Bidirectional Programming with Monadic Profunctors ================================================== This package provides tools to work with *monadic profunctors*: types that are both monads and profunctors. Applications ------------ Currently known instances of monadic profunctors are certain types of bidirectional programs, i.e., programs that have "invertible" interpretations. - `attoparsec` (parsing) wrapper: [`unparse-attoparsec`]( - `QuickCheck` (random generation) wrapper: [`gap`]( - `lens` wrapper: [`lens-monad`]( See also -------- - [`codec`]( for a general monadic profunctor for bidirectional programming, has implementations for `aeson` and `binary`. The idea of monadic profunctors first came from this package. ### More bidirectional programming in Haskell - [`lens`]( - [`boomerang`]( - [`roundtrip`]( ### Generic programming with monoidal profunctors - [`product-profunctors`]( - [`one-liner`](