid
import Data.String
import Data.Text (Text)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Arrow (second)

{- About this module

This module defines inner functions over the ProcScript type
with the property that the output script should be equal or
more efficient than the input. Also, both scripts must behave
in the same way.

A property common to any optimization function is that is
a projection. A projection is a function with the following

f . f = f


{- About the Substitution Optimization Algorithm

The intention of this algorithm is to find common subexpressions
and assign a variable with their values, thus avoiding repeated

An introduction to this idea is given in:



{- | The Optimizable class.

The Optimizable class contains methods to help the production of
optimization functions. Its instances are generated by TH.

class (Ord e, Recursive e, ProcType e) => Optimizable e where
 numOps :: e -> Int
 -- Browsing
 browseBool    :: Proc_Bool  -> ExpCounter e ()
 browseInt     :: Proc_Int   -> ExpCounter e ()
 browseFloat   :: Proc_Float -> ExpCounter e ()
 -- Replacing (replaceIn* :: original exp -> target exp
 --                       -> Proc_* -> Proc_*)
 replaceInBool  :: e -> e -> Proc_Bool  -> Proc_Bool
 replaceInInt   :: e -> e -> Proc_Int   -> Proc_Int
 replaceInFloat :: e -> e -> Proc_Float -> Proc_Float
 -- Defaults
 browseBool  _ = return ()
 browseInt   _ = return ()
 browseFloat _ = return ()
 replaceInBool  _ _ = id
 replaceInInt   _ _ = id
 replaceInFloat _ _ = id

browseArgs :: Optimizable e => [ProcArg] -> ExpCounter e ()
browseArgs [] = return ()
browseArgs (x:xs) = case x of
  BoolArg  e -> browseBool  e >> browseArgs xs
  IntArg   e -> browseInt   e >> browseArgs xs
  FloatArg e -> browseFloat e >> browseArgs xs
  _          -> return ()

browseAssign :: Optimizable e => ProcAssign -> ExpCounter e ()
browseAssign (BoolAssign  _ e) = browseBool  e
browseAssign (IntAssign   _ e) = browseInt   e
browseAssign (FloatAssign _ e) = browseFloat e
browseAssign _ = return ()

browseCode :: Optimizable e => ProcCode c -> ExpCounter e ()
browseCode (Command _ xs) = browseArgs xs
browseCode (Conditional b c1 c2) = browseBool b >> browseCode c1 >> browseCode c2
browseCode (Sequence xs) = F.mapM_ browseCode xs
browseCode (Assignment a) = browseAssign a
browseCode _ = return ()

replaceInArg :: Optimizable e => e -> e -> ProcArg -> ProcArg
replaceInArg o t (BoolArg  e) = BoolArg  $ replaceInBool  o t e
replaceInArg o t (IntArg   e) = IntArg   $ replaceInInt   o t e
replaceInArg o t (FloatArg e) = FloatArg $ replaceInFloat o t e
replaceInArg _ _ a = a

replaceInAssign :: Optimizable e => e -> e -> ProcAssign -> ProcAssign
replaceInAssign o t (BoolAssign  n e) = BoolAssign  n $ replaceInBool  o t e
replaceInAssign o t (IntAssign   n e) = IntAssign   n $ replaceInInt   o t e
replaceInAssign o t (FloatAssign n e) = FloatAssign n $ replaceInFloat o t e
replaceInAssign _ _ a = a

replaceInCode :: Optimizable e => e -> e -> ProcCode c -> ProcCode c
replaceInCode o t (Command n xs) = Command n $ fmap (replaceInArg o t) xs
replaceInCode o t (Conditional b c1 c2) =
  Conditional (replaceInBool o t b)
              (replaceInCode o t c1)
              (replaceInCode o t c2)
replaceInCode o t (Sequence xs) = Sequence $ fmap (replaceInCode o t) xs
replaceInCode o t (Assignment a) = Assignment $ replaceInAssign o t a
replaceInCode _ _ c = c


-- | Maximum number of operations allowed for a
--   'Proc_Float' calculation to be considered cheap.
limitNumber :: Int
limitNumber = 1

-- | Number of times an expression is considered
--   repeated enough to be substituted.
occurNumber :: Int
occurNumber = 2


-- | Check if a calculation is expensive,
--   depending on 'limitNumber'.
isExpensive :: Optimizable e => e -> Bool
isExpensive = (> limitNumber) . numOps

{- | The Expression Counter

The Expression Counter is nothing else than a state monad
storing a multiset. We place in this multiset all the
subexpressions in the code. Expressions that are repeated
several times will have then an ocurrence greater than one.
This allow us to calculate the most common subexpression
in a piece of code. See mostFreq below.

type ExpCounter e = State (MultiSet e)

-- | Add an expression to the /expression counter/.
addExp :: Optimizable e => e -> ExpCounter e ()
addExp x = when (isExpensive x) $ modify $ insert x

execCounter :: ExpCounter e a -> MultiSet e
execCounter c = execState c empty

-- | Most frequent expensive expression within a piece of code.
--   It returns 'Nothing' when no expensive expression
--   was found, or they are not repeated enough (see 'occurNumber').
--   If there are more than one most frequent expression,
--   it returns one of them.
mostFreq :: Optimizable e => e -> ProcCode c -> Maybe e
mostFreq _ c = maxOccur mset
    mset_ = execCounter $ browseCode c
    mset  = Data.MultiSet.filter (\x -> occur x mset_ >= occurNumber) mset_
    maxOccur = F.foldr f Nothing
    f a (Just b) =
       if occur a mset >= occur b mset
          then Just a
          else Just b
    f a Nothing = Just a

optVarName :: Int -- ^ Index.
           -> Text -- ^ Optimization variable name.
optVarName n = "subs_" <> fromString (show n)

-- | Assign a /substitution variable/ a expression,
--   and use that variable in the rest of the code
--   instead of the original expression.
varForExp :: Optimizable e
          => Int -- ^ Substitution variable index.
          -> e   -- ^ Expression to be substituted.
          -> ProcCode c -- ^ Original code.
          -> (ProcCode c, ProcCode c) -- ^ Assignment and result code.
varForExp n e c =
 ( Assignment (proc_assign v e) , replaceInCode e (proc_read $ varFromText v) c )
     v = optVarName n

substitutionOver :: Optimizable e => e -> Int -> ProcCode c
                 -> (ProcCode c,ProcCode c, Int) -- (Assignments, Code substituted, Updated counter)
substitutionOver aux = substitutionOverAux aux mempty

substitutionOverAux :: Optimizable e => e -> Seq (ProcCode c) -> Int -> ProcCode c -> (ProcCode c, ProcCode c, Int)
substitutionOverAux aux as n c =
  case mostFreq aux c of
    Nothing -> (addSubsComments (F.fold as), c,n)
    Just e  -> let (a,c') = varForExp n e c
               in  substitutionOverAux aux (as Seq.|> a) (n+1) c'

addSubsComments :: ProcCode c -> ProcCode c
addSubsComments c =
  if c == mempty then mempty
                 else subsPrevComment <> c <> subsPostComment

subsPrevComment :: ProcCode c
subsPrevComment = Comment "Substitution Optimization settings."

subsPostComment :: ProcCode c
subsPostComment = Comment " "

-- Substitution optimization monad.

data SubsState c = SubsState { codeWritten :: ProcCode c
                             , codeStack :: ProcCode c
                             , substitutionIndex :: Int
                             , mutatedVariables :: [Text] }

type SubsM c = State (SubsState c)

addToStack :: ProcCode c -> SubsM c ()
addToStack c = modify $ \s -> s { codeStack = codeStack s <> c }

addToWritten :: ProcCode c -> SubsM c ()
addToWritten c = modify $ \s -> s { codeWritten = codeWritten s <> c }

setIndex :: Int -> SubsM c ()
setIndex n = modify $ \s -> s { substitutionIndex = n }

resetStack :: SubsM c ()
resetStack = modify $ \s -> s { codeStack = mempty }

mutateVariable :: Text -> SubsM c ()
mutateVariable t = modify $ \s -> s { mutatedVariables = t : mutatedVariables s }

cleanVariables :: SubsM c ()
cleanVariables = modify $ \s -> s { mutatedVariables = [] }

isVarInCode :: Text -> ProcCode c -> Bool
isVarInCode t (Command _ as) = foldr (\a r -> isVarInArg t a || r) False as
isVarInCode t (Assignment a) = isVarInAssign t a
isVarInCode t (Conditional b c1 c2) = checkForVar t b || isVarInCode t c1 || isVarInCode t c2
isVarInCode t (Sequence xs) = F.foldr (\c r -> isVarInCode t c || r) False xs
isVarInCode _ _ = False

{- Apply substitution

Get the current stack, apply the optimization to it,
append the result as written code and reset the stack.

The order in which the substitutions for the different
types are made matters. The most frequent type should
be first.

applySubstitution :: SubsM c ()
applySubstitution = do
  stack <- codeStack <$> get
  n <- substitutionIndex <$> get
  let (s1,c1,n1) = substitutionOver (undefined :: Proc_Float) n stack
  addToWritten s1
  let (s2,c2,n2) = substitutionOver (undefined :: Proc_Int) n1 c1
  addToWritten s2
  let (s3,c3,n3) = substitutionOver (undefined :: Proc_Bool) n2 c2
  addToWritten s3
  addToWritten c3
  setIndex n3

addWithMutations :: ProcCode c -> SubsM c ()
addWithMutations c = do
  vs <- mutatedVariables <$> get
  let b = any (\v -> isVarInCode v c) vs
  if b then applySubstitution >> cleanVariables >> addToStack c
       else addToStack c

codeSubstitution :: ProcCode c -> SubsM c ()
codeSubstitution c@(Command _ _) = addWithMutations c
codeSubstitution c@(Assignment a) = addWithMutations c >> mutateVariable (assignVarName a)
codeSubstitution (Conditional b c1 c2) = do
  n0 <- substitutionIndex <$> get
  let (n1,c1') = runSubstitution n0 $ codeSubstitution c1 >> applySubstitution
      (n2,c2') = runSubstitution n1 $ codeSubstitution c2 >> applySubstitution
  setIndex n2
  addToWritten $ Conditional b c1' c2'
codeSubstitution (Sequence xs) = F.mapM_ codeSubstitution xs
codeSubstitution c = addToStack c

runSubstitution :: Int -> SubsM c a -> (Int,ProcCode c)
runSubstitution n m = (substitutionIndex s, codeWritten s)
    (_,s) = runState m $ SubsState mempty mempty n []

subsOptimize :: Int -> ProcCode c -> (Int,ProcCode c)
subsOptimize n c = runSubstitution n $ codeSubstitution c >> applySubstitution

-- | Optimization by substitution. It looks for commonly repeated operations and
--   create variables for them so they are only calculated once.
--   This optimization is applied automatically when using 'execScriptM'.
--   Look at the generated to code to see which substitutions have been made.
--   They are delimited by comments, with title /Substitution Optimization settings/.
--   If this is not present, no substitution has been made.
optimizeBySubstitution :: ProcScript -> ProcScript
  (ProcScript _preamble
  = let (n1,_setup')         = subsOptimize 1 _setup
        (n2,_draw')          = maybe (n1,Nothing) (second Just . subsOptimize n1) _draw
        (n3,_mouseClicked')  = maybe (n2,Nothing) (second Just . subsOptimize n2) _mouseClicked
        (n4,_mouseReleased') = maybe (n3,Nothing) (second Just . subsOptimize n3) _mouseReleased
        (_,_keyPressed')    = maybe (n4,Nothing) (second Just . subsOptimize n4) _keyPressed
    in ProcScript _preamble

-- | Optimizations are projections. In particular:
-- > let f = optimizeBySubstitution
-- > in  f x == f (f x)
--   This function checks that this equality holds for a given @x@.
--   Apply it to your own script to check that the property is true.
--   Tests has been applied to randomly generated scripts, but for
--   them, @f@ ≈ @id@.
prop_optimizeBySubstitution_projection :: ProcScript -> Bool
prop_optimizeBySubstitution_projection x =
 let f = optimizeBySubstitution
     y = f x
 in  y == f y

{- Optimizable instances

Using Template Haskell we save time and possible mistakes.
It is also convenient since the instances will adapt to
any change in the types.

