module Graphics.Proc.Core.State(
	Pio(..), runPio, 
  	GlobalState(..), defGlobalState,

	-- * Input
	MouseButton(..), Modifiers(..), Key(..), KeyState(..),
	putKeyPress, putMouseButton, putPosition,
	getMousePosition, getMouseButton, getLastPressedKey, getPressedModifiers, 

	-- * Random
	NoiseDetail(..), Seed,
	getRandomGen, getNoiseGen, getNoiseDetail, 
	putRandomGen, putNoiseGen, putNoiseDetail,

	-- * Draw
    EllipseMode, RectMode, DrawMode(..), 
    StrokeCap(..), StrokeJoin(..),

    getStroke, getFill, getEllipseMode, getRectMode,
    putEllipseMode, putStroke, putFill, putRectMode,

	-- * Font

	-- * Frame
    updateFrameCount, frameCount, 
    getFrameRate, putFrameRate, 
    getLoopMode, putLoopMode, 

	-- * Time
	initTimeState, TimeInterval, getDuration, getStartTime
) where

import Data.Time.Clock
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict

import Graphics.Proc.Core.State.Pio
import Graphics.Proc.Core.GLBridge
import Graphics.Proc.Core.Vector
import qualified Graphics.Proc.Core.State.Elements as E
import Graphics.Proc.Core.State.Elements hiding (updateFrameCount, getDuration, frameCount)

-- input

putKeyPress :: Key -> Pio ()
putKeyPress key = onInput $ modify $ \x -> x { lastPressedKey = key }

putMouseButton :: Maybe MouseButton -> Pio ()
putMouseButton mb = onInput $ modify $ \x -> x { pressedButton = mb }

putPosition :: Position -> Pio ()
putPosition pos = onInput $ modify $ \x -> x { mousePosition = fromPosition pos }
	where fromPosition (Position x y) = (fromEnum x, fromEnum y)

getMousePosition :: Pio P2
getMousePosition = onInput $ fmap ((\(x, y) -> (fromIntegral x, fromIntegral y)) . mousePosition) get

getLastPressedKey :: Pio Key
getLastPressedKey   = onInput $ fmap lastPressedKey get

getPressedModifiers :: Pio Modifiers
getPressedModifiers = onInput $ fmap pressedModifiers get

getMouseButton :: Pio (Maybe MouseButton)
getMouseButton = onInput $ fmap pressedButton get

-- random

getRandomGen     = onRnd $ fmap rndRandomGen get
getNoiseGen      = onRnd $ fmap rndNoiseGen  get
getNoiseDetail   = onRnd $ fmap rndNoiseDetail get

putRandomGen     v = onRnd $ modify $ \x -> x { rndRandomGen = v }
putNoiseGen      v = onRnd $ modify $ \x -> x { rndNoiseGen = v }
putNoiseDetail   v = onRnd $ modify $ \x -> x { rndNoiseDetail = v }

putOctaves v = onRnd $ modify $ \x -> x { rndNoiseDetail = go (rndNoiseDetail x) v }
	where go nd v = nd { noiseDetailsOctaves = v }

-- draw

getStroke :: Pio (Maybe Col)
getStroke = fmap drawStroke $ onDraw get

getFill :: Pio (Maybe Col)
getFill = fmap drawFill $ onDraw get

getEllipseMode :: Pio EllipseMode
getEllipseMode = fmap drawEllipseMode $ onDraw get

getRectMode :: Pio RectMode
getRectMode = fmap drawRectMode $ onDraw get

putEllipseMode :: EllipseMode -> Pio ()
putEllipseMode value = onDraw $ modify $ \x -> x { drawEllipseMode = value }

putRectMode :: RectMode -> Pio ()
putRectMode value = onDraw $ modify $ \x -> x { drawRectMode = value }

putStroke :: Maybe Col -> Pio ()
putStroke value = onDraw $ modify $ \x -> x { drawStroke = value }

putFill :: Maybe Col -> Pio ()
putFill value = onDraw $ modify $ \x -> x { drawFill = value }

-- font

-- frame

updateFrameCount :: Pio ()
updateFrameCount = onFrame E.updateFrameCount

-- | The system variable frameCount contains the number of frames that have been displayed since the program started. Inside setup() the value is 0, after the first iteration of draw it is 1, etc.
-- processing docs: <>
frameCount :: Pio Int
frameCount = onFrame $ fmap E.frameCount get

getFrameRate :: Pio Float
getFrameRate = onFrame $ fmap E.frameRate get

putFrameRate :: Float -> Pio ()
putFrameRate value = onFrame $ modify $ \x -> x { frameRate = value }

getLoopMode :: Pio LoopMode
getLoopMode = onFrame $ fmap frameLoop get

putLoopMode :: LoopMode -> Pio ()
putLoopMode value = onFrame $ modify $ \x -> x { frameLoop = value }

-- time

getDuration :: Pio TimeInterval
getDuration = onTimeIO E.getDuration

getStartTime :: Pio UTCTime
getStartTime = onTime $ fmap timeStart get